Base 58: Difference between revisions

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! Traits
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|'''Pace:'''  6; '''Parry:''' 2; '''Toughness:''' 5
|'''Pace:'''  6; '''Parry:''' 2; '''Toughness:''' 5

Revision as of 22:35, 29 August 2021

Introduction and Background

You are a reject. Although the USSR is a modern, tolerant state you are unacceptable because of your unsanctioned views, sexuality, race, appearance or taste in music. Or perhaps you just pissed off someone powerful.

So you are now a conscript serving at base 58. If there is a kind, warm place in this vast country, this is the place it is furthest from. It is a cold, isolated, dilapidated, ancient shithole of a base for which there seems no sane reason. There is nothing to guard here, nothing but frozen bogs for miles. So here you squat with all the other perverts, traitors and misfits, waiting for you time to be over, in one way or another.

Player Briefing Document

For character creation you may use this setting on


IC Thread

OOC Thread



Setting Rules

The game runs using Savage Worlds Adventure Edition rules. Characters start as Novice and are conscripts in the army of the USSR and have a dissident or deviant past.


Gritty Damage
More skill Points

Active Characters

Katerina d'Katayev

"Kat" Traits
Pace: 8 [d8]; Size: -1; Parry: 4; Toughness: 6 (1)
Attributes: Agility d8; Smarts d8; Spirit d6; Strength d4; Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics* d8; Common Knowledge* d4; Drive d4, Electronics d6; Fighting d6; Notice* d8; Persuasion* d4; Repair d8; Shoot d6; Stealth* d6
Hindrances: Curious (M); Small (m); Quirk [Tall Tales] (m)

(Professional): McGyver [N, Sm 6, Repair 6, Notice 8] Quickly create improvised devices from scraps.

(Background) Fleet Footed [N, Ag 6] Pace +2, Running Die d8

Gear: AK 47 (3 clips); Makarov Pistol (2 clips); Survival Knife; Kevlar Vest (not worn); Kevlar Helmet; Thick Jacket; Winter Clothing/Gear; Camouflage Fatigues; Flashlight (10” beam); Lighter; Winter Boots

Contraband: Da's Toolkit (folding canvas kit that fits in jacket)

Played by: Brahnamin

Vasil Sarkissian (to edit in still)

Vasil Sarkissia Traits
Pace: 6; Parry: 5?; Toughness: 8 (2)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d6 8, Language (Native) d8, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d10, Thievery d10+1
Hindrances: Big Mouth (Can’t keep a secret very well. Reveals plans and gives away things best kept among friends, usually at the worst possible times)

Thin Skinned (major) (-4 to resist Taunt)

+1 to Stealth rolls in urban environment | +1 Thievery - see above)
Gear: Camouflage Fatigues, Winter Boots, Winter Gear (cloak/parka)
Armor: Kevlar Vest (police issue) (Armor 2), Kevlar helmet (Armor 4),
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), AK47 (7.62mm) (Range 24/48/96, Damage 2d8+1, ROF 3, AP 2), Makarov Pistol (9mm) (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, ROF 1, AP 1) 2x 8-round clips, Survival Knife (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4)
Current Load: ?? (??)
Played by: Sam I Am

Example Character - Toomas

Toomas "the Rat" Helin Traits
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (2)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6+2, Persuasion d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d10, Taunt d6
Hindrances: Big Mouth, Hesitant, Yellow
Edges: Alertness
Gear: Camouflage Fatigues, Winter Boots, Winter Gear (cloak/parka)
Armor: Kevlar Vest (police issue) (Armor 2), Kevlar helmet (Armor 4),
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), AK47 (7.62mm) (Range 24/48/96, Damage 2d8+1, ROF 3, AP 2),
Glock (9mm) (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, ROF 1, AP 1), Survival Knife (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4)
Current Load: 36 (41)
Played by: Player Name

Gregor Aleev

"Gregor" Traits
Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 5
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Language (Russian) d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d8+1, Research d6, Science d4, Shooting d4, Stealth d6, Survival d4
Hindrances: Big Mouth, Greedy (minor), Impulsive

(Professional): Attractive, Streetwise

Gear: AK 47 (3 magazines); Glock Pistol (2 magazines); Survival Knife; Kevlar Vest (not worn); Kevlar Helmet; Thick Jacket; Winter Clothing/Gear; Camouflage Fatigues; Flashlight (10” beam); Lighter; Winter Boots

Contraband: Stainless steel flask

Played by: Regular Guy]

Characters Killed in Action

Nicolai "Pockets" Bogdanov

Nikolai "Pockets" Bogdanov Traits
Attributes: Agility d8; Smarts d6; Spirit d6; Strength d6; Vigor d6;
Skills: Athletics d8; Common knowledge d6; Persuasion d6; Notice d6; Stealth d6; Thievery d8; Shooting d8; Fighting d6; driving d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Impulsive (M), Stubborn, Vengeful (m)
Edges: Luck, Scavenger

Armor Kevlar Vest (police issue) (Armor 2), Kevlar helmet (Armor 4) Weapons AK47 (7.62mm) (Range 24/48/96, Damage 2d8+1, ROF 3, AP 2), Makarov Pistol (9mm) (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, ROF 1, AP 1) 2x 8-round clips, Survival Knife (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4) Gear Camouflage Fatigues, Skeleton Key, Winter Boots, Winter Gear (cloak/parka)

Played by: Aurebesh