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'''CTS''' (Computer Targeting System) and the '''Smart System''' (as on the M-8L Gatline Smartgun): This comptuer targeting scope and compture allow that weilder a +1 to'' Shooting'' and can elimate up to 2 points of penalties due to range, cover and called shots. These bonuses stack with any other equipment enhancement and Edges. Wt. 1lb, Wealth -1</br>
'''CTS''' (Computer Targeting System) and the '''Smart System''' (as on the M-8L Gatline Smartgun): This comptuer targeting scope and compture allow that weilder a +1 to'' Shooting'' and can elimate up to 2 points of penalties due to range, cover and called shots. These bonuses stack with any other equipment enhancement and Edges. Wt. 1lb, Wealth -1</br>
'''FTI Tag''' (Friendly target identify): This small advesive chip is attached to a UTRPF soldier's uniform and allows targeting systems and Motion tracks to be indentify by others. In game terms Firing into Melee with this tag and the ABTS will not hit a friendly target even with a Critical Fumble. Weight is neglegable, Wealth +0</br>
'''FTI Tag''' (Friendly target identify): This small advesive chip is attached to a UTRPF soldier's uniform and allows targeting systems and Motion tracks to be indentify by others. In game terms Firing into Melee with this tag and the ABTS will not hit a friendly target even with a Critical Fumble. Weight is neglegable, Wealth +0</br>
'''Load Bearing Web Gear''': this web gear is attached to all UTRPF soldiers armor and allows you to carry up to 6 light item (no more then 2-3lbs) such as a Grenade, an standard ammo Clip (but not a ammo drum) a knife or 3 mini-grenades in each webbing slot. It is a free action to ready a item from this rig. This webbing adds no extra weight It is part of ones armor weight, Wealth +2
'''Load Bearing Web Gear''': this web gear is attached to all UTRPF soldiers armor and allows you to carry up to 6 light item (no more then 2-3lbs) such as a Grenade, an standard ammo Clip (but not a ammo drum) a knife or 3 mini-grenades in each webbing slot. It is a free action to ready a item from this rig. This webbing adds no extra weight It is part of ones armor weight, Wealth +2</br>
'''Combat Belt''': part of ones armor, this belt can carry ammo clips and drums, pistol, etc. up to 12lbs. total. Takes an action to Ready a item from the belt. It adds no extra weight, Wealth +2</br>
'''Combat Belt''': part of ones armor, this belt can carry ammo clips and drums, pistol, etc. up to 12lbs. total. Takes an action to Ready a item from the belt. It adds no extra weight, Wealth +2</br>
'''Rucksack''': A military backpack or belt pack that is reistant to tears, heat and cold, and that holds up to 20lbs of gear. It takes an extra Action to ready a weapon from it. Weight 1lbs empty, Wealth +2 </br>
'''Rucksack''': A military backpack or belt pack that is reistant to tears, heat and cold, and that holds up to 20lbs of gear. It takes an extra Action to ready a weapon from it. Weight 1lbs empty, Wealth +2 </br>

Revision as of 11:24, 1 November 2021

Based on the TSR setting Bughunters, these rules are a converion of the favor of that game to the Savage Worlds Adenture Edition (SWADE) with ideas and updates from the Science Fiction Companion (SFC).


Captain Harley set the ship down in the middle of the colony's main street. Somehow he managed not to land on any of the bodies.

I grabbed my medkit and checked my pistol. West was still vainly trying to raise someone on the radio.

"Give it up, Stanley," Clinton said as she hefted an assault rifle and popped the hatch.

Muggy air invaded the cabin. It bore green odors of the surrounding jungle and an undertone of nearer decay. Clinton wrinkled her nose, muttered an oath, and hopped out. She crossed the street to the chewed remains of a colonist. A shadow slid toward her.

"Look out!" I cried. Too late—a thing like a monkey mated with a wasp dropped from the sky and bore her to the ground. She went rigid when it stung her in the throat.

Cursing, I took careful aim with my pistol...

Mankind discoved safe interstellar travel in the late 21st century but finds the average human can't handle the physical stress outside of a stasis chamber. Synthetic humans (synths or synners) are cloned from paid average citizens, enhanced and sent out to protect human interests as they settle the cosmos. Along the way they have encounter hostile aliens.

Synners are "born" with all the memories of their hosts, given enhanced attributes, denser skeletons, plastic reinforced organ protection and preprogrammed skills. Only created to serve the United Terran Reconnaissance and Peacekeeping Force (UTRPF or utter-puff) spawning a human rights movement for them back home on Earth a place they themselves are forbidden from ever setting foot on.

They are slaves and heroes, envied and looked up, abused and entrusted with the future of the human race. PCs explore new worlds, pacify (ala exterminate all hostile life forms) them for colonization, perform SAR missions and combat hostiles.

Bughunters are understandably fatalistic. They don’t have much to look forward to in life except another dangerous mission to another dangerous rock to tangle with another dangerous alien life form. Their real reward isn’t their paycheck but the gratitude of the colonists whose lives they save.


Savage Worlds Adventure Edition -Setting Rules (pg. -145)

Gritty Wounds:
Wound Cap: a wound causes a max of 4 wounds each.
Wealth: as characters are in the military that provide their basic gear and 'owning' certain items is not allowed the basic Wealth die of a d6 and used for personal items like cloths or maybe a conputure (not weapons). Generally cannot have Proverty or Rich edges in the game but some origins have bonuses.


Arcane Background (Psionics): There are Psionics in this game along with the Psionic skill but this is very rare still. See notes below if a character wishes to play one.

Character Creation

  • Origin: Draw a Card from a standard Playing Card Deck. This will get you your basic Donor's origin and determines the basics of what and where your points for things like Attributes, Skills, Edgea and Hindrances can be spent.
  • Assign Traits, Edges and Hindrances: Based on your doner you determine your basic Traits, Skills, Edge(s) and Hindrances. This are limits in many cases to what skills you can take or Edges allowed and even Hindrances allowed. The points you spend on Hindrances are not limited in most cases BUT Edges must be Novice rank and skills that have a Donor Max listed must also be followed. No matter who or what your donor was you cannot have any Attributes bases less then d4 (before the cloning process).
  • Apply Cloning Processs Bonuses: The process to creating super soldiers means that you gain a +1 step to Agility and +2 steps to your Strength and Vigor. Also add +1 to Toughness and Edges Alertness, Brawny and Strong Willed. Then gain a bonus Edge (see list)
  • Pick and MOS you Qualify for and Apply Bonuses: After the clone process is done, newly 'born' synners are assigned a MOS based on their natural talents, skills and background. NOTE that their is one unusual MOS that is fairly uncommon etc. and that is Psionics specialist. This is extremely rare (and only a recent phenomenon discovered with the advent of space travel) so this Background Edge may only be taken by those Donors who have experienced space travel (Colonist or high ranking/rich folk who have been off world; ask your GM) or Clones who have unlocked this ability doing the cloning process. See the Cloning Process and Psionic Specialist under the MOS for more details.
  • Finishing Touches: Name, background story, etc. but also various affects and additonal details that can be added.

Doner Background

In order to qualify for the Cloning Process the Donor must report to a United Terran Donor Board to submit to multiple physical and metal interviews and tests. These review boards are only located on Earth, the Mars colony and the Alpha Centurior colony world of Ace-C-Two. Donors from other colonies or facilities would have had to traveled to one of the planets and stayed there a year to be able to donnate and so would have been restricted to certain backgrounds (those rich enough or access to transportation to do this). Work with the GM to see if its ok.
If they are approved they give a DNA sample and then over the course of a year report to the facility for every month for the Brain Copying-Transfering Personality Process that 'copies' and 'transfers' the Donor's personality and background into the still vat-growing Clone.
Why would anyone agree to this? Well the reasons are a varied as the Donor's themselves.

Draw a Card
2 of ♣ - Brainscan Failure!!!: The standard brain scan of a doner's personality and skills somehow failed (probably reulting in the death of the doner themselves!!). The character was force-grow to '18ish' as all other clones are but was 'born' with the memories of a baby! They had to under go 1-2 years of intense and very advanced memory and personality comuter generation implants along with experimental subliminal and auto-muscle stimulance to learn to read and write, walk and talk, basic personality creation and coping skills. If these were successful in creation a basic personality for the clone then They then are submitted to the UTRPF Basic Training course (about a year on average).
The character starts out with a d6 in all Attributes and 12 points for skills from the following list- Athletics, Battle (max d6), Common Knownledge (max d6), Drive, Fighting, Healing, Language, Notice, Persuasion (max d4), Piloting (max d4), Repair (max d6), Shooting and Stealth. You gain one Combat or Weird Edge as part of your background (use the Born a Hero setting for these Edge ignoring Rank requirement for it). You automatically gain a Hindrance called Blank Slate this is your major Hindrance choice and it means you have Reduced Core Skill (Persuasion) and Skill Penalty (Common Knowledge -2). You can take most other Minor Hindrances as you character is slowly building her own personality by the start of the game.

2 of ♦,♥, ♠ - Criminal: Generally anyone with a criminal record is not accepted by the Review Board of the United Earth Gov for cloning of their synner process. But you somehow slipped through (either by somehow avoiding the law and never being arrested or by having a really great fake ID tag).
You start with 5 points for Attributes and 12 points for the following Skills - Athletics, Common Knowledge, Drive, Electronics (max d6), Fighting, Gambling, Hacking, Intimidate, Language, Notice, Performance, Persuasion, Repair (max d6), Research (max d6), Shooting, Stealth, Taunt, Thievery. You gain one free Background (except any Arcane Backgrounds, Aristocrat, Fame or Rich), Social or Weird Edges or also Thief if you qualify for it. You must have some level of Secret or Shamed (if your past is known) as one of your Hindrences.

3-8 of ♣,♦, ♥, ♠ - Unemployed: The vast majority of the citizen of Earth are unemployed. This is because technology, automation and higher skill levels are required and so much is produced that not everyone needs a job. The United Terran Government provide everyone with shelter, basic medical needs, entertainment (though in home VR and VIDCOM providers and spoundering various Sporting and Entertaining Events around the world for low cost in-person attendence), food and a stipen to all citizens. Most have an increably boring life and do whatever they can to entertain themself. More then a few fall to petty crime which can lead to disqualification in most case. But more are just bored and looking for a little excitement. They dream about what adventures their clone is facing out there in the black. And the extra Donor Stipend does not hurt!
You have 5 points for Attributres and 12 points for the following Skills - Athletics, Common Knowledge, Fighting, Gambling, Intimidate, Language, Notice, Performance, Persuasion, Repair (max d4), Research (max d4), Shoot, Stealth, Taunt. You gain one free Background (except for any Arcane Background, Aristocrat, Fame or Rich), Social or Weird Edges or the Brawler Edge so long as you qualify for it..

9-10 of ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠ - Under Employed/Unskilled Worker: This could be a part-time worker or include such work as a Cashiers, Converient Store Clerks, Cleaning Crew, Waiters, Receptionist, Park Lot Attendents, etc. (kind of rare and many of these jobs have been replaced by automated), are those few lucky (or unlucky depending) enough to have scored one of the few remaining positions in this field. Their jobs are dull but for some its better then sitting at home and watched VIDCOM all day. They often volunteer for the Donor process must for the same reasons that the unemployed do.
You have 5 points for Attributres and 12 points for the following Skills - Athletics, Common Knowledge, Electronics (max d4), Fighting, Gambling, Intimidate, Language, Notice, Performance, Persuasion, Repair (max d4), Research (max d4), Shoot, Stealth, Taunt. You gain one free Background (except for any Arcane Background, Aristocrat, Fame or Rich), Social or Weird Edges so long as you qualify for it.

Jack of ♣ - Factory Worker
You have 5 points for Attributres and 12 points for the following Skills - Athletics, Common Knowledge, Electronics, Fighting, Gambling, Healing (max d6), Intimidate, Language, Notice, Performance, Persuasion, Repair, Research (max d4), Shoot, Stealth, Taunt. You gain one free Background (except for any Arcane Background, Aristocrat, Fame or Rich), Social or Weird Edges or the Brawler or Mr. Fix It Edge so long as you qualify for it.

Jack of ♦ - Colonist
You have 5 points for Attributres and 12 points for the following Skills - Athletics, Boating, Common Knowledge, Drive, Electronics, Fighting, Gambling, Healing, Intimidate, Language, Notice, Persuasion, Pilot, Repair, Research (max d4), Ride, Shooting, Stealth, Survival. You gain one free Background (except for Aristocrat, Fame or Rich), Social or Weird Edges or the Brawler, McGyver, Mr. Fix It or Woodsman Edge so long as you qualify for it.

Jack of ♥ - Educator
You have 5 points for Attributres and 12 points for the following Skills - Academics, Athletics, Battle, Common Knowledge, Electronics, Gambling, Healing, Intimidate, Language, Notice, Performance, Persuasion, Repair (max d6), Research, Science, Taunt. You gain one free Background (except for any Arcane Background, Aristocrat, Fame or Rich), Social or Weird Edges or the Scholar Edge so long as you qualify for it.

Jack of ♠ - Law Enforcement Officer
You have 5 points for Attributres and 12 points for the following Skills - Athletics, Boating, Common Knowledge, Drive, Gambling, Fighting, Healing, Intimidate, Language, Notice, Persuasion, Repair (max d4), Research, Shooting, Stealth, Taunt. You gain one free Background (except for any Arcane Background, Aristocrat, Fame or Rich), Combat, Social or Weird Edges or the Investigator Edge so long as you qualify for it.

Queen of ♣ - Professional: These range from Research Scientists, Sports Figures (not as famous as celebrites), Corporate Lawyers, Office Managers, to College Professor who do little teaching, etc.
You have 5 points for Attributres and 12 points for the following Skills - Academics, Athletics, Battle, Boating, Common Knowledge, Drive, Electronocs, Gambling, Intimidate, Language, Notice, Persuasion, Repair, Research, Shooting, Taunt. You gain one free Background (except for any Arcane Background, Aristocrat, Fame or Rich), Professional, Social or Weird Edges so long as you qualify for it.

Queen of ♦ - Military Enlisted
You have 5 points for Attributres and 12 points for the following Skills - Athletics, Battle (max d4), Boating, Common Knowledge, Drive, Gambling, Fighting, Healing, Intimidate, Language, Notice, Persuasion, Repair (max d4), Shooting, Stealth, Survial, Taunt. You gain one free Background (except for any Arcane Background, Aristocrat, Fame or Rich), Combat, Social or Weird Edges or the Soldiers Edge so long as you qualify for it.

Queen of ♥ - Doctor/Medical Specialist
You have 5 points for Attributres and 12 points for the following Skills - Academics, Athletics, Common Knowledge, Healing, Intimidate, Language, Notice, Persuasion, Repair (max d6), Research, Science, Taunt. You gain one free Background (except for any Arcane Background, Aristocrat, Fame or Rich), Social or Weird Edges or the Scholar (Healing, Research or Science) Edge so long as you qualify for it.

Queen of ♠ - Bureaucrat/Goverment Offical
You have 5 points for Attributres and 12 points for the following Skills - Academics, Athletics, Battle, Boating, Common Knowledge, Drive, Electronocs, Gambling, Intimidate, Language, Notice, Persuasion, Repair, Research, Shooting, Taunt. You gain one free Background (except for any Arcane Background, Aristocrat, Fame or Rich), Professional, Social or Weird Edges so long as you qualify for it.

King of ♣ - 'Celebrity: Any thing from singing sensation to a football star to a famous actoress, the Celebrity enjoyed a comfortable and rich lifestyle full of fame and fortune.
You have 5 points for Attributres and 12 points for any allowed Skills. You gain one free Background (except for any Arcane Background, Aristocrat or Rich), Social or Weird Edges or the Acrobatic or Jack-of-All-Trade Edges so long as you qualify for it.

King of ♦ - Military Officer:
You have 5 points for Attributres and 12 points for the following Skills - Athletics, Battle, Boating, Common Knowledge, Drive, Gambling, Fighting, Healing, Intimidate, Language, Notice, Persuasion, Repair (max d4), Shooting, Stealth, Survial, Taunt. You gain one free Background (except for any Arcane Background, Aristocrat, Fame or Rich), Combat, Leadership, Social or Weird Edges or the Soldiers Edge so long as you qualify for it.

King of ♥ - Millionaire
You have 5 points for Attributres and 12 points for any allowed Skills. You gain one free Background (except for any Arcane Background or Aristocrat), Combat, Leadership, Social or Weird Edges so long as you qualify for it.

King of ♠ - High Ranking Government Offical
You have 5 points for Attributres and 12 points for any allowed Skills. You gain one free Background (except for any Arcane Background), Combat, Leadership, Social or Weird Edges so long as you qualify for it.

Black JOKER - Billionaire/Ultra Rich
You have 5 points for Attributres and 12 points for any allowed Skills. You gain one free Background (except for any Arcane Background), Combat, Leadership, Social or Weird Edges so long as you qualify for it.

Red JOKER - Player's Choice/Wild Card: Your donor is an exception or something not cover here. As such you are allowed to spend you Attributes, Skills and free Background edge on any allowed items within the SWADE. Explain or come up with whatever you want. Maybe you are a Star Ship Pilot, an Exterme Sports Explorer, a

  • NOTE that any Physical Hindrance that the Donor may had had are fixed in the Cloning Process. Also certain Mental Hindrances would disqualify a person from the donor process. For this case, as the donor's reflect the backgrounds and basic abilities of the Clone the following Hindrances are Disallowed for characters -- Anemic, Arrogant, Bad Eyes (Major), Blind, Bloodthirsty, Delusional (Major), Elderly, Greedy (Major), Habit (Major), Hard of Hearing (Major), Illiterate, Jealous (Major), Mute, Obese, Obligation, One Arm, One Eye, Outsider (Major), Pacifist, Phobia (Major), Small, Suspicious (Major), Vengeful (Major), Wanted, Young.
  • NOTE that for certain High Ranking donors that the character is allowed to take Edges like Aristocrat, Fame or Rich. How this would work is that the other soldiers might recognize you and treat you differently or you donor will pull-strings to keep an eye on you so that the bass treats you favoribly and grant you access to a 'fund' for extra cash.
  • NOTE that the Arcane Background (Psionics) or Arcane Resistance are generally not allowed as your Human bonus feat choice from those listed here. However with the GM permission (see above) you can work it into your background why you might have gained these abilities. If your Donor was a psychics and you gained these ability you must also choice the Hindrances Anemic (Minor) and Outsider (Minor) automatically.

Cloning Process

This process takes about a year to vat-grow a subject based on their DNA that are extracted at the beginning. During this year long process they also implanted with the memories of the Donor through brain copying-transfering to the clone.

After they are 'born' into 18ish year old bodies they go through a two-month reflective training (to relearn how to use this younger, stronger body) and then a 8 month UTRPF Basic Training. After that they report to a six month MOS training program (see next step).

These new born bodies not only are they younger version of the donors (in most case very much younger) but they have also been generitically enhanced and have had their bone structure reinforced and made denser and have had bioplastic implants to cover certain vital area of their bodies.

  • These process has made them a supersoldiers! Game wise, add +1 step to Agility and +2 steps to your Strength and Vigor. Also add +1 to Toughness and Edges Alertness, Brawny and Strong Willed.
  • Basic Training grants you +6 skill points that can be spent on the follwing skills - Battle, Drive, Electronics, Fighting, Healing, Intimidate, Notice, Repair, Shooting, Stealth, Survival.
  • Then gain a bonus Edge that can include and Combat or Leadership Edge so long as you qualify (Note that for this edge use the Born A Hero setting rule and ignore Rank requirements).
If the character wants they can also choice the Arcane Background (Psionics) and skill Psionics d6 during this time. If so they also gain the Hindrances Anemic (Minor) and Outsider (Minor). These Hindrances can exceed the standard Hindarances (1 Major and 2 Minor). If gained during the Donor process the character must have applied these hindrance to their character as part of their background. They don't gain extra hindrance as it where, nore the skill.

Military Specialty Occupation (MSO) Training

After cloning, physical & mental and basic training process the character is assigned an MOS that he or she is most qualified for. There are two branchs within the UTRPF served by Synners - The Navy and Army. Characters for this game are all in the Army.
Note of course that no one in the UTRPF service is a simply a riflemen or just a scout, everyone gets some extra training in what ever field is needed.

Electronic/Tech/Communications Specialist:
Min Requirements: Smarts d6+; Electronics d6+, Repair d6+. Shooting d6+
Bonues: any one Combat Edge and either Mr. Fix It or Soldier Edge (ignore requirements) plus +4 skill points in Elecronics, Hacking, Repair or Thievery

Heavy Weapons Specialist:
Min Requirements: Strength d10+, Vigor d10+; Battle d4+, Notice d6+, Repair d6+, Shooting d6+
Bonues: any one Combat Edge and either the Rock-And-Roll or Soldier Edge (ignore requirement)

Medic Specialist:
Min Requirements: Smarts d6+, Spirits d6+; Healing d6+
Bonues: any one Combat Edge and either Healer or Soldier Edge (ignore requirements) plus add +4 skill points in Healing, Shooting and Stealth.

Riflemen/Combat Engineering Specialist:
Min Requirements: Smarts d6+; Battle d4+, Fighting d4+, Notice d6+, Repair d4+, Stealth d6+, Shooting d6+, Survival d4+
Bonues: any one Combat Edge and either Jack-Of-All-Trades, McGyver or Soldier edge (ignore requirements) plus add +4 skill points Battle, Fighting, Notice, Repair, Stealth, Survival,

Scout/Sniper Specialist:
Min Requirements: Agility d8+, Smarts d6+; Notice d6+, Shooting d8+, Stealth d8+, Survival d4+
Bonues: any one Combat Edge and either Thief or Woodsmen Edge (ignore requirements) plus add +4 skill points in Notice, Shooting, Stealth, Survial.

Min Requirements: Smarts d6+, Spirits d6+; Battle d6+, Intimidate d4+, Persuasion d6+, Shooting d6+
Bonues: any one Combat Edge and the Command Edge or any other Leadership edge (if you already haev Command; ignore requirements) plus +4 skills in Battle, Intimidate or Persuasion.

Optional Psionic Specialist
Min Requirements: Smarts d6+, Spirits d6+; Arcane Background (Psionics); Psionics d6+
Bonues: any Combat or Power Edge or +1 step to your Smarts (pick two) plus +4 in Notice, Occult, Psionics, Persuasion

Finishing Touches

New and Modified Hindrances and Edges

Updated Skill Usage



Medieval and Modern Melee Weapons are purchased per SWA pg. 72. Using the Wealth dice as relics and collectables.


Name Armor Tough Ballistic Min Str Weight Wealth Pen Covers
Infantry Vest +4 +0 -4 d4 6 +0 Torso
Infantry Body Armor +4 +0 -4 d4 8 +0 Torso, arms, legs
Infranty Helm +4 +1 -4 d6 2 -1 Head-- optional full face (but then -1 Notice with Vision)
Light Combat Armor +5 +2 -4 d6 10 -2 Torso, arms, legs, head-- optional full face (but then -1 Notice with Vision)
Medium Combat Armor +8 +2 -4 d8 16 -3 Torso, arms, legs, head-- optional full face (but then -1 Notice with Vision)
Armored Envro Suit +5 +2 -2 d8 18 -3 Full Body (-1 Notice with Vision)
Tactical Vaccumsuit +4 +1 -2 d8 14 -3 Full Body (-1 Notice with Vision)
Armored Vaccumsuit +6 +2 -2 d8 24 -3 Full Body (-1 Notice with Vision)

Infantry Vest: Private Secruity and poorer National Military.
Infrantry Armor: Private Secruity and poorer National Military.
Infrantry Helm: Private Secruity and poorer National Military.
Light Combat Armor: Can be fully sealed for 6 hours of breathable air. After that filters adding +2 to all inhaled and touch based toxins.
Medium Combat Armor: Military. Can be fully sealed for 6 hours of breathable air. After that filters adding +2 to all inhaled and touch based toxins.
Arnored Enviro Suit: Military. Can be fully sealed for 12 hours of breathable air. After that filters adding +4 to all inhaled and touch based toxins.
Tactical Vaccumsuit: Naval Military. Provides 18 hours of full life support
Arnored Vaccumsuit: Military. Provides 18 hours of full life support


Medieval and Modern Melee Weapons and Bows and Crossbows are purchased per SWA pg. 72. Using the Wealth dice as relics and collectables.
Compound Bows, Muskets and Modern Firearms, Heavy weapons etc. can be purchased from SWADE but are very rare and many are fairly illegal for inviduals to own (heavy weapons that is).

Melee Weapons

Future Melee Weapons use the following Mods and costs.
Molecular Blade: Edged weapons such as daggers or swords can be given a monofilament, “molecular,” or extremely thin edge, making them far sharper than usual. This gives the weapon +2 damage and adds half its damage die type in AP (+2 AP for a d4, +4 AP for a d8, etc.). Molecular blades require no power. Wealth check -2
Stun Charge: Blunt weapons can be rigged to deliver a stunning charge of energy. After a target is hit by the weapon (including a Touch Attack that deal no damage but gain +2 to Fighting rolls to hit), resolve damage. If the target is successful hit it must make a Vigor check -2 (-4 with a raise) or are Stunned (SWADE pg. 106). At the start of each subsequent action, he makes a Vigor roll to revive. Success means he revives but is Distracted and Vulnerable until his next action. With raise means he revives instantly and is not Distracted and Vulnerable. An unpowered stun weapon does normal damage. Wealth check +0
Vibro Blade: Any bladed weapon, such as a sword or axe, can be fitted with a fine microwire that is made to vibrate at extremely high frequencies. Vibro blades are extremely loud, but adds one die steps damage and increase AP +2 to the weapon’s basic statistics. Unpowered, the blade is a normal weapon of its type. The power cell add 1/4 the basic weapons weight and lasts for one hour of continues use. Wealth check -2.

Personal Ranged Weapons

Name Range Damage AP ROF Shots Min Str Wt Wealth Pen Notes
Stub X Palm Pistol 8/16/32 2d4+1 2 1 8 d4 2 +0 Holdout
S&W 'Zapper' Taser Pistol 5/10/20 Stun 0 1 8 d4 2 +0 Holdout, Stunning
Colt Manhunter M7 Auto Pistol 12/24/48 2d6+1 2 1 17 d6 3 +0 Caseless
S&W Sterline Revolver 12/24/48 2d6+2 2 1 6 d6 3 +0 -
Glock 'Hand Cannon' Pistol 15/30/60 2d8+1 4 1 5 d8 5 -1 1½ handed
Volkov 'Shrieker' Gyro Pistol 15/30/60 2d8* 8 1 8 d8 -2 1½ handed, HW, SBT
Weiss MXP Machine Pistol 10/20/40 2d6 1 3 24 d4 4 -1 Holdout, Suppresser
Fusia F3m SMG 18/36/72 2d6+2 1 3 80 d6 8 -2 3RB, 1½ handed, Low-G setting, Suppresser
Ingrum-Martin IM3X SMG 18/36/72 2d6+2 1 3 40 d6 6 -1 3RB, 1½ handed, Silencer
Volkov 'Trencher' Shotgun Pistol 5/10/20 1-3d6 0 1 or 2 2 d6 5 +1 1½ handed, Shotgun
Remi-Genn Pump Action 6 Shotgun 12/24/48 1-3d6 0 1 7 d6 8 +1 Shotgun, Two-Handed
Mossberg 'Wraith' Combat Shotgun 12/24/48 1-3d6 0 3 20 d8 18 -1 3RB, Shotgun, Two-Handed
M-25a Pulse Rifle 30/60/120 2d10 2 3 100 d8 14 -2 3RB, Low-G setting, Caseless, Two-Handed
M3a Grenade Launcher 24/48/96 varies varies 1 1 d6 2 +0 1½ handed
M3 Grenade Launcher 24/48/96 varies varies 4 1 d6 5 +0 1½ handed
Ingram-Martin 3XC 'Big Mama' Grenade Rifle 24/48/96 varies varies 1 12 d6 20 -1 Two-Handed
M-8L Gatline 'Howler' Smartgun 40/80/160 2d10 2 4 200 d10 26 -4 Smart-Fire System, Snapshot, Two-Handed
Fusia 'Gorgon' Gyro Rifle 30/50/120 2d8 8 1 20 d8 14 -2 HW, SMT, Two-Handed
M52 Flame Gun Blast 3d6 0 1 15 d6 16 -1 Fire, Two-Handed
X-A2 'Ignis' Laser Rifle 40/80/160 2d6+1 2 3 60 d6 17 -2 Cauterization, No Recoil, Snapshot, Two-Handed
X-C5 'Höllenfeuer' Sniper Laser Rifle 60/120/240 2d10+1 4 1 20 d6 20 -2 Cauterization, No Recoil, Snapshot, Two-Handed
Remi-Gen 'Smasher' Anti-Matheral Gun 30/60/120 4d8 20 1 10 d10 32 -4 Caseless, HW, SBT, Snapshot, Two-Handed
Argen 'Triple-Betty' Missile Launcher 75/150/300 5d8 20 1 3 d8 24 -3 HW, Misssile, MBT, Snapshot, Two-Handed
Locheed-Nolen Mortar 50/100/200 varies varies 1 1 d4* 50 -1 HW, Mortar

Standard Gear

These items tend to be carried by some troopers in all missions.
Tactical Helm Com and Camera Rig: this communications mic and camera rig allows the soldiers to communicate with command staff and transmit viedo back to their location within about 5 miles (in optinal conditions). Weight is neglegable, Wealth -1
Shoulder Tac Lamp: This robust shoulder mounted lamp can project a beam out to 40" (80 yds) that cancels Piitch Black illumination within its beam. Weight 1lb, , Wealth +1
ABTS (Asset-Based Targeting System): this is attacked to a weapon scope allowing for the computer system to indentify possible friendly targets and civilians so as not to fire on them directly. In game terms this firing into melee will only hit a bystandard on a 1 on the Shooting dice if using Autofire or a Critical Fumble with ROF 1. Weight is neglegable, Wealth +0
CTS (Computer Targeting System) and the Smart System (as on the M-8L Gatline Smartgun): This comptuer targeting scope and compture allow that weilder a +1 to Shooting and can elimate up to 2 points of penalties due to range, cover and called shots. These bonuses stack with any other equipment enhancement and Edges. Wt. 1lb, Wealth -1
FTI Tag (Friendly target identify): This small advesive chip is attached to a UTRPF soldier's uniform and allows targeting systems and Motion tracks to be indentify by others. In game terms Firing into Melee with this tag and the ABTS will not hit a friendly target even with a Critical Fumble. Weight is neglegable, Wealth +0
Load Bearing Web Gear: this web gear is attached to all UTRPF soldiers armor and allows you to carry up to 6 light item (no more then 2-3lbs) such as a Grenade, an standard ammo Clip (but not a ammo drum) a knife or 3 mini-grenades in each webbing slot. It is a free action to ready a item from this rig. This webbing adds no extra weight It is part of ones armor weight, Wealth +2
Combat Belt: part of ones armor, this belt can carry ammo clips and drums, pistol, etc. up to 12lbs. total. Takes an action to Ready a item from the belt. It adds no extra weight, Wealth +2
Rucksack: A military backpack or belt pack that is reistant to tears, heat and cold, and that holds up to 20lbs of gear. It takes an extra Action to ready a weapon from it. Weight 1lbs empty, Wealth +2
Long Range Com Rig: Shoulder mounted pack (think football shoulder pad) with satellite uplink unit, that can route squads radio and vidcam transmits back to command. Range with satellites can be routed planetary wide, otherwise tranmit range is around 100 miles. Wt. 5lbs, Wealth -1
Mini-Electronics Repair Kit: required for electrical systems, computers, etc. Electronic and Repair checks. Can also be used for electrical Hacking and Thievery of locks and security systems. Wt. 5lbs, Wealth +0
Weapon Harness Gimble: body harness and built in stablizer motor that is attached to a heavy weapon (like the 'Howler'). Negates penalties for recoil (like the Rock-An-Roll Edge). It also allowes an additional +1 to Shooting when aiming with stablizer. Cannot move to ignore recoil penalties. If the weilder does have the Rock-An-Roll Edge, whent moving the recoil penalty is reduce to -1 each attack. Wt. 10lb, Wealth -1
First Aid Kit: basic disposable healers kit (+1 Healing, takesn 1d4 minutes) 3 uses. Wt. 2lbs, Wealth +1
Advanced Field Medical Kit: Includes autoinjector and medical diagnosis scanner (+2 Healing, takes 2d6 rounds; also can ads +2 to Heroic recovery; no penalty or bonus for unskilled). 10 uses (replacement 5lb). Wt. 12lbs, Wealth -1
Camo Cloak: Advanced cloak that uses computer assisted patter changer with background, adding +2 to Stealth when motionless and +1 when moving up to Pace 6. Wt. 3lbs, Wealth -3
Tactical Pullout Flat-Screen Map': These roll-out flexable flat-screen plastic display map can call up local maps, zooming in or out as needed. Map quality depends on satellite imaging and local mapping usage. Grades +2 to Survival when locating or moving over long distance. Wt. 2lbs, Wealth +0
Electrobinoculars: computer enhanced macrobinoculars, add +2 to vision-based Notice with a penalty of -1 per 1,000 yards (500”). Wt. 2lbs, Wealth +0
UTRPF Ration Packs: Advanced nution packs of food that can sustain a full grown supersoldier for a day. 1lb each, Wealth +2 for four days.
Filter Cantens: Light weight advanced bioplastic with filtration system for re-rilling in the field. Wt.0.1lb empty, 4lbs full, Wealth +2
Personal Basic/Mesh Kit: Items for daily care in the filed. Suffer a Survival -1 without them. Wt. 1lb, Wealth +4

These items are genearally available on request. Items listed above and additional weapons are optional of the command staff to give out
Explosives Detector: hand-wand scanner unit (Detect – Explosives, Electronics +2). Wt. 2lbs, Wealth -1
Matter Cutter/Wielder: These devices use ultrasonics lasers with molecular disruption to make narrow cuts through matter or seal a cut. Each .5” wide, foot long, foot deep cut requires a single round (real world measurements, not game inches). Double the time required for every full 30 points of Armor the material has. As an improvised melee weapon. Sealing works the same if the surfaces can be joined. if used as an Improvised weapon it causes 2d8 Damage with AP 10, Str Min d6, but subtracts 2 from Fighting checks and to weilder Parry score. Has full for 10 rounds of us. Wt. 4lbs, Wealth -2

When carrying out missions that required special atmospheric and chemical, bioharzored or nuclear harzards or vaccum conditions soldiers replace their standard armor with an Armored Enviro-Suit or Vaccum Suit and are issued...
Adhesive Patches: small squares bio-metallic adhesive patches are a quick puncture repair kit. One patch is required for each breach. It generally takes an action to apply to each tear. While there is no skill check multi-action penalties can apply if doing anything else. Wt. 1lb for 4 patches, Wealth +2/for 4.

For Zero-G environments replace the standard issue SMG and Pulse Rifles (and mini-grenades) with the X-A2 'Ignis' Laser Rifle (17lbs) and extra powercell (5lbs)

For long-term reconnaissance missions...
Generally the standard combat load loses extra grenades and ammo clips to carry extra food and water along with...
Energy Tent: An easy-to-assemble 2-man tent using energy sheet material that can absorbs and releases energy to provide environmental protection from about 150° Fahrenheit down to about –50°. Once charged, it retains enough energy for 72 hours of continuous use. The tent and collapsible poles are contained in a small drawstring bag. Wt. 2lbs, Wealth +0

Cargo Loader: Essentially power armor without the communications gear or protection, this powerful piece of hardware has a Strength of d12+6 and a Pace of 2. It has two arms with crude, blunt pincers to lift, carry, and load heavy cargo (up to 2,000lbs). The pincers are awkward if used for combat and act as an Improvised Weapon (–2 Fighting and Parry). They cause Str+d6 damage. Wt. 1,500lbs, Wealth -4

Medical Drugs
A standard Medic's Advanced Field Medical Kit carries 2 each doses. Price -2.

Antibiotics: adds +2 to checks to recover from any most disease.
Antitoxin: adds +2 to any checks to resist or recover from any known toxin or poison, both inhaled or injected (positive or negative) but painful to administer. After taking drug Distracted and Vulnerable for 2d6 rounds. Wealth +1 each dose
Calm Mind: adds +2 to any check for a subject to recover from temporary madness or other mental states. Wealth +1 each dose
Healing Spray: if applied within 10 minutes of suffering a wound, adds a +2 to a subjects' Vigor check. Success heals one Wound. Wealth +1 each dose
Painkiller: allows the subject to ignore up to 2 points of Wound Penalty for 1d4+2 hours. Wealth +1 each dose
Radcleaser: adds +4 to any check to recover from radiation poisoning and damage. Wealth +0 each dose
Stimulant: non-addictive stimulant that allows the subject to ignore 2 points of Fatigue causes by lack of sleep or similar situations for 1d4+4 hours. Wealth +1 each dose

Non-Standard Drugs...

Frenzon: combat drug, lasts 1d10 minutes. Immunity to fear and gain the Frenzy edge. Wt. nil, Wealth +0 per dose. Illegal (note this drug is also very addictive. Character needs to make a Vigor check -1 per each time they have used it, or become addicted to it. When in combat without then -1 to all rolls).
Medi-Gel: A tube of advanced healing gel. It adds +2 to Healing checks made to heal fresh wounds and/or also stabilize someone who’s bleeding out. Contains 10 uses. Wt. 6oz tube, Wealth +0 for the tube.
Obscura: Subject enters a dream like hallucinogen state for 1d5 hours and then 1d10 hours afterwards a depression (-1 to all non-Soak rolls). Fairly additive. Wt. nil, Wealth +0 per dose, Illegal.
Slaught: Also known as “onslaught”, it heightens awareness and improves reaction time, but causes Fatigue and eventual neural damage. Taking a dose adds Alertness and Quick edges for 1d5 hours. At the end suffer a level of Fatigue (last 1d5 hours). Wt. nil, Wealth -1 per dose.

Standard Load per MOS

The following are basic standard load carried by each MOS on a standard mission. There also also z-g Mission load and Vaccum/Hostile Enviro load replacement of most gear in these situations. As Synner Clone Soliders have a minimum Strength of a d8 and the Brawny Edge they carrying load of most is 80lbs.

Electronic/Tech/Communications Specialist: Mark3 Medium Combat Armor (this includes a anti-flare/reflective face shield that grants +2 to resistain sudden flashes and elimated the normal -1 to Notice for sight when the visor is down. When deployed the vision provides IR targeting system. Also Grip Boots add +1 to Athletics when climbing or moving over difficult terrian. 16lbs) with Tactical Helm Com and Camera Rig, FTI Tag and Shoulder Tac Lamp (1lb), M-25a Pulse Rifle with intergal underbarrel M3 Grenade Launcher (19lbs) with a with a CTS and ABTS Scope (1lb) and two additon fully loaded 100 round standard APHE rounds foe the M-25a (3lbs each/6lbs) and six addition mini-Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. lbs each/6lbs), 2 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/4lbs), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), Mini-Electronics Repair Kit (5lbs), Long Range Com Rig (5lbs), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), basic First Aid Kit (2lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
Total Weight load: 80 lbs
Heavy Weapons Specialist: Mark3 Medium Combat Armor (this includes a anti-flare/reflective face shield that grants +2 to resistain sudden flashes and elimated the normal -1 to Notice for sight when the visor is down. When deployed the vision provides IR targeting system. Also Grip Boots add +1 to Athletics when climbing or moving over difficult terrian. 16lbs) with Tactical Helm Com and Camera Rig, FTI Tag and Shoulder Tac Lamp (1lb), M-8L Gatline Smartgun (26lbs) with a ABTS Scope (1lb) attached to a Weapon Harness Gimble (10lbs) and carrying three additional fully load 200 round drums of standard APHE rounds for the M-8 (6lbs each/18lbs), 4 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/8lbs), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), basic First Aid Kit (2lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
Total Weight load: 97 lbs
Medic Specialist: Mark3 Medium Combat Armor (this includes a anti-flare/reflective face shield that grants +2 to resistain sudden flashes and elimated the normal -1 to Notice for sight when the visor is down. When deployed the vision provides IR targeting system. Also Grip Boots add +1 to Athletics when climbing or moving over difficult terrian. 16lbs) with Tactical Helm Com Rig and Camera Rig, FTI Tag and Shoulder Tac Lamp (1lb), M-25a Pulse Rifle with intergal underbarrel M3 Grenade Launcher (19lbs) two additon fully loaded 100 round standard APHE rounds foe the M-25a (3lbs each/6lbs) with a CTS and ABTS Scope (1lb) and six addition mini-Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. lbs each/6lbs), 2 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/4lbs), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), Advanced Field Medical Kit (12lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
Total Weight load: 80 lbs
Riflemen/Combat Engineering Specialist: Mark3 Medium Combat Armor (this includes a anti-flare/reflective face shield that grants +2 to resistain sudden flashes and elimated the normal -1 to Notice for sight when the visor is down. When deployed the vision provides IR targeting system. Also Grip Boots add +1 to Athletics when climbing or moving over difficult terrian. 16lbs) with Tactical Helm Com and Camera Rig, FTI Tag and Shoulder Tac Lamp (1lb), M-25a Pulse Rifle with intergal underbarrel M3 Grenade Launcher (19lbs) with a CTS and ABTS Scope (1lb) and two additon fully loaded 100 round standard APHE rounds foe the M-25a (3lbs each/6lbs) and six addition mini-Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. lbs each/6lbs), 2 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/4lbs), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), 4 ounds of Platics Explosive with micro Timers/Remote Detination kits (5lbs), 2 Thermite Burning Bar (2lbs), Demolistions Kit (2lbs), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), basic First Aid Kit (2lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
Total Weight load: 79 lbs
Scout/Sniper Specialist: Mark5 Light Combat Armor (this includes a anti-flare/reflective face shield that grants +2 to resistain sudden flashes and elimated the normal -1 to Notice for sight when the visor is down. When deployed the vision provides IR targeting system. Also Grip Boots add +1 to Athletics when climbing or moving over difficult terrian. 10lbs) with Tactical Helm Com and Camera Rig, FTI Tag and Shoulder Tac Lamp (1lb), Fusia F3m Pulse SMG with intergal underbarrel M3a one-shot Grenade Launcher (10lbs) with a CTS and ABTS Scope (1lb) and one additon fully loaded 80 round standard APHE rounds for the F3m (2lbs) and three addition mini-Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. lbs each/3lbs), X-C5 'Höllenfeuer' Sniper Laser Rifle (20lbs) with one additonal Power Cell replacement (5lbs), 2 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/4lbs), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), Camo Cloak (3lbs), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), basic First Aid Kit (2lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
Total Weight load: 80 lbs
Sergeant: Mark3 Medium Combat Armor (this includes a anti-flare/reflective face shield that grants +2 to resistain sudden flashes and elimated the normal -1 to Notice for sight when the visor is down. When deployed the vision provides IR targeting system. Also Grip Boots add +1 to Athletics when climbing or moving over difficult terrian. 16lbs) with Tactical Helm Com and Camera Rig FTI Tag and Shoulder Tac Lamp (1lb), M-25a Pulse Rifle with intergal underbarrel M3 Grenade Launcher (19lbs) with a CTS and ABTS Scope (1lb) and two additon fully loaded 100 round standard APHE rounds foe the M-25a (3lbs each/6lbs) and six addition mini-Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. lbs each/6lbs), 2 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/4lbs), Colt Manhunter M7 Auto Pistol (3lbs) amd one additional full ammo clip of Standard Rounds (1lb), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), Tactical Pullout Flat-Screen Map (2lbs), Electrobinoculars (2lbs), basic First Aid Kit (2lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
Total Weight load: 78 lbs
Optional Psionic Specialist: Mark5 Light Combat Armor (this includes a anti-flare/reflective face shield that grants +2 to resistain sudden flashes and elimated the normal -1 to Notice for sight when the visor is down. When deployed the vision provides IR targeting system. Also Grip Boots add +1 to Athletics when climbing or moving over difficult terrian. 10lbs) with Tactical Helm Com and Camera Rig, FTI Tag and Shoulder Tac Lamp (1lb), Fusia F3m Pulse SMG with intergal underbarrel M3a one-shot Grenade Launcher (10lbs) with a CTS and ABTS Scope (1lb) and two additon fully loaded 80 round standard APHE rounds for the F3m (2lbs each/4lbs) and three addition four mini-Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. lbs each/4lbs), 2 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/4lbs), Colt Manhunter M7 Auto Pistol (3lbs) amd one additional full ammo clip of Standard Rounds (1lb), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), basic First Aid Kit (2lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
Total Weight Load: 59lbs


I am using the basic vehicle builds and Mods found in my Star Law setting here[1] so no need to repeat myself. However one minor change is that Drill Spike Drive are renamed Shuttewarp Engines. Type I has a speed of 10 light years a day divided by Ship's size. Typer II has a speed of 30 light years a day divided by Ship's size. Type III has a speed of X light years a day divided by Ship's size.

Vehicles and Starhips are going to be WELL out of the price range of characters and not really easy to transport to different planets so just ignore costs.


Important Corps and Organization
