Voyages Of The Blue Rosie: Difference between revisions

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===[ Classes]===
===[ Classes]===

=== Talents ===
=== [ Talents] ===

=== Arcana ===
=== Arcana ===

Revision as of 01:59, 2 May 2018


(placeholder): You are privateers going on many adventures to achieve your goals.

General information






Character Generation Rules

1.) Come up with a character concept. This is a rough idea of the sort of hero you’d like to play.

2.) Determine abilities. Your character’s core physical and mental attributes.

3.) Choose a race. Your character can be a human, night person, sea-folk, vata (either the “light” vata’an or “dark” vata’sha), or one of the rhydan (intelligent, awakened animals).

4.) Determine background. Your background is where your hero came from and what influenced their early learning experiences.

5.) Choose a class. This is your character’s calling in life. You can choose adept, expert, or warrior.

6.) Pick your character’s equipment.

7.) Calculate Defense and Speed (for combat purposes).

8.) Pick a name.

9.) Choose your character’s Goals and personality.

10.) Determine Hero’s Relationships.

Detailed Character Aspects


Ability Focuses





General Rules

Ability Test = 3D6 + Ability + Focus

It's always 3D6 when it comes to Ability Tests, and you can only use one Focus (which is +2) per Test. ROLL HIGH!

Doubles rolled (on some type of tests) generate Stunt Points, which allows you to pull off various special moves. :)

Two of the dice should be one color, and the third a different color.

The third one is called a Drama Die, which does different things, like generating Stunt Points (SP), measuring degrees of success, and breaking ties.

Combat Rules

Arcana Rules



Players / Characters:

1) ajdynon /

2) squidheadjax /

3) Andrensath /

4) Alvyn /

5) Shawn_Hagen /