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'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
Brand waits till the last arrivals appear. Asher and Rinaldo. He nods to them in greeting. | Brand waits till the last arrivals appear. Asher and Rinaldo. He nods to them in greeting. | ||
Latest revision as of 15:10, 31 January 2022
Michael James Watson
Brand waits till the last arrivals appear. Asher and Rinaldo. He nods to them in greeting.
Brand gathers himself up and settles back into his chair in the tomb.
“Let me tell you a story my loyal followers, my sons, and my daughter.”
“As all such tales must this starts with Once upon a time in a fairy tale land, there was....and here is where tales divert. Mine has a powerful king out of legend and a turbulent family. This king guarded a might artifact that wove its gossamer threads into all things across uncountable lands. He ruled for eons among the lands and for years in others. In the great land he had reigned since the dwarf and the stick pony had created it. As all such tale of troublesome families must, this one was great in its troubles.
“In the course of time the King sought to find which of his sons was most worthy to rule after him. He heaped these sons with tests and treasures. The others he gave trinkets and often forgot their names. These lesser sons he knew would gravitate to one of the great sons forming cabals and in this manner he would know what groups were the strongest and their leader the most fit to rule.
“And so it was for thousands of years. A contest of the great king and his sons.”
Asher chuckles, “The great king had many daughters too, father.”
Brand shakes his head, “No. The king had no daughters. Not a single one. All his children are princes. He did however have a number of very pretty sons with vaginas.”
Brand refills his goblet. Looking into it he sighs, “Bleys had the right idea it seems.” He drinks the goblet dry and refills it to continue.
“These cabals grew and sought deep wisdom and found it. Learned of the origins, the names of things, and gained great powers. They found many paths and their ambitions became great enough to sway nations and gods of many lands. The telling of these lessons and paths would take eons and only the broken son of one of the princes has read enough to know even a sizable fraction of them. So it goes.”
“One of the cabals made dark friends and paid dark prices for power and wisdom. And in their arrogance they tried to supplant the great king and put their leader on the throne. But the king knew all their doings and played his role to the ruination of uncounted lives. War came and he let it. He watched the favored sons battle among themselves even allowing one to nearly murder another, though that was beyond the limits of the game the king set for them. “
He pauses to refill his goblet, making sure those present do so as well.
“You all know these things. So why do I go on so? King Oberon was fooled by few acts. I did one of them when I stabbed Martin and attempted to remake the universe. If I had followed the plans the Lords of Chaos had taught me I would have brought Amber down, not raised King Bleys up. We three sat the Oracle of Night to our own foolish damnation. My time in the Abyss has taught me the folly of my path.”
“Corwin did two things that fooled Oberon. He refused the crown. Then he attempted to repair the damage I did to the pattern, giving of his life, out of duty. He sets a high bar for the rest of us now who would be dutiful sons.”
“If Oberon was asked, he might consider the creation of Avalon a surprise too. I hope it gave him the galloping runs.”
He polishes off his drink and ChaIik refills it. He puts his hand on her shoulder and says, “My dear friend. I know you have many talents and many skills and have done many things for me. I release your oath to me. I hearby release all being, creatues and places from any oath, fealty, or binding to me. I will hold no oaths with any being save the King of Amberr. All I ask of you, dear Chalik is a favor. Keep my mug filled, keep the mugs of those who drink with me full. You other skills are always at your command but from now on, I will command nothing of you. Any of you.”
“Another thing that surprised Oberon is that after all his manipulations and cruelties, one of the sons who had stayed clear of the cabals until the very end won the game and rules from his throne. Random was always kind, if other things as well, the little fink.”
“Now the game is changed. We princes are surpassed. The succession is secured. The realm is secured. An Undoubted King rules again. Finndo was doubted. Eric was doubted. Corwin was doubted. Margot was doubted. Yet Finndo, Corwin, Eric, and Margot all wore the crown of Amber and the crown did not kill them. Finndo, Corwin, Eric, and Margot all sat the throne and were not slain. Finndo, Corwin, Eric, and Margot all held the scepter and were not killed. Finndo, Corwin, Eric, and Margot all bear the highest attunements of the Jewel of Judgment and are not enslaved. Yet all 4 were doubted kings. No longer does a doubted king rule. Now there is an Undoubted king, a just and charming queen, a son born in wedlock, a daughter born in wedlock.”
“When Bleys realized the game was over and Random had in truth won, he became a drunk and an actor. I will drink, and become a sage. We sit at this tomb on a bare rocky face looking over the Forest of Arden. I thank Bleys for his effort making this place but now I shall complete it. I want a stone sitting area down the way from the door on the left. Enough room for comfort. I want bushes with edible fruit around the area. In this room, My sarcophagus will be a feasting table. Collections of ever full platters. Barrels of wine. All the platters and barrels are in the dungeon now. People visit the tombs.. Now they will find a pleasant place to sit, rest and eat. I want to fill the 2 walls that are deep with rows of books for visitors to read.”
“And they will find a Prince of Amber here. This is where I will be from breakfast to Compline. 9 in the morning till midnight I shall be here. I will obey the word of the king to not leave Amber without his leave. I shall serve my sentence. I owe a debt and I shall take the abuse given me till the king frees me to depart. ”
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex leans back against a wall goblet in hand she sips but not fast.
She had formally greeted her half brothers as they arrived, but she feels a bit like a stranger here.
She is among family though she barely knows them.
During the story Alex sips her drink and listens in silence. Her eyes going from her father to her brothers and the others present.
Not in a worried or cautious way, just curious how they hear the story.
After the story she stays silent for a while looking at Rinnaldo and Asher how they react to it.
Alex then looks at her father with a warm smile on her face, though she stays in the back.
A soft.
"If i can help with anything..."
Michael James Watson
Rinaldo says, "Well, I'm king of Kashfra now, so I am content to not be Crown Prince of Amber. Mother of course wants to see you."
Alex cathes Rinaldo's eye and he winks. She notices a top of the line large caliber nail gun on both hips under a long formal looking overcoat.
Asher stands and walks out to the rocky area in front of the crypt.
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex smiles at Rinaldo, she does look a bit longer to the nail guns on his hips that he notices that she had noticed.
Seeing Asher leave she follows him with her eyes till he is out of view for her. She turns to Brand and Rinaldo again.
"Truly i am happy that you are staying and following the orders of the King. And that you will fulfill a role fitting to you.
I hope you can bring insight to those who seek it. With that repaying the debt you have accumulated."
She smiles and places down her goblet and picks up her violin case.
"If i can help with anything let me know. But for now i feel out of place and little to contribute. "
She says it with a smile she bows her head to Brand and to Rinaldo.
"Thank you for your time, Sir. " She says to Brand.
"I can wait outside if you need me to walk with you back to the castle. to put some ease to the minds of other elites. " SHe says the last with a slight grin.
"They looked awefully worried and confused earlier. "
Turning to Rinaldo
"A pleasure meeting you,"
Then to both "i am again sorry for Laravela."
"If you would excuse me."
She does wait to be excused.
Michael James Watson
Brand says, "I invited your mother. She seems to have declined attending. While i think the only thing keeping me from seeking her out is the king's decree that I was worth a peerage if i am caught off the grounds I don't want to give anyone ideas. Especially out at Brightedge where i have a few friends and a few enemies. I am sure Even of Hale is still sniffing after Fres out there. So, if you wish to be of service to me, go get your mother. If you happen to speak to Rusus Hase, the chief Stonemason architct at Bright Edge, tell him i would like to commission him to do some small amount of stone work for me around her. Tell Fres that dodging me is no way to treat her husband."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex bows her head in a formal gesture.
"Understood, i can of course try, though no promises are made. I can not really tell my mother to do anything. "
A slight grimace on her face wondering how her mother would react would Alex start attempting to order her around.
"Rusus Hase, yes if i see him i will convey the message. "
She turns to walk away but then thinks for a moment and turns again
"Are you and my mother really married? like married married? or more well we had an oopsie and guess we try and stick together married?"
Alex tilts her head a bit as she has failed to think of a better way describing what she meant.
Michael James Watson
Rinaldo steps over and says, "Yes, are you married to Fres Mia or to Jasra? I know you were legally married to Jasra...."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex looks surprised with Rinnaldo stepping in. But she does wonder.
Alex takes a step back to give space to King Rinaldo and looks at her father...
"I did not mean to verbally attack you, it was just something i wondered."
She smiles at Rinaldo.
"Eitherway it changes nothing for me really."
Michael James Watson
Brand looks to Rinaldo, then Alex, "I am married to both. I look forward to them meeting. Moonlight and madness is a fine aphrodisiac. It will be interesting to see who ends up with the whip; the hellmaiden of Hendrake or The princess's sidekick. They both have their talents. Still, neither is good at stone masonry a d that's what I need now."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex her face changes her ever present smile fades and she looks serious to Brand.
"My mother is not there for your amusement. Do not hurt her or insult her. "
She stares in a calm but very serious look to Brand.
"If anyone has my highest loyalty it is her. She raised me as the woman and warrior i am.. and sure i was eager to meet you as a father figure...
But that idea was clearly over romanticized. Which is fine nothing to be mad about. Just... disappointing.
But then again. You do not hold your children in high regard. Even if you only met Laravella once. She was clearly willing to die for your sake... And she did. Yet you only speak bad of her. It is not that you are a beacon of innocence and high morality..... Sir. "
She stands more straight and in a calm and neutral tone she speaks as if guard being given orders.
"I will extend your invitation again to my mother, and ask Rusus Hase if he is interested in doing work for you."
She bows her head to Brand.
"I will let you know, Sir."
She then turns and smiles a soft smile to Rinaldo before she walks out.
Adding a soft
"Nice meeting you."
Michael James Watson
Brand says," You think Laravala died for my sake? You think Laravala is dead? You think an Abyssal creature standing beside a pattern with worship full devotion to it would let itself be slain like a feast day lamb? Ask her when you see her."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex turns to Brand eyes wide.
"What? What do you mean? She is not dead? But she freed you. She was beheaded. "
She looks confused and looks at Rinaldo then to Brand again.
"How..... To be graphic in my words, i saw her head roll away from her body... "
Her hand shoots to her chest where the mark was or is, she doesn't feel it anymore at least.
"Does it have to do with her abyssal mark or that she was... Or is an Abyssal?"
Alex her sure stance and confidence seems to waver as she didn't expect that answer.
Michael James Watson
"Laravala is a first class Abyssal sorcereress that unearthed a buried pattern. The pattern was greatful. When she came to me she had just finished her hundredth time walking it. The pattern is a living thing, in its own manner. Its angry at me for damaging it. Its loyal to Random for protecting it. Its devoted to Vance for pulling it from the Abyss. It greatful to Laravala for unburying it. When you fought this Abyssal sorcereress how much magic did she attack you with? How many lava blasts? How many cardiac arrest spells? Or did she just stand there and get her head cut off knowing she could issue a death curse and survive it?"
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex now fully turned to Brand, she frowns and shakes her head a bit.
" I... I am not certain how much she used. What i understood from it, is that alot of things she had placed were traps, already laid out magical attacks.
She did at the end attack Donovan though... And me with lava.
It didn't harm me though.
She had summoned creatures... Imps of some sort. But that too was already done, not at that moment. And i could easily pinpoint them for attack."
Alex tries to think about it.
"So even if she knew she would come back she could still use her death curse?
Damn... Maybe i should warn Skadi, Donovan and Chris ...
I thought it seemed easy against such a powerful sorceress. But the royals seemed okey with it so as an elite i gave it no more thought. "
Alex rubs her arm thoughtfully
"And i was slightly freaked out due to no lava harming me. Imps and such listening to my command and i could open those abyssal locks she had placed ."
Alex looks down in thought ..
"Perhaps i should pick up a study about it. They don't teach you those things as an elite.
Do you have recommendations where i should start.
Might also be smart in case that mark ever returns."
Michael James Watson
RInaldo says, "Whats this about Abyssal locks?"
Brand looks at him, "Sorry son. You and Asher were born before Patternfall. Laravalla and Alex were born afterwards. While i was in the abyss beside an age of torment I also managed to acquire several Abyassal atunements, one of which is a Fire Mark."
Looking to Alex he generates a small glowing ball of fire to hover in his hand. He says, "Alex, think back over your life. Have you ever been seriously burned? Not touched a hot pot or brushed a torch, but fell into a campfire, grabbed a piece of iron from a forge fire? Something that would have alerted you to an immunity to fire? I suspect you don't remember it but it happened once at least. You were a toddler. Not even talking yet but already running. Your mother says she she saw you take a horseshoe from the fire of the forge at Brightedge and hand it to the smith. She came to speak to me after that. Soon after you went and spent time in shadow for the first time, so you did not spend dangerous years in Amber. Do you remember that now that i mention it? That first world where fire was not so easy to grab?"
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex smiles
"I can almost see the poetry in it. Your sons born before the abyss your daughters after. One daughter bright red fiery hair the other nearly white. Hmmm i could write a song about that. "
Putting her violin down again she sits. Staring at the small fire ball.
"I don't remember the horseshoe from the fire.
And the shadow you mention only vaguely really.
But it does explain why i did not feel fear of running into a burning building or village to pull people out.
And i came out unscathed except my clothing.... Just like the lava... I was fine but i was buttnaked after that... "
She blushes a bit remembering the eyes of Donovan upon her.
"But no i don't remember fire not being to easy to grab, sorry"
Michael James Watson
He sits beside her, "You come at the end of a long tale between Fres and I. She was ancient when i was a young boy. I admired her, then loved her and she came to love me. Such things happen with immortals. She was immortal because she always returned here. I was because of the blood of Bariman. There is probably no one more hated then me. And you are the result of one of the few who love me. But ours was a complicated relationship. Now. Let this ball of fire rest in your hand."
He pours the ball into her hand. It feels fluid like water. Something about it makes her think she could change its shape if not its mass.
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex looks at Brand almost a saddened look in her eyes
"Do you think mom still loves you? I'll talk to her in a bit. "
Feeling the fire in her hand she smiles a bright smile.
Having the sense she can change its form she thinks of the jasmine flower she knows so perfectly in her mind and heart.
Which she draws daily. Reminds her of her first love.
A flaming beautiful jasmine flower.
Michael James Watson
Brand chuckles, "Love... Perhaps we had love once. But immortality is difficult on love. Companionship was more reliable for us."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex smiles and nods slow not to break her concentration on the little fireball which she tries to contain her in her hands and little embers springing up forming little jasmine flowers.
"That is perhaps a healthier way of looking at it considering indeed immortality. And the age mom is. Still a bit curious why mom decided to have a child when she did. i do not know of any siblings."
She smiles sideways to Rinaldo.
"I mean from my mother her side."
She frowns slightly as Fres knew Brand as a child. But again as Brand said with immortality its not strange