Night's Dark Terror: Difference between revisions

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*[ thirdkingdom], playing ?
*[ thirdkingdom], playing [[Ausbro the Annoying]], L3 Neutral Fighter
*[ devlin1], playing ?
*[ devlin1], playing ?
*[ Dorsai], playing ?
*[ Dorsai], playing ?

Revision as of 12:54, 20 July 2017

A play-by-post game using the classic adventure, B10 Night's Dark Terror. This uses the Labyrinth Lord retro-clone of the 1981 version of D&D.

Recruitment Thread


Marching Order

Current Maps

Player Characters

Character Name

copy/paste this sheet for your use

  • Level X Class
  • S X; I X; W X; D X; C X; Ch X
  • HP X/X; AC X; AL X
  • Saves B X; P/D X; P/P X; W X; S X
  • XP: 5,001 (X needed)
  • Money: X gp
  • Equipment: list here
  • Encumbrance: X lbs — 120’ (40’) movement rate

Special Abilities

  • list racial and class specialisms here

Dmitri Sergeievitch

played by Motorskills

  • Level 3 Cleric (of the Church of Traladara)
  • S 14 (+1); I 9; W 16 (+2); D 9; C 10; Ch 16 (-1)
  • HP 12 / 12; AC 3; AL L
  • Saves B 16; P/D 11; P/P 14; W 10; S 13
  • XP: 5,001 (6,251 needed; +10% bonus)
  • Money: Purse – 3pp, 5gp, 9sp, 10cp (2lb) (36gp in funds)
  • Equipment: mace (31lb), banded mail (35lb), shield (10lb), wooden holy symbol, sling, bullets (10; 5lb), purse (21lb); pack (2lb) — trail rations (6; 6lb), torches (8; 8lb), flint & steel, water skins (2; 8lb), bedroll (2lb), wooden stakes (3; 1lb), iron spikes (12; 8lb), silk rope (5lb), grappling hook (4lb)
  • Encumbrance: 30/10/30 with backpack, 90/30/90 without

Special Abilities

  • +1 to hit, damage, and forcing doors; reads and writes; +2 to magic-based saves; -1 Cha reaction
  • Turn Undead — 3+/5+/7+/9+/11+
  • Spells — 2/1: cure light wounds, detect evil; silence 15’ radius


Posting Protocol

Dice Rolls: When action or clues take place, state directly in character what your character is doing. I'll make rolls as the DM behind the screen. There will be tons of rolls made, so I won't bother linking dice roller results. If you want to preemptively roll a first attack roll or make a saving throw knowing that one is coming up, feel free to do so. But generally, I'll be handling rolls.

Character Death

PC's will probably die in this adventure. When this happens, choose a new one (by character generation or pregen selection), and the character will be introduced within the adventure as soon as possible, possibly in a harrowing circumstance requiring the party's rescue, assistance, or what have you. I'll also try to keep this area stocked with pregens.

Community Treasure


  • pp: 0
  • gp: 0
  • ep: 0
  • sp: 0
  • cp: 0


  • 0


  • 0

Rare or Magic Items:

  • none

Other Items:

  • iron key (worthless)

Total weight of goods:

Time Tracking/Notes

Here, I'll record progress in terms of time for the purpose of tracking resources and making wandering monster checks. We begin in the springtime and begin in the town of Kelven.