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Factors such as availability or legality (military and illegal items) can modify the check by one or two upward. In addition, rare or illegal items may require other Skill Checks just to find a seller. Items closer to the low end of a value category might have their penalty reduced by 1, at the game master's discretion. Certain items are simply too expensive to be listed on the table above. Things like starships and artifacts are listed under cost as Relics and cannot normally be purchased. Characters with at least wealth 4+ can get Minor Relics with the Edge.
Factors such as availability or legality (military and illegal items) can modify the check by one or two upward. In addition, rare or illegal items may require other Skill Checks just to find a seller. Items closer to the low end of a value category might have their penalty reduced by 1, at the game master's discretion. Certain items are simply too expensive to be listed on the table above. Things like starships and artifacts are listed under cost as Relics and cannot normally be purchased. Characters with at least wealth 4+ can get Minor Relics with the Edge.

'''Value Category -- Wealth Check penalty'''  
'''Value Category -- Wealth Check penalty'''  
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:Minor Artifact (MA): -18 to the check (items costing up to 25,000,000 firebirds)  
:Minor Artifact (MA): -18 to the check (items costing up to 25,000,000 firebirds)  
:Artifact (A) -20 to the check (items over 1,000,000,000+ firebirds)
:Artifact (A) -20 to the check (items over 1,000,000,000+ firebirds)

'''Wealth Check Results'''
'''Wealth Check Results'''
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'''Retries''': a failed Check may not be retried with the same seller during the same session, but the character may attempt to find another seller. This requires time and possibly a related Skill Check (Gossip, Networking, Connections, Common Knowledge, etc.) to do so, both at the GM’s discretion. If there is only one such item the character wants (buying a particular store front), then the check cannot be retried until the next session, and the GM may require some in-game rationale for the change in the character’s ability to purchase the item, such as a Windfall.
'''Retries''': a failed Check may not be retried with the same seller during the same session, but the character may attempt to find another seller. This requires time and possibly a related Skill Check (Gossip, Networking, Connections, Common Knowledge, etc.) to do so, both at the GM’s discretion. If there is only one such item the character wants (buying a particular store front), then the check cannot be retried until the next session, and the GM may require some in-game rationale for the change in the character’s ability to purchase the item, such as a Windfall.

'''Haggling''': A successful Persuasion roll immediately prior to a Wealth Check gives the character a +1 on that check, +2 with a Raise. But a failure results in a -1 penalty.
'''Haggling''': A successful Persuasion roll immediately prior to a Wealth Check gives the character a +1 on that check, +2 with a Raise. But a failure results in a -1 penalty.

'''Major Purchases''': A character can make three major purchases per session. What constitutes a major purchase depends on their Wealth: D4-2 Cheap D4 Normal D6 Pricy D8 Expensive D10 Very Expensive D12 Extremely Expensive
'''Major Purchases''': A character can make three major purchases per session. What constitutes a major purchase depends on their Wealth: D4-2 Cheap D4 Normal D6 Pricy D8 Expensive D10 Very Expensive D12 Extremely Expensive
Each value category of an item above the listed major purchase category counts as an additional major purchase. Consequently, you gain twice the purchases of items below your level. For example, a character with d4 Wealth a Normal item would count as one major purchase, a Pricy one would count as two, while a single Expensive Item would use all three major purchases for the session.
Each value category of an item above the listed major purchase category counts as an additional major purchase. Consequently, you gain twice the purchases of items below your level. For example, a character with d4 Wealth a Normal item would count as one major purchase, a Pricy one would count as two, while a single Expensive Item would use all three major purchases for the session.

'''Debt''': Whenever a Wealth Check fails with a result of 1 or above, the character can opt to acquire the item anyway, but incurs a point of Debt. Debt serves as an ongoing penalty to your Wealth Checks. One point of Debt can be removed for each session you do not make any major purchases, or by spending Windfalls points. If a character has four or more points of Debt, he should probably be on the lookout for “collectors”, possibly even gaining a minor Wanted Hindrance temporarily. A character can gain a quick +1 bonus on a Wealth Check if he is willing to overextend himself. When purchasing the item, he immediately gains one point of Debt, in addition to any gained for a failed check.
'''Debt''': Whenever a Wealth Check fails with a result of 1 or above, the character can opt to acquire the item anyway, but incurs a point of Debt. Debt serves as an ongoing penalty to your Wealth Checks. One point of Debt can be removed for each session you do not make any major purchases, or by spending Windfalls points. If a character has four or more points of Debt, he should probably be on the lookout for “collectors”, possibly even gaining a minor Wanted Hindrance temporarily. A character can gain a quick +1 bonus on a Wealth Check if he is willing to overextend himself. When purchasing the item, he immediately gains one point of Debt, in addition to any gained for a failed check.

'''Windfalls''': Characters may sell or barter resources they acquire the course of play, or even ones they already own. This can temporarily increase their Wealth in the form of Windfall points. The GM gives the Windfall a value category like any other item (Cheap, Normal, etc.), then compares the Windfall category to the character's major purchase category to determine the points gained: Windfall category is less: No bonus Windfall category is equal: +1 Windfall category is one step above: +2 Windfall category is two steps above: +4 Windfall category is three steps above: +6
'''Windfalls''': Characters may sell or barter resources they acquire the course of play, or even ones they already own. This can temporarily increase their Wealth in the form of Windfall points. The GM gives the Windfall a value category like any other item (Cheap, Normal, etc.), then compares the Windfall category to the character's major purchase category to determine the points gained: Windfall category is less: No bonus Windfall category is equal: +1 Windfall category is one step above: +2 Windfall category is two steps above: +4 Windfall category is three steps above: +6

Windfall points can be used to gain a bonus on a Wealth Checks, though they are not actually spent unless the item is purchased. Not all points need to be used at once. Major purchase limits must still be observed, regardless of the bonus applied (i.e., a character with d4 Wealth is still limited to two Cheap or one Normal purchases per session.) Windfall points can also be spent to remove Debt points on a one to one basis. Four Windfall points may be exchanged for an additional major purchase during the session. For sharing Windfalls amongst party members, reduce the Windfall’s value category one step and determine the number of points for each character as normal.  
Windfall points can be used to gain a bonus on a Wealth Checks, though they are not actually spent unless the item is purchased. Not all points need to be used at once. Major purchase limits must still be observed, regardless of the bonus applied (i.e., a character with d4 Wealth is still limited to two Cheap or one Normal purchases per session.) Windfall points can also be spent to remove Debt points on a one to one basis. Four Windfall points may be exchanged for an additional major purchase during the session. For sharing Windfalls amongst party members, reduce the Windfall’s value category one step and determine the number of points for each character as normal.  

'''Multiple Items''': Groups of similar items should be made as a single purchase. Five or more items give a -1 penalty to the Wealth Check. Ten or more will bump the Cost category up one. Multiply these values by 10 for each higher Cost category. So buying five Cheap items lowers the Cheap bonus from +2 to +1. Buying 10 makes it a Normal Item purchase. 50 adds a -1; 100 makes it an Expensive purchase. For Windfalls, each factor of 10 increases the category one level, so ten Normal items are considered Expensive, and 100 are Very Expensive. For game purposes, Windfalls are an abstract unit and items cannot be split up to gain additional bonuses. Unless the selling/barter process is important for role-playing, Windfall points for the group of items should be assigned immediately and the items themselves considered no longer in play.
'''Multiple Items''': Groups of similar items should be made as a single purchase. Five or more items give a -1 penalty to the Wealth Check. Ten or more will bump the Cost category up one. Multiply these values by 10 for each higher Cost category. So buying five Cheap items lowers the Cheap bonus from +2 to +1. Buying 10 makes it a Normal Item purchase. 50 adds a -1; 100 makes it an Expensive purchase. For Windfalls, each factor of 10 increases the category one level, so ten Normal items are considered Expensive, and 100 are Very Expensive. For game purposes, Windfalls are an abstract unit and items cannot be split up to gain additional bonuses. Unless the selling/barter process is important for role-playing, Windfall points for the group of items should be assigned immediately and the items themselves considered no longer in play.

Revision as of 04:14, 23 July 2020


  • Rules - Savage World Adventure Edition (SWAE)
  • Setting Rules (SWAE pg. 136-145) – Born a Hero (ignore rank requirement at character creation), Fanatics (villains henchmen might take the damage for the villain), High Adventure (benny to gain a combat edge you qualify for), Unarmored Heroes (Wild Cards who don’t wear armor gain +2 to soak rolls. Energy Shields don’t count as armor worn, nor does any AP provided by an occult power), Wealth (as rules in SWAE 145 but updated below), Wound Cap (the maximum number of Wounds a character can suffer is 4 from one hit)
  • Science Fiction Companion (SFC) for additional rules for Cyberware (pg. 29-31), Starship (pg. 40-50) and Vehicles (pg. 51-57). Also using Rifts: Team Tomorrow Player’s Guide (SWR) for additional cybernetics and rules and the Super Power Companion (SPC) for power creation. Note that vehicles have changed with the adventure edition rule update, see Vehicles below.
  • Leadership edges in a High Tech setting the range with Command is extended to those who you can see and who can hear you, via a vox caster, etc. (not just 5”). With Command Presence they only need to hear your orders (via a vox caster, etc.) to gain the bonuses. Without advanced communication the range is as per normal (5” or 10” with Presence).


  • Updated Skills List: Tech Use [Smarts] and Think Machine Chant [Smarts]
Tech Use: basic understanding of how to operate (turn on, etc.) most technological devices and machines. Without can only use the most basic and easy to understand machine operation (shooting a lasgun, using a com-bead, etc.). Includes and replaces Electronic skill from SWAE.
Think Machine Chant: basic understanding of how to communicate (use) and activate Think Machines (computers). Also used for Electronic lock-picking or hacking a system. Replaces the Hacking skill from SWAE.
  • Xeno Mistrust: Humans and Aliens in the Known Worlds have little understanding or trust for those not of their race, and as such have problems interacting. This mean that both Humans and Xeno may benefit from ‘others’ Leadership edges, depending on Hindrances, they suffer a -2 to all Persuasion checks each other and –4 to any other skill where understanding might come into play (like Healing, Intimidation, Taunt, etc.). The Edge Xeno-Empathy (Background) allows these penalties to be ignored.
Tech Redemption: In the Known Worlds most people have little understanding of how the amazing technology around them works. Because of this characters suffer a -4 to all Electronics, Repair, Science, Tech Use and Think Machine Chant when using or trying to fix or use a piece of technology (anything over Industrial Tech level) unless specified otherwise. Anyone can learn to shot a laser rifle or use a voxcaster. The Edges Tech Recognition and Master Tech can cancel these penalties. Also that due to their additional complexity all Void craft (from starfighters to the largest JumpGate ship) suffer an additional -2 to their Pilot and Tech Use skills without the proper edges (so a -6 when piloting a Void Craft, without Void Training and/or other edges).
  • Status and Wealth: In the Empire of Man your status is an important factor and wealth is more abstract. Both are represented by dice. These rules or more extensive than those listed in the SWA rules.


Status is a trait represented with a dice that you can add your Wild Die. By default player characters starts as Middle Class within the Known Worlds (a base D6 in both Status and Wealth, see below). Edges and Hindrances can affect this rating. If a character wish to not belong to one of the Faction they are considered a Freeman, or a semi-independent peasant/yeomen. These characters do not have any real power within the Known Worlds but they are not resisted in travel and the Church along them some leeway on the restrictions it imposes on others of the peasant class.

In addition to determining base Wealth and general social interactions, Status affects several skills as well. When using Gossip, Intimidate and Persuasion, the difference in Status serves as a bonus if the character has a higher Status than the target, or a penalty if his Status is lower (+/-2 per level difference). Conversely, when using Taunt, a character with lower Status receives the difference as a bonus, while the higher Status Taunter takes the difference as a penalty. This can also affect ones Networking checks (SWAE pg. 133) depending on the situation (GMs call).

At the game master’s discretion, other, more passive skills – such as Notice or Stealth – might suffer a penalty when a character’s Status could conceivably come into play. An Aristocrat trying to use Stealth to follow someone in a working low-hab neighborhood stands out somewhat. A Criminal from the slums trying to use Streetwise in a Royal Court will encounter similar difficulties. When a modifier is deemed appropriate for such skills, treat an area or neighborhood as having the same Status as the majority of its inhabitants, and apply a penalty equal to the difference in the character’s Status.

1 Slave or Outcast (Sub-hab Ganger, Peasant-Serf, Slave, Mutant, Alien, Outcast) d4-2
2 Lower Class (Yeomen, Imperial Army Soldier, Vassal) d4
3 Middle Class (Knight, Lay-Priest, Guilds-Man) d6
4 Upper Class (Barnett or Baron, Canon or Primates, Guild-Chief) d8
5 Elite (Earl or Marquis, Deacon, Guild-Administrator) d10
6 Lesser Royal (Count, Bishop or Archbishop, Guild-Lord)* d12*
7 Royal (Duke, the Patriarchy, Guild-Arcmagi)* d12+1*
8 Ruler (the Emperor of the Known Worlds)* d12+3*
*These levels of Status are NPC level only

Other Uses of Status

  • Claim of Hospitality: One important aspect of Status is to make a Claim of Hospitality. Characters can make a claim once per game session (within their own status level or lower). Characters roll their Status die, against a base TN 4, modified by their standing and reputation with whom they are asking. A Claim of Hospitality can get the character a safe place to stay for an extended period of time, borrow some piece of equipment, gain access to special gear, gain information or learn a secret, etc. The higher the character’s status the better the ‘claim’. Raises gain additional help.
  • Open Doors: One’s Status can also allow one access to restricted area. For example a Planetary Noble can often gain an audience with the Sector Governor where a lesser person could not. Inquisitor’s status is often used for them to gain access to various restricted areas, etc. Generally the TN is a 4 +/- the level of access that you want and the restrictions of that area or information. This is mostly used for upper level governmental access as opposed to low-Hive scum.


1 Slave or Outcast d4-2
2 Lower Class d4
3 Middle Class d6
4 Upper Class d8
5 Elite d10
6 Lesser Royal d12
7 Royal* d12+2*
8 Ruler* d12+5*
*These levels of Wealth are NPC level only

Base characters start with a D6 Wealth die that can be modified by Hindrances and Edges. Whenever a character wishes to purchase an item, they make a Wealth Check. This roll is against a base TN 4. Items are grouped into value categories which can modify the roll. If they succeed with the check they gain the item and their Wealth die is reduced by 1 step for the remained of the adventure. If they get a raise they do not reduce their Wealth die for this purchase.

Factors such as availability or legality (military and illegal items) can modify the check by one or two upward. In addition, rare or illegal items may require other Skill Checks just to find a seller. Items closer to the low end of a value category might have their penalty reduced by 1, at the game master's discretion. Certain items are simply too expensive to be listed on the table above. Things like starships and artifacts are listed under cost as Relics and cannot normally be purchased. Characters with at least wealth 4+ can get Minor Relics with the Edge.

Value Category -- Wealth Check penalty

Free (F): No wealth check needed
Cheap (C): +2 to the check (items costing up to 10 firebirds)
Normal (N): No modifier (items costing up to 100 firebirds)
Pricy (P): -2 to the check (items costing up to 1,000 firebirds)
Expensive (E): -4 to the check (items costing up to 5,000 firebirds)
Very Expensive (VE): -6 to the check (items costing up to 25,000 firebirds)
Extremely Expensive (EE): -8 to the check (items costing up to 100,000 firebirds)
Minor Relic (MR): -10 to the check (items costing up to 250,000 firebirds)
Relic (R): -12 to the check (items costing up to 1,000,000 firebirds)
Significant Relic (SR): -14 to the check (items costing up to 2,500,000 firebirds)
Greater Relic (GR): -16 to the check (items costing up to 10,000,000 firebirds)
Minor Artifact (MA): -18 to the check (items costing up to 25,000,000 firebirds)
Artifact (A) -20 to the check (items over 1,000,000,000+ firebirds)

Wealth Check Results

  • Success: Purchase item, no other effects
  • Failure (Result of 2 or 3): Purchase item if you choose, but incur a point of Debt if you do so.
  • Failure (Result of a 1): Purchase item if you choose, but incur 2 points of Debt if you do so.
  • Failure (Result of 0 or less): Cannot purchase the item.

Retries: a failed Check may not be retried with the same seller during the same session, but the character may attempt to find another seller. This requires time and possibly a related Skill Check (Gossip, Networking, Connections, Common Knowledge, etc.) to do so, both at the GM’s discretion. If there is only one such item the character wants (buying a particular store front), then the check cannot be retried until the next session, and the GM may require some in-game rationale for the change in the character’s ability to purchase the item, such as a Windfall.

Haggling: A successful Persuasion roll immediately prior to a Wealth Check gives the character a +1 on that check, +2 with a Raise. But a failure results in a -1 penalty.

Major Purchases: A character can make three major purchases per session. What constitutes a major purchase depends on their Wealth: D4-2 Cheap D4 Normal D6 Pricy D8 Expensive D10 Very Expensive D12 Extremely Expensive Each value category of an item above the listed major purchase category counts as an additional major purchase. Consequently, you gain twice the purchases of items below your level. For example, a character with d4 Wealth a Normal item would count as one major purchase, a Pricy one would count as two, while a single Expensive Item would use all three major purchases for the session.

Debt: Whenever a Wealth Check fails with a result of 1 or above, the character can opt to acquire the item anyway, but incurs a point of Debt. Debt serves as an ongoing penalty to your Wealth Checks. One point of Debt can be removed for each session you do not make any major purchases, or by spending Windfalls points. If a character has four or more points of Debt, he should probably be on the lookout for “collectors”, possibly even gaining a minor Wanted Hindrance temporarily. A character can gain a quick +1 bonus on a Wealth Check if he is willing to overextend himself. When purchasing the item, he immediately gains one point of Debt, in addition to any gained for a failed check.

Windfalls: Characters may sell or barter resources they acquire the course of play, or even ones they already own. This can temporarily increase their Wealth in the form of Windfall points. The GM gives the Windfall a value category like any other item (Cheap, Normal, etc.), then compares the Windfall category to the character's major purchase category to determine the points gained: Windfall category is less: No bonus Windfall category is equal: +1 Windfall category is one step above: +2 Windfall category is two steps above: +4 Windfall category is three steps above: +6

Windfall points can be used to gain a bonus on a Wealth Checks, though they are not actually spent unless the item is purchased. Not all points need to be used at once. Major purchase limits must still be observed, regardless of the bonus applied (i.e., a character with d4 Wealth is still limited to two Cheap or one Normal purchases per session.) Windfall points can also be spent to remove Debt points on a one to one basis. Four Windfall points may be exchanged for an additional major purchase during the session. For sharing Windfalls amongst party members, reduce the Windfall’s value category one step and determine the number of points for each character as normal.

Multiple Items: Groups of similar items should be made as a single purchase. Five or more items give a -1 penalty to the Wealth Check. Ten or more will bump the Cost category up one. Multiply these values by 10 for each higher Cost category. So buying five Cheap items lowers the Cheap bonus from +2 to +1. Buying 10 makes it a Normal Item purchase. 50 adds a -1; 100 makes it an Expensive purchase. For Windfalls, each factor of 10 increases the category one level, so ten Normal items are considered Expensive, and 100 are Very Expensive. For game purposes, Windfalls are an abstract unit and items cannot be split up to gain additional bonuses. Unless the selling/barter process is important for role-playing, Windfall points for the group of items should be assigned immediately and the items themselves considered no longer in play.

Starting Characters Gear: A character starts with one set of Clothing equal to his Status. Then they are allowed three additional items up to their Wealth level in Major purchases without making a check. Any choices of a category one lower than their Wealth count as ½ a purchase, two lower as ¼ (at character creation that is about as low as one can go for these choice; any lower counts as ¼ item). One item maybe purchases at their Wealth level +1 but uses up two ‘additional’ item choices, or it can be used to purchase an item at their Wealth level +2 but use all their additional choices. Characters then make up to 3 Major purchase as they normally could during a ‘session’ but with the following conditions; failed rolls do not allowed retries or debt.

A starting characters could also use a Minor Hindrance to gain a “Wealth Boon” that grants them Three Major Purchase at their base Wealth level. For this setting, those with a Cohort Badge or Imperial Charter also gain up to two pieces of VE weapons or armor of choice granted by the Order.