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=House Rules=
=House Rules=
[https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?833164-Wrath-and-Glory-x-Miserable-Secrets-Miserable-Heresies-Investigation-system Miserable Secrets-style investigation system]
=Notes & Records=
=Notes & Records=

Revision as of 01:43, 9 September 2018

Placeholder wiki design

Player Characters

  • Character Name/Sheet
  • Character Name/Sheet
  • Character Name/Sheet

Central NPCs

Master Inquisitor Miaoshan

The player characters serve a powerful but highly eccentric Inquisitor whose philosophy combines a passionate devotion to compassion and the preservation of life with a deep pragmatism that considers the perfect to be the enemy of the good. She has an instinct for worlds that are nexuses of suffering, and sends her most powerful followers to save them from themselves.

Miaoshan wears a giant suit of power armour when not on her flagship, Relentless Mercy of the Emperor, and much of the time when on it. Her closest followers know her as a slight woman, barely more than a girl, with three pairs of arms; but they have seen others emerge from the armour to speak as her - men, children and even xenos.

There is no Grandmaster Inquisitor of the Amaesia Sector despite its size, and the four Master Inquisitors are unusual in not formally belonging to any Ordos and in their relentless interference in each others' affairs despite their own prodigious workloads (though this might be a difference of degree more than kind). Miaoshan's time is thus taken up far more by her strategic efforts on behalf of the sector and rivalry with her colleagues than investigation per se; she selects her senior staff with utmost care and then unhesitatingly entrusts them with the fate of worlds, as if they were her own eyes and hands.



The seat of Cardinal Cesare, Avignon was originally a nigh-lifeless and desert-covered planet before the Cardinal selected it as his personal Cathedral World several hundred years ago. Cesare credits its subsequent rejuvenation into a lush paradise (along with his own longevity) as a sign of the Emperor's covenant with the people of the Amaesia Sector, that their faith will be rewarded with life itself. Countless millions have responded to that promise and settled here at Cesare's feet; but as he is long on charisma and short on doctrine, the forms of their feverent worship vary wildly from hab-block to hab-block.

Avignon has become a defacto regional capital as the Cardinal has cleverly parlayed the strength of the Sororitas Preceptory he brought with him and his world's rapidly increasing wealth into acquiring multiple planetary governors as clients. Little can be done in this part of the sector politically or commercially without routing through Avignon and Cesare's court.

Presently Avignon is suffering an invasion of the foul Xenos known as Necrons. Vowing to never give up the ground made sacred by the Emperor's Covenant, Cesare has refused to evacuate and instead called home his Sororitas and the vast Imperial armies under his sway. The sacrifice of an ever-growing list of Astra Militarum martyrs and the valour of the Sisters of Battle has kept all but the cities extinguished in the initial shock of the invasion safe and at their prayers, but the enemy has shown no signs of abandoning their campaign.

World 2

World 3

House Rules

Miserable Secrets-style investigation system

Notes & Records

Card Suits

The following unicode guide will make it easier for you to use the card suits in your text posts.

U+2660 U+2665 U+2666 U+2663
Black Spade Suit Black Heart Suit Black Diamond Suit Black Club Suit
U+2664 U+2661 U+2662 U+2667
White Spade Suit White Heart Suit White Diamond Suit White Club Suit

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