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(Roan Wykes)
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=== Ulfred ===
=== Ulfred ===
[[file:ulfred.jpg|right|400px]]Rhymes with (and means) "wolf rede".
Rhymes with (and means) "wolf rede".
A freeborn Saxon farmer and archer in the Crusades who returned from the Holy Land to find his own land claimed by the crown in his absence, being without legitimate heir and alleged dead. Left with nothing but a renewed grudge against the Norman rulers, he took up poaching and banditry and soon joined the Sherwood outlaws.
A freeborn Saxon farmer and archer in the Crusades who returned from the Holy Land to find his own land claimed by the crown in his absence, being without legitimate heir and alleged dead. Left with nothing but a renewed grudge against the Norman rulers, he took up poaching and banditry and soon joined the Sherwood outlaws.

Revision as of 08:19, 3 June 2019

Player Characters

Roan Wykes


The son of a poacher, he fled to the depths of Sherwood when his father was killed by the Normans. He lived among the beasts and the birds for nearly ten years, but he's finally joined the New Merry Men and seeks to avenge the wrongs done to the Saxon peasantry.

Background: Wildman (plants, animals, local geography, occult)

Agility d8
Smarts d8
Spirit d6
Strength d6
Vigor d6
Charisma 0
Pace 6"
Parry 7
Toughness 6 (1)
Fighting d8
Guts/Intimidate d6
Handiness d6
Healing d6
Notice d8 (+2 Alertness)
Persuade d4
Shift d8
Stealth d8 (+2 in wilderness)
Woodcraft d8 (+2 in wilderness)
Forest Fighter (+1 Parry) (bonus)
One with the Forest
Woodsman (+2 Stealth, Woodcraft in the wild)
Clueless (major)
Illiterate (minor)
Vengeful (minor)
Dagger (2) ($50, 2 pounds) range 3/6/12, damage Str + d4
Throwing axe ($75, 2 pounds) range 3/6/12, damage Str + d6
Leather hauberk ($50, 15 pounds) +1 Toughness
Normal clothing ($20) Green tunic and pants, brown hooded cloak
Healing kit ($200, 5 pounds)
XP: 20
Rank: Seasoned
  1. gained Woodsman
  2. raised Fighting and Shift
  3. gained One With the Forest
  4. raised Handiness and Notice


Robert comes from a long line of common farmers, and was conscripted into the Crusader courses heading east to fight. He was forced to help with logistics and hauling goods on the way there, where he was then forced into being one of the first through the breach as battles began. He accumulated a lot of scars in those fights, which now obviously show on his face. He returned home to find his family dead, and their farm appropriated. When he tried to sort out what happened, the guard tried to run him off. Robert reacted rather poorly to how he was being treated, and the resulting altercation and its fallout forced him to flee into the Forest, where he joined up with the New Merry Men.

Robert has been worn down by fighting, and is glad to join up with the New Merry Men to help those been held down by the oppression of the local rulers.

Background: Ex-crusader breach fighter (Languages: English, Arabic, ?; siege tactics and construction/sapping, movement of goods/people)

Agility d8
Smarts d6
Spirit d6
Strength d6
Vigor d8
Charisma -2
Pace 6"
Parry 7 (+1 with shield)
Toughness 7 (+1 with armor)
Fighting d8
Guile d4
Handiness d6
Notice (N) d6
Persuade (N) d6
Shift (N) d8
Shooting d6
Stealth d8
Woodcraft d6

Brawny Combat Reflexes First Strike Forest Fighter (Free)

Curious OR Heroic (Major)
Ugly (Minor)
Wanted (Minor)
Gear ($125, Wt. 36)
Leather (+1, $50. Wt. 15)
Warhammer (Str+d6, AP 1 vs rigid armor (plate), $250, Wt. 8)
Dagger (Str+d4, Wt.1, $25)
Medium Shield (+1 Parry, +2 Armor to Ranged attacks that hit, Wt.12, $50)
XP: 20
Rank: Seasoned



Rhymes with (and means) "wolf rede".

A freeborn Saxon farmer and archer in the Crusades who returned from the Holy Land to find his own land claimed by the crown in his absence, being without legitimate heir and alleged dead. Left with nothing but a renewed grudge against the Norman rulers, he took up poaching and banditry and soon joined the Sherwood outlaws.

Generally sullen and cynical in disposition, but has a wry sense of gallows humor and tends to cheer up under pressure.

Background: ex-crusader archer (archery, soldiery, basic fletchery and bowmaking, field tactics, heathen peoples, Mediterranean Lingua Franca)

Agility d10
Smarts d6
Spirit d6
Strength d8
Vigor d6
Charisma 0
Pace 6"
Parry 7 (+1 with buckler)
Toughness 5 (+1 with armor)
Fighting d8
Guts d6 (+2 for Fear tests)
Notice d6
Persuade d4
Shift d8
Shooting d10 (+1 with longbow)
Stealth d8
Woodcraft d6
Forest Fighter
Trademark Weapon: longbow
Bad Luck (major)
Loyal (minor)
Wanted (minor)
Longbow (15/30/60, 2d6) and arrows
Sword (Str+d8) and buckler (+1 Parry)
Coarse russet tunic (+1 Armor), deerskin boots, moss green woolen cloak
XP: 20
Rank: Seasoned
  1. raised Agility
  2. raised Shooting and Guts
  3. gained Trademark Weapon
  4. gained Marksman