Kings Cross: Liberty Belle: Difference between revisions

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| || longevity: ages at half normal rate
| || longevity: ages at half normal rate
| colspan="4" style="text-align:right;" | '''Subtotal:''' || (110)
| colspan="2" | Kevlar body suit || +3r PD, +3 rED; IIF (-1/4) || style="text-align:center;" | || style="text-align:center;" |7
| colspan="2" | Kevlar body suit || +3r PD, +3 rED; IIF (-1/4) || style="text-align:center;" | || style="text-align:center;" |7

Revision as of 17:32, 26 February 2023

Character for the game King's Cross


Holly Brandt, the Irrepressible Liberty Belle

Vital Statistics

Name: Holly Brandt
Alias: Liberty Belle
Identity: Secret
Height: 6'2” Weight: 278 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue
Place of Birth: King's Cross, DE Date of Birth: Jan 30, 2001
Marital Status: single
Relatives: Her parents, Doctors Mark and Sheila Brandt
her twin sister, Hazel Brandt (aka Bombshell)
various extended family
Affiliations: Lady Grey University, Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, Democratic Socialists of America
Occupation: college student, intern

Total Points: 400/400


VALUE Characteristic Cost ROLL & Notes
30 STR 25 15-, 6D6, lift: 1600 kg, throw 48m (half END)
20 DEX 20 13-
20 CON 10 13-
20 INT 10 13-, PER: 17-
20 EGO 10 13-
20 PRE 10 13-, 4d6
8 OCV 25
8 DCV 25
3 OMCV 0
6 DMCV 9
5 SPD 30 3,5,8,10,12
10 PD 8
5 ED 3
10 REC 6
50 END 6
20 BODY 10
40 STUN 10
24m Running 12
8m Leaping 2
8m Swimming 2
TOTAL: 232


ROLL Skill Characteristic Cost Notes
13- Acrobatics DEX 3
8- Acting PRE 0
13- Breakfall DEX 3
13- Bureaucratics PRE 3
13- Charm PRE 3
13- Climbing DEX 3
8- Concealment INT 0
13- Conversation PRE 3
8- Deduction INT 0
13- High Society PRE 3
11- Knowledge (New England area) Prof/INT 0
13- Knowledge (King's Cross area) Prof/INT 3
13- Knowledge (American politics) Prof/INT 3
4 Language: English Lang 0
3 Language: French Lang 3
13- Oratory PRE 3
13- Paramedics INT 3
13- Persuasion PRE 3
11- Professional Skill: Politician Prof/INT 0
8- Shadowing INT 0
8- Stealth DEX 0
- Transport Familiarity (SMGV) - 0
- Defensive Maneuvers II - 5
- Well Connected - 3

Perks and Talents

Perk/Talent Notes Cost
Access City Hall 1
Contact Councilwoman Rose Hall 11- (limited by identity: Holly, useful skills and resources, has contacts of her own, good relationship) 2
Contact Skip Williams, investigative reporter 8- (useful skills and resources, has contacts of his own, neutral relationship) 1
Positive Reputation skilled intern 11- (medium sized group: political insiders) 1
Positive Reputation local hero 11- (large geographic area: King’s Cross) 1
Ambidexterity eliminates off-hand penalty 1
Eidetic Memory perfect recall of anything deliberately memorized 5
Striking Appearance beautiful +2 Interaction skill, +2D6 PRE Attacks 2


Name Description/Rules END Cost
Life Support 22
immunity to all terrestrial diseases, poisons, and biological / chemical warfare agents
extended breathing: 1 endurance per minute
diminished eating: any protein
diminished sleep: 8 hours per week
safe environments: low & high pressure, intense cold & heat
longevity: ages at half normal rate
Kevlar body suit +3r PD, +3 rED; IIF (-1/4) 7
Flight 10m Megascale (+1) 2 20
Instant Change Transform, cosmetic 1D6; Standard Effect; Group of clothes (+1/4); Clothes to Costume and back; Free Action Trigger (+3/4); Limited to clothes worn (-1/2); OIF ring (-1/2) 1 3
TOTAL: 140


Description Rules END
Hunted Myriad (More Powerful/Frequently/Extensive Non-Combat Influence/Watched) 15
Rivalry her sister, Hazel (aka Bombshell) (Professional Rival, More Powerful, Seeks to Outdo/Recruit) 10
Dependent NPC this week’s S.O. (Normal, Infrequent, Unaware) 15
Social Complication Secret Identity (Infrequently/Severe) 15
Vulnerability tranquilizer designed by her parents to subdue her or her sister (uncommon, does x2 stun) 10