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One by one the others died until only he and Jak remained, and Jak had turned mean, developing a cruel cunning as the experiments went on.
One by one the others died until only he and Jak remained, and Jak had turned mean, developing a cruel cunning as the experiments went on.

But it was that same cruel cunning that freed them - broke the locks and disabled the watchers. Through airless drains, Jinx and Jak fled the lab and found the sewers.
But it was that same cruel cunning that freed them - broke the locks and disabled the watchers. Through air vents, ductwork, and drains, Jinx and Jak fled the lab and found the sewers.

Jak left him there, but Jinx survived and continued to grow and change. He left the sewers and learned to live among the people of Mirage City. He learned their words and their ways and how to pass as one of them - at a distance, anyway.
Jak left him there, but Jinx survived and continued to grow and change. He left the sewers and learned to live among the people of Mirage City. He learned their words and their ways and how to pass as one of them - at a distance, anyway.

Revision as of 19:50, 20 April 2024

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Jinx: Lizard Infiltrator | Bennies

You're just mad you can't lick your own eyeball.

Race :: Lashtail Lizard

Racial Features: Adaptable [2] | Enhanced Attribute [Agility] [2] | Semi-Aquatic [1] | Outsider [-2] | Awkward Shape [-1]


Agility || Smarts || Spirit || Strength || Vigor

Note: Agility +1 for Enhanced Ability; Strength +1 for 2pts Hindrances; Vigor +1 for one Advance.

Derived Stats

Pace || Parry || Size || Toughness

Core Skills

Athletics || Common Knowledge || Notice || Persuasion || Stealth

Note: Athletics and Stealth each stepped up one for one Advance.

Other Skills

Fighting || Focus || Thievery


Mild Mannered - Minor - A trained fighter wouldn't mistake Jinx for anything other than the same, but most folk typically just think him harmless.

Quirk - Minor - Jinx regularly punctuates important declarations with a swish of his tail or a flick of his tongue.

Curious - Major - Jinx just cant pass up a mystery without investigating.


Luck/Great Luck


Note: Luck and Great Luck bought with 2pts from Hindrances and Adaptable Racial Feature; Frenzy bought with Super Edge Power.


Regeneration [10]

"Invisibility" (Chameleon Scales) [8]

Personal [-2]

Leaping [4]

Death from Above [1]

Melee Attack [6]

Wall Walker [1]

Super Edge [2]

Note: Invisibility does not represent true invisibility, but rather the sort of camouflage chameleons are capable of and only changes his scales/skin (ie-does not affect clothing and gear).







Tool Kit [200]
Hand Held [250]

Remaining Wealth [50]


Jinx was a happy lizard. A lab lizard. Controlled temperature, regularly cleaned terrarium, food, water.

He had a good life, sharing his habitat with his fellow hatchlings.

He wasn't a spiky, claw-y, toothy lizard. He was a stick-to-the-walls, flashy, camouflage-y lizard. With a really long tail. It's what his kind were known for.

He enjoyed life with his hatchmates and the scientists who challenged them with mazes and puzzles. Except when the needles started. Needles brought pain and burning.

And change.

One by one the others died until only he and Jak remained, and Jak had turned mean, developing a cruel cunning as the experiments went on.

But it was that same cruel cunning that freed them - broke the locks and disabled the watchers. Through air vents, ductwork, and drains, Jinx and Jak fled the lab and found the sewers.

Jak left him there, but Jinx survived and continued to grow and change. He left the sewers and learned to live among the people of Mirage City. He learned their words and their ways and how to pass as one of them - at a distance, anyway.

He learned of others like him. Mutants. Heroes. They stood up for those that couldn't stand up for themselves.

He also heard whispered rumors of darker mutants. He's even heard whispers of a villain called Jak. Jinx doesn't want to b like Jak. Jinx wants to be a hero.

And he thinks he's finally tracked them down.

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