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:''Teleport'' - An extension of her power over portals, Haruka can incur one Magic Overcharge to teleport once a scene anywhere on the current battlefield as long as there is not a magical barrier separating her and her target.<br>
:''Teleport'' - An extension of her power over portals, Haruka can incur one Magic Overcharge to teleport once a scene anywhere on the current battlefield as long as there is not a magical barrier separating her and her target.<br>
:''Fight for Friends'' - Haruka does ''not'' like it when friends and family are put in danger, and will go the extra mile to keep them safe. Twice per general scene, Haruka can add the rating of a Relationship to any challenge that she makes, as well as any damage that she does if the challenge is an attack challenge.
:''Fight for Friends'' - Haruka does ''not'' like it when friends and family are put in danger, and will go the extra mile to keep them safe and punish those that threaten them. Twice per general scene, Haruka can add the rating of a Relationship to any challenge that she makes, as well as any damage that she does if the challenge is an attack challenge.


Revision as of 22:38, 1 February 2018

Magical Burst

Eternal Starlight Valkyrie Haruka

Normal Information

Normal Name: Misugi Haruka
Mahou Shoujo Name: Eternal Starlight Valkyrie Haruka
Age: 16
Type: Driven Warrior
Reason For the Pact: My mother, who disappeared when I was four years old, was a mahou shoujo long ago, and I want to live up to her legacy.
Wish: I want to see my mother again.
Magical Element: Light
Magical Weapon: Haruka's primary weapon is a double-edged sword similar to the kind that knights liked to use, which she uses in melee. She can also manifest light-swords, which she can either wield alongside her regular sword, or propel at high speed for ranged combat.
Magical Power: Portals - Using her sword, Haruka can create portals between two points, just large enough for a person to step through.
Mahou Shoujo Costume: Haruka wears a navy blue armored dress with silver plates and golden runes. When she transforms, her hair and skin go white, and her eyes turn a brilliant light blue.
Crisis: I keep dreaming of a night with a crimson sky, and of a powerful youma destined to bring about the end of this world. I have to stop it. With or without my mother.

Primary Stats

Normal Attributes: Charm 4, Insight 5, Tenacity 5
Magical Attributes: Heart 8 (Attack), Fury 6 (Defense), Magic 4 (Support)
Resolve: 18/18

Magical Talents

Magical Specialization: Witch


Boost - Once a round, Haruka can add a die of Overcharge to any magical challenge action, increasing the likelihood of success, but also increasing the likelihood of Fallout once the battle is over.
Recovery - Twice per general episode when out of combat, Haruka can summon up the power deep within herself to recover 1d6+2 Resolve.


Teleport - An extension of her power over portals, Haruka can incur one Magic Overcharge to teleport once a scene anywhere on the current battlefield as long as there is not a magical barrier separating her and her target.
Fight for Friends - Haruka does not like it when friends and family are put in danger, and will go the extra mile to keep them safe and punish those that threaten them. Twice per general scene, Haruka can add the rating of a Relationship to any challenge that she makes, as well as any damage that she does if the challenge is an attack challenge.


Curse of Judgement (Hex) - Haruka's primary means of punishing youma is a curse that visits the pain of those the youma has hurt upon it. Once per round as a minor action, she can put this curse upon a youma or other enemy within a range of 0-2, which does one point of damage to them every round. On subsequent rounds, she can use another minor action to strengthen the curse and make it do more damage per round that it is active. As a free action, Haruka can either weaken the curse or remove it entirely.
Aetherius (Blast Strike, Melee) - Haruka's sword sweeps with a blaze of silvery light across the battlefield, cutting down her enemy. This attack incurs one Heart Overcharge to attack all enemies in her current position.
Blades of Silverlight (Blast Strike, Ranged) - Haruka conjures a multitude of shining swords of silvery light before letting them loose at high speed upon the enemy. Like Aetherius, this attack incurs one Heart Overcharge to attack all enemies within a longer range than her current position.


Haruka spent most of her life without a mother. She doesn't have very many memories of her, since she disappeared when she was quite young, but what she does remember of her was that she was a very kind and caring woman who carried a very heavy burden that she did not share with her father. One memory, however, stands out as clear as the sun in a bright blue sky. The night before her disappearance, Haruka's mother came to her and gave her an ornate silver locket, telling her to keep it close to her at all times. And then, before Haruka's very eyes, silvery light began radiating from her mother, shortly before she transformed. Haruka's mother stood before her in a beautiful silvery gown that wouldn't have looked out of place in one of those old-school Disney movies. But she also wielded a sword of silvery steel, one that told Haruka immediately that she was a warrior.

"For years, I have protected you and your father, and everyone in this city, from evil from beyond this world," she said to her daughter. "And now, I must go and fight one last time. I don't know when I will be seeing you again. But keep me always in your heart, as I have with you. And should you ever be called upon to fight as I have, do not lose heart and do not forget the people who are important to you. I love you, Haruka."

Haruka has never forgotten that night, nor has she forgotten her mother. And twelve years later when her tsukaima appeared to her, wanting to make her a Mahou Shoujo, she knew what she had to do.