Brother Elsiph Flametongue: Difference between revisions
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(Cloak of Charisma +2). | (Cloak of Charisma +2). | ||
==Gear== | ===Gear=== | ||
Rapier +2, the Sword of Prince Alivace, an early Thranish royal convert to the Flame. | Rapier +2, the ''Sword of Prince Alivace'', an early Thranish royal convert to the Flame. | ||
A suit of enchanted (+1) leather armor, created by Human Artifactors from the house of Making, captured by Templers during the War, and recently refitted to our hero's measures. | A suit of enchanted (+1) leather armor, created by Human Artifactors from the house of Making, captured by Templers during the War, and recently refitted to our hero's measures. | ||
The | The '''Mantle of Friar Ambrose Greis''', a renowned missionary to Breland some years ago (Cloak of Charisma +2). | ||
A fresh wand of cure light wounds. | A fresh wand of cure light wounds. | ||
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A scroll with several utlity spells, including Minor restore. | A scroll with several utlity spells, including Minor restore. | ||
==Background== | ==Background== |
Revision as of 21:33, 27 February 2007
Male Half-Elf Bard 4 / Cleric 3
Neutral Good
Silver Flame
Representing Robert Edwards
Stat | Score | Bonus |
Strength | 10 | (+0) |
Dexterity | 12 | (+1) |
Constitution | 12 | (+1) |
Intelligence | 12 | (+1) |
Wisdom | 19 | (+4) |
Charisma | 16 | (+3) |
Important Gear
Weapons carried:
- +1 Magic Rapier, Alchemical Silver
- Whip
- Masterwork Shortbow, Ironwood.
- A couple of concealed daggers.
Armor either masterwork leather
Carries a shield and a heavy mace as well for heavy fighting.
Size: Medium
- AGE:22
- HANDED:Right
- EYE COLOR:Violet
- HAIR COLOR:Copper; Wavy;
- HAIR STYLE:Neat Beardless
- CITY: Flamekeep
- PERSONALITY Trait:Hyperintense Attitude
- SPEECH PATTERN: Melodic voice
- PHOBIAS:Closed spaces
Domains: Good & Protection
Energy: Positive [Healing / Turns Undead]
Zero-level Bard spells: 3 per day
First-level Bard spells: 3 (2+1) per day
Second-level Bard spells: 1 (0+1) per day
Zero-level Cleric spells: 4 per day Standard Load: Detect Magic x2 Detect Poison x2 Guidance
First-level Cleric spells: 3 (2+1) per day +1 from a domain: Bless Comprehend Languages Detect Evil Obscuring Mist
Second-level Cleric spells: 2 (1+1) per day +1 from a domain: Owl's Wisdom Sonic Burst Bull's strength
Cast 3 0 level, and 2 first level
- Can know only limited numbers of spells
Spellbook: Bard 4
6x0 level Know Direction Mage Hand Dancing Lights Message Prestidigitation Read Magic
5 xFirst level Charm Person Disguise Self Expedious Retreat Grease Undetectable Alignment
- High charisma gains bonus spells daily
- Alignment Aura
- Spontaneous Casting (heal)
- Turn Undead (6x/day)
- High wisdom gains bonus spells daily
- Domain choices give additional abilities
Domain Abilities: GOOD DOMAIN
Granted Power: You cast good spells at +1 caster level.
Good Domain Spells
1 Protection from Evil: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals
and outsiders.
2 Aid: +1 on attack rolls, +1 on saves against fear, 1d8 temporary hp +1/level (max
Granted Power: You can generate a protective ward as a supernatural ability. Grant someone you touch a resistance bonus equal to your cleric level on his or her next saving throw. Activating this power is a standard action. The protective ward is an abjuration effect with a duration of 1 hour that is usable once per day.
Protection Domain Spells
1 Sanctuary: Opponents can't attack you, and you can't attack.
2 Shield Other F: You take half of subject's damage.
Elsiph revised standard clerical spell load out is
Zero Level: Detect Magic x2 Detect Poison x2 Guidance
First Level: Bless Comprehend Languages Detect Evil Obscuring Mist
Second Level:
Owl's Wisdom
Sonic Burst
Bull's strength
Combat Stats
Total Hit Points: 45
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 13 = 10 +2 [leather] +1 [dexterity]
Dagger [1d4, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1 lb., light, piercing] Light Mace [1d6, crit x2, 1 lb, light, bludgeoning]
Sling [1d4, crit x2, range inc. 50 ft., 0 lb, bludgeoning]
Rapier [1d6, crit 18-20/x2, 2 lb., one-handed, piercing]
Shortbow [1d6, crit x3, range inc. 60 ft., 2 lb., piercing]
Whip [1d3 (nonlethal), crit x2, 2 lb., one-handed, slashing]
Leather armor [light; +2 AC; max dex +6; check penalty 0; 15 lb.]
Touch AC: 11
Flat-footed: 12
Initiative modifier: +1 = +1 [dexterity] Fortitude save: +5 = 4 [base] +1 [constitution] Reflex save: +6 = 5 [base] +1 [dexterity] Will save: +11 = 7 [base] +4 [wisdom] Attack (handheld): +5 = 5 [base] Attack (unarmed): +5 = 5 [base] Attack (missile): +6 = 5 [base] +1 [dexterity] Grapple check: +5 = 5 [base]
Light load: 33 lb. or less Medium load: 34-66 lb. Heavy load: 67-100 lb. Lift over head:100 lb. Lift off ground:200 lb. Push or drag:500 lb.
Aberrant Dragonmark Negotiator Weapon Focus x1 Weapon(s):
Region of Origin: Thrane
Languages: Common Draconic, Elven
Action Points: 8 (this level) Skill Name Key Ability Skill Modifier Ability Modifier Ranks Misc. Modifier Appraise Int 1 = +1
Balance Dex* 1 = +1
Bluff Cha 8 = +3 +5
Climb Str* 0 = +0
Concentration Con 7 = +1 +6 Craft_1 Int 1 = +1
Diplomacy Cha 20 = +3 +9 +2 [half-elf] +2 [bluff] +2 [negotiator]
+2 [sense motive]
Disguise Cha 8 = +3 +5
Escape Artist Dex* 1 = +1
Forgery Int 1 = +1
Gather Information Cha 10 = +3 +5 +2 [half-elf]
Heal Wis 9 = +4 +5
Hide Dex* 1 = +1
Intimidate Cha 5 = +3 +2 [bluff]
Jump Str* 0 = +0
Knowledge (arcana) Int 2 = +1 +1
Knowledge (religion) Int 3 = +1 +2
Listen Wis 7 = +4 +2 +1 [half-elf]
Move Silently Dex* 1 = +1
Perform_Dance Cha 5 = +3 +2 Perform_Sing Cha 7 = +3 +4 Perform_Other Cha 3 = +3
Ride Dex 1 = +1
Search Int 2 = +1 +1 [half-elf] Sense Motive Wis 11 = +4 +5 +2 [negotiator] Sleight of Hand Dex* 5 = +1 +2 +2 [bluff] Spellcraft Int 6 = +1 +5 Spot Wis 5 = +4 +1 [half-elf] Survival Wis 4 = +4
Swim Str** 0 = +0
Use Rope Dex 1 = +1
- = check penalty for wearing armor
Bluff >=5 ranks gives +2 on disguise checks to act in character.
- Immune to magical sleep
- +2 racial bonus on saves vs. enchantments
- Low-light vision (darkvision if half-drow)
- +1 racial bonus on listen, search, and spot checks
- +2 racial bonus on diplomacy and gather information checks
- Bardic Knowledge
- Bardic Music
Elsiph Flametongye's Equipment
Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
Rapier +2, the Sword of Prince Alivace, an early Thranish royal convert to the Flame. A suit of enchanted (+1) leather armor, created by Human Artifactors from the house of Making, captured by Templers during the War, and recently refitted to our hero's measures
Masterwork Horseman's mace Masterwork Ironwood Shortbow Small shield Sling Several knives and daggers, usually carries a masterwork dagger at his hip
Arrows (quiver of 20 Plain, 20 silver Alchemical) x1
Sling bullets (group of 10) x1
Flint and steel
Ink vial
Ink pen
Writing kit
Rope (50', silk) x4
Disguise kit
Healer kit
Spell component pouch
3 each potions of cure moderate and bull's strength.
A scroll with several utility spells, including Minor restore.
Socks, underwear
Fine calf length boots
Knife, fork, spoon sliipped into boot-top
White linen poofy romantic pirate shirt
Wide brimmed hat
Big heavy belt
ID Papers
Traveling Papers
Spare bowstring
Sling and stones
Pouch with ~150 Gold in assorted coins
Tinder box small pouch with small folding knife, spare bowstring, glue, feathers, and like that.
Sweater (If it's cold or rainy, otherwise it's in the duffle)
Silver necklace chain Holy Silver flame symbol Silver whistle
hooded wool monk's robe, worn as talbard over armor Badges embroaderd on sleeve -- Theological circle, Healing mission, Chalaice of Blood(1)
Bow, over shoulder
Duffle bag Armor (Master, +1 Leather, helmet, etc.) Changes of clothing, dressy and rough outfits
Courier's Outfit x2 Explorer's outfit Monk's outfit Some really nice boots (worn) Emergency Pants Night shirt Religious texts Mug brush, razor, soap,etc Bits of ribbon, sissors, needle, thread, spare buttons and hooks. Writing kit Spare knife Big headthumping stick (Horseman's mace)
Valise Master work healer's tools Bandages, antiseptics, analgesics herbs and tincures Potion of cure serious wounds 3 doses antitoxinn Bottle of whiskey Whip Tinbox nine personal articles, made of the finest rubber from the Xen Dirk jungles. Wand case Wand of CLW, 50 charges - xxxxx xxxxx xx Wand of minor restore, 33 charges Yet another spare knife Bag of tricks with a couple of thunderstones and smokesticks
The Mantle of Friar Ambrose Greis, a renowned missionary to Breland some years ago (Cloak of Charisma +2).
Rapier +2, the Sword of Prince Alivace, an early Thranish royal convert to the Flame.
A suit of enchanted (+1) leather armor, created by Human Artifactors from the house of Making, captured by Templers during the War, and recently refitted to our hero's measures.
The Mantle of Friar Ambrose Greis, a renowned missionary to Breland some years ago (Cloak of Charisma +2).
A fresh wand of cure light wounds.
Several potions of cure moderate and bull's strength.
A scroll with several utlity spells, including Minor restore.
Most halfelves in Elberron are raised in stable, loving families of long lineage of halfelfen blood. Then there is the other kind, like Elsiph. They're not as stable ;Elsiph's mother Elin was a tavern maid who took a tumble with an exotic traveller, an elf mercanary in the Church's service during the Last War. Roughly nine months later she had twins out of wedlock, and no means to support them. She registered their birth and gave them up to the Church orphanage.
Elsiph and his sister Jelin rarely saw each other, though they were friends and loved each other as siblings should. They showed talents for magic at an early age, which the priests attributed to their wild trace of Elf blood. Elsiph was apprentaced to a Church songmaster, for his melodous voice --- Jelin was sent off for other training, and he never saw her again.
During an invasion from those Andarian bastards to the west, Elsiph fought as a skirmisher. After the war, he felt the calling of the church, took religious training and was ordained. He's served in several capacities and has most recently been on a Bishop's staff as secretary and general dogsbody.
People He Knows
Vance: fellow PC, Warforged Paladin. In awe of "his" faith and prowness. Unnerved by Vance's voice, which resembles a fellow church ward at the orphanage who bullied him.
Nif: Fellow PC, Changling Ranger/Rouge. Admires her Half Elf persona's body, finds her lack of faith -- challenging.
Elin': Mother. Owns a tavern a short distance from the Cathedral. On good terms.
'Jelin: Twin sister. Was on good terms, but has not seen her for years. Suspects she went on an undercover mission for the Secret Flame, and may be dead or switch sides.
Inlojelinspih: Father. Elf scout working for Thrane army on the frountier. Distant but polite relationship.
Cardinal Neskus is one of the 13 cardinals who rule thrane, though ouwardly a minor player in the countries politics he is in fact the leader of the Secret Flame.
Jeffor is a young page at the Cathedrel.
Viktur: Fellow PC, Human Monk/Mystic. Junior member of the Silent FLame.
In Daskaran
Koalski: a murder victim, said to be a fanatic devotee of the Flame.
Her Grace High Priest Imradi. Secretly an evil changling, she was killed by Vance and Elsiph.
Brother Drakin: Flame priest and vetran of the Last War. A good man, but not too bright.
Jerin d'Kundarek, Dwarf artifactor.
Kor. A dwarf artifactor of House Kundarek. Involved in the theft of church artifacts and murder. Allegedly committed suicide.
Jani Greynin, a woman of inherited wealth with a moderatly close relation to the old royalty.
Jochim Greynin. Jani's brother, a theif, a murderer, a rebel and an honerable idiot.
Thelisar, a priest of Dol Arrah.
Goradain Kariski. A mercenery out of Korth
Back in Flame Keep:
Samuel Latharian: Fellow PC, a half-elf sorcerer.
His Grace Bishop Olwitz, Elsiph's nominal boss during his downtimes. A wise but somewhat longwinded semi-retired church missionary leader.
Sister Clarin: A librarian Elsiph is quite interested in.
Lady Ellen d'Garin, a traveling scolar from Fairhaven
Roleplaying notes
Never said you were. Might have thought it but never said it.
Oh, I am stupid enough, but I'm trying to RP a character smarter, wiser, prettier, and shorter than myself.
It's hard, you know?