Chronicles of the Fifth Cycliad: Pavani Tenehiti: Difference between revisions

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==Refresh/Fate Points==
==Refresh/Fate Points==

5 / 5
4 / 5


Revision as of 07:28, 13 January 2025

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Player: Astronocky


Name: Pavani Tenehiti

Homeland: Mukhari

Kindred: Human (they/them)

House: Warrior in Chains

Social Class: Outcast in Sakari Heartlands

Occupation: Rogue (Burglar)


Origin: betrayal made me what I am today

Essence: daringly adventurous cat burglar

Shadow: sucker for a sob story

Companion: the Little People believe in me

Blood: the uncanny is in my blood

Doom: solve other people's problems before my own

Friends of the Dorevers of Ormseisin.


+4 Athletics
+3 Burglary Stealth
+2 Devise Melee Notice
+1 Lore Physique Pillar (Peasantry) Willpower


Physical [1][2][3]

Mental [1][2][3]

Status [1][2][3]

Wealth [1][2]



Whispered secrets about the Moss District : +2

Warnings from Folktales : +2 on Notice

Figuring out the Fae : +2 Advantage in the Moss Districts, for any action you want to do involving the Fae

Refresh/Fate Points

4 / 5


Lore Specialism


Tripwire Sensibilities

You’ve run into enough traps that you’ve developed an instinct for avoiding them. You may roll Burglary instead of Investigate or Notice in order to spot or defend against a trap.

Disarm Traps

Act at a +2 skill level in Devise actions to disarm a sophisticated trap you’ve already identified, rendering it permanently harmless. Without this stunt you’re limited to disarming things like simple snares and tripwires.




Burglar's tools, rope, set of Mukhari clothing, set of dark clothing, concealable weapon (long knife)


The Little People

Aspect (8)

Loyal but Tricksy Otherworldly “Helpers” with a hidden agenda

Power Skill (2)


Power Stunt (4)

Follow the Path: Act at a +2 skill level to determine direction and location, even inside, underground, in the dark, etc.


Aspect (8)

Uncanny source of Valuable Insights and Cryptic Divinations

Power Skill (2)


Cantrip (2)

Wisdom from Elsewhere: Enhance your Lore rolls with this minor divination, cryptic and fragmented, sometimes even glimpsing the future.

Gain Insight: Gain an insight into a place, problem or person, enhancing skills like Empathy, Burglary, Investigate, and Lore.


Pavani is a Mukhari, from a family with an affinity for the supernatural and otherworldly, and particularly strong ties to the Little People.

Always adventurous and rebellious, they were roped in on a series of stunts to ridicule the ruling Tallanids by daring break-ins to their supposedly secure properties. They were betrayed by someone they trusted during one such stunt, were declared outlaw, and fled their homeland as a result.

They travel now as a seeker after folklore and folktales (a genuine interest, given their family affinity). They fund this by continuing the daring break-ins, but now to redistribute wealth, rather than just to embarass. This path more often than not leads them to people with problems which can be fixed by someone who can access hard to reach places (eg debts are cleared if the paperwork is vanished from the locked rooms of the money lender).

They maintain a connection to the Little People, which gives them a link to home. One day they will return and confront their betrayer, but at the moment there's always something else more urgent to do, and for now that connection home through the Little People is enough.

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