Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk:Daniel Carter: Difference between revisions
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Body Purification[http://dndsrd.net/psionicPowersAtoC.html#body-purification] (Vitalist Cost 3) | Body Purification[http://dndsrd.net/psionicPowersAtoC.html#body-purification] (Vitalist Cost 3) | ||
Dimension Door[http://dndsrd.net/psionicPowersDtoF.html#dimension-door-psionic] | Dimension Door[http://dndsrd.net/psionicPowersDtoF.html#dimension-door-psionic] | ||
Elfsight[http://dndsrd.net/psionicPowersDtoF.html#elfsight] (Vitalist Cost 1) | |||
Natural Healing (Free Mender Power - Not Counted Against Number Known)[https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/n/natural-healing] | Natural Healing (Free Mender Power - Not Counted Against Number Known)[https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/n/natural-healing] | ||
Physical Acceleration[https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/p/physical-acceleration/] | |||
Psionic Revivify[http://dndsrd.net/psionicPowersGtoP.html#psionic-revivify] | Psionic Revivify[http://dndsrd.net/psionicPowersGtoP.html#psionic-revivify] |
Revision as of 17:12, 12 March 2024
Daniel Carter
Male Elan*
Vitalist[1] 9
Neutral Good
STR 10 +0
DEX 14 +2
CON 12 +1
INT 14 +2
WIS 16 +3
CHA 10 +0
Languages: English, Gith, Promethean (Common)
HP: 43
BAB: +4
Fort: +7
Ref: +5
Will: +9
AC: 20
Power Points/Day: 87
Racial Traits
-2 Charisma
Aberration: Elans are not subject to spells or effects that affect humanoids only, such as charm person or dominate person.
Medium: As Medium creatures, elans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Elan base land speed is 30 feet.
Elans (unlike most aberrations) do not have darkvision.
Naturally Psionic: Elans gain 2 bonus power points at 1st level. This benefit does not grant them the ability to manifest powers unless they gain that ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class.
Resistance (Su): Elans can use psionic energy to increase their resistance to various forms of attack. As an immediate action, an elan can spend 1 power point to gain a +4 racial bonus on saving throws until the beginning of her next action.
Resilience (Su): When an elan takes damage, she can spend power points to reduce its severity. As an immediate action, she can reduce the damage she is about to take by 2 hit points for every 1 power point she spends.
Repletion (Su): An elan can sustain her body without need of food or water. If she spends 1 power point, an elan does not need to eat or drink for 24 hours.
Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic). Elans’ past lives expose them to wide ranges of language.
Favored Class: Psion, Vitalist
Level Adjustment: +0.
Class Skills The class name’s class skills are Autohypnosis (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (psionics) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Spot and Listen in D&D) (Wis), Perform(Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Used for Psicraft in Pathfinder) (Int), and Survival (Wis). Concentration (Con) and Psicraft (Int) aren’t in Pathfinder but would also be appropriate.
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Skills 4 ranks a level
Autohypnosis (1 ranks) 6
Bluff (5 ranks) 5
Concentration (12 ranks) 15
Diplomacy (4 ranks) 8
Heal (12 ranks) 15
Intimidate (1 rank) 3
Listen (2 ranks) 5
Psicraft (3 ranks) 5
Sense Motive (5 ranks) 8
Spot (2 ranks) 5
Survival (1 ranks) 4
Class Abilities
Collective (Su) A vitalist learns to use psionic power to connect willing minds through an internal network that strengthens their psychic bonds. As a standard action, a vitalist can join a number willing targets into his collective equal to his key ability modifier or half his vitalist level, whichever is higher. The vitalist must have line of sight to each target, each target must have a Wisdom score of at least 1, and all targets must be within Medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft. per class level). The Enlarged Collective Feat increases the range to Long (400 ft. + 40 ft. per class level). The vitalist is always considered a member of his own collective, and does not count against this limit.
The vitalist can choose to remove a member as a free action on his turn, and any member can voluntarily leave the collective as a free action on their turn. Any member whose Wisdom drops to zero or who moves out of range of the collective is automatically removed. If a member enters a null psionics field, the connection to the collective is suppressed until that member leaves the field. A member who leaves the collective for any reason immediately loses any and all benefits they may have gained from being a member. A vitalist is aware of the status of his collective and can, roughly, sense the presence of each member, although beyond telling if such a creature is still a member, this has no mechanical benefit until higher levels (see telepathy and health sense, below).
A vitalist can manifest certain powers through his collective. If a vitalist power specifies one or more willing targets (or is harmless) and has a range greater than personal, he can manifest this power on a member of his collective regardless of the range of the actual power. All other non-range restrictions still apply. He may also manifest any power with the Network descriptor this way, regardless of their actual ranges or targets. If he is capable of manifesting powers or casting spells from a different class (as is the case for a multiclass vitalist), any compatible spell or power with a range greater than touch can also be used through the collective.
If a member of the collective dies, the member is removed from the collective and the vitalist must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or lose 1 power point for every Hit Die of the fallen member and be sickened for an equal number of rounds.
Collective Healing (Su) Whenever a willing member of the vitalist’s collective could regain lost hit points or ability damage, the vitalist may choose to redirect any or all of that healing to one or more other willing members of the collective as a free action. This can transfer instantaneous healing (such as a body adjustment power), healing from ongoing healing effects, such as fast healing, and even hit points gained from rest (in which case, a member of the collective would rest for a period of time as normal, and the amount of hit points and ability damage healed would go to another).
In any case, the original recipient of the healing effect chooses whether to allow the diverted healing, and does not gain the benefits of any healing he grants to another. The type of healing (positive energy, negative energy, construct repair, etc.) is unchanged from the original source for determining who or what can be healed.
Example: Darius the soulknife is a willing member of Jorus the vitalist’s collective. He drinks a potion of cure light wounds that would normally heal him for 6 hit points, but Jorus decides to redirect 4 of those points to himself. Darius agrees and, as a result, Darius is healed for 2 hit points, and Jorus is healed for 4. If there were more members in Jorus’s collective, Jorus could spread the healing from that potion out even more as long as the sum of hit points healed was no greater than 6.
A vitalist may even heal wounds through collective healing if at full health. This may only be used with healing effects such as potions, powers, or other such effects. [Healing] from long term care or natural healing cannot be transferred in this way.
Medic Powers
The vitalist gains special uses of some of his powers that are unavailable to other characters.
The following powers gain the Network descriptor when manifested by a vitalist: all powers of the [healing] subdiscipline, animal affinity, biofeedback, body of iron, endorphin surge, expansion, oak body, physical acceleration, sustenance, suspend life, timeless body, and vigor.
Transfer Wounds (Su) All vitalists learn how to transfer wounds with but a touch. As a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, a vitalist may touch a target and heal it for 1d6 points of damage. The vitalist suffers the same number of points of non-lethal damage (up to the amount the target is actually healed) At 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the damage healed to the target and non-lethal damage taken by the vitalist increases by 1d6. A vitalist may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Wisdom modifier. A vitalist may not use this ability upon himself.
(Elan get an additional 1/2 to uses per day per level due to Vitalist being a Favored Class)
Vitalist’s Touch Once a vitalist reaches 2nd level, he learns to apply the skills of his method to his transfer wounds ability, as detailed in the vitalist’s method of choice.
Mender Method A mender vitalist is the most common found, as he focuses on healing wounds more efficiently, even bringing back life to the dead. The mender vitalist learns how to boost the body’s natural healing ability to unimaginable regenerative levels.
Mender Power A mender vitalist adds natural healing to his list of powers known. This does not count against his number of powers known.
Mender Knacks A mender gains the talent below as his method knack. Halt Death: Automatically stabilize a dying creature.
Mender’s Touch A mender vitalist of 2nd level who utilizes transfer wounds heals the target an additional number of hit points equal to his class level. This additional healing is not transferred to the mender like the normal amount healed.
Health Sense Beginning at 2nd level, a vitalist may take a swift action to gauge the relative health level of collective members, determining the amount of damage, in hit points, that an ally has taken. In addition, the vitalist may make a Heal check as a standard action, with a DC of 15, to determine if any of the members of his collective are afflicted by a disease or poison.
Starting at 7th level, the vitalist can make a Heal check over his collective to stabilize a dying target or treat a wound from a caltrop, spike growth, spike stones, or similar. This ability improves at 12th level, and the vitalist may make a Heal check over his collective to treat a poisoned creature.
At 17th level, the vitalist is able to treat diseases in the same fashion, making a Heal check over his collective.
When treating a target over a collective, the DC of the Heal check is the same as if the vitalist was treating the target normally.
Spirit of Many (Su) A vitalist of 2nd level gains special abilities when manifesting powers with the Network descriptor. He can manifest these powers on any member of his collective, even if they are out of the power’s range or would normally be immune to the power. Whenever a vitalist manifests a power with the Network descriptor targeting only members of his collective, the power loses the mind-affecting descriptor (if it had it) and bypasses any power resistance, although it still provokes an attack of opportunity to manifest as normal. Network powers manifest only on members of the collective never allow saving throws — their saving throw entry becomes “None,” although if the power specifies a subsequent saving throw, subjects attempt those saves normally. The vitalist also adds the following augment to all powers with the Network descriptor:
Augment: For every additional power point you spend, you can choose an additional target, so long as the target is a member of your collective.
Steal Health (Su) At 3rd level, a vitalist has learned to siphon the health of a creature and use it for his own needs or the needs of his collective. As a touch attack, the vitalist may deal a number of hit points in damage to the target equal to his vitalist level + his Wisdom modifier and heal an equal amount of damage. The vitalist may share any healing from this effect over his collective, even if he himself would not be eligible for the healing. A vitalist may not heal more hit points than the touched creature had prior to using this ability.
This ability may only be used on creatures with a Constitution score and may not be used against creatures in the vitalist’s collective. A vitalist may use this ability on creatures with a total number of hit dice less than half his vitalist level, but he gains no healing from it.
For example, Jorus is a level 3 vitalist with a Wisdom of 16 and 15 hit points. Jorus has suffered 3 hit points of damage and uses Steal Health on a nearby 2 hit dice orc, dealing 6 hit points of damage (3 from his levels in vitalist, 3 from his Wisdom modifier). Although Jorus may only heal himself for 3 hit points, he may distribute the other 3 hit points over the collective to other members as needed. If Jorus was level 6, he would have dealt 9 points of damage, but would not have received any healing because the orc’s total number of hit dice was too low.
Starting at 5th level, members of a vitalist’s collective are able to request aid from the vitalist, should he not realize such aid is needed. As a standard action, any member of the collective can request healing from the vitalist. The vitalist can grant this request by spending up to his level in power points as a free action, even if it is not his turn. Each power point spent in this fashion heals 3 hit points to the target. A vitalist can even initiate this healing himself should he realize someone needs healing, by spending a standard action. A vitalist can do this a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Wisdom modifier.
A vitalist of 6th level can project an pulse of psionic energy to all members of his collective as a free action by spending 1 power point. The effect of the pulse depends on the vitalist’s chosen method. The pulse lasts one round.
Mender's Pulse - As a free action, a mender of 6th level may project a pulse to all members of his collective by spending one power point, granting fast healing 1 for one round. Every three vitalist levels thereafter, this fast healing increases by 1. This healing is not eligible to be redirected using collective healing.
At 7th level, a vitalist is able to use steal health as a ranged touch attack with a range of 30 feet.
Upon achieving 8th level, a vitalist is able to rapidly respond to the need of a member of his collective, as determined by his vitalist method.
Mender's Swift Aid - A mender of 8th level may, as an immediate action and by expending his psionic focus, heal a member of his collective as if he had used transfer wounds.
Telepathy (Su) When a vitalist reaches 3rd level, all willing members of his collective (including the vitalist himself) can communicate with each other telepathically, even if they do not share a common language. Psionic creatures who are willing members in a vitalist’s collective (including the vitalist himself) may manifest unknown powers from powers known by another willing psionic creature in the collective as if they were making physical contact.
A vitalist may temporarily deactivate, and reactivate, this ability as a swift action.
Psionic Knacks
Induce Pain[2]
Sense Poison[3]
Halt Death[4]
Psionic Powers
Animal Affinity[5]
Body Purification[6] (Vitalist Cost 3)
Dimension Door[7]
Elfsight[8] (Vitalist Cost 1)
Natural Healing (Free Mender Power - Not Counted Against Number Known)[9]
Physical Acceleration[10]
Psionic Revivify[11]
Psychic Reformation[12]
Combat Manifestation[14]
Enlarged Collective[15]
Expanded Collective[16]
Expanded Knowledge (Dimension Door) [17]
Expanded Knowledge (Psychic Reformation) [18]
Psychokinetic Talent[19]
Psychoportive Talent[20]
Psionically Enhanced Dura-Weave Exploration Attire - The technological equivalent of a +3 Masterwork Spider-Silk Bodysuit[21] of Landing[22] 14,000 gold
Laser Pistol[23] (Damage 2d8, Critical 20, Damage Type Fire, Range Increment 40 feet, Rate of Fire S, Magazine 50 box, Size Medium, Weight 3lb.) 800 gold
Spare Power Pack 60
Purple Mournlode Masterwork Heavy Mace: (A mournlode weapon overcomes the damage reduction of undead creatures as if it were crafted of either cold iron or alchemical silver, whichever is more appropriate.) Price 1,012 gold (Damage 1d8, Critical x2, Damage Type Bludgeoning, Weigh 8lb.)
Ring of Protection +2 8000 gold
Waterproof Solar Charger Backpack[24] 130 gold
Water Filtration Bottle[25] 100 gold
Rechargeable Electric Arc Lighter With Flashlight[26] 20 gold
Emergency Blanket[27] 1 gold
Future iPad (Like the modern example but better, like transparent aluminum instead of glass, and storage in terabytes instead of gigabytes) 1000 gold
iSat 15 (Futuristic version of iPhone with capability of linking to satellites and orbiting spaceship comm systems as well as conventional cellular networks and other advancements like those future iPad enjoys) 1600 gold
Airpods 130 gold
Swiss Army Knife[28] 286 gold
Ultralight Sleeping Bag[29] 40 gold
Outdoor First Aid Kit[30] 22 gold
Personal Hygiene Kit[31] 4 gold
Signal Mirror[32] 11 gold
Binoculars 10 gold
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
11 platinum pieces, 1160 gold pieces, 1 silver piece
Overview Map of Greyhawk Copy
Partial Map of First Floor
Partial Map of Fifth Floor (Shatterzone 2)
Daniel Carter has lived through some interesting times. He was there at the dawn of the Psi Age in the early 21st Century, when The Pulse washed over the world and awakened Humanity's till then dormant psionic potential. The chaos of the years immediately afterward, where governments and societies tried their best to adjust to everyone on the planet having new abilities. The eventual revelation that the event which created such massive changes was triggered by a mysterious alien relic that was being examined in the fabled Area 51, left by an enigmatic alien species who visited prehistoric Earth a number of times. Area 51 researchers named them "Prometheans," after the Titan Prometheus from Greek Mythology who gave fire to mankind, due to evidence of benevolent intentions toward and occasional aid of humanity in the ancient past.
While Daniel learned to apply his psionic potential to his medical practice he got to witness Earth's rapid technological advancement, as new discoveries in science were enabled by utilizing psychic senses combined with what knowledge the government managed to glean from Promethean relics finally being released to the public. While the world doesn't formally unite under one government the various countries begin coordinating and cooperating closely via the United Nations in efforts to explore and colonize the solar system. By the time he retired humans had established settlements on Mars, the Belt and some of Jupiter's and Saturn's moons.
Thanks to psionic bio-manipulation coupled with advanced medical technology Daniel and others of his generation enjoyed a greatly extended lifespan, enabling them to see the turn of the century. And what a century it was! The invention of the warp tunnel generator opened up the stars to mankind. And thanks to the Prometheans terraforming countless planets millennia ago, the galaxy was full of worlds reasonably comfortable to human-like life. The Great Expansion had begun. In the years that followed the Galaxy became an increasingly interesting place, with the discovery of transplanted hominid populations at various levels of advancement and First Contact with other star faring civilizations, some who become allies and trade partners (such as the mantid Tohr-Kreen and frog-like Grippli) and others hostile rivals (the arachnid Neogi and the Githtauri, apparently distant cousins of humanity transplanted by the Prometheans who claim dominion over all hominids as their due for protecting them from some fabled ancient enemy).
It was during these heady times that the elderly Daniel decided he'd like to go out there himself. He had seen the world more than a dozen times in his lifetime and wanted to experience something new. But exploring the stars was a young man's game, so first he underwent a recently developed rejuvenation procedure invented by the brilliant and celebrated geneticist and bio-manipulation researcher Charles Elan. The process restored Daniel's youth, transforming him into one of the new unaging transhumans the media had dubbed the Elan.
After serving a twenty year stint in the United Nations Exploration, Relief and Defense Spacefleet (UNERDS) Daniel decided to next become part of a colony project. He thought it might be interesting to get in on the ground floor of a new planetary society and help it develop for a century or two. But fate had other plans. Soon after the colony ship took orbit around their intended planet a Githtauri ship arrived. Seemed the Cold War between the Githtauri Hegemony and the United Nations of Humanity had one of its periodic flare ups and this system had become disputed territory. Fortunately it was so soon after their arrival they hadn't even had a chance to deploy the comm sat network, let alone the landing pods, so the colony ship was able to depart without leaving anyone behind.
Unfortunately the colony ship had taken fire before it had managed to generate a warp tunnel. While they had managed to escape, the damaged warp tunnel generator overloaded while they were halfway to their destination, causing their transit tunnel to become unstable and collapse. They had to abandon ship and leave warp space. The landing pods were designed to double as lifeboats, including one-shot warp tunnel generators enabling them to burrow their back to normal space in the event of a warp transit emergency. However Daniel's had a defective capacitor, which resulted in his pod being stuck in a stable bubble within warp space that was dragged an unknowable distance in an unknown direction until it popped back into normal space over a strange world. Its sensors detecting an inhabitable world below it, Daniel's landing pod/lifeboat descended to the surface.
In a fortuitous turn of events, Daniel's pod landed near a caravan of merchants, enabling him to make a cordial first contact with the planet's inhabitants. Meeting them was the first clue that the world he found himself on was unusual compared to others he's visited. The hominids he encountered weren't that different to others he's seen in his time with UNERDS. What was strange and surprising was that there was more than one type of hominid within the group. The majority were indistinguishable from base standard humans but there were members of the caravan who happened to be members of divergent humanoid stock. On all the other worlds where transplanted hominids were found only one kind inhabited the planet. This was the first time ever that a world inhabited by populations of several different types of sapient hominid was discovered.
Luckily for Daniel, one thing that was the same with other worlds he knew is that the natives spoke Promethean, the apparent language of the mysterious aliens shared by the descendants of almost every population of hominids they transplanted. The language was so ubiquitous throughout the galaxy that for purposes of trade and diplomacy it became the lingua franca of all known space faring races. Every member of UNERDS was required to learn the language if they didn't know it already. Because of this Daniel didn't have any problem communicating with them. Already a subject of curiosity and interest due to his unconventional arrival, Daniel found it fairly easy to persuade the caravan to let him travel with them at least as far as their next destination, the Free City of Greyhawk.
The trip to Greyhawk was not uneventful. The second day after Daniel joined them the caravan was attacked by bandits. Naturally the doctor sprang into action to help defend his new friends. That was when Daniel discovered this world was even stranger than he first believed, when he saw actual magic used by both sides in the conflict. Before then Daniel had thought any talk he heard about magic was just the inhabitants' superstitious interpretation of psionics. That was often the case in transplanted hominid civilizations, which unlike the Githtauri and modern Earth-descended Humanity, awakened psionic capability was found only in small groups of rare individuals rather than the entire population. But when he actually saw it in action he knew for sure that whatever magic was, it definitely wasn't psionic in nature.
Thanks to Daniel's help the bandits were routed and any caravan members who were injured in the battle were completely healed. In gratitude he was offered a share of the loot taken from their fallen and captured attackers, including a ring he was told provided some form of magical protection. Not wanting to offend his hosts and realizing he'll need financial resources to get by in this world's civilizations, Daniel of course accepted.
Reaching Greyhawk with no further incident, Daniel sets about trying learn what magic is actually capable of. With no idea of where this planet was in the galaxy, he figured the only way he'll ever return to known space is finding a magical way to go back, or least a means of sending a message that would help a rescue ship find him. In the course of his research he heard tales that powerful magic can be found within nearby ruins where supposedly demigods were formerly imprisoned. He also managed to hear rumors of an expedition that intends to explore those ruins. Figuring that it might be he best chance of getting home, he set off to find this group of intrepid adventurers with the intent of convincing them to let him join their endeavor.
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