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:Family Pride
:Social Justice

=Skill Values=
=Skill Values=

Revision as of 21:55, 18 December 2022

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Carlos Ramirez :: Asset Handler

"Apply proper leverage and ~ everyone ~ wants to help"

Statistics & Derived Attributes

STAT Score x5 What Others Notice
Strength 8 40 Small and Slight
Constitution 10 50
Dexterity 10 50
Intelligence 14 70
Power 13 65
Charisma 17 85 Social Chameleon
Derived Attributes Current Maximum
Hit Points (HP) 9 9
Willpower (WP) 13 13
Sanity (SAN) 65 65
Breaking Point (BP) 52 52


Name / Relationship Score
Samantha (Sam) Devreaux / Ex Wife 17
Nana Ramirez / Grandmother 17
Dr. Anthony Page / Mentor (Cultural Anthropology) 17
Bunny / Online Gaming Buddy 17


Family Pride
Social Justice

Skill Values

Accounting 10% Drive Heavy Machine 10% Pilot 0%
Alertness 60% Firearms 60% Psychotherapy 10%
Anthropology 70% First Aid 40% Ride 10%
Archaeology 0% Forensics 0% Science 0%
Art 0% Heavy Weapons 0% Search 60%
Artillery 0% History 60% SIGINT 0%
Athletics 30% HUMINT 80% Stealth 10%
Bureaucracy 40% Law 0% Surgery 0%
Computer Science 0% Medicine 0% Survival 10%
Craft 0% Melee Weapons 30% Swim 20%
Criminology 10% Military Science 0% Unarmed Combat 40%
Demolitions 0% Navigate 10% Unnatural 0%
Disguise 10% Occult 40% XL Spanish 50%
Dodge 30% Persuade 60%
Drive Auto 20% Pharmacy 0% English [Native]

Incidents of SAN loss without going insane

Violence adapted
Helplessness adapted

Physical Injuries and Ailments

Has First Aid been attempted since your last injury? If yes, only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further

Armor and Equipment

Weapon Skill % Base Range Damage Armor Piercing Kill Damage Kill Radius Shots


American || Birthplace: Portland, OR | Male | 37 yo | 5'6" | 150 lbs | Pronouns: Him/Her/They

Carlos is an outside contractor who specializes in handling folk who do not want to be handled, assets working against their better judgement for reward or leverage. Informants, witnesses, even folk who don't know they are being used as assets. Carlos keeps them on track. Or tries his damnedest.

When he is not handling assets, he is developing them.

DG is not his only employer, but it is fast becoming his primary.

Thus far his association with DG has proven mostly uneventful, but he has heard stories from hardened agents, oldtimers, and fringe personalities he sometimes comes across.

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