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==Home Sweet home (4)==
==Home Sweet home (4)==

A home and workspace, mostly a regular townhouse bought outright and invested in over time
A home and workspace, mostly a regular townhouse bought outright and invested in over time, adjusted to be vertical,y arranged with plenty of climbing surfaces and hammocks.

'''Size''' Tiny
'''Size''' Tiny

Revision as of 20:21, 19 June 2024

"Red Havoc"

Species: Red Squirrel/Reptian Chimeric Uplifted Genomorph Gender: Male Height: 3' 7 Weight: 50 lbs [70 lbs in Winter]


Red Havoc, an anthro chimera mostly red squirrel with some kind of reptile but other animals exist and ex member of supervillain team, more tech support and infiltration then combatant. This team worked below a mad scientist who created them, and kept them on a short leash with his greatest shame, his creations needed regular treatments to retain their human intelligence and anthro features. Most their missions/crimes where thefts of equipment, resources and funds for their master's experiments and their treatment, with most damage and attacks aimed at super heroes.

His ex master has long been defeated but now needs to earn money, one to pay for for the expensive treatments for his Moreau syndrome and second to help fund his family (a couple of fellow lieutenant team mates and henchmen level subordinates) who decided not to fight the syndrome and instead live as animals in the unnatural reserve, let alone fund his own technological projects

Red's creator I feel is definitely older, though probably with the anti-aging adjustment he included in to his creations so he's could equally have been either eva's or non stops grandfather's generation. So he's free to have been a colleague with anyone. That said I feel he's been out of commission for the last 5 to 10 years not dead but more then in prison, one of those fates better then death villain's can end up in.

Red identifies most with being a squirrel but as said he's more a reptilian squirrel hybrid.

Redmond Hazelwood is not a name he identifies with, came about because a bureaucrat would allow him to register his name as Red Havoc, claiming that was a codename not a name, when he was doing the paperwork to be transitioned into society properly. So on official documents and such.

Like most of his team got suspended sentences for thier crimes based on the fact they where committed under unreasonable duress. A few people didn't like that.

Has license to carry his current weapon after suffering multiple attacks, it was decided that his small size and past made him an easy target otherwise.


Combat quick sheet

Initiative: 8


  • Dodge: 12
  • Parry: 12
  • Toughness:8
  • Fortitude:8
  • Will: 12


  • Ground 2 (8 miles/hour)
  • Ground {Prone} 4 (30 miles/hour)
  • Wall-Crawling 2 (8 miles/hour)
  • Gliding Cape 2 (8 miles/hour)


  • Basic Unarmed +14, Save Toughness vs 15 Damage
  • Basic Thrown +8, Save Toughness vs 15 Damage
  • Jump powered attack +14, Save Toughness vs 21 Damage
  • Tooth and claw +14, Save Toughness vs 16 Damage
  • Technokatar-Blade, 16, Save Toughness vs 19 Damage
  • Technokatar-Tazer, 16, Save Fort vs 14 daze, stun, incapacitate
  • Technokatar-Blaster, 14, Save Toughness vs 14 Damage, short range of 30 feet, medium range of 75 feet, and long range of 150 feet

Abilities (52)

  • Strength: 0 [0 Base] (0)
  • Stamina: 2 [2 Base] (2)
  • Agility: 8 [8 Base] (16)
  • Dexterity: 8 [8 Base] (16)
  • Fighting: 10 [10 Base] (20)
  • Intellect: 5 [-4 Base 9 Power] (-8)
  • Awareness: 4 [4 Base] (8)
  • Presence: -2 [-2 Base] (-4)

Defenses (16)

  • Dodge: 12 [8 Ability 2 Ranks 2 Power] (2)
  • Parry: 12 [10 Ability 0 Ranks2 Power] (0)
  • Toughness:8 [2 Ability 6 Ranks]
  • Fortitude:8 [2 Ability 6 Ranks 0 Power] (6)
  • Will: 12 [4 Ability 8 Ranks 0 Power] (8)

Skills (14)

  • Acrobatics 12 [8 Ability 4 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (2)
  • Athletics 2 [0 Ability 2 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (1)
  • Close combat (Katar) 16 [10 Ability 2 Ranks 4 Advantage 0 Power] (1)
  • Close combat (unarmed/Any) 14 [10 Ability 2 Ranks 4 Advantage 0 Power] (0)
  • Deception -2 [-2 Ability 0 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0)
  • Expertise {Science} 8 [5 Ability 3 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (1.5)
  • Expertise {Literature} 6 [5 Ability 1 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0)
  • Expertise {Eidetic Memory/Jack of all trades} 5 [5 Ability 0 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0)
  • Insight 4 [4 Ability 0 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0)
  • Intimidation -4 [-2 Ability 0 Ranks 0 Advantage -2 Power] (0)
  • Investigation 5 [5 Ability 0 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0)
  • Perception 5 [4 Ability 1 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0.5)
  • Persuasion -2 [-2 Ability 0 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0)
  • Ranged combat {Blaster} 14 [8 Ability 6 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (3)
  • Slights of hand 9 [8 Ability 1 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0.5)
  • Stealth 14 [8 Ability 1 Ranks 0 Advantage 4 Power] (0)
  • Technology 11 [5 Ability 6 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (3)
  • Treatment 5 [5 Ability 0 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0)
  • vehicles 8 [8 Ability 0 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0)

Advantages (12)

  • Agile Feint
  • Close attack 4 ranks
  • Eidetic Memory
  • Equipment
  • Inventor
  • Improvised Tools
  • Jack of all trades
  • Power Attack
  • Skill Mastery {Acrobatics}
  • Skill Mastery {Athletics}

Powers (54)

Biological powers

The subject has an array of biological abilities as follows

Animal senses (4)

The subjects retains the full senses of a Red Squirrel, but prey responses to threats seem reduced.

Sense {Vision +radius, Hearing + ultra + extend, Olfactory + Acute} Ranks 4

Biogenetic Enhanced Neurology (18)

Subject has received various neurological enhancements to improve mental ability, not stable

Enhanced trait {intellect} [sustained, permanent] Ranks 9

Enhanced Bio-maintenance (2)

Subject biology has been modified to include improved immune system responses and cell maintenance

Immunity {age, Disease} Rank 2

Fur & Scale (5)

Subject processes an epidermis covered in thick fur, hard scales and the infrequent Osteoderms, presenting a reasonable barrier to damage.

Protection Ranks 4

Feature {Fur} Ranks 1

Reptilian Blood (1)

Heptile like regenerative tissues

Regeneration rank 1

Scurrying limbs (9)

The subject possesses the movement abilities of it's original squirrel form, and ability to produce forceful jumps

Movement {Safe fall, Slithering, Wall-Crawling 2} Ranks 4

Speed [Prone only] Ranks 2

Squirrel Limb Array (4)

  • >Leap [Alternative effect] Rank 3
  • >Jump powered attack: Damage [Side effect when fails receive effect, Strength based] rank 3

Semi-Anthro 6

Despite attempted enhancements subject body refuses to enhance to full anthropomorphic form and scale, but muscular enhancements to strength and speed hold

Shrinking [Sustained, permanent, Normal Strength ] Rank 4

Speed Rank 2

Squirrel Language (1)

The subject retains the ability to understand and produce the body language and vocalisations of Squirrels

Comprehend {Talk to animals} [Narrow type Squirrels only] rank 2

Tooth and Claws (1)

The subjects Squirrel and Reptilian DNA have compounded to produce a long sharp teeth and claws, with the front teeth retaining their gnawing function

Damage [Strength based] Ranks 1

Technology based powers

Unique Devices described by subject

Gliding Cloak (1)

"A standard synthetic grey and red Cloak, I weaved switchable nano enforcements throughout to maintain its natural fabric like properties while allowing it to form a aerofoil when I wish to glide"

Flight [Gliding, distracting, Removable] ranks 2

Protective Tunic (2)=

"My Olive Tunic might looks like and feels like a medium weight wool and cotton blended fabric, but notice this stretch, and if i take a nail how it resists damage, you see it's a blend of different defensive synthetic fibers"

Protection [Linked] 2 rank

Immunity {cold} [linked] 1 rank

[Linked set modifiers {Removable}] (-1)

TechnoKatar (4)

"Beautiful weapons Katars, and my technokatar is no exception, look at these engravings and inlays, not just a beautiful pattern but designed to structure the coherent electrons to produce a surrounding sheath, that allows me to dial in the desired level of threat. With a few on the fly adjustments we can adjust the coherent electrons to produce a Taser like effect or even shoot out, though they are quick to disperse."

TechnoKatar [Easily Removable]

  • >TechnoKatar-Blade: Damage [Strength based] ranks 4
  • >TechnoKatar-Tazer:: Affliction {dazed, stunned, paralysed, Fort} [move to activate] Ranks 4
  • >TechnoKatar-Blaster: Damage [Increased to Range, diminished range, move to activate] Ranks 3


  • Multi-tool 1
  • Binoculars 1
  • Gas Mask 1
  • Genius device 3 {super smart device, 2 points gets smartphone, this has expanded capabilities more inline with full PC with peripherals and connectors}

Home Sweet home (4)

A home and workspace, mostly a regular townhouse bought outright and invested in over time, adjusted to be vertical,y arranged with plenty of climbing surfaces and hammocks.

Size Tiny

Toughness 4


  • Computer
  • Laboratory
  • Library
  • Living Space
  • Security System
  • Workshop


Motivation: Intellectual Curiosity, Red Havoc wants to learn more, being sophant has open a world of ideas and experiences he wants more.

Dr moreau syndrome: Red Havoc is an uplifted chimera and if he doesn't receive regular treatments he will return to beastly form. Also any effect that neutralises genetic modification powers will neutralises it too.

Not human: Red Havoc is a sophant but not human, his instincts his mind is built on is different and his innate body language is different. Plus some might take a front to his unnatural and unhealthy looking form.

Reputation: ex villain, Red Havoc was a member of a supervillain team and many still remember him.

Family: Red considered his team mates and their uplifted grunts his family and still does, leading him to support those which returned to animal form and a loyalty to those who are making other lifes.

Borderline; not sure if count

No secret identity: red doesn't and can't have a secret identity so anyone who wants to find him can.


Vision: Ranged, Acute, Accurate, Radius,

Hearing: Ranged, Acute, Accurate, Radius, Extended, Ultra

Olfactory: Acute, Radius

Tactile: Radius, Radius


Professor Gene Buchan AKA Master (spoken as synonym for father) AKA Gene Master Creator and mastermind to the organisation Red served The Savage Agents, unaging, currently mystically bonded to a tree.

Moon mane: wolf lion hybrid, distant leader of the team, made to be a soldier and leader, working with the military in the most official capacity he can.

Iron Horn: Rhino turtle hybrid, loyal and not that smart tank of the team, one of red's closes brothers in the team, never really cared for being sophant, happily living as an animal in the unnatural reserve, still recognises family.

Fang claw: cobra scorpion hybrid. Most common mission mate to Red but oddly distant relationship. Only member of team to have killed anyone, in a plead bargain, made sure only she was labelled responsible and punished. Red was unaware she had killed till the trials. Holds genetic morph supremacist views.

Ozzy, Monkey parrot hybrid, earlier work designed to be intelligent without uplift, instead got a super playful creature, still technically a supervillain but of challenge the heroes without technically doing crime variety, works as a security penetration tester and often combines the 2.

Other then those 2 more are living as beasts, 1 active superhero, 1 actual villain the rest living as regular lives as possible.

For the large number of genetic morph henchman siblings who are more stable and need less often and cheaper treatments, 68% are living regular as possible lives, 22% working under superheros and their teams (mostly the techs and medics), 7% are living as animals and 2% are criminals or villain henchmen.


Unnature reserve:

it's an organisation that takes care of biological creations and helps those with super biological based abilities or needs, pus elements of being a research base.