Rebecca (Becca) Martikainen: Difference between revisions

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:Lockpick Set
:Lockpick Set
:Shock Glove
:Shock Glove
:Yamaha Growler
:Yamaha Growler (Light - Size 1, Handling +2, Top Speed 60mph, Toughness 11 (2), Crew 1+1, Mods (+1): Exposed Crew, Off-Road, Reinforced Chassis I, Speed II)

Revision as of 20:50, 24 April 2022

back to Savage Shadowrun PBP[1]


Rebecca (Becca) Martikainen

Gender: female; Race: Dwarf; Appearance: short dark blond hair, brown eyes


Agility; d10
Smarts: d6
Spirit: d6
Strength: d6
Vigor: d10

Special abilities

Infravision; +2 to checks against toxins and poisons

Derived Stats

Pace: 5, run 4d
Parry: 5
Size: 0
Toughness: 10 (3/-4 from ballistic damage)




Curious (major) (choose an edge)
Driven (minor) (find out what happened to her sister) (1 extra skill point)
Loyal (minor) (additional starting funds)


Athletics d8; Common Knowledge d6; Driving d6; Electronics d6; Fighting d6; Notice d8; Persuasion d6 (base); Shooting d8; Stealth d8; Thievery d8

CYBERNETICS (Stain Total: 1.0)

Cat's Eyes (Strain 0.25): Ignore Dim and Dark illumination
Datajack (Stain 0.5): direct access to devices +2 to non-combat skill checks
Orientation Systems (Strain 0.25): always know direction


Auto Lock Picker
Ceramic Knife (Fighting skill, damage +d4, Wt. 1; +2 to hide on self and +4 vs. MAD detetors)
Comlink (Broadcast 50", Firewall 1; Matrix smarts and skills d4)
Colt American L36; Extra Ammo Clip; Laser Sight; 2 boxes standard rounds (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, AP1, ROF1, Shots 15)
Concealed Holster (shoulder)
Earplugs. 150. Audio Enhancer 1
Gecko Climbing Grips and Pads
Goggles. Thermal/IR 300; Flash Compensation 1; Visual Magnification 2.
Kevlar Helmet (AP2/-4 ballistic damage, Wt. 2; Head)
Lined Coat (AP3/-4 ballistic damage, Wt.; Torso, Arms, Legs)
Lockpick Set
Shock Glove
Yamaha Growler (Light - Size 1, Handling +2, Top Speed 60mph, Toughness 11 (2), Crew 1+1, Mods (+1): Exposed Crew, Off-Road, Reinforced Chassis I, Speed II)