Firefly: Hunter's Moon - Player 7: Difference between revisions

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Line 155: Line 155:
| ?
| Customized Console
! [d8]
| ?
| Double-Jointed
! [d6]

Revision as of 15:44, 25 May 2017


Physical [d8] Mental [d10] Social [d6]
Craft [d4] Drive [d6]
Fight [d4] Fix [d6]
Fly [d6] Focus [d4]
Influence [d4] Know [d10] Cortex
Labor [d4] Move [d10]
Operate [d10] Computers Perform [d8] Acrobatics
Shoot [d4] Sneak [d4]
Survive [d4] Throw [d6]
Treat [d4] Trick [d6]


Bolded Triggers are active.

Distinction/Trigger Description
Cortex Technician [d8] Waves in the black don’t just happen. From world to world, you’ve made sure nobody stops the signal.
Step Back Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
I'm Working Here! Spend 1 PP at the beginning of a Timed Action involving communications, data, or computer equipment. For each of your rolls during the Timed Action, you may reroll any die that comes up 1 instead of accepting a Plot Point for that die. If a die comes up as a 1 when rerolled, it may not be rerolled a second time.
In the Loop You may spend Plot Points for anyone with whom you are in direct contact via a communications network.
Slim [d8] There ain’t much meat on your bones.
Step Back Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
Hard Target Spend 1 PP to double Move when navigating through a crowd or diving for cover.
Wiggle Room When you hide in a tiny space, you may use Move instead of Sneak to avoid detection.
Hyperactive [d8] You’ve got more energy than a toddler with an espresso lollipop.
Step Back Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
Bounce Off the Walls When you try to escape from pursuers or captors in an enclosed space, step up or double Move for the Action.
Boring Parties When you are in a prolonged social situation, such as a fancy party or lengthy business negotiation, step back Social for the scene to get a Big Damn Hero Die equal to your Physical die.

Signature Assets

Asset Name [Die] Description
Customized Console [d8]
Double-Jointed [d6]


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