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=Charlotte Murakami=
=Charlotte Murakami=

Revision as of 22:10, 7 March 2021

Charlotte Murakami

Faction: ALEPH
Heritage: Minor Nations
Homeworld: Earth

Lifestyle: Elite
Earnings: 5 (Assets = 3)

Languages: English, Yujingyu

Character Traits

  • No Good Secrets: Lottie is a free information advocate. This may seem odd for a covert operative, but she is a firm believer in the primacy of ALEPH. Free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. And the less secrets kept from ALEPH, the safer the human sphere becomes.
  • IQ-doppelganger: a hosting 'accident' resulted in a backup of Lottie being sleeved in a second LHost. In effect, there are 'two' Lotties at large.
  • Phantom Memories: whether a cube accident, a side-effect of her transhuman nature, or the memories of her doppelganger somehow syncing with her own neural cloud, Lottie sometimes experiences memories that aren't her own...


Infinity Points: 2/4

Bonus Damage
Infowar (Intelligence) +3
Psywar (Personality) +3
Melee (Brawn)
Ranged (Awareness) +4
STRESS Current
Max Soak
16 (15+1)
Armour ~ Wound [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Resolve 13 (13) Morale 3 Metanoia [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Firewall 17 (17) Security 2+4CD Breach [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Cashflow 3 (13) Earnings 5 Shortfall [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
ARMOUR Head Chest Arms Legs BTS
Naked 1 1 1 1 2
Armoured Clothing 1 2 2 2 2

Attributes and Skills

Acrobatics 3/1 Analysis 2/1 Athletics 0/0 Ballistics 3/1 Education 2/1 Animal Handling 0/0 Discipline 1/0
Close Combat 0/0 Extraplanetary 0/0 Resistance 0/0 Pilot 0/0 Hacking 4/1 Command 0/0
Stealth 4/2 Observation 3/2 Spacecraft 0/0 Medicine 0/0 Lifestyle 3/1
Survival 0/0 Psychology 2/0 Persuade
Thievery 2/0 Science 0/0
Tech 0/0


Name Range Damage Burst Size Qualities Ammo
Tonfa Bangles R 1+7CD - 1H Concealed 2, Parry 1 (or 2 w/ dual wield) -
Smart MULTI Pistol R/C 1+8CD 2/1 Unb Expert 1; Light MULTI*; Vicious 1 Standard/Special*
Nanopulser C 1+5CD 1 1H Biotech, Subtle 3, Torrent, Vicious 2 (implanted) -
Name Reloads Type Qualities
Armour Piercing 3 Standard Piercing 2
Stun 1 Standard Biotech, Non-lethal, Stun
Banshee 2 Special Area (Close), Deafening, Non-lethal, Stun, Terrifying 3
Smoke Grenade 3 Grenade Disposable, Indiscriminate (Close), Non-lethal, Speculative Fire, Smoke 2, Thrown
Name Type Armour Soak BTS Qualities
Head Torso Arm Leg
Armoured Clothing Civilian 0 1 1 1 0 Hidden Armour 2, TO-Camo, Kinematica



  • Pattern Recognition

You may re-roll 1d20 when making an Analysis test.


  • Scout

You may re-roll 1d20 when making a Stealth test.

  • Quantronic Static

While hacking, any momentum spent to add dice to a Stealth test adds 2d20 instead of 1d20.


  • Hacker

When making an Infowar attack, you may re-roll damage dice equal to the number of Hacking talents obtained (4).

  • Tricks of the Trade

You may re-roll 1d20 when making a Hacking test.

  • Phisher

When making a Fake ID, the resulting ID gains +1 to its rating.

  • Piggyback

When initiating a remote hack, you gain a special pool of 4 momentum which can be spent on tests made to access your target, and also when gaining or improving the quality of authentication.


Device Claw Sword Shield Gadget IC Upgrades
Hacking Device Plus 2 1 2 3 2 Cybermask, Sucker Punch, White Noise
Type Programme Damage Qualities
CLAW-1 Gotcha! 1+5CD BE
CLAW-2 Overlord 1+5CD BE
CLAW-2 Oblivion 1+6CD BE
SWORD-1 Slasher 2+8CD Vicious 2
SHIELD-1 Exorcism - Special
SHIELD-2 Breakwater - Special
GADGET-1 Fairy Dust - Supportwear (long)
GADGET-1 Lockpicker - Supportwear (personal)
IC-2 Countermeasures - IC


  • CLAW-1 Gotcha!: on a successful attack, 2 momentum can be spent to grant the attack the immobilising quality.
  • CLAW-1 Overlord: on a successful attack, 1 momentum can be spent to inflict a special Breach Effect that forces the target's system to execute one command.
  • CLAW-2 Oblivion: on a successful attack, 2 momentum can be spent to create a special Breach Effect which forces all of the target's equipment into dumb mode (disabling Comms gear and inflicting +1 difficulty to tests using all other non-hackable equipment).


  • SWORD-1 Slasher: Slasher cannot inflict Breaches and has no effect if the target has no firewall remaining.


  • SHIELD-1 Exorcism: the programme grants a reaction whenever a Breach Effect is used to issue a command to the user's system. If the user succeeds at a face-to-face Hacking test against the hacker attempting to issue the command, it is ignored and the Breach Effect is immediately removed (though the Breach itself remains).
  • SHIELD-2 Breakwater: when the user of Breakwater makes a Defence of Guard Reaction using their Hacking skill, they inflict +2 difficulty to the opponent's attack test.


  • GADGET-1 Fairy Dust: when activated the user makes a Simple (D0) Hacking test. All allies within Long range gain +1CD Interference Soak per Momentum spent (to a maximum of 5).
  • GADGET-1 Lockpicker: when hacking a non-mobile target within Reach in a combat zone, Hacking tests are made at -1 difficulty.


Base adjustments: -1 Brawn|Willpower, +1 Agility|Coordination

Bodhisattva Lhost


  • Inured to Disease: immunity to the effects and symptoms of disease. Does not prevent being a carrier.
  • Keen Senses (Hearing, Sight, Smell): reduces the difficulty of Observation tests using the listed senses by two steps.
  • Night Vision: darkness does not increase the difficulty of Tests.
  • Quantronic Jump: represents the ability to jump from one Quantronic receptacle (such as an Lhost or remote) to another.
  • Superhuman (Agility|Awareness|Brawn) 1: 1 automatic success in the listed attributes. Potentially increases damage bonus and stress totals (pg.418).
  • +1 Armour Soak to all locations.
  • +2 BTS

Upaya: extensive bio-architectural optimisation grants +4 to Brawn

Virya: High-bandwidth immersion in the Maya datasphere widens one's perspective, providing +3 Morale and +2 Security Soak while connected.


  • Cube 2.0
  • Multithreaded Consciousness Adaptation
  • Nanopulser
  • Neural Comlog
  • Attribute Augmentation (Silk) x3 [full-body augmentation, +1 to all attributes per augmentation]
  • Nannie-Pump (cyberwear) [+1 BTS, +1 Resolve] - Aug, Comms