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'''Attributes''': Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12</br> | '''Attributes''': Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12</br> | ||
'''Pace''' 6, '''Parry''' 6, '''Toughness''' 13</br> | '''Pace''' 6, '''Parry''' 6, '''Toughness''' 13</br> | ||
'''Skills''': Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d10, Fighting d8, Intimidate d6+2, Languages (English d8; Arabic d6, French d6, German d6, Japanese d6, Russian d6, | '''Skills''': Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d10, Fighting d8, Intimidate d6+2, Languages (English d8; Arabic d6, French d6, German d6, Japanese d6, Russian d6, Turkish d6), Notice d6, Occultism d6, Persuasion d4, Research d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d4</br> | ||
'''Edges''': Iron Jaw, Linguist, Menacing, Nerves of Steel (with undead, ignores 2 wound penalty), Super Powers </br> | '''Edges''': Iron Jaw, Linguist, Menacing, Nerves of Steel (with undead, ignores 2 wound penalty), Super Powers </br> | ||
'''Hindrances''': Distinctive Appearance (Minor), Driven (Major), Outsider (Major), Ugly (Minor) </br> | '''Hindrances''': Distinctive Appearance (Minor), Driven (Major), Outsider (Major), Ugly (Minor) </br> |
Revision as of 03:37, 11 November 2021
This wiki is to test out some character ideas and buildings using the new Savage Worlds Adventure Edition - Super Power Companion.
They have gone by many names since the dawn of super-powered individuals. The Twilight Legion, the Guardians of Freedom in World War II, and many others. In the modern era, they are known as the Doom Guard.
The guard stands above nations and politics. They form when there is an existential threat to humanity. Most of its members are heroes, but in times of great crisis the past is put aside and villains join the ranks as well. Sometimes pardons are granted for service in the Doom Guard, but casual agreements of limited amnesty are more common. Entire super groups join the Doom Guard when annihilation threatens, and in fact, it's considered an honor.
Then the K'tharen[1] alien invaders attacked the Earth and ravaged its super heroes before the "friendly" V'sori[2] arrived to help battle the invaders. In celebrations around the world, the treacherous v'sori revealed their true face—the k'tharens were their own shock troops! The assembled heroes were destroyed in a rapid and brutal surprise attack. A few escaped, but thereafter, "the fate of the world lay with the scum of the Earth." The super villain resistance, called Omegas, that were organized and lead by the powerful Dr. Destruction. Under his ferocious leadership, the Omegans struck at the aliens around the world and eventually triumphed. They even managed to travel to the v'sori home planet and assault their leader, the notorious Overmind. Those events are happened about six years ago and the Doom Guard have been rebuilding ever since.
Headquarters and Leadership now... the Doom Guard's primary and most public headquarters is in Star City, a strange urban island created by a cosmic entity called the Outsider. The super hero called Warden manages and oversees the team and its network of affiliates, and handles most of the organization's diplomatic and logistical issues from here.
The Doom Guard has another base in New England called Legacy City. Hex and Hellcat are most often found there, watching over the strange ley lines, magical incidents, and curious cultists who frequent the region. A third, mobile base is a massive flying ship called the Barrage. The former criminal Blackguard is often found at its helm well-suited to the role as Barrage is often used to infiltrate places that aren't always friendly to the Doom Guard's role.
Connecting them all is a dour artificial intelligence called Cassandra who aids the Doom Guard greatly. "She" constantly scours the planet for any crimes or unusual events and reports them to Warden. Most importantly, Cassandra analyzes billions of minute events for patterns that might indicate greater threats. The team learned the hard way that a simple break-in at an occult shop or the collection of certain high-tech devices often signaled far greater trouble on the horizon.
Game Idea
The heroes are going to be the newest heroes team to be established in the indendent city-state of Echo City which is situationed on the boards between Georgia and Turkey. The Doom Guard are openning a new Chapter House here in the hopes of fostering good will with the nation and at the request of the newly elected Prime Minister of the nation. The v'sori had built a headquarters here for their operations in the Africa and the Middle East but abondoned it quickly leaving little damage to the city or their technology.
Echo City is grown a great deal in the last six years and has become an extremely cosmopolitan and deverse city. People from around the world have settle here to take advantage of the good infastructure (not just the roads and bridges but city monorail and mass transit), cheap energy (most of the city is powered by an abonded v'sori fusion power plant), and high tech boom (partly caused by the reverse engineeing of much of the abondoned v'sori tech). The nation has asked the Doom Patrol to help their nation while they help the world...
The most pressing treat is being caused by CyberGang. The v'sori had a testing facility set up here where they were imlanting criminals with advanced cybernetic systems to see if they could create different versions of the Drones. As things fell apart these test subects escaped with a great deal of stolen weapons and other tech. They are now searching for more cybernetic systems and weapons left by the aliens while robbing banks and other criminal activity to fund their lifestyles.
Another concern was relayed to you by Hex, one of the Doom Patrol's leaders in Legacy City. She believes that a doomsday cult is operating in the city, searching for a magical artifict that was hidden there back during the Crusades. The 'spirits' have warned her that if activated it would be very bad... very bad indeed.
This game is going to use the Super Powered Companion (SPC) for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SW). All notes will refect these rules.
For the first game I am going a bit Darker Four Color supers.
- Power Level: 3 (45 base, no more then 10 points in any one power)
- SETTING RULES: Born a Hero (SW), Comic Book Combat (SPC), Conviction (SW), Creative Combat (SW), Death & Defeat (SPC), Fanatics (SPC), High Adventure (SW), Larger than Life (SW), Mega Destruction (SPC), More Skill Points (SW), Multiple Languages (SW), Never Surrender (SPC), No Finishing Moves (SPC), Throwdown (SPC), Villainous Conviction (SPC), Wound Cap (SW)
- Traits: gain 5 attribute traits points and 15 skill trait points, including the free skill levels.
- The Super Attribute and Super Skills Powers allows attributes and skills to exceed a race's normal limits. If the increase are permanent, it counts for Advancement.
- The Focus (X) Skill is used to control many powers listed in the SPC. Normally this tied to Spirits for the hero can choice any Attribute Trait to use this skill. Once chosen it cannot be changed.
- Adaptable: As a human, at character creation start with a bonus Edge that you qualify for for free. If the GM allows you to play a non-Human (alien or otherwise) work with him to create the race (such as listed in SW).
- Languages: In this setting the most common languages are Arabic, Georgia, English and Russia. Most people in Echo City speak two or more of these language.
- Super Powered: Gain this Edge for Free. This grants you 45 points for super powers, no more then 10 in any one power set.
- Update for The Best There Is Edge allows you to invest up to 15 points in any one power set instaed of only 10, but only for one power set (others are restricted to 10 points).
- Hindrances: start with one Major and two Minor Hindrances. The Larger then Life setting rule allows the hero to take one additional Major Hindrance. Spend these points per the rules in SW.
The following are just some examples to test out the system and how they will look. This is also the favor and power levels (damage, toughness, etc.) I am going for...

Undead Brick/Weaponist/Detective, Male, Age 100?
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12
Pace 6, Parry 6, Toughness 13
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d10, Fighting d8, Intimidate d6+2, Languages (English d8; Arabic d6, French d6, German d6, Japanese d6, Russian d6, Turkish d6), Notice d6, Occultism d6, Persuasion d4, Research d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d4
Edges: Iron Jaw, Linguist, Menacing, Nerves of Steel (with undead, ignores 2 wound penalty), Super Powers
Hindrances: Distinctive Appearance (Minor), Driven (Major), Outsider (Major), Ugly (Minor)
Super Powers (Undead, long life?)
- Ageless (Undead) [1 point]
- Deadeye: gains +1d6 damage with all mundane guns, bows, etc. (Training) [2 points]
- Doesn't Sleep: Tireless. Requires no sleep at all (Undead) [2 points]
- Environmental Resistance: Lightning. Minus 4 from lightning trapping damage and +4 to resistance checks that involve lightning/electricity (Undead?) [1 point]
- Fearless (Undead) [2 points]
- Growth: +1 step to Strength die and Size +1. Permenant (Undead) [2 points]
- Gifted: character gains a free reroll each round for Smarts tests and all Smarts based skills (Long life) [2 points]
- Hardy: if Shaken a second shake does not deal you a Wound (Undead) [2 points]
- Heightened Senses: Low Light Vision (ignores Dim and Dark illumination penalties) (Undead) [1 point]
- Melee Attack: Str+d6 (Undead Strength) [2 points]
- Super Attributes: Strength +3, Vigor +3 (Undead Strength) [12 points]
- Super Skills: Academics +1, Common Knowledge +2, Fighting +1 (Long life) [4 points]
- Toughness: +2 (Undead) [2 points]
- Undead: gain +2 to Toughness, add +2 to recover from being Shaken, don’t breathe or eat, are immune to disease and poison, and don’t suffer additional damage from Called Shots. Undead Wild Cards ignore one point of Wound penalties and don’t Bleed Out. Undead don’t benefit from the Healing skill or natural Healing. Spark of Life (can benefit from the Healing power) [10 points]
Gear: Sword (Str+d8+d6), Musket Pistol (Range, Damage 3d6+1, AP 0, ROF 1, relaod 2 rounds)
Adam is unsure who created him but has somewhat taken on the mantle of the 'Frankenstein Monster' over the years. His first real memories where him fighting in WWI and have travel a lot over the years.
He uses a old sword and a musket pistol dispite his familairity with modern weapons and tech. He just likes them for whatever reason.

Costumed Crimefighter, Female, Age 29
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirits d10, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Pace 6, Parry 9, Toughness 12 (4)
Skills: Athletics d8 (+1), Common Knowledge d6, Drive d6, Fighting d10 (+2), Focus d6, Intimidate d8, Languages (English d8; Arbatic d6, Georgian d6, Russian d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d10 (+1), Thievery d8+1
Edges: Ambidexterity, Block, Bravery, Martial Arts & Martial Master (Str+2d6), Super Powers, Theif, Two Fisted
Hindrances: Death Wish (Minor), Drive (fighting for Justice) (Major), Ruthless (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major)
Super Powers (Training/Gadgets)
- Armor: Armor +4 and Toughness +2. Device/worn (Costume) [2 points]
- Awareness: Ignores up to 3 penalties impossed by target from range, cover, called shots, etc.Device/worn (Goggles) [2 points]
- Dodge: others suffer -4 to hit you with ranged attacks (Training) [4 points]
- Fearless (Training) [2 points]
- Heightened Senses: Hearing (+2 to Notice checks with hearing), Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat ignatures (or lack thereof in normal environments). Device/worn (IR Goggles and Ear amp) [1 point]
- Melee Attack: Str+d6 (Training) [2 points]
- Stun: Successful Focus require target to make a Vigor -2 (-4 with a raise) or be Stunned. Device/carried, Requires Touch, Stonger (Zapper Gloove) [1 points]
- Super Attributes: Agility +2, Spirits +2, Vigor +1 (Training) [10 points]
- Super Edges: Martial Artist, Martial Warrior (Training) [4 points]
- Super Skills: Athletics +1, Fighting +3, Initimadate +1, Persuasion +1, Stealth +1 (Training) [10 points]
- Swinging: Range 48", Pace 12. Device/carried, Range (Swing Line gun) [2 point]
- Uncanny Reflexes: Ignores the usual –2 Agility penalty when making Evasion attempts (see SW), and gets a regular Evasion attempt against area attacks that don't usually allow it (at the usual –2 penalty) (Training) [3 points]
- Vehicle: Motorcycle. Armored (Size 1, Handling 0, Top Speed 80 MPH, Toughness 11 (4), Crew 1) [2 points]
Charlotte Brown's father was a police office killed in the line of duty when she was 9. She has dedicated her life to getting justice for her father and other victims of violent crime. Petty crimes don't interest her. Her drive made her train for years to giving the good fight.

Blind Heroic Archer. Human Female, Age 30
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirits d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Pace 6, Parry 6, Toughness 12 (4)
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8 (+2), Fighting d8, Languages (Chinese d8; Arabic d6, English d6, Korean d6, Russian d6), Notice d8 (+2), Persuasion d6, Research d10+2, Shooting d12+1, Stealth d8, Thievery d8
Edges: Investigator, Marksman, Streetwise, Super Powers
Hindrances: Blind (Minor; Blindshot can see shapes etc. with incredable detail and in affect she 'see' but not in color), Heroic (Major), Secret Indentity (Major), Suspicious (Minor)
Super Powers (Training, Super-Bow and Accident/Empowerment?)
- Additional Action: Ignores one Multi-Action penalty a round (normally -2) (Training) [3 points]
- Armor: +4 with Toughness +2. Device/worn (Armored Costume) [2 points]
- Awareness: Ignores up to 2 penalties impossed by target from range, called shots, etc. (Training) [2 points]
- Deadeye: gains +1d10 damage with all mundane guns, bows, etc. Deadly (Training) [3 points]
- Dodge: -3 to be hit by ranged Attacks (shooting, athletics/throwing etc.) (Training) [3 points]
- Entangle: Range 24. Successful shooting target must resist with Athletics -2 (-4 with raise) or be Entangled. With a Raise target is Bound. Alterateive Test (shooting), Contingent on Shooting (bow), Device/carried, Range, Strong (Blunt tanglearrows) [3 points]
- *(switchable) Stun: Range 24". Successful shooting target must make a Vigor check (-2 with a raise) or be Stunned. Alterative Trait (shooting), Device, Range. (Flash-Bag arrow) [1 point]
- *(switchable) Swinging: Range 48", Pace 12. Device, Range, Strong (holds 1,500lbs) (Swing Line arrow) [1 point]
- Heightened Senses: Eagle Eyes (can see twice as far and reduces range penalties by 1), Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat ignatures (or lack thereof in normal environments), Low-Light (ignores Dim and Dark illumination penalties; with IR only penalty for Pitch Black and Invisibility), Microscopic Vison (can see down to the molecular level. This adds a +1 bonus to any roll where that might prove useful, such as a Healing roll to treat a disease, Science to analyze the composition of a substance, or Survival to track tell-tale particles through otherwise untrackable terrain), X-Ray Vision (can see through any substance x-rays can penetrate; they're usually blocked by thick metal or particularly dense materials. He can ignore up to 2 points of Cover penalties if he can see through the intervening obstacle) (Accident/Empowerment) [5 points]
- Super Attributes: Agility +2, Spirits +1, Strength +1,Vigor +1 (Mutant & Training) [10 points]
- Super Edges: Marksmen (Training) [2 points]
- Super Skills: Athletics +1, Fighting +1, Research +3, Shooting +4, Stealth +1 (Training) [10 points]
Gear: Compound Bow (Range 12/24/48, Damage Str+d6+d10, AP 1, ROF 1)
XX as an olympic athlete in archery and on her way to winning a gold when she was splashed in the face by a jeolous rival with a neotoxin that blinded her! But after she got out the hospital she start... sensing things. She is still blind but now can sense everything around her and even see 'objects' through wall and tiny things also.

Insect Toteom, Male, Age 24
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d12, Vigor d8
Pace 6 (flight 24), Parry 9, Toughness 12 (2)
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d4, Electonics d4, Fighting d10, Focus d8, Hacking d4, Languages (English d8; Arabic d6, German d6, Russian d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Repair d4, Science d4, Stealth d10, Survival d4, Taunt d6
Edges: Danger Sense, Dodge, Frenzy (Improved), Super Powers
Hindrances: Distintive Appearance (Minor), Idealistic (Minor), Impulsive (Major), Overconfidence (Major)
Super Powers (Mutant)
- Armor: +2 (Mutant body) [1 point]
- Flight: Pace 24", Attack Penalty -1 for full speed (Mutant bug wings) [6 points]
- Heightened Senses: Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat signatures (or lack thereof in normal environments) (Mutant bug eyes) [1 point]
- Melee Attack, Claws: Damage Str+d6 (Mutant) [2 points]
- Parry: +2 (Mutant) [2 points]
- Poison: Range 6", Focus test vs. Vigor -2 (-4 with a Raise). Stronger (Poison Spit) [4 points]
- Super Attributes: Agility +1, Strength +3, Vigor+1 (Mutant) [10 points]
- Super Skills: Athletics +2, Fighting +3, Focus +2, Notice +1, Stealth +2 (Mutant) [10 points]
- Toughness: +3 (Mutant body) [3 points]
- Uncanny Reflexes: Ignores the usual –2 Agility penalty when making Evasion attempts (see SW), and gets a regular Evasion attempt against area attacks that don't usually allow it (at the usual –2 penalty) (Mutant) [3 points]
- Wall Walker: Can move Pace on walls. Also Strong Grip (If they choose to stick their ground, they halve the distance of any Knockback dealt them) [2 points]
Micheal Madsion was born to a fairly typical average household in the suburbs. He childhood and teenage years where nothing special but Micheal was always a bit of a joker of the class.

Teleporter/Trickster, Female, Age 18
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirits d8, Strength d6, Vigor d10
Pace 6, Parry 8 (9), Toughness 7
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d12, Focus d10, Languages (English d8; Georgian d6, Polish d6, Russian d6), Notice d6 (+2), Persuasion d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d8, Thievery d4
Edges: Acrobatic, Dodge, Free Runner, Humiliate, Retort, Super Powers, The Best There Is (Teleport)
Hindrances: All Thumbs (Minor), Curious (Major), Quirk (Reckless) (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major)
Super Powers (Experiment)
- Additional Action: Ignores one Multi-Action penalty a round (normally -2) (Empowered/Training) [3 points]
- Dodge: -2 to be hit by ranged Attacks (shooting, athletics/throwing etc.) (Experiment/Training) [2 points]
- Heightened Senses: Hearing (+2 to Notice with hearing), Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat ignatures (or lack thereof in normal environments), Low-Light (ignores Dim and Dark illumination penalties; with IR only penalty for Pitch Black and Invisibility) (Experiment) [3 points]
- Melee Attack: Str+d6 (Experiment) [2 points]
- Super Attributes: Agility +2, Vigor +2 (Experiment) [8 points]
- Super Edges: Acrobatics, Dodge, Free Runner (Experiment/Training) [6 points]
- Super Skills: Athletics +1, Fighting +2, Focus +2, Taunt +1 (Experiment/Training) [6 points]
- Teleport: base 48". Portal, Range +2, Rapid Teleport, Teleport Others, Traverse (Experiment) [15 points]
Gear: Staff (Str+d4+d6, Parry +1, two handed)
Mandy Zmijewski was born to Polish immagrants. She became every active in the local "parkour" scene in her earlier teens. She was badly injured when hit by a car that then speed away. In the hospital while in a coma her parnets where approached by a 'doctor' whom offered a new untested treatment that should not only wake Mandy out of her coma but repair her spinnal injuries. Desperate the agree and the expierment work! But of course the main reason the doctor subjected Mandy to the expierment was to test out his formula that grant super powers in some individuals (while killing most of the rest)

Atlantian lost child, Female, Age 20s??
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirits d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Pace 8 (Swin 8; both Run d8), Parry 6, Toughness 8
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Focus d10, Languages (Atlantian d8; Arbic d6, English d6, Georgian d6, Russian d6), Notice d8+2, Persuasion d6, Riding d6, Science d4, Stealth d8, Survival d6
Edges: Alertness, Quick, Super Powers, The Best There Is (Matter Control)
Hindrances: Environmental Weaking [Fire] (Minor), Heroic (Major), Mild Mannered (Minor), Mute (Major)
Species Traits: Aquatic (Atlanteans cannot drown in water and move their full Pace when
swimming) [+2], Dependence (Atlantians must immerse themselves in water one hour out of every 24 or become automatically Fatigued each day until they are Incapacitated. The day after Incapacitation from dehydration, they perish. Each hour spent in water restores one level of Fatigue) [-2]. Distinctive Appearance (Atlantean) [-1], Low Light Vision (Atlantians are used to the darkness of the depths. They ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination) [+1], Telepathy (Range 24" (48 yards)) [+2]
Super Powers (Atlantian Heritage and Mutant?)
- Matter Control: Water. Range 24", Large Burst Template. Focus check to control and create Water. Can creat Barrier (Hardness 8), Damage (4d6 water/force damage in area), Dampen (Elemental resistant to all in area against Water/Force) or Distract (Distraction in area). Area Effect, Blast template option, Damage, Range, Selective (Heritage/Mutant) [13 points]
- Pace: Pace +2, Run die +1 step [2 points]
- Ranged Attack: Focus Check, Range 12/24/48, Water/Force Damage 3d6. Forceful (Double Knockback), Spread (+2 to hit but strike bystadards also hit on Focus roll of a 1 or 2) (Water Jet) [7 points]
- Super Attributes: Agility +1, Smarts +1, Spirits +1, Strength +1, Vigor +1 (Heritage) [10 points]
- Super Skills:Athletics +1, Focus +3 (Mutant?) [4 points]
- Toughness: +2 (Heritage/Mutant?) [2 points]
- Whirlwind: With successful Focus check creates a whirlwind of a Medium Burst Template within 24" (48 yds). She can move the template free up to 6" a round so long as it stay in sight. Anyone who ends their turn in the area is Distracted and must make a Strength roll -2 (at –4 with a raise on the Focus roll). Those who fail take 2d6” Knockback in a random direction (3d6" with a raise). This may cause additional damage if they strike a solid object). Range, Stonger (Vortex of Water) [7 points]
Jane Edora (she doesn't remember her real name, Jane Edora was given to her by the kindly passerbys that aided her) washed up on shore as a years ago with little memory of her Atlantian heritage or the suface world.
Edora is very shy and gets embrassed easily when others insult her. As such she tends to be an introvert who hides away when not doing the super hero thing.

Fire Elmental form, Male, Age 28
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirits d10, Strength d6, Vigor d10
Pace 6, Parry 6, Toughness 7
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Drive d8, Fighting d8, Focus d12, Languages (French d8; Arabic d6, German d6, English d6), Intimidate d6+2, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Repair d6, Stealth d4
Edges: Ace, Menacing, Rapid Shot (works with Ranged Attack), Super Powers
Hindrances: Distinctive Appearance (Minor), Environmental Weakness [Water/Cold] (Minor), Overconfidence (Major), Secret Identity (Major)
Super Powers (Mutant? Elemental)
- Absorption: Fire. When taking damage from fire would result one or more Wounds, he gets a free Soak roll using Focus +2 instead of Vigor. For each Wound Soaked, the hero gains an"Absorption Token" that can do the following - Increase Damage Field or Ranged Attack by +1d6; Increase Toughness by +1; gain a free Power Stunt. If not spent Tokens only last the scene. Mastery [3 points]
- Alternate Form: Fire. In this form has no vital organs so Called Shots have no effect on him. He takes only half damage from falling or collisions, and any Knockback against him is halved. Requires Activation [1 points]
- Damage Field: 3d6 fire damage. Lethal [4 points]
- Energy Control: Fire, Range 12" (24 yds), Large Burst Template. With a Focus check can cause fires to rage (Damaeg 3d6 fire in area, lethal), Dampen (Elemental Resistance to Fire in area), or Distraction (Distracted in area). Area, Damage, Requires Material [8 points]
- Fear: Scream of rage. Focus check in Blast Template vs. all targets in area Spirits fear check. Area [4 points]
- Force Field: Reduce all damage by 4 points. Life Support, Requires activation [5 points]
- Ranged Attack: Focus test, Range 12/24/48, Fire Damage 4d6. Blast template option, Lethal [9 points]
- Super Attributes: Spirits +2, Vigor +2 [8 points]
- Super Skills: Focus +3 [3 points]
XX was a sports car racer until a firey accident where he received 3rd degree burns over 95% of his body! Not excepted to survive the hosptial staff was surprise when he disappeared from the burn ward. XX does not remember the accident or how he arrived at a garge at the edge of town where he used to live but he found that he could change into a fire like element and had control of fires!!!

Mystical Martial Art/Ghost?, Male, Age 33
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirits d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Pace 6 (Fly 6), Parry 10, Toughness 6
Skills: Athletics d12, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d12 (+2), Focus d6, Intimidate d6, Languages (English d8; Chinese d6, Georgian d6, Greek d6, Russian d6), Notice d8, Occult d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d12+1 (+5), Thievery d4
Edges: Couter Attack, First Strike, Martial Arts & Master (Str+2d6*), Super Powered
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Enemy (Minor), Grim (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major)
Super Powers (Part Ghost/Martial Artist)
- Dodge: Others suffer a -4 to ranged attack rolls against you (Training/Ghost form) [4 points]
- Flight: Pace 6 (Ghost form). Limited - only when using Intangibility (-1) (Flaoting) [1 point]
- Intangibility: makes a character unable to affect or be affected by physical attacks, like a phantom or spirit. Energy Power Types affect intangible characters normally (Ghost Form) [5 points]
- Invisibility: Others suffer a -4 to see you and to affect you with sight based attacks. +4 to Stealth when not moving (Ghost Form) [8 points]
- Melee Attack: Str+d6* (Training) [2 points]
- Parry: +2 (Training) [4 points]
- Super Attributes: Agility +3, Strength +1, Vigor +1 (Ghost) [10 points]
- Super Edges: Martial Arts, Martial Master (Training) [4 points]
- Super Skills: Athletics +2, Fightig +2, Stealth +3 (Training/Ghost) [7 points]
Hanry Davis was born in the local China town and got involved in the martial art scene at a young age. He would go on to earn his blackbelt in multiple forms of martial arts and would eventually open his own school (with his old teachers blessing)
Last year he was shoot by robbers who treatened the students and other teachers at his school. He thought he had died and the ETMs pretty much thought so also... but he woke up! After he got out of the hospital he discovered that he suddenly had some odd powers. He thinks he is a partial ghost now (not sure if he is or a mutant or something but...)

Earth Matter Controller/Leader, Male, Age 29
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirits d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Pace 6 (Flight 24), Parry 5, Toughness 6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Battle d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Focus d12, Languages (English d8; Arabic d6, Georgain d6, Italian d6, Russian d6, Spanish d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Research d4, Stealth d6
Edges: Charismatic, Command, Natural Leader, Super Powers, Tactician, Team Leader, The Best There Is (Matter Conctrol)
Hindrances: Idealistic (Minor), Loyal (Minor), Overconfidence (Major), Secret Indentity (Major)
Super Powers (Mutant)
- Entangle: Earth bonds. Range 24" (48yds), Focus check vs. target Athletics. If the attacker wins, the victim is Entangled. If the attacker wins with a raise, the victim is Bound. Hardness 8. Area (Medium Burst Template; Selective), Range, Requires Materials (earth), Stronger (Matter bonds) [7 points]
- Flight: Pace 24 (Mutant) [6 points]
- Force Field: Reduces all damage types by 8 points. Requires Activation (Mutant) [7 points]
- Matter Control: Earth. Range 24", Large Burst Template. Focus check to control of Earth. Can creat Barrier (Hardness 14), Damage (4d6 earth/force damage in area), Dampen (Elemental resistant to all in area against Earth/Force) or Distract (Distraction in area). Area Effect, Blast template option, Damage, Range, Selective, Tough (Mutant) [14 points]
- Super Attribute: Smarts +2, Vigor +1 (Mutant) [6 points]
- Super Edge: The Best There Is [2 points]
- Super Skills: Focus +3 (Mutant) [3 points]
Louie Ficalora grew up in an upper class family and enjoyed a easy childhood and teenage years. That all changed when his mutant powers awaken. His parents were horrified but tried to shield Louie from the various groups (including the government)

Psychic Mentalist/Propobility Master, Male, Age 26
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirits d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Pace 6 (fly 6), Parry 6, Toughness 13 (4)
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8 (+1), Focus d12, Languages (Spanish d8; Arabic d6, English d6, Georgian d6, Polish d6, Russian d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d8 (+1), Preformance d4 (+1), Science d6, Stealth d6
Edges: Attractive, Dodge, Luck, Martial Arts (Str+d4), Super Powers
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Secret Indentity (Major), Stubborn (Minor), Vengful (Minor)
Super Powers (Empowered?/Experiment)
- Armored Suit: Armor +4 and Toughness +4. Device/worn (Armored Suit) [4 points]
- Flight: Pace 6 (Empowered?/Experiment) [2 points]
- Jinx: anyone who failed on a test against you is Vulnerable until the end of their next turn. On a fumble on their test they are also Shaken (Empowered?/Experiment) [4 points]
- Manufaction: Within 12" of a Medium Burst Template, can make a Focus check to cause technology to stop worker. Area Effect (Empowered?/Experiment) [5 points]
- Mind Control: within 12" (24 yards) by making a Focus roll. If successful, the target must make a Smarts roll to resist (at –2 with a raise on the Focus roll) or she's controlled for as long as the attacker cares to maintain the power, or she breaks free. (Empowered?/Experiment) [5 points]
- Mind Reading: The character to read another’s surface thoughts and perhaps even peer into her past memories. To read someone's mind, the super chooses a target within 6" (12 yards) and makes a Focus roll. If he's successful, the target makes a Smarts roll -2 to resist (at –4 with a raise on the Focus roll). Stronger (Empowered?/Experiment) [5 points]
- Mind Shield: The hero's mind is particularly difficult to tamper with for some reason. Mind reading and mind control attempts against her are made at –2. Further, if the hero successfully resists an attempt to read or control her mind, the enemy psychic suffers Fatigue. With a raise on the resistance roll, the foe is Stunned as well (Empowered?/Experiment) [1 point]
- Super Attribute: Smarts +2, Sprits +1 (Empowered?/Experiment) [6 points]
- Super-Skills: Fighting +1, Focus +3 (Empowered?/Experiment) [4 points]
- Telepathy: can mentally communicate with another sentient mind of choice. Range (1 miles), Mind Rider (The telepath can see, hear, taste, touch, and feel through the senses of any willing mind in Range. Once the power is activated the telepath is Distracted until he terminates Mind Rider. "Riding" an unwilling target is an opposed roll of the telepath's Focus vs the target's Smarts. If successful, the telepath can ride the target for one hour. With a raise, the target is unaware of the intrusion) and Switchboard (The telepath can link all friendly, intelligent minds in Range. Everything the individuals consciously "say" is communicated to the entire group) (Empowered?/Experiment) [9 points]
Samual Rodriguez

Mutant Psychokinesis, Female, Age 30
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirits d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Pace 6 (Fly 6), Parry 4, Toughness 7
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d4, Focus d10, Healing d6, Languages (English d8; Arabic d6, French d6, Russian d6, Spanish d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d8 (+1), Preformance d6 (+1), Research d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6
Edges: Attractive, Charisma, Super Powers, The Best There Is (Telekinesis)
Hindrances: Curious (Major), Distinctive Feature (Minor), Heroic (Major), Idealist (Minor)
Super Powers (Mutant Psychokinesis)
- Additional Actions: Ignores two Multi-Action penalty a round (normally -4) . Limited, only to TK actions or Psi Punch (-1) (Psychokinesis) [5 points]
- Flight: Pace 6 (Psychokinesis) [2 points]
- Force Field: Reduces all damage types by 8 points. Requires Activation (Psychokinesis Shield) [7 points]
- Ranged Combat: Ranged 12/24/48, Force Damage 3d6 (Psychokinesis Punch) [6 points]
- Super-Attributes: Spirits +2 (Mutant) [4 points]
- Super-Skills: Focus +2, Shooting +2 (Mutant) [4 points]
- Telekinesis: Focus test, Ranged 24" (48 yds), Strength d12+1. Fine Control, Stronger (Psychokinesis) [15 points]
- Toughness: +2 (Mutant) [2 points]
Jeanette Foster was an EMT and part-time singer for a small indi band when she was in a terrible car accident that activated her mutant powers of Psychokinesis. It also changed her eyes to a pure milky white althought this has no effect on her eyesight. She started dying her hair green and now works as a hero without much of a civi idea (as it is hard to maintain a secret ID with her eyes, so why bother wearing a mask)

Wolf Toteom, Female, Age 22
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d12, Vigor d10
Pace 12, Parry 7, Toughness 12
Skills: Athletics d6 (+2), Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Focus d8, Intimidate d6, Languages (English d8; Arabic d6, Georgain d6, Japanese d6), Notice d10 (+2), Persuasion d6, Science d4, Stealth d10, Survival d10+2 (+4)
Edges: Brawler & Bruiser (Str+d6*), Berserker, Free Runner, Super Powers
Hindrances: Bloodthristy (Major), Distintive Appearance (wolf features when using powers) (Minor), Impulsive (Major), Loyal (Minor)
Super Powers (Cursed? Empowered)
- Additional Action: Ignores one Multi-Action penalty a round (normally -2) (Cursed) [3 points]
- Heightened Senses: Hearing (+2 to Notice with hearing), Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat ignatures (or lack thereof in normal environments), Low-Light (ignores Dim and Dark illumination penalties; with IR only penalty for Pitch Black and Invisibility), Smell (+2 to Survival for tracking) (Cursed) [4 points]
- Melee Attack: Claws (Str+1/2d6*, +2 to athletics/climbing), lethal (Cursed) [2 points]
- Leaping: Distance Vertial 4" (8 yds), Horizonal 8" (16 yds) (Cursed) [2 points]
- Regeneration: can make a Focus check every hour to heal Wounds (Cursed) [5 points]
- Skill Bonus: Survival +2 (Cursed) [2 points]
- Speed: Pace x2 (Cursed) [2 points]
- Super Attributes: Strength +3, Vigor +2 (Cursed) [10 points]
- Super Skills: Fighting +2, Focus +2, Notice +2, Stealth +2, Survival +2 (Cursed) [10 points]
- Toughness: +3 (Cursed) [2 points]
Sarah Walker is a college student who hooked up with the wrong guy one night after a night of dancing. He seemed like a good guy but he bite her, drawing blood, and acted like he was going to actually eat her! Luckily she got away. Unluckily she later discoverd some strange changes within in. She did not exactly turn into a werewolf but she seem to gain alott of the abilities attributed to them!
It seems cool to be able to run all night and let the beast loose... but it tends to make her want to beat up anyone that every challenges her in anyway and kill anyone she gets in a fight with.

Magically Enhanced Spellcaster, Male, Age 31
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirits d10, Strength d4, Vigor d10
Pace 6, Parry 5, Toughness 7
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d6, Focus d10, Healing d8+2, (Languages (Russian d8; Arabic d6, Chinese d6, English d6, Latin d6,Polish d6), Notice d8, Occult d10+2, Persuasion d6, Research d8, Stealth d6
Edges: Healer, Lucky, Scholar (Occult), Super Powers
Hindrances: Curious (Major), Driven (learning magic) (Minor), Mild Mannered (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major)
Super Powers (Magically Empowered/Arcane Training)
- Force Field: Subtracts 5 points of damage from all attacks. Requires activation (Hex Shield) [4 points]
- Healing: with a Focus +2 check can cure self or ally within 6" (12 yard) a Wound (two wounds with a raise). Cure, Restroaction, Resurrection (Healing Magic) [9 points]
- Illusion: The creator can conjure an illusion with a Focus check, up to 12” (24 yards) distant, filling a sphere the size of a Medium Blast Template with whatever image he desires. As long as the caster pays attention, the images react to the world around them just as if they were real—staggering back from attacks, taking "damage," and so on. The image can be moved up to 12" (24 yds) each turn as a limited free action. After Effects, Districting, Film Quality, Obscurement (Magical Illusions) [9 points]
- Ranged Attack: Focus test, Range 12/24/48, Arcane/Magic Damage 3d6 (Mystic Bolt) [6 points]
- Super Attributes: Smarts +2, Spirits +2 (Magical Training) [8 points]
- Super Skills: Focus +2, Healing +1, Occult +2 (Magical Training) [5 points]
- Super Sorcery: power stunt lasts longer, and power up to 10 points. (Magical Training) [4 points]
Stepan Petrov became obssesed with the stories his grandmother told of fairy and Baba Yagga as if it were real! (Well turns out Baba Yagga is real so...)

Duplicator Scrapper, Female, Age 30
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirits d8, Strength d10, Vigor d10
Pace 6, Parry 7, Toughness 10
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, Gambling d4, Fighting d10, Focus d10, Intimidate d6, Languages (English d8; Arabic d6, Russian d6, Spanish d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d4
Edges: Acrobatics, Brawny, Iron Jaw, Super Powers, The Best There Is (Duplication)
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Grim (Minor), Overconfident (Major), Ruthless (Minor)
Super Powers (Mutant)
- Dupication: With an Action and a Focus check can created up to Three copies of herself (except they do not posses Duplication) They count as Extra and can be replace with another Action and Focus check if 'Taken Out'. No Tell (These copies look exactly like her. Notice rolls are made at −4 to tell a duplicate from the original), Promotion (If the original character is Incapacitated while a duplicate survives, one duplicate becomes the new Wild Card “parent” instead of vanishing) [15 points]
- Hardy: if Shaken a second shake does not deal you a Wound [2 points]
- Leaping: Vertical 16" (32 yards), Horizonal 32" (64 yards) [4 points]
- Melee Attack: Str+d6 [2 points]
- Super Attrutes: Agility +2, Strength +2, Vigor +2 [12 points]
- Super Edges: Iron Jaw [2 points]
- Super Skills: Athletics +2, Fighting +2, Focus +2 [6 points]
- Toughness: +2 [2 points]
While competing on live TV at the UFC (Ultinate Fighting Championship) when XX powers suddenly manifested for the world to see -- where everyone saw XX and and her opponent facing it other one-on-one, suddenly there was 4 of XX all beating on one opponent!!!

Android, Male?, Age 2
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirits d6, Strength d10, Vigor d10
Pace 6 (Fly 12), Parry 6, Toughness 11
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Focus d10, Languages (English d8; Arabic d6, Georgain d6, Russian d6, Spanish d6), Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Repair d8, Stealth d6, Thievery d6
Edges: Brawler & Bruiser (Str+d6), Super Powers, The Best There Is (Copy Cat)
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Enemy [Doctor X] (Minor), Loyal (Minor), Outsider (Major)
Super Powers (Android Copier/Changeling)
- Chameleon: Changing appearance takes an Action and a Focus roll. Inanimate (can assume the shape of inanimate objects. The form assumed cannot vary from the character’s Size by more than two. There’s no contest if someone is suspicious of an object, just a simple Notice roll at –2, once per encounter, to spot the fake), Biometics (can replicate a target's voice, fingerprints, retinas, and other identifiers. Notice rolls to detect the deception are made at −2) Requires Touch [5 points]
- Constructs: +2 when attempting to recover from being Shaken, ignore one point of Wound penalties, don’t breathe or eat and are immune to disease and poison, don’t Bleed Out, and Wounds are removed with Repair instead of Healing. Each Repair roll takes one hour of work per current Wound level, but isn’t limited to the usual "Golden Hour" [8 points]
- Copy Cat: With an Action can copy up to 15 points of an target's powers with a Focus and touch (if hostile requires Fighting check +2). Can copy all the powers up to level or oly part of them. The copied power cannot have Device or Magical Trapings. Partial Powers, Requires Touch [15 points]
- Flight: Pace 12 [4 points]
- Super-Attributes: Strength +2, Vigor +2 [8 points]
- Super Skills: Fighting +1, Focus +2 [3 points]
- Toughness: +2 [2 points]
Doctor X had spent years studying superheroes and villains and their powers along with creating a android that might be able to copy these

Brick/Engery Projector (lightning), Female, Age 19
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d8, Strength d12+3, Vigor d10
Pace 6, Parry 7, Toughness 15
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Focus d8, Languages (English d8; Arabic d6, Chinese d6, Russian d6), Intimidate d6, Language (Chinese d4), Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Research d4, Reair d4, Stealth d6
Edges: First Strike, Frenzy, Iron Jaw, Super Powers, Sweep
Hindrances: Grim (Minor), Heroic (Major), Loyal (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major)
Super Powers (Empowered by Thunder god/spirit??)
- Leaping: Vertial distance 8" (16 yards), Horizonal distance 16" (32 yards). Death from Above (as long as she's not restricted from leaping, the character's Wild Attacks cause +4 damage instead of +2) (Empowered Strength) [4 points]
- Melee Attack: Lighting Damage Str+d6. AP 2, Lethal (Empowered Lighting Fist/Strike) [2 points]
- Ranged Attack: Focus test, Ranged 12/24/48, Lighting Damage 4d6. Burst template option, Lethal (Empowered lighting bolts) [9 points]
- Super Attributes: Strength +5, Vigor +2 (Empowered) [14 points]
- Super Edge: Iron Jaw (Empowered) [2 points]
- Super Skills: Athletics +2, Fighting +2, Focus +2 (Empowered) [6 points]
- Toughness:+8 (Empowered) [8 points]
Mei 'May' Zhang was born in mainland China but her parents moved her with them when the immagated to the US when she was two.

Inventor/Armored Hero, Male, Age 26
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirits d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d6
Pace 6 (Fly 12), Parry 5, Toughness 13 (4)
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Electronics d6 (+2), Fighting d6, Focus d6, Hacking d6 (+2), Languages (English d8; Arabic d6, French d6, Georgain d6, Latin d6, Russian d6, Spanish d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Research d8, Repair d8+2, Science d10+2, Stealth d4, Thievery d6 (+2)
Edges: Mr. Fix It, Rich, Scholar (Science), Super Powers
Hindrances: Heroic (Major), Idealist (Minor), Loyal (Minor), Secret Identity (Major)
Super Powers (Genius Inventor/Armored Suit)
- Armor: +4. Device/worn (Armored Suit) [1 points]
- Broadcast: As an action, the hero can see and hear any radio, television, or internet signal as long as he's within ten miles of a connection. Can connect wirelessly to computer networks within range. Connecting to an encrypted transmissions requires a Focus roll at –2 (−4 or higher for military-grade encryption). Device/worn (Armored Suit) [1 point]
- Flight: Pace 12. Device/worn (Armored Suit) [3 points]
- Gifted: gain a free reroll on Smart test and Smart based skills (Gifted) [2 points]
- Interface: +2 to Electronics and Hacking. Code Braker (+2 to Thievery with electronics locks etc). Device/worn (Armored Suit) [2 points]
- Ranged Attack: Focus test, Range 12/24/48, Force Damage 3d6. Device/worn (Armored Suit) [5 point]
- Super-Attributes: Smarts +3 (Gifted) [6 points]
- Super-Attributies: Agility +1, Strenght +4. Device/worn (Armored Suit) [8 points]
- Super-Skills: Electronics +2, Hacking +2, Research +2, Repair +2, Science +2 (Gifted) [10 points]
- Super Science: power stunt does not replace existing power, instead any power up to 10 points and last twice as long (Gifted) [4 points]
- Toughness: +4. Device/worn (Armored Suit) [3 points]
Growing up in a working class family Jemall Washington was always a gifted kid, way smarter then most other kids. He was always taking things abart and putting them back together again. He graduated high school early and went to University at 14. At 18 he graduated with a duel doctoral degrees in Math and Mechanical Engineering.
He started working as a researcher for military hardward but become uncomfortable with some of the area his team was researching and eventually quite. With his saving he started his own comany producting advanced communicate devices and producting of SCI device that help paralyzed people walk again. He also developted his Vindicator powered armored suit to take up super heroing.

Speedster, Female, Age 21
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirits d8, Strength d6, Vigor d10
Pace lots (100+), Parry 7, Toughness 8
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Focus d6, Healing d4, Language (English d8; Arabic d6, Georgian d6, Spanish d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d6
Edges: Brawler (Str+d), Elan, Extraction (Improved), Level Headed (Improved), Super Powers, The Best There Is (Speed)
Hindrances: Bad Eyes (Minor), Impulsive (Major), Mild Mannored (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major)
Super Powers (Mutant)
- Additional Actions: Ignores two Multi-Action penalty a round (normally -4). Fast Action [8 points]
- Damage Field: Lighting Damage 3d6. Area (line), Requires her to run by targets (within 1") at full speed (-1) (Lighting charged run-by) [6 points]
- Speed: Sonic Speed (768 mph), Attack penalty to hit you -6 (full speed). Surface Tension (at full speed can run across water and up and down sides of buildigs) [15 points]
- Super Attributes: Agility +2, Vigor +2 [8 poits]
- Super Edges: Extraction, Improved Extraction, Improved Level Headed, Level Headed, [8 points]
Lindsee Santiago grew up in a middle class family when her powers manifested during a track meet. Luckily it was during a long distance marathon and she happened to be out of sight of anyone. She leaned how to use her powers in secret and after graducation she got a job as a night time stock room person at a store. She could finish her job in no time and was able to go out 'super-heroing' for the rest of the night.