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'''Steady Hands''' [d8] Your hands don't flinch or shake, and they don't hesitate. No matter what is going on around you, your hands know what they are about.
'''Steady Hands''' [d8] Your hands don't flinch or shake, and they don't hesitate. No matter what is going on around you, your hands know what they are about.

'''London Jack''' [d8] You're a core expatriate with strong Independent ties and an uncanny ability to slip in and out of either culture with flawless ease, regardless of dress or personal appearance, as comfortable with rim brogue and rough humor as core etiquette and ballroom maneuvering.
'''London Jack''' [d8] You're a core expatriate [Londinium] with strong Independent ties and an uncanny ability to slip in and out of either culture with flawless ease, regardless of dress or personal appearance, as comfortable with rim brogue and rough humor as core etiquette and ballroom maneuvering.

'''Mule Hoof''' [d6] A heavy, short-barreled, large-bore pistol, particularly favored by Independent soldiers who didn't carry rifles into battle [medics / comms / etc] for its unparalleled stopping power at close range.
'''Mule Hoof''' [d6] A heavy, short-barreled, large-bore pistol, particularly favored by Independent soldiers who didn't carry rifles into battle [medics / comms / etc] for its unparalleled stopping power at close range.

Revision as of 17:13, 8 August 2017

“You can have peace. Or you can have freedom.” - R. A. Heinlein


|| Physical d8 || Mental d8 || Social d8 ||

Trained Skills

Fight [d6]

Influence [d10]

Move [d6]

Notice [d10]

Operate [d8]

Shoot [d12]

Survive [d6]

Treat [d10]

Untrained Skills

Craft, Drive, Fix, Fly, Focus, Know, Labor, Perform, Sneak, Throw, Trick [All d4]


Itinerant Peacekeeper [d8] You got no jurisdiction, but you got credentials, and that can open doors whispers and bribes cain't.

  • Step Back: Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
  • Talk Em Down: Keeping the peace is your first job wherever you go. When you try to defuse a charged situation, step up or double Influence. Take or step up a Complication to do both.
  • Skip Trace: Sometimes breakers of the peace hafta be sought out. Spend 1 PP to create a Quarry Asset at d6. Choose your target; they don’t have to be in your presence. You may use this Asset in any rolls made to track down and capture your target. Every time you use it in a die roll and fail, you may step it up by one. You may only have one Quarry Asset at a time.

Highlighted Skills: Influence/Move/Shoot

Former Field Medic [d8] Didn't go to school to learn to patch folk up . . . went to war.

  • Step Back: Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
  • Battlefield Triage: You know how to get folk stable til you can see to em proper. Spend 1 PP to step back another character’s medical or injury related complication.
  • Head on a Swivel: A battlefield medic has to see everything to get the job done. Step up or double Treat when tending to someone under adverse circumstances. Take or step up a Complication to do both.

Highlighted Skills: Operate/Survive/Treat

On the Way to Meet the Buddha [d8] If you should meet the Buddha upon the road, kill him.

  • Step Back: Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
  • Misplaced Nirvana: Every man carries a fist in his hand. When you violently Take Out an opponent you may spend 1 PP to step back a mental or social based Complication.
  • Walk the Earth: Folk ain't so hard to read. When you assess someone’s emotional state, spend 1 PP to step up or double Notice for the Action.

Highlighted Skills: Fight/Notice/Shoot

Signature Assets

Steady Hands [d8] Your hands don't flinch or shake, and they don't hesitate. No matter what is going on around you, your hands know what they are about.

London Jack [d8] You're a core expatriate [Londinium] with strong Independent ties and an uncanny ability to slip in and out of either culture with flawless ease, regardless of dress or personal appearance, as comfortable with rim brogue and rough humor as core etiquette and ballroom maneuvering.

Mule Hoof [d6] A heavy, short-barreled, large-bore pistol, particularly favored by Independent soldiers who didn't carry rifles into battle [medics / comms / etc] for its unparalleled stopping power at close range.

Medic's Satchel [ - ] Everything you need to treat afflictions and wounds in the field.

Scene/Episode Assets

Character Bio

Birth Planet: Londinium

A battlefield medic in the War, Bean drifted for a time afterwards. Hopping from planet to planet in search of he wasn't sure what, he finally traded on wartime contacts and his easy manner among both Alliance folk and Independents to become an Itinerant Peacekeeper. The job didn't have any particular solid authority, but it was respectable work and let him keep hopping around the verse.

Sometimes he'd have occasion to track down the occasional fugitive, but mostly he just offered his services in keeping the peace when he touched down in places where peace had become stretched. The most notable such stop was Kaituo, a repair station in orbit above Angel in the Kalidasa system. He arrived two standard weeks after the foiled Reaver attack, with responsibilities that mostly entailed making sure folk got fed while repairs were made, but it put him in a position to learn nearly firsthand what had happened there.

He watched as those firsthand accounts were suppressed, evidence tainted or outright destroyed, and misinformation spread by paid mouths and celebrity backwash across the cortex. Kaituo was the biggest Alliance coverup in recent memory, and Bean had watched them weave it whole cloth out of lies and misdirection.