Aiguo Lei (Guo): Difference between revisions

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|'''Other Abilities:''' Turn Undead
|'''Languages:''' Imperial, Kueh
|'''Languages:''' Imperial

Latest revision as of 17:29, 4 October 2018

Character in Taming The Westmark[edit]

Current Status[edit]

Character sheet[edit]

Name: Aiguo Lei (Guo) Title: Apprentice Class: Thief Level: 1 Hit Points: 4 Armor Class: 6
Alignment: ? XP: 0 Sex: Male Age: 22 Height: 5'11" Weight: 150 lbs
STR 11 To Hit: +0 To Dam: +0 Open Doors: +0
DEX 17 AC Mod: -2 Initiative: +1 Missile Adj: +2 XP Bonus:+10%
CON 11 HP Adj: +0
INT 15 Add Langs: 1 Able to read and write
WIS 9 Save vs. Magic: +0
CHR 13 Reaction Adj: -1 Retainers: 5 Retainer Morale: 8
Breath Attacks Poison or Death Petrify or Paralyze Wands Spells or Spell-like Devices
16 14 13 15 14
To Hit AC:
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Pick Locks Traps Pick Pockets Move Silently Climb Walls Hide in Shadows Hear Noise
17 14 23 23 87 13 1-2
Languages: Imperial, Kueh
Background: Tradesman (Locksmith)
Napper: Only needs to sleep four hours per night to gain the benefits of rest.
Duelist: Can use their Dex bonus instead of Str bonus when attacking with one-handed melee weapons.
Discounter: Gains 5% discount when buying items. Can estimate the value of gems, jewelry, and other luxury items.
Horse: Yīnyǐng - riding horse
Gear Cost Weight Notes
Leather Armour 6 8 AC 8
Longbow 40 8 1d8 damage
Arrows (20) 5 3
Longsword 10 4 1d8 damage
Thieves tools 30 1
Backpack 2 2
Waterskin 1 4
Total: 94 30 lbs
PP: 0
GP: 0
EP: 0
SP: 0
CP: 0

Character Background[edit]

Seems like an adventurous and talented fellow.