The Gang's All Here: The Emotion Knight: Difference between revisions

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Line 31: Line 31:
*Worn leather, a long cloak and a scowl
*Worn leather, a long cloak and a scowl
*Gladiator gear, all skin, spikes and black leather
*Covered head to foot, with a full helm showing only your eyes
*Your own idea: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

==Defensive Stats==
==Defensive Stats==

Revision as of 03:19, 13 July 2019

The Loathing Knight

Page One


These eight orders of Knights are the world’s greatest warriors, each devoted to a single emotion. Whether it be love, hate, or fear: if they feel it, they can use it to fuel the power of their sentient, arcane weapons.

When consumed by their sacred sensation, they are incomparable warriors, capable of miraculous feats. Nothing can stand against their blades – armies,mountains, even ideas. They can defeat anything.

Except the passion which drives them.

Your Name


  • WISDOM: 3


You start with:

Your Arcane weapon (see next page).

In addition, choose one of the following:

  • Chainmail (Defence 2)
  • Leather Armour (Armour 1), and a normal, nonmagical Ranged Weapon of your choice (bow, crossbow, throwing knives). The latter includes ammunition.


  • Worn leather, a long cloak and a scowl

Defensive Stats

  • GUARD (=Dex):
  • HEALTH (=Con):
  • WILLPOWER (=Wis x 2):

Page Two

Your Sacred Emotion

Your powers are driven by you feeling an emotion. Look at the Emotion Wheel on the third page.

Select the word that best fits your emotion (from the main coloured spokes only). It can be the one most related to your persona, or the one you think is most interesting to explore. Talk to your GM if you want to know more about what “interesting” may mean.

Now you’ve picked, fill in the other blanks on the third sheet. All three of these words are aspects of your Sacred Emotion.

If you are unsure what emotion to pick, “Rage” is a simple one to play.

The Arcane Weapon

All the Emotion Knight’s special abilities are channeled via their arcane weapon. All arcane weapons, whatever their form, are sentient and can communicate with its owner (both audibly or with short range telepathy) and share a bond with its owner. It is also able to sense strong sources of its emotion in its vicinity.

Your weapon is... (choose one of the following, delete the rest):

  • Sword
  • Hammer
  • Trident
  • Your idea: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Your weapon’s main attribute is... (choose one):

  • Brutal (Special: if this removes a Health from your opponent, remove two Health instead.)
  • Fast (Special: when removing a Guard from your opponent, remove two Guard instead of one.)
  • Incredibly Elegant (Uses Dexterity instead of Strength for its dice pool. Special: recover two Guard.)

Your weapon’s personality is... (choose one, delete the rest):

  • Aggressive
  • Sarcastic
  • Cutsie
  • Your idea: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The Emotional Scale

Look at the Emotional Scale on the third page. Place your D8 at zero. Depending how intensely your character is feeling this emotion, the D8 will move up or down the scale. The further up the scale it is, the more intensely a character feels this, and the more likely it will be nearly impossible to do something unconnected to this emotion.

To stress: the emotion is generated from events in the fiction. For example, if you are a Terror Knight surprised by a monster, you are likely to be scared, which means your D8 will move up the scale.

Emotionally Engaged

When your D8 is above zero on the Emotional Scale, you gain Advantage on any attack the weapon makes. Your Lesser Ability is also activated. Your Lesser Ability is... (choose one, delete the rest):

  • Defensive Bonus (+1 Defence.)
  • Ranged Attack (You can attack with your magical weapon at a range equivalent to a Bow.)
  • Riposte (Any opponent whose attack fails to hit you gives you a free attack back at them.)

If you activate your Greater Ability your D8 moves one step down the emotional scale. Your Greater Ability is (choose one, delete the rest):

  • Decapitation Strike (This attack bypasses Guard. This attack can only target one individual.)
  • Combat Frenzy (Apply the results of this attack to all enemies within arm’s reach.)
  • Duel (Choose one opponent. They cannot attack anyone else until you choose.)

Feel free to describe how these abilities manifest.

Creative Violence

If a player has two or more of an emotion they can expend it all to achieve an incredible feat. They pick up the D8 and hold it towards the centre of the table.

Describe what you’re trying to do. You can defeat anything which fits one of the nouns on your current level, or below. (So for example, if you are level 3 you can defeat an army.) You are encouraged to interpret “defeat” poetically. This ability is about creative violence. Then roll the D8. If you roll your emotion level or beneath, you suffer that number of wounds in achieving your goal. Replace the dice at the zero point on the scale.

Emotion Draining

Emotion Knights can siphon their Sacred Emotion from a target character. If the character resists, this requires a Charisma roll with a target’s Wisdom as a difficulty level. If the character does not resist, the difficulty is zero.

For a success, and each success above it, a level of emotion is transferred from the target to the Knight. NB: if a player is not experiencing that emotion, an Emotion Knight cannot siphon it.

A critical failure means the target can never feel emotion towards that source ever again. (For example, a peasant is petrified of a dragon. A Fear Knight tries to drain the peasant’s fear, but critically fails. The Peasant will never be scared of dragons again.) However, the Knight gets all the emotion the target feels.

The Knight's Emotional Scale

( ) Level 0: Nothing

( ) Level 1: _ _ _ _ _ _

Greater and lesser abilities available.

Gain advantage on attacks with your weapon.

( ) Level 2: _ _ _ _ _ _

You could defeat: a mob, a villiage, a blockage, a weakness.

( ) Level 3: _ _ _ _ _ _

You could defeat: an army, a mountain range, a town.

( ) Level 4: Lost

You could defeat: a city, despair, someone you truly love.

( ) Level 5: Consumed

You can defeat: a country, a religion.

( ) Level 6+: Inhuman

You can defeat: a god, hope, yourself.