SWADE Eberron: Difference between revisions
KarlGreen646 (talk | contribs) |
KarlGreen646 (talk | contribs) |
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:'''''Multiple Languages''''' - gain ½ Smarts in additional languages at d6 each | :'''''Multiple Languages''''' - gain ½ Smarts in additional languages at d6 each | ||
:'''''Wound Cap''''' - wild cards suffer a maximum of 4 Wounds from a single hit; apply this limit before making Soak rolls. | :'''''Wound Cap''''' - wild cards suffer a maximum of 4 Wounds from a single hit; apply this limit before making Soak rolls. | ||
''Languages in this Setting'': '''Abyssal''' (Demons and evil outsiders), '''Aklo''' (inhuman, otherworldly monsters and evil fey), '''Aqua''' (aquatic creatures), '''Auran''' (flying creatures), '''Celestial''' (angels and good outsiders), '''Common''' (humans standard), '''Draconic''' (dragons and reptilian humanoid), '''Druidic''' (druidic), '''Dwarfish''' (dwarfs), '''Elvish''' (elves and half-elves), '''Giantish''' (cyclops, giants, ogres, trolls), '''Gnomish''' (gnomes), '''Goblinoid''' (bugbears, goblins, hobgoblins), '''Gnollish''' (gnolls), '''Halfingish''' (halflings), '''Ignan''' (fire-based creatures), '''Infernal''' (devils and evil outsiders), '''Orcish''' (orcs and half-orcs), '''Sylvan''' (centaurs, fey, plant creatures and unicorns), Terran (earth based creatures), '''Undercommon''' (duergar, morlocks and svirfneblin) | ''Languages in this Setting'': '''Abyssal''' (Demons and evil outsiders), '''Aklo''' (inhuman, otherworldly monsters and evil fey), '''Aqua''' (aquatic creatures), '''Auran''' (flying creatures), '''Celestial''' (angels and good outsiders), '''Common''' (humans standard), '''Draconic''' (dragons and reptilian humanoid), '''Druidic''' (druidic), '''Dwarfish''' (dwarfs), '''Elvish''' (elves and half-elves), '''Giantish''' (cyclops, giants, ogres, trolls), '''Gnomish''' (gnomes), '''Goblinoid''' (bugbears, goblins, hobgoblins), '''Gnollish''' (gnolls), '''Halfingish''' (halflings), '''Ignan''' (fire-based creatures), '''Infernal''' (devils and evil outsiders), '''Orcish''' (orcs and half-orcs), '''Quori''' (far-realm outsiders) '''Sylvan''' (centaurs, fey, plant creatures and unicorns), Terran (earth based creatures), '''Undercommon''' (duergar, morlocks and svirfneblin) | ||
Revision as of 01:05, 9 January 2022
This is a conversion guild for playing the Eberron setting using the Savage Wor;d Adventure Edition (Pathinder PDF)
Rule Setting Savage World Adventure Edition (SWAE) and SWAE Pathfinder Core Rules (SWAP)
Setting Rules (SWAE pg. 136-145)
- Born a Hero - ignore rank requirement at character creation
- High Adventure - a benny to gain the use of a short term combat edge you qualify for
- Multiple Languages - gain ½ Smarts in additional languages at d6 each
- Wound Cap - wild cards suffer a maximum of 4 Wounds from a single hit; apply this limit before making Soak rolls.
Languages in this Setting: Abyssal (Demons and evil outsiders), Aklo (inhuman, otherworldly monsters and evil fey), Aqua (aquatic creatures), Auran (flying creatures), Celestial (angels and good outsiders), Common (humans standard), Draconic (dragons and reptilian humanoid), Druidic (druidic), Dwarfish (dwarfs), Elvish (elves and half-elves), Giantish (cyclops, giants, ogres, trolls), Gnomish (gnomes), Goblinoid (bugbears, goblins, hobgoblins), Gnollish (gnolls), Halfingish (halflings), Ignan (fire-based creatures), Infernal (devils and evil outsiders), Orcish (orcs and half-orcs), Quori (far-realm outsiders) Sylvan (centaurs, fey, plant creatures and unicorns), Terran (earth based creatures), Undercommon (duergar, morlocks and svirfneblin)
- Heroic Recovery: At the end of fight, all characters who have suffered a Wound or Wounds can make a Soak Check after a short rest (10+ minutes) for free. Make a normal healing test, with a success you recover a Wound.
- Run Dice: Changed to d4+2 (instead of d6) or 1d3+1 (for d4) and d6+4 (for a d10)
- Species: chose a race from those below.
- Novice: 5 attribute points and 12 skills points (along with starting skills)
- Bonus: all characters gain one bonus Edge but you must qualify for it (except for Rank) or gain a +1 step to one Attribute trait.
- Hindrances: One Major and two Minor Hindrances.
- Starting Gear: from SWAP pg. 130 GEAR and starting funds of 300 gold pieces ($). Additional gear is listed below and also primitive firearms are found in this setting from the SWAE - Black Powder Pistols and Muskets (pg. 73) with the Kentucky Rifle renamed the Rifled Musket (pg. 73) and Costing 500 gold pieces ($).
Note that any species in SWAP listed as having Darkvsion replace it with 'Thermal Vision - see ‘heat’ and halve all darkness illumination penalty (including invisibility).
Those who bare a significant amount of celestial outsider blood in their ancestry. Others are naturally drawn to them as they exude natural charm and grace. Family that have such a child are often considered blessed or lucky. Most are of good natural and calm emotions but there are the occational black hearted one who uses their looks to take advantage of others.
- Native Language: Celestial or Common
- Arcane Resistance [2]: as Edge.
- Blessed Looks (Attractive) [2]: as the Attractive Edge
- Divine Health [1] +2 resistant against diseases and poisons.
- Drive (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance, players chose what it is.

Distrusted by many for their abilities as spies and assassins. Changelings have white pale skin and hair and white ireless eyes in the natural form. They often assume the form of someone else to avid the prejudices directed at them.
- Native Languages: Common or Aklo
- Linguistic [2]: as Edge, combined with Multiple Languages setting, gain your full Smarts dice in additional d6 languages.
- Secret or Hindrance (Major) [-2]: Changeling are universally distrusted and feared; as such they suffer a great deal of prejudice and mistrust from non-changelings (which is why many never relieve their true nature to others and keep this a secret).
- Shape Shifter [3]: By spending a few seconds in total concentration [1 Action], a Changeling may take on the appearance of any other bipedal race with two eyes, a mouth, and two arms, etc. This can change their sex, skin color, hair color and length, eyes color, etc. and can change their size but only about 10 to 20% (no impact on stats) It is not easy for them to copy a specific individual (so -1 to -4 to fooling anyone who knows that individual, depending on the persons relationship and knowledge). This does not this does not affect their possessions and is not an illusory effect but a minor physical alteration of features. When Stunned or Wounded, the Changeling must make a Spirits roll to maintain the assumed form, and when killed or incapacitated they automatically revert to their natural form. Otherwise they may maintain these forms without effect and for any duration, even when sleeping.
- Sneaky [1]: base Stealth skill of a d6.
Uncommon throughout much of the land these noble beings have the heads and colors of the dragons from the continent of Argonnessen where they also originated.
- Native Languages: Common or Draconic
- Bite [1]: base Str+d4
- Code of Honor or Heroic [-2]: as Major Hindrance (player’s choice). Dragonborn are very concerned about honor, etc.
- Commanding [1]: Dragonborn have a commanding presence and they gain +1 Persuasion or Intimidate (player’s choice).
- Elemental Resistance [1]: Dragonborn are resisted to an element depending on their color – Red and Bronze: Fire/Heat; White and Silver: Cold/Ice; Green and Copper: Acid; Blue and Gold: Electricity/Lightning Resistance grants +4 to resistant rolls or +4 toughness against damage of that element.
- Scaly Hide [1]: their scales add AP+2.
- Strong [2]: base Strength of d6 and can raise their starting score in this trait to a d12+1.
Dwarves (along with Goblins, Orcs, Gnomes and Halflings) where some of the original inhabitants of Khorvaire. From their lands in the Mror Hold Mountains they control a great deal of wealth both in gold and manufaturing.
- Native Language: Dwarves
- Use the SWAP pg. 20 Ancestries traits for Dwarves

Elves were said to be first born on the island continent of Aerenal but in ancient days where kidnapped by Giants and taken to Xen’drik as slaves. With the destruction of the Giants Empire most elves fled to Khorvire. Those that remained behind would eventually become known as the Drow. As such there are three subraces of Elves although there is no game mechanic different they are culturally different. High Elves are pale skinned with silver or golden hair, Wood Elves bare more tannish colored skin with green hair while the Drow have greyish skin tones pale white hair.
- Native Language: Elves
- Use the SWAP pg. 21 Ancestries traits for Elves
Cousins of the Dwarfs the Gnomes run most of the banking and information gathering of the peoples of Khorvire. Most peoples under estimate the Gnomes and this suits the master manipulators fine.
- Native Language: Gnomish
- Use the SWAP pg. 22 Ancestries traits for Gnomes
Half-Elves are the result of the joining of Humans and Elves in ancient days but they have become their own separate race over the centuries.
- Native Language: Elves or Common
- Use the SWAP pg. 22 Ancestries traits for Half Elves
As with Half-Elves, Half-Orcs are the result of ancient joining between Humans and Orcs but over the century they became their own separate race of beings. Half-Orcs did inherit some troubling personality traits from the Orc forbearers and are mean-tempered as a general rule.
- Native Language: Common or Orcish
- Use the SWAP pg. 23 Ancestries traits for Half Orcs
Shortest of the sapient races the Halflings hail originally from the great Talenta Plains of Eastern Khorvaire. There they road lizard like creatures and where fairly nomadic. Today they have settled throughout the old Human Empire.
- Native Language: Halflings
- Use the SWAP pg. 24 Ancestries traits for Halflings
The most common races on the continent of Khorvaire, humans have settled throughout most of these lands. They themselves migrated to this continent thousands of year ago.
- Native Language: Common
- Use the SWAP pg. 24 Ancestries traits for Humans
Are a race of psionic humanoids from Adar of the continent of Sarlona. They have ‘bonded’ or merged with spirits of the quon and are ‘dual minded’.
- Native Language: Quori or Common
- Bright [2]: start with a base Smarts d6 and maximum of d12+1.
- Outsiders (Major) [-2]: as Hindrance. Others feel extremely uncomfortable around them.
- Psionic Gifted [4]: starts with the Arcane Background (Psionic) for free. Also gains +5 power points with psionic powers.
Shifters are the results of ancient joining between Humans and true Lycanthropes but now breed true. During the purges of the Silver Flames that persecuted were-creatures they also killed many Shifters. To this day most Shifters are weary of civilized folk and civilized folk are weary of them.
- Native Language: Common or Sylvan
- Agile or Strong or Heathy [2]: base Agility or Strength or Vigor (player’s choice) of a d6 and maximum of a d12+1 with trait.
- Cautious (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance. Shifters are not trusting.
- Outsider (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance. Shifters are generally seen as bestial and savages by most folk.
- Shift [3]: on their Action, a Shifter can freely “Shift” towards a more aggressive aspects of his or her animal-side and gain some advantages. A Longtooth Shifter gains the Bite Str+d4 and Scent (gain within +2 to Survival skill for tracking plus with a Notice check can see through illusions, sense invisible beings, ignore concealment, illumination penalties etc. if within 2”). The Razorclaw Shifter gains Bite and Claws that do Str+d6 damage and also a Pace increase to 8 (Run d6+2). The Rhino-Hide gain AP+4 (does not stack with other armor) and +2 to Toughness. The Shiftwing gain flying Pace x2 (Run d8+4). There is no real cost to using this ability except that the Shifter takes on a more animalistic appearance (a Longtooth’s face extends like a wolf’s, a Razorclaw looks more cat-like, the Rhino-Hide gets heavier and skin color becomes greyish, the Swiftwing grow batlike wings from their backs). While shifting they suffer a -2 to Persuasion checks.
- Thermal Vision [1]: see ‘heat’ and halve all darkness illumination penalty (including invisibility).
Tieflings are the result of a joining of Humans and Demons and as a result they take on many of the features of their demonic parents such as reddish skin, horns sprouting from their foreheads and devilish tails. Most folk see them as evil but as with all the races there are both good and bad Tieflings.
- Native Language: Abysal or Common
- Bright [2]: base Smarts of a d6 and maximum d12+1.
- Devilish Allure [2]: as the Attractive Edge.
- Horns [1]: base unarmed damage Str+d4.
- Outsider (Major) [-2]: as Hindrance.
- Thermal Vision [1]: see ‘heat’ and halve all darkness illumination penalty (including invisibility).
- Starting Languages: ½ Smarts die in d6 languages one must be Infernal.
Created by the Dragonhouse of Cannith as fodder to fight in the Last War on all sides. At the end of the war the Treaty of Thronehould granted the Warforged their freedoms. They now wander the world, looking for their place within it.
- Native Language: Common
- Armor Plating [1]: their basic construction grants them AP+2 (cannot wear other armor).
- Living Construct [4]: gain a +2 to recover from being Shaken and Stunned, ignore one level of wound modifiers and are immune to disease. They require minimum food or water (about ¼ what a normal human would require) and can benefit from potions. They gain +4 to resist Poisons and inhaled Toxins (or to their Toughness vs. such damages). They cannot heal naturally but instead must be Repaired (ignore the “Golden Hour”). This requires about one hour of work. They wounds count as a penalty to this check. They still require rest (sleep) although it is more like meditation or “powering down” and are fully alert during this time.
- Loyalty (Minor) [-1]: as the Hindrance, warforged has been programed at creation in this way.
- Model [2]: during their creation the warforged were made for serve multiple roles. They gain one of the following – Diplomat (gain the Linguistic Edge), Scout (base Stealth d6 and +1 to Stealth skill checks), Warrior (increase AP to +4 and Toughness +1).
- Outsider (Major) [-2]: as Flaw, most people are extremely uncomfortable around them or treat them as if they were non-sentient (just a smart machine). Also there reputation from the Forged Wars is not good.
Warforged cannot take any Dragonmark but they can take any type of other Arcane Backgrounds.
Hindranced, Skills and Edges
Using the basic Hindrances (SWAP pg. 25), Skills (SWAP pg. 33) and Edges (SWAP pg. 40) found in the Pathfinder Core although Arcane Backgrounds are slightly different (see MAGIC Backgrounds; see below)