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Pestilence manifests as a gaunt towering figure wrapped in dingey shrouds of yellowed cloth. His skin is sallow and shrunken, blotched liberally with black spots.
Pestilence manifests as a gaunt towering figure wrapped in dingey shrouds of yellowed cloth. His skin is sallow and shrunken, blotched liberally with black spots.

In the 0City Slumbering, he always appears as a Mortal suffering from some kind of sickness or deformity.
In the City Slumbering, he always appears as a Mortal suffering from some kind of sickness or deformity.

Revision as of 21:07, 7 July 2024

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Greater Nightmares

Greater Nightmares, their Domains of Influence, their District within the City Beneath, and a brief sketch of things you might know about them via research, experience, or rumor.

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The Jack (aka Old Scratch)

Domain: Deals | District: The Bizarre Bazaar


The Jack manifests as a lean, well dressed man with yellow eyes and a perpetual grin framed within a neat goatee. This manifestation is constant whether he appears in the City Slumbering or the City Beneath.

Jack's Lieutenants are the Devi, and the Raggle Taggle are his Soldiers and Spies (see Lesser Nightmares below).

Jack is not the most imposing of Nightmares, but his webwork of deals means he has more real power than most.

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The Blood Queen

Domain: Hunger | District: Paradox Square


Known as the Nightmare other Nightmares fear, the Blood Queen is the self-proclaimed ruler of the City Beneath. She always- manifests in the City Beneath as a blood-soaked little girl.

The Vampir act as both her Lieutenants and her Soldiers (see Lesser Nightmares below).

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The Lady

Domain: Death | District: The Tower of the Moon


Appearing as a young woman with blonde air and ink-black eyes in a black dress or business suit in the City Slumbering, it is said strange stars can be seen twinkling in her eyes and clothes. She always has a brace of curved bone daggers on her person. Both blades are stained a deep red along their edges.

She has never been seen in the City Beneath, but her presence is always felt.

The Fool is her sole Lieutenant, and the Willow Women are her Soldiers (see Lesser Nightmares below).

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Baron Samedi

Domain: Debauchery | District: The Narrows


Baron Samedi manifests as a drunk or gambler or conman in the City Slumbering and always bears the mark of a skull somewhere, be it tattoo or jewelry or print.

In the City Beneath, he is a tall, bald black man in a top hat and an ill-fitting, oversmall black tuxedo. He wears the visage of a bone-white skull painted across his face.

The Hound Master is his Lieutenant, and the Black Dogs are his Soldiers (see Lesser Nightmares below).

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The Wretched

Domain: Darkness | District: The Catacombs


The Wretched is a towering gnarled Nightmare who might be encountered as a hideous, pale troll-like hag or slithering through her catacombs like some great pale serpent or ancient withered vine.

In the City Slumbering, she invariably chooses the form of a plump old schoolmarm with coke-bottle glasses and breath that might smell either of candy or rot.

Her Lieutenants, if she has any, are never seen, but her Inklings are vicious Soldiers, and they are Legion (see Lesser Nightmares below).

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The Raj

Domain: Isolation | District: Silent House


In the City Slumbering the Raj appears as a slight Indonesian man dressed in simple black garments and conical bamboo douli. He never wears shoes and has six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot.

In the City Beneath he manifests as an immensely fat blue man of considerable height and girth with three legs and three arms and a purple tentacle-like tongue as long as he is tall. The Rakshasa are his Lieutenants, the Barber is his Sergeant at Arms, and the Urchins are his Soldiers (see Lesser Nightmares below).

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Mother Dragon

Domain: Corruption | District: The Labyrinth


Mother Dragon manifests as a great wingless dragon with glistening scales, flowing whiskers and horns, and deep red ridges along her spine. No one can agree on the number of her limbs and claws.

I the City Slumbering she manifests as a regular Mortal, but never wears the same form or visage twice.

The Rag Dolls act as her Lieutenants and Soldiers (see Lesser Nightmares below).

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Domain: Disease | District: Rattown Wharf


Pestilence manifests as a gaunt towering figure wrapped in dingey shrouds of yellowed cloth. His skin is sallow and shrunken, blotched liberally with black spots.

In the City Slumbering, he always appears as a Mortal suffering from some kind of sickness or deformity.

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The Raven

Domain: Risk | District: The Rooftop Jungle

Known Details

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The Keeper of the Ways

Domain: Transcendence | District: The Canals

Known Details

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Lesser nightmares

Most Lesser Nightmares serve as Lieutenants and Soldiers for the greater Nightmares.


Raggle Taggles:


The Fool

Willow Women

The Hound Master

Black Dogs:


The Rakshasa

The Barber


Rag Dolls

The Catspaw

Plague Rats

Barnacle Boys

Night Callers

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The Broken

The Broken are Mortals that wandered or were led into the City Beneath at the moment of death and are in the process of becoming Lesser Nightmares.

The Drowned

The Eyeless


The Fallen


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Awakened NPCs

The PCs aren't the only Awakened. Below are some of the better known NP|C Awakened.


Clockwork Insects:

Doc Holiday

Emily Play

Ruvyen d'Amasku


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