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Revision as of 22:37, 1 April 2024

Katrina "Kat" Schaefer

Kat - Plane Kat - Notes and Story Record
Hard Keen Calm Daring Stress XP
-1 +2 -2 +4 7/10 2
Triggers (cost) Vents
If you got hit by enemy fire. 1 Stress Throw away or detach a weapon.
If you took a life. 2 Stress Whine and complain non-stop.
If a comrade was wounded. 1 Stress Go flying alone and unwisely.
...and they didn't make it 2 Stress Do something heroic and stupid.
If you caught fire 1 Stress Call somebody out. Make it hurt.
If you lost your plane. 2 Stress
If innocents came to harm. 1 Stress
...and you couldn't stop to help them. 2 Stress
Comrades Trust? Familiar Vices
Zeke Y Drinking
Geb N Pulpy fiction
Sabrina Y
Garen N


Naive (Core)

You cannot try any unfamiliar Vices unless a comrade with that Vice as Familiar guides you through it. Guidance does not count as Help, and you must roll their Daring instead of yours.

Let's Try Spinning

When you beg your plane to hold together, roll any air combat move +Daring. If any of your dice are a 1, your plane suffers a spin or mechanical failure.

One in a Million

Hold 1 each routine. When you let instinct guide an attack, with weapons or words, spend the hold for a perfect hit, right where you want it. If you target a person’s body, take 2 Stress. Then, you are left vulnerable from tunnel vision.

I Can Fix It!

When you engage in percussive maintenance, roll Patch Fix +Daring and take +1 result. Add the following results. On a miss, the engine stops and won’t restart.

  • Double your Speed gain from the next Boost.
  • Ignore the next Fuel Check move pushed.
  • Reset the RPM gauge to 0.

I Will Be With You, Always (Intimacy)

When you hold those you care for close, they roll 4d10 and take the 2 highest when you Help them, ongoing as long as they Trust you.
If they’re an NPC, anything you do for them or help them with lets you roll 4d10 as well.
If you choose to Break Trust with one of these people, take 5 Stress.
If the Intimacy Move is used in the air, when you Help, you only take a hard move if both extra dice are 1s. A single 1 has no effect.

Dogfighter Mastery

[X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ]

Victories: Aircraft shot down, pilots surrendered, or probable kills.

Passive: Each move taken past the first adds a flat +4 Damage when you Open Fire at an Absolute Range of Knife.

Riding the Edge

Your plane counts as having +5 Handling, and you lose 1 fewer Speed overall when you Commit to the Turn (minimum 0). Modifier included on instrument panel stats.

Personal Effects


  • 3 Thaler
  • A loyal and adorable baby goat companion. The inquisitive creature, who was known as "Teufelsziege" or "Teufel" back at home, stowed away with Kat when she left home, and is now her mascot.
  • An antique shotgun
  • A pressing rescue mission to launch.


  • A promise to return home.
  • The deed to land in a far-away place. This was pressed into Kat's hands by her mother during a tearful goodbye. Kat doesn't have a good explanation of its provenance; her mother only said it was "in the family" and that she didn't expect to have any use for it herself.
  • A well-worn harmonica.
