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A major nation in the Empire of Remba.
A major nation in the Empire of Remba.
===<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'''The Blighted Land'''<div>===
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:Blighted land.jpg]]<div>
This is just an invitation to commit violence.
[[File:Frasika Spire.jpg|200 px]][[File:Aley.jpg| 200 px]][[File:Blightedearth1.jpg|[[File:Blighted-earth.jpg]]]]
On some worlds people are just bound and determined to make their lives dangerous and short.  They take huge risks and if they are lucky enough to survive them, may get no reward at all.
This is an Earth/Aerth/Urth world that has seriously lost control.  It is a testament though to how people can survive almost anything. 
To go over the political dimensions of this world would be pointless.  They change.  Sometime around the late 1900s all law and order slipped away.  Wars, nuclear disasters, militarization, easy availability of weaponry, advancing technology despite worldwide carnage, an extremely vibrant commercial climate and little regard for human life are all big elements of this freak show of a world. National governments ceding great sections of their countries to corporations more able to provide services to the populace.  Many countries became little more symbolic.  Countries turning their military against their populaces.  Countries creating huge prisons for criminals  of every type.  One of these is the [[New York Federal Penitentiary at Manhattan]]
The remaining Chikago metropolitan is over seen by the Frasika_Spire[[]].  A large Arcology at the top tip of Damnation Ally, a region of nuclear devastated land across the heartland of what was once the American Nation. 
Many of the people on this world have begun calling it the Blighted Land. 
Nuclear disasters destroyed vast swaths of it.  Industrial waste and human refuse have spoiled another chunk but some of that is being recycled.  City-States and small Regional governments rule this planet.  Many people cluster around huge corporate compounds that still do most of the producing.  Transportation of goods has become a death sport. Technological advances were extraordinary in the face of necessity and the greed and malevolence of the rich.
The roads of this world are dangerous.  There is an active sport called Autodueling that pits drivers against each other in both organized and chaotic conflict.  The sporting angle of it gives a modicum of legitimization to the production of equipment that is then used, often as not, to further the insane degrees of regular violence on this world. National legal systems have allowed death-sports as a defined exception to the laws defining Murder.
Shadow does not judge good and evil, but it does punish the stupid.
''Caine brought me here once. He said he wanted to find a world that had taken consumerism and militarism to the extremes. Someplace he could get a vehicle built for dangerous work. He found it. I spent a bit of time learning the hows and whys of this place and it makes no sense at all. It is a conflict of paradoxes.
''This world is one of the most stupidly violent worlds I ever found, and i've looked, but it keeps you on your toes.

Revision as of 22:28, 9 January 2019

An Arcology is a structure designed for very densely populated, ecologically low-impact human habitats. These structures feature various methods and attempts to pack thousands, even millions of people into small spaces with a reasonable level of comfort and efficiency.

Many high tech shadows connected to the King Random's Deck feature various attempts at creating Arcologies

Alda Cora] Anorusa Frasika Spire
Krotuc Rondo Block Communities Spire of Regis
Treestaka Towers Prebmaras

Alda Cora


  • The Coasarect of Alda Cora Prima is an Arcology in the world of Trinea. This highly advanced construction houses 1.2 million people and was the prototype for 30 other constructions in the Alda Cora model. There are hundreds of other ecologies on this planet.
  • Alda Cora (and Archologies on its model) has 4 distinct residential districts;Green, Purple, Orange & Gray. It has 2 Commercial districts; Ring, and Central. It has one Industrial District; Base. There is one Recreational District; The Peak
  • Green is luxurious and exclusive. Purple and Orange are essentially middle class. Gray are workers and servant. Most Gray Zone residents and their families work in the Ring, Central & Base Districts. Many residents in the orange work remotely to locations across the world and in planetary orbits. They also work in a great many of the businesses in the Green, Purple and Orange Districts. Worker from Gray and Orange district are often involved in the Hydroponic systems that provide produce for the populace and act as part of the water circulation, air purification, and waste processing systems.
  • The commercial districts of the Ring and The Central are available to the general public of the surrounding regions.
  • The Peak District is a vast recreational region where all Alda Cora residents interact. There is a cultural element specific to the Peak. In the other regions, residents carry Residential Identification and often wear clothing in color palates representative of their strata. In the Peak the residents take pride in wearing the Blue of Alda Cora and mixing with each other. Despite the different strata their is considerable unity among the residents.
  • The Gray District is workers and servants but as in all the Archology the standard of living is dramatically different then those in similar occupations

Frasika Spire

Situated in the world of Blighted Land[[1]]. This corporate national arcology is the center of what was once the Chikago metropolitan region, and nor over looks the top of Damnation Ally.

Anorusa Plazas

These are a divergent style of arcology from the sealed arcologies. Anorusa Plazas are designed to function as an integral part of a larger community. A standard Anorusa Plaza will have between 50,000 to 200,000 residents, many of which work in the facilities in the arcology. Some plazas sport major sporting facilities, some universities, some research facilites. Others are production, recycling, or corporate facilities. All with the commercial and recreational services for its residents.

Most arcologies monitor and restrict entrance of non-member populations. Anorusa Plazas work by letting non-residents access commercial, industrial and recreational areas openly, while allowing residents to access these areas at largely reduced costs. Items sold in stores of a plaza cost residents 1/4 to 1/2 of their sale price to non-residents.

Many recreational facilities are free to residents. Most plazas include golf courses, fishing and water sports. There are also hiking, cycling, and running paths beside people movers of a variety of styles. Each plaza tries to include a major sports enterprise to anchor extensive recreational facilities. Anorusa Plazas feature a great deal of outdoor actives, far beyond the general inwardly designed arcologies.

Most Plazas have amphitheaters and large concert halls. Competition for performance spaces in different plazas is fierce, with a feature of celebrity in this world bing which plazas they play. Celebrity preferences for specific plazas often leads to residents moving in to take advantage of membership access to event spaces. Similar privlages for major professional sports franchises occur as well. Te-a' Clete, a major musical personality has a regular monthly performance in the Sanikia Anorusa Plaza and this has caused her fans to mostly take over the plaza. The Kaddledowns, a Major League Baseball team, and the Resdins, one of their minor league teams are resident in the Trusat Anorusa Plaza. At the recommendation of the residents the Plaza the stadium was enlarged and several halo-stadiums were built ass well. Such situations exist across this world.

Most arcologies feature air and water purification systems to provide resident with air and water of higher quality then available outside the arcology. Anorusa plazas however often contain water and air treatment systems that are used to filter and treat far reaching areas beyond the arcology itself. This is another element of the facility being part of the surrounding populace rather then secluded away from it. The fees and costs of the outer areas using the plaza facilities is part of the profit method allowing residents to pay little or nothing for services. And most treatment facilities are run by plaza residents.


Rondo Block Communities

In the world of Trutos, Rondo Block Communities are structures built around power generation plants using Tralk Generation Power plants. The Tralk Power systems has a variety of negative effects on those interacting withing a mile of the location of the Tralk reaction. While not permanently debilitating, the physical effect is short term but once the initial effect passes it was deemed reasonable to have a employees live in the facility for as year-long term. The wages for a year are enough to cover a two year recovery period. Rondo professionals work in a block for a year, then in non-block locations for two years before returning to the Block.

Living facilities in the Blocks vary but are utilitarian, and long on practical details and short on luxuries. The blocks need about a mile of surrounding area clea of residental and commercial areas since they would react to the same Tralk effects employees will. Most products are imported remotely.

Spire of Regis

Treestaka Towers

The Megatroplois of Unkantar is a gigantic city of 2 billion people that is comprised by many smaller metropolitan areas that eventually pressed up against each other. The planet Hurth has 3 such megatropolis as well as a dozen massive metropolis across this high tech world. While there is a great deal of crime as one would expect in such a world the pervasiveness of it is not as great as other worlds with arcologies. However this one megatrolpolies has over 30,000 Treestka Towers.

Unlike other arcologies, the Treestaka Towers are not unique structures but rather a style of design for smaller arcologies. These Towers are moderately sized arcologies existent within great cities. These are different from the generally massive arcologies described on this page. Yet they have many of the same amenities. With populations between 5000 to 50,000 these small structures contain residential and commercial spaces, some industrial spaces. Many recreational They contain hydroponic filtration systems for water, air and a waste. It uses highly efficient recycling. Most Towers are extremely active in managing their Materials In/Meterials Out balance.

In many ways the Treestaka Towers are among the most efferent designs of arcologies. Many of the residents of a Tower live the vast majority of their lives inside. In the general design theory arcologies is the belief that they arcologies are developing to create self-sufficient designs that could function as less then lightspeed generational starships.

Each Tower has its ruling council and they take the comfort of all their residents extremely seriously. They makes sure everyone can work, eat, relax, and feel secure in the tower. Many of the larger Treestkas even have bodyguards who travel with residents if they need to go places outside the tower, if they request them.

Lisel is here[[2]]


A major nation in the Empire of Remba. [[3]]

The Blighted Land

This is just an invitation to commit violence.

On some worlds people are just bound and determined to make their lives dangerous and short. They take huge risks and if they are lucky enough to survive them, may get no reward at all.

This is an Earth/Aerth/Urth world that has seriously lost control. It is a testament though to how people can survive almost anything. To go over the political dimensions of this world would be pointless. They change. Sometime around the late 1900s all law and order slipped away. Wars, nuclear disasters, militarization, easy availability of weaponry, advancing technology despite worldwide carnage, an extremely vibrant commercial climate and little regard for human life are all big elements of this freak show of a world. National governments ceding great sections of their countries to corporations more able to provide services to the populace. Many countries became little more symbolic. Countries turning their military against their populaces. Countries creating huge prisons for criminals of every type. One of these is the New York Federal Penitentiary at Manhattan

The remaining Chikago metropolitan is over seen by the Frasika_Spire[[4]]. A large Arcology at the top tip of Damnation Ally, a region of nuclear devastated land across the heartland of what was once the American Nation.

Many of the people on this world have begun calling it the Blighted Land.

Nuclear disasters destroyed vast swaths of it. Industrial waste and human refuse have spoiled another chunk but some of that is being recycled. City-States and small Regional governments rule this planet. Many people cluster around huge corporate compounds that still do most of the producing. Transportation of goods has become a death sport. Technological advances were extraordinary in the face of necessity and the greed and malevolence of the rich.

The roads of this world are dangerous. There is an active sport called Autodueling that pits drivers against each other in both organized and chaotic conflict. The sporting angle of it gives a modicum of legitimization to the production of equipment that is then used, often as not, to further the insane degrees of regular violence on this world. National legal systems have allowed death-sports as a defined exception to the laws defining Murder.

Shadow does not judge good and evil, but it does punish the stupid.


Caine brought me here once. He said he wanted to find a world that had taken consumerism and militarism to the extremes. Someplace he could get a vehicle built for dangerous work. He found it. I spent a bit of time learning the hows and whys of this place and it makes no sense at all. It is a conflict of paradoxes.

This world is one of the most stupidly violent worlds I ever found, and i've looked, but it keeps you on your toes.
