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===Firgenbeorg Ðrines [Montreal]=== | ===Firgenbeorg Ðrines [Montreal]=== | ||
A timber and earth was built here by an exiled Northumbrian thane and his followers about 50 years ago. He | A timber and earth was built here by an exiled Northumbrian thane and his followers about 50 years ago. He Named the settlment "Mount Trinity." Now the the man's grandson rules a growing settlement of mostly Saxon extraction, and leads his people in battle against the heathen Iricweas[ Iriqouis]. Many of the Irikwaes have been gathered to the service of a great devil whom they call Ithacwa the Windwalker. Their witch chieftains command not only mortal warriors , but also wendigos bound by magic, werewolves, and demonic tree -giants[Entas]. | ||
===[Quebec city and nearby territory]=== | ===[Quebec city and nearby territory]=== |
Revision as of 03:56, 12 December 2006
This is a setting for an alternate timeline where the Vinland colony was a sucess. The present year AD 1140. It is currently being used as a setting for a GURPS Third Edition campaign. This is a fantasy setting and magic does exist. In this world, the fledgling colony of Norse at Vinland has been far more successful than in OTL. Norsemen have expanded the initial settlement to include much of the Maritime Provinces of Canada, the St Lawrence river valley, portions of the Eastern seaboard , and are beginning to settle on the shores of the Great Lakes. Saxon exiles and Irish missionaries have also come to the new lands. Trade has given several native nations access to iron age technology and new ways of agriculture. As yet, the strong kings of Christendom and the Pope of Rome have shown little interest in the new countries to the west, beyond exiling some troublemakers and heretics there. The Crusades have kept the eyes of kings and bishops fixed on the rich Holy Land. This may change, though. Men whisper of a new crusade to the west to subdue the schismatics and pagans who have flocked to Vinland, as well as converting the red devil- men said to inhabit the far lands to the one true faith.
Notes: Mana level: Low over most of the old world, pockets of normal and no mana are known to exist. The New World is mostly Normal Mana. TL 0 -3 , the Christians of the Old World are at TL 3, as are their Muslim enemies. The Norse are also at TL3. Most Skraelings are around TL 1, with some primitive tribes at TL 0 and the more advanced nations being TL2[ with ironworking skills learnt from the colonists].
The Saxon and Irish colonies are pretty staunchly Christian, while the Norse colonies are a mixture of pagans and Chistians. Most Norse see no problem with worshipping the White Christ alongside the old gods. This tolerant attitude has come under persecution back in Scandinavia[King Olaf and all that business] so many people who still wish to honor the old ways have immigrated.In my timeline the Norse settlers are a mix of pagans and Christians. The distance from Rome and the influx of pagans[or syncretists] from Scandinavia[the imposition of Christianity and monarchial gov't were unpopular with many people] have contributed to this. The New World has no great kings, tyrants, or bishops to boss a man around. Few, anyway. It has land for the taking- provided a man will face the dangers of the wilderness and the Skraelings. This tends to attract landless but brave men, outlaws, pagans, heretics, and assorted misfits. Ambitious men who have too many enemies at home may also come across, including pagan jarls who have lost power to Christian kings in Scandinavia.
All the major Norse colonies pattern their government after the Iceland model, with modifications for changed conditions. Each colony has it's own Thing . All freemen may speak and vote. There is little in the way of bureacracy, jails, police, etc. Tolerance on matters of faith is the norm in most settlements, a marked contrast to the Old World. The right and duty of carrying arms is nearly universal, with only thralls being excepted from this. Even women have to be ready to defend if hostile Skraelings or outlaws attack a settlement. The Christian clergy are literate and play some role in aiding the administration of public and private affairs, but lack the power they hold in Europe. Saxon and Irish colonies tend to be less tolerant of religious differences . Saxon colonies are typically ruled by thanes or earls in exile, and are more centralized than Norse settlements. Irish communities are typically monastic in nature, with converted Skraelings living around them as farmers and workers.
Vinland[ Newfoundland]
A mostly Christian settlement, with a mixed population of Norse and Skraelings[Beothuk people] Most of the people live by a combination of subsistence farming, a little animal husbandry, and fishing. Cod are the mainstay of the diet. A nice chowder of salty cod and butter from goats' milk is popularl with the locals. A sort of wine made from gooseberries is made in good qantities, some of which is exported. A church dedicated to Saint Ivar[still awaiting offical canonization by distant Rome, but venerated nonetheless] acts as seat for the Bishop of Vinland, the representative of the Roman Church.
Sister colony to Vinland, Markland attacted more pagans and maintains independence in religious matters. It's people live partly by hunting and trapping, and partly by forestry. It provides a good source of timber for ships. The colonists have adopted some practices of the natives, and wear fur and hides just as often as homepsun. They are reputed to have beserkers among them who can take on the shape of wild beasts.
Helluland[ Baffin Island]
Small fishing villages and some whaling stations have grown up in this inhospitable land. Icemen[Inuit] alternately trade with and war with the Norse inhabitants.
Norumbega[Nova Scotia]
The island is inhabited by three main groups. The Mikmak[Micmaq Indians] are resisting the Norse [and largely pagan]colonists inhabiting the northern portions of the island. A small group of Irish have settled on the seaward reaches of the island, and are attempting to convert the heathens[white and red alike].These Irish are schismatics who do not acknowledge Rome's authority. This effort has already produced numerous martyrs. The Mimak nation live in the old way as hunters and fishers, but have adopted iron arms and some boatmaking techniques from the Northmen. Colonists live much as they do in other colonies nearby, save that the threat of violence is even higher.
Firgenbeorg Ðrines [Montreal]
A timber and earth was built here by an exiled Northumbrian thane and his followers about 50 years ago. He Named the settlment "Mount Trinity." Now the the man's grandson rules a growing settlement of mostly Saxon extraction, and leads his people in battle against the heathen Iricweas[ Iriqouis]. Many of the Irikwaes have been gathered to the service of a great devil whom they call Ithacwa the Windwalker. Their witch chieftains command not only mortal warriors , but also wendigos bound by magic, werewolves, and demonic tree -giants[Entas].
[Quebec city and nearby territory]
The Norse built a trading post here and it's grown into a fair sized town in the last couple of generations. The people acknowledge Vinland's authority only in theory.
[Prince Edward Island]
Irish monastics succeeded in at least partially converting most of the natives.Pastoralism is the way of life for most of the island's people. Cows are held to be medicine animals by the natives. The early monks discovered a way to use cowpox to give partial immunity to smallpox, a fortuitous discovery that lead to the salvation of many native lives and conversion of many souls. The technique is freely disseminated, and is spreading to other settlements.The Vinland bishops have sometimes derided the islanders as cow cultists.
Ymir's scalp
[the icebound northlands of Canada]
Grösugur sjór[Grassy Sea]
The Great Plains. Few Norse have yet ventured this far and little is known about the area.
Faðir af árbakki[Father of Rivers]
The Mississippi river.
Gates of Niflheim
Rumors persist of a dead lake, shrouded in eternal fogs, wherein lies a gate to the underworld. Its location varies with who's telling the story. Supossedly, ghosts sometimes escape from its still waters to plague the country round about.
The Northwest Passage
Rivermen and sailors alike seek a passage through the interior that will take them to the far seas of the west, beyond which lie the riches of Cathay and Hind. These lands are mythical places to the average northman, something that only adds to their lustre for the seeker after glory and wealth.
Warrior Socities
Among the Norse these tend to be sworn bands of mercenaries. Such brotherhoods range from ragged bands of pirates to elite teams of ferocious berserks.
The Skraeling warrior lodges are subsets within a given tribe, men who form a secretive cult centered around totem spirits. Each lodge has its own special ceremonies, wooden masks, dances, etc. Some of these may indeed convey mystical powers unto the participants.
Fighting clerics
Most Christian clerics tend to be pacifistic. Not all, however, some are violent men. A travelling friar or monk will typically carry an oaken cudgel for self defense. Some godar are also priests or deacons, and will be armed according to their wealth and station[maybe a chain shirt and a good stout shield].
Rumors persist of giants roaming the interior. Few reputable persons claim to have seen them up close, but still the stories spread. In some accounts the giants are huge , hairy beast-men; in others they are enourmous creatures, like black barked trees, gnarled and hideous to look upon. The Ice Men speak of a renegade tribe who serve a powerful frost giant, one of the sons of Ymir.
Hacksilver is as common as actual coins. Tobacco is gaining popularity as a trade good
The starting point will be a riverside town, supported by multiple farmsteads in the immediate area. There will be a small watermill[pretty new] . The blacksmith handles everything from farrier's work to repairing spears and replacing axe heads. Looking at a couple of hundred people at best. Will post more details soon. I need to work some of it out, and also pick a name. You'll be situated a little south of OTL Montreal. Bigger towns and colonies downriver[north] and wilderness with a few smaller settlements upriver.