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Who cooks for movie night anyway.
Who cooks for movie night anyway.

===Alvah expelled, arrested and mad.===
====Alvah is 12 and gets in trouble in primary school====
"Miss Chambers, to the principals office, miss Chambers to the principals office." </br>
All eyes are on me again ugh i hate it. The teacher looks at me with a scowl and gestures to the door. </br>
Well at least i get to skip geography. So boring. </br>
Grabbing my bag i quietly leave the classroom. I hear snickers from some classmates and glare at them. </br>
But they are not impressed and only laugh harder. I will not let that get to me. </br>
The hallway is nice and quiet i concider walking by my locker to drop my bag off but decide to just go straight to the principal. Don't want her pissed off again. She can be so mean. </br>
As i enter the principals office i notice more people and a certain tension in the air. Shit the police. I concider leaving looking around for a way out.</br>
Mrs. Devons says i should sit down till i am called in.</br>
Two policemen look at me. One is a bully. I can see it in his face the way he looks the constant scowl on his face. Disgusted with the world and only he can better it. </br>
It is actually a form of cynicism. </br>
Yeah i recently stole a book from my schoolshrink. I wonder does dad know they have me talking with one. So far he did not have to sign anything. But then again he is alot away recently. He says there are some big troubles abroad that he needs to help sorting. I don't mind usually he comes back with wild stories and presents.</br>
I hear my name being called in an irritated and inpatient tone. Guess this is not the first time she calls me in. </br>
Considering leaving the scowlfaced policeman grabs me by the arm and drags me in. </br>
I just stare at him hissing between my teeth</br>
"Let me go, or i'll bite your hand off" </br>
The policeman laughs and pushes me in the office. </br>
A box with things stand on the desk of the principal she looks at me with disgust. I look about and see my father not here so i cross my arms over eachother. They can't do shit without my father present. </br>
Miss Chambers, you are expelled from school and charges are pressed against you in multiple counts of theft. Since your father is not reachable at the moment you will be taken in custody by the police. They will sort things further out. </br>
I can only stand there and stare at the woman. Does she know that the mole on her face has hairs coming out of it. She can easily have that fixed. </br>
Shaking my mesmerized stare </br>
"Hm what oh sure. But i will wait at home for my father. According to the law you can not easily take me in without his knowledge. He is out of country at the moment." </br>
Scowl face cop leans down hovering his face over me. Probably trying to be intimidating. He dares open his mouth </br>
"Oh what is that, you think you got the smarts. By the looks of you, you come from a weak incestuous family." He gestures to my face, i so want to bite his fingers off</br>
"See ma'am those eyes. That happens to dogs and cats when there is to much inbreeding. It is not strange that she is a young criminal she probably doesn't know better. You see her father and mother are probably also brother and sister..... " </br>
I know ue continues i hear some babbling in the back off my head but i see red. That is it noone talks shit about my parents. </br>
I jump up, gtab scowl faemce by his upper arm and swing my legs up. Coiling them around his neck i keep a constant pressure swinging my bag from my shoulder i hit the other cop in the face with it. </br>
Scowlface tries to pull me off of him so i start pushing my fingers in his eyes. Hooking my fingers in his eyesockets. </br>
The principal starts screaming a high pitched annoying scream. Scowlface starts banging himself against the wall causing me to lose my grip slightly. When i feel there is to much freedom i let go and let myself drop on the floor and roll through. Towards the door. If i am lucky i can make a run for it. </br>
Finish the roll and.... fuuuuuuu my whole body contracts spazzing on the ground. </br>
A kick in my ribs and i cough. Turning i see scowlface grab the tasergun from his colleague and press again. </br>
Trying to speak but it all kind of fades to black. </br>
Bright light above me. I feel i lay in a bed. A cheap matress with those plastic covers. </br>
Wondering what a sound is, i realise that it is me groaning. </br>
Supporting my head with my hand i stand up and look around. There is a steel door with bars in front of the window. And a small window on the opposite side also barred. </br>
Great i am in prison. </br>
I stand up test my legs then i notice my right arm is cuffed to the frame of my bed. </br>
I let out a scream of frustration. </br>
Noone... i was in the room alone for quite some time. Eventually i hear keys jingle and fiddle in the lock. A broader man enters in a light blue outfit. Well that is a weird guard uniform. </br>
No Alvah you ass think he is an orderly. You are not in prison. Fuck they found a way around.</br>
Mandatory out of house placement due to mental breakdown. I will be here till dad is home. </br>
Shit shit "SHIT" I exclaim. The orderly raises an eyebrow and nods. </br>
"Ah good you are awake and realise where you are. I am here to go over the rules with you. Behave and show you can work with us then you get more freedom. Due to your high aggressive nature you are confined in your room and will only recieve individual therapy." </br>
He keeps on talking even if i try to interupt. </br>
"Yes it is mandatory and if you are sick we will give you a bucket. </br>
I will remove fhe cuffs as the police want them back but know we have our own restraining methods. Medication is none negotiable you take them and perhaps in a week you may have some air outside." </br>
He moves closer ro remove the cuffs. Things go through my head to just break his nose and run. But perhaps if i want to get out faster i have to sit and wait till dad is here. I let him remove the cuffs and sit up straight. </br>
He hands me a cup with pills and a cup of water. Folding his arms over eachother hr nods. "Won't leave till you take them." </br>
Reluctantly i swallow the pills chase it with the water and show my tongue. The orderly nods. </br>
"Good get changed" i look at him</br>
"Alright leave." </br>
The orderly points to a stack of white clothing and slippers. </br>
"Change now. I need to see what you smuggle with." </br>
I don't know maybe i do belong here but something in my head just snapped. Before i knew it, i was watching myself hanging from the mans neck biting his ear. I did taste the metalic taste of blood and i feel his raised pulse as my fingers grab his neck thighter and thighter.</br>
I also feel a certaib serenity. Hm that is weird must be the meds. </br>
So i am strangling this man with such tranquility. Such poetry. </br>
I hear to late then alrm is blaring and when looking up there are near 10 people in the room. Dragging me off the orderly. Kicking and screaming they jab me with a needle. And slowly i feel my anger fade. And my vision fades and hmmm sleepy. </br>
Waking up in isolation. I try and wipe the now crusty drool from my face but my arms still won't cooperate. I make a daring attempt to sit up but i flop on the ground with the least bit of grace. Fuck it i'll be here. </br>
Don't know how much time passed. Not that it matters when you are so drugged up time is fast and slow at the same time. The door opens. Two orderlies grab me each by an arm and drag me with them ooooh that is why i can't move my arms. I now notice they restrained me. </br>
Somehow i start laughing apparently my drugged up me has humour. </br>
I am dragged in a room sat upon a chair and from the other room teo people enter one is frantically trying to convince the other of keeping me here. </br>
The other is Ryba! </br>
I am saved. </br>
He looks at me then turns to the orderly "why is she still restrained? And what drugs have you given her? " the orderly looks at the other man who hesitantly nods</br>
"Remove her restraints if you please. And sir she has had some antipsychotics, antidepressants and a heavy tranquilizer since a lower dose didn't work on her." </br>
The orderly carefully removes my restraints and steps back right away. Keeping a sharp eye on me. </br>
Hah what does he think i am going to do i am high as a kite.... oh kite flying that sounds like fun. </br>
Noooo focus. </br>
I can't follow the conversation but at a point i see Ryba signal me over. I stumble towards him and give him a hug</br>
"You are my bestest friend. You are my superman!" </br>
Now and then i blink out must be the meds. One moment i am next to Ryba, then i'm in a car. In a soft bed. Is that Ryba to who is he talking? </br>
Yeah night night.</br>
===Alvah hunts the hunters===
====Alvah is about 16 here and a talented ballerina====
Okey the turn up is pretty big. I know this is a known artist and he has some succes generally. </br>
But now i just feel a bit awkward. </br>
What happened is, i am in a ballet dance group. We have been asked by the artist to pose for his new work. </br>
So now is the artshowing and ofcourse we are invited. He did ask to come in ballet gear and since he compensates us why not. </br>
Other then a bit awkward to be stared at like this while not on stage and being intently watched along with the art. It is oke, just one evening. Smile and prance. </br>
So we are 2 hours in and dang my feet hurt. I walk around looking at the other girls how they are doing. </br>
Where is Lara. I ask around but noone has seen her. </br>
I know i am not the oldest in the group but i do feel responsible for them. I know i can defend them. </br>
Lara girl where are you. </br>
Asking around i hear that she has been talking with a slick looking guy. And he was really flirting with her according to the bartender. </br>
Asking one of the waiters i hear that Lara went to the back with the guy.</br>
Soft i mutter "Oh sweety why." </br>
I sneak out the back. And pitterpat my way through the hallway. </br>
Shit voices. I stand still listen control my breathing. </br>
I hear them talking two men. </br>
They are saying that dancers are so needy. Easy pickings, picking out the cute ones. </br>
Seriously! </br>
I don't see or hear Lara and my heart races.</br>
The voices fade. One goes to the outside and the other moves back to an entrance to the main gallery. </br>
And Lara is nowhere. Okey i have to fix this without causing a scene. Or ruining my clothes. </br>
I sneak to the outside which is surprisingly easy on my ballet flats. No i am not wearing my pointes today that would kill me. I chuckle in myself seeing an thief on pointes.... yeah... no. Sensible shoes.... always. The clothing fine. But don't skimp on footwear while thieving. </br>
Outside i see one of the two men talking with two others. They are smoking and leaning against the van. Laughing and clearly standing guard. </br>
I need to separate them. I move back to the main gallery before they would miss me. </br>
The guy that probably talked to Lara is talking to Michelle now and she is blushing..... how dare he... </br>
Moving as graceful as a hunting swan i get closer to Michelle. </br>
"Hey do you need something to drink? I am doing a round." </br>
Trying my best not to deathglare the guy. </br>
I think Michelle said no she shakes her head and a giggle like sounds come out. I look between the two. Right. Moving away. </br>
It is the guy. And he is using some sort of charm. </br>
Okey magic users or at least one. </br>
Those at the van must go first. </br>
My guess is that Lara is there. </br>
Alright time to make a plan. </br>
To the kitchen. I ask for a couple drinks. </br>
With those in hand i go back to the van</br>
I mutter a few small words swirl the drinks a bit. It is not strong but it would cause a bit of a bellyache. </br>
Putting on a sweet smile i walk in view of the men. </br>
"Hi there i was asked to bring these outside to you. He said that you might be thirsty. " </br>
I do the full works. Noticing my hips tilting my head a bit scrunching my nose and smiling. </br>
The guys eat it up, grab the drinks and ssk if i want to stay a bit with them. </br>
I nod and watch them. Drink their glasses empty. It should not take long. It was simple magic, a small word, a small intention. </br>
One of the guys looks uneasy and rubs his stomach. </br>
He excuses himself and walks off to the bushes. The other one goes to the front to grab something and the last one is mine. </br>
Now the great thing about swaying balletclothing is, layers and ribbons. I loosen one of the ribbons. Wrap it around one hand and then the other. Before he looks at me i jump on his back. </br>
Keeping the pressure on his throat i watch him struggle. My legs wrapped around him to support me. </br>
It doesn't take long till he is passed out. With the ribbon around his neck i drag him off.</br>
To the bushes somewhere. I hear his friend groaning there. Hah weak stomach. </br>
As silent as a murder wasp i jump the second guy. Giving him the same treatment. I don't bother dragging the second guy he can stay there. </br>
The third is already looking for his friends. </br>
I intentionally make a small sounds. He moves this way. </br>
Only a "what the..." and i wrapped thenribbon around his neck to. He is more of a fighter and beating my sides and legs. </br>
Asshole. That hurts. But the ribbon doesn't break it is quality fabric. And number three goes down to. </br>
I check my clothing in the streetlights and i am so happy no stains or anything.</br>
Yeah I rock! </br>
I open the van and find Lara tied up and gagged in the back. Releasing her i hug her tell her to be quiet for now and move back to where people are. In the hallway i see Michelle with the guy.</br>
I feel Lara her arm tighten around mine the spell clearly has no  hold on her. </br>
I tell Michelle to ckme with us but she doesn't listen the guy looks spooked because i have Lara. </br>
He looked spooked till my foot hit his nose. </br>
A few carefully placed hits and the guy is down. </br>
I sense the spell fading. He clearly has an item and doesn't do magic himself. Else it would have lingered longer. </br>
Sensing his body i find the ring. Rip it off his finger. Nod to the girls and we go back. I'll call someone to help clean up. </br>
But the show must go on. We are professional dancers afterall.</br>

Revision as of 20:24, 31 May 2021

Lady Alvah's Journals


Alvah's movie night

10 year old Alvah is having a movie night with some friends.

"Oh yeah of course, my dad isn't home we can have movie night at my place! "

Of course dad is not always home but he has the tendency to show up suddenly.
But he left earlier today usually he doesn't come back so fast.
The girls and I have been planning this for a bit now. I met them via my martial arts classes.
The boys always go to the arcade or go race their bikes or go to a movie. They never invite us, stupid boys.

I had already prepared for the girls to come over, made a path through the hedge and have a rope ready to climb to my room.
If Nigel finds out I am sure dad will learn of it too.

"So we all see each other at the corner. Bring snacks and such. "

Later that night we are all there. I lead them through the garden until we are under the balcony of my room. I hold out the rope and we help each other go up. On the balcony I open my door and we silently move in.
I hear the exclamations of the girls that I live in such a house.
I then turn around "so we all brought something do I need to get something from the kitchen? "

Lara holds out a back with corn kernels
"You have to pop these. I couldn't get popcorn ready in time. "
I sigh "fine salty or sweet? "
The decision became caramel with a short explanation of sugar in a pan above heat.

"Yeah yeah I'll make it. Just pick out some movies."

Quietly I move to the kitchen grabbing a few pans, butter sugar.

This shouldn't be that hard I thought.
Starting the popcorn I suddenly realize. Lid! Else the popcorn will fly everywhere. The haply popping sounds start.

Now for caramel. A pan sugar. How much should I use. Ah well fill it up and we will see .
So I am not known for my patience. Dad says I might still learn it as I am young but I am 11 I won't learn that anymore don't have the time before you know I am an adult and stuff.

A strange bitter smell enters my nose and looking in the sugar pan it still looks like sugar. Maybe I should not have used half the bag.
The popcorn is done I think it stopped popping. How long did you have to wait after that?
Just a bit longer I think.

That smell is really persistent. It really comes from the sugar pan.
Maybe add some water.

With a pitcher in one hand and a glove and the lid in the other I pour in the water.
Oh something is happening now.

Within a blink of an eye there is black sticky stinky stuff everywhere.
How did I not get burned.
Calmly I turn of the heat. Grab a note and pen from the fridge.

"Will clean up tomorrow tried to make popcorn. Oops"

I just grab a few bags of crisps and such from the pantry then. Who cooks for movie night anyway.

Alvah expelled, arrested and mad.

Alvah is 12 and gets in trouble in primary school

"Miss Chambers, to the principals office, miss Chambers to the principals office."
All eyes are on me again ugh i hate it. The teacher looks at me with a scowl and gestures to the door.
Well at least i get to skip geography. So boring.
Grabbing my bag i quietly leave the classroom. I hear snickers from some classmates and glare at them.
But they are not impressed and only laugh harder. I will not let that get to me.
The hallway is nice and quiet i concider walking by my locker to drop my bag off but decide to just go straight to the principal. Don't want her pissed off again. She can be so mean.
As i enter the principals office i notice more people and a certain tension in the air. Shit the police. I concider leaving looking around for a way out.
Mrs. Devons says i should sit down till i am called in.
Two policemen look at me. One is a bully. I can see it in his face the way he looks the constant scowl on his face. Disgusted with the world and only he can better it.
It is actually a form of cynicism.
Yeah i recently stole a book from my schoolshrink. I wonder does dad know they have me talking with one. So far he did not have to sign anything. But then again he is alot away recently. He says there are some big troubles abroad that he needs to help sorting. I don't mind usually he comes back with wild stories and presents.
I hear my name being called in an irritated and inpatient tone. Guess this is not the first time she calls me in.
Considering leaving the scowlfaced policeman grabs me by the arm and drags me in.
I just stare at him hissing between my teeth
"Let me go, or i'll bite your hand off"
The policeman laughs and pushes me in the office.
A box with things stand on the desk of the principal she looks at me with disgust. I look about and see my father not here so i cross my arms over eachother. They can't do shit without my father present.
Miss Chambers, you are expelled from school and charges are pressed against you in multiple counts of theft. Since your father is not reachable at the moment you will be taken in custody by the police. They will sort things further out.
I can only stand there and stare at the woman. Does she know that the mole on her face has hairs coming out of it. She can easily have that fixed.
Shaking my mesmerized stare
"Hm what oh sure. But i will wait at home for my father. According to the law you can not easily take me in without his knowledge. He is out of country at the moment."
Scowl face cop leans down hovering his face over me. Probably trying to be intimidating. He dares open his mouth
"Oh what is that, you think you got the smarts. By the looks of you, you come from a weak incestuous family." He gestures to my face, i so want to bite his fingers off
"See ma'am those eyes. That happens to dogs and cats when there is to much inbreeding. It is not strange that she is a young criminal she probably doesn't know better. You see her father and mother are probably also brother and sister..... "
I know ue continues i hear some babbling in the back off my head but i see red. That is it noone talks shit about my parents.
I jump up, gtab scowl faemce by his upper arm and swing my legs up. Coiling them around his neck i keep a constant pressure swinging my bag from my shoulder i hit the other cop in the face with it.
Scowlface tries to pull me off of him so i start pushing my fingers in his eyes. Hooking my fingers in his eyesockets.
The principal starts screaming a high pitched annoying scream. Scowlface starts banging himself against the wall causing me to lose my grip slightly. When i feel there is to much freedom i let go and let myself drop on the floor and roll through. Towards the door. If i am lucky i can make a run for it.
Finish the roll and.... fuuuuuuu my whole body contracts spazzing on the ground.
A kick in my ribs and i cough. Turning i see scowlface grab the tasergun from his colleague and press again.
Trying to speak but it all kind of fades to black.
Bright light above me. I feel i lay in a bed. A cheap matress with those plastic covers.
Wondering what a sound is, i realise that it is me groaning.
Supporting my head with my hand i stand up and look around. There is a steel door with bars in front of the window. And a small window on the opposite side also barred.
Great i am in prison.
I stand up test my legs then i notice my right arm is cuffed to the frame of my bed.
I let out a scream of frustration.
Noone... i was in the room alone for quite some time. Eventually i hear keys jingle and fiddle in the lock. A broader man enters in a light blue outfit. Well that is a weird guard uniform.
No Alvah you ass think he is an orderly. You are not in prison. Fuck they found a way around.
Mandatory out of house placement due to mental breakdown. I will be here till dad is home.
Shit shit "SHIT" I exclaim. The orderly raises an eyebrow and nods.
"Ah good you are awake and realise where you are. I am here to go over the rules with you. Behave and show you can work with us then you get more freedom. Due to your high aggressive nature you are confined in your room and will only recieve individual therapy."
He keeps on talking even if i try to interupt.
"Yes it is mandatory and if you are sick we will give you a bucket.
I will remove fhe cuffs as the police want them back but know we have our own restraining methods. Medication is none negotiable you take them and perhaps in a week you may have some air outside."
He moves closer ro remove the cuffs. Things go through my head to just break his nose and run. But perhaps if i want to get out faster i have to sit and wait till dad is here. I let him remove the cuffs and sit up straight.
He hands me a cup with pills and a cup of water. Folding his arms over eachother hr nods. "Won't leave till you take them."
Reluctantly i swallow the pills chase it with the water and show my tongue. The orderly nods.
"Good get changed" i look at him
"Alright leave."
The orderly points to a stack of white clothing and slippers.
"Change now. I need to see what you smuggle with."
I don't know maybe i do belong here but something in my head just snapped. Before i knew it, i was watching myself hanging from the mans neck biting his ear. I did taste the metalic taste of blood and i feel his raised pulse as my fingers grab his neck thighter and thighter.
I also feel a certaib serenity. Hm that is weird must be the meds.
So i am strangling this man with such tranquility. Such poetry.
I hear to late then alrm is blaring and when looking up there are near 10 people in the room. Dragging me off the orderly. Kicking and screaming they jab me with a needle. And slowly i feel my anger fade. And my vision fades and hmmm sleepy.
Waking up in isolation. I try and wipe the now crusty drool from my face but my arms still won't cooperate. I make a daring attempt to sit up but i flop on the ground with the least bit of grace. Fuck it i'll be here.
Don't know how much time passed. Not that it matters when you are so drugged up time is fast and slow at the same time. The door opens. Two orderlies grab me each by an arm and drag me with them ooooh that is why i can't move my arms. I now notice they restrained me.
Somehow i start laughing apparently my drugged up me has humour.
I am dragged in a room sat upon a chair and from the other room teo people enter one is frantically trying to convince the other of keeping me here.
The other is Ryba!
I am saved.
He looks at me then turns to the orderly "why is she still restrained? And what drugs have you given her? " the orderly looks at the other man who hesitantly nods
"Remove her restraints if you please. And sir she has had some antipsychotics, antidepressants and a heavy tranquilizer since a lower dose didn't work on her."
The orderly carefully removes my restraints and steps back right away. Keeping a sharp eye on me.
Hah what does he think i am going to do i am high as a kite.... oh kite flying that sounds like fun.
Noooo focus.
I can't follow the conversation but at a point i see Ryba signal me over. I stumble towards him and give him a hug
"You are my bestest friend. You are my superman!"
Now and then i blink out must be the meds. One moment i am next to Ryba, then i'm in a car. In a soft bed. Is that Ryba to who is he talking?
Yeah night night.

Alvah hunts the hunters

Alvah is about 16 here and a talented ballerina

Okey the turn up is pretty big. I know this is a known artist and he has some succes generally.
But now i just feel a bit awkward.
What happened is, i am in a ballet dance group. We have been asked by the artist to pose for his new work.
So now is the artshowing and ofcourse we are invited. He did ask to come in ballet gear and since he compensates us why not.
Other then a bit awkward to be stared at like this while not on stage and being intently watched along with the art. It is oke, just one evening. Smile and prance.
So we are 2 hours in and dang my feet hurt. I walk around looking at the other girls how they are doing.
Where is Lara. I ask around but noone has seen her.
I know i am not the oldest in the group but i do feel responsible for them. I know i can defend them.
Lara girl where are you.
Asking around i hear that she has been talking with a slick looking guy. And he was really flirting with her according to the bartender.
Asking one of the waiters i hear that Lara went to the back with the guy.
Soft i mutter "Oh sweety why."
I sneak out the back. And pitterpat my way through the hallway.
Shit voices. I stand still listen control my breathing.
I hear them talking two men.
They are saying that dancers are so needy. Easy pickings, picking out the cute ones.
I don't see or hear Lara and my heart races.
The voices fade. One goes to the outside and the other moves back to an entrance to the main gallery.
And Lara is nowhere. Okey i have to fix this without causing a scene. Or ruining my clothes.
I sneak to the outside which is surprisingly easy on my ballet flats. No i am not wearing my pointes today that would kill me. I chuckle in myself seeing an thief on pointes.... yeah... no. Sensible shoes.... always. The clothing fine. But don't skimp on footwear while thieving.
Outside i see one of the two men talking with two others. They are smoking and leaning against the van. Laughing and clearly standing guard.
I need to separate them. I move back to the main gallery before they would miss me.
The guy that probably talked to Lara is talking to Michelle now and she is blushing..... how dare he...
Moving as graceful as a hunting swan i get closer to Michelle.
"Hey do you need something to drink? I am doing a round."
Trying my best not to deathglare the guy.
I think Michelle said no she shakes her head and a giggle like sounds come out. I look between the two. Right. Moving away.
It is the guy. And he is using some sort of charm.
Okey magic users or at least one.
Those at the van must go first.
My guess is that Lara is there.
Alright time to make a plan.
To the kitchen. I ask for a couple drinks.
With those in hand i go back to the van
I mutter a few small words swirl the drinks a bit. It is not strong but it would cause a bit of a bellyache.
Putting on a sweet smile i walk in view of the men.
"Hi there i was asked to bring these outside to you. He said that you might be thirsty. "
I do the full works. Noticing my hips tilting my head a bit scrunching my nose and smiling.
The guys eat it up, grab the drinks and ssk if i want to stay a bit with them.
I nod and watch them. Drink their glasses empty. It should not take long. It was simple magic, a small word, a small intention.
One of the guys looks uneasy and rubs his stomach.
He excuses himself and walks off to the bushes. The other one goes to the front to grab something and the last one is mine.
Now the great thing about swaying balletclothing is, layers and ribbons. I loosen one of the ribbons. Wrap it around one hand and then the other. Before he looks at me i jump on his back.
Keeping the pressure on his throat i watch him struggle. My legs wrapped around him to support me.
It doesn't take long till he is passed out. With the ribbon around his neck i drag him off.
To the bushes somewhere. I hear his friend groaning there. Hah weak stomach.
As silent as a murder wasp i jump the second guy. Giving him the same treatment. I don't bother dragging the second guy he can stay there.
The third is already looking for his friends.
I intentionally make a small sounds. He moves this way.
Only a "what the..." and i wrapped thenribbon around his neck to. He is more of a fighter and beating my sides and legs.
Asshole. That hurts. But the ribbon doesn't break it is quality fabric. And number three goes down to.
I check my clothing in the streetlights and i am so happy no stains or anything.
Yeah I rock!
I open the van and find Lara tied up and gagged in the back. Releasing her i hug her tell her to be quiet for now and move back to where people are. In the hallway i see Michelle with the guy.
I feel Lara her arm tighten around mine the spell clearly has no hold on her.
I tell Michelle to ckme with us but she doesn't listen the guy looks spooked because i have Lara.
He looked spooked till my foot hit his nose.
A few carefully placed hits and the guy is down.
I sense the spell fading. He clearly has an item and doesn't do magic himself. Else it would have lingered longer.
Sensing his body i find the ring. Rip it off his finger. Nod to the girls and we go back. I'll call someone to help clean up.
But the show must go on. We are professional dancers afterall.








