Fathomless: Character Generation: Difference between revisions

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'''Hit Points:''' Max HP + Double Con Mod for L1; Average HP + Regular Con Mod for L2 - L9.
'''Hit Points:''' Max HP + Double Con Mod for L1; Average HP + Regular Con Mod for L2 - L9.

'''Sub-Classes:''' Ask before using Tasha's or Xanathar's sources. Not opening this game to other sources.
'''Sub-Classes:''' Ask before using Tasha's (Feature Options and Sub-Classes, both) or Xanathar's (Sub-Classes) sources. Not opening this game to other sources at all.

'''Gear:''' Rather than nickel and diming the process, everyone may start with whatever non-magical/non-special-material armor they prefer (provided they are proficient in said armor), whatever non-magical weapons they want (again, must be proficient), a Holy Symbol or Spell Focus if appropriate, and whatever regular gear you want and can carry.
'''Gear:''' Rather than nickel and diming the process, everyone may start with whatever non-magical/non-special-material armor they prefer (provided they are proficient in said armor), whatever non-magical weapons they want (again, must be proficient), a Holy Symbol or Spell Focus if appropriate, and whatever regular gear you want and can carry.

Revision as of 19:03, 3 October 2024

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No Artificers
The Fathomless are unavailable as Warlock Patrons
No non-class-related Pets; No Mounts
PHB Races Only (Tasha's Ability Mods for Ancestry are still an option)
PHB Backgrounds Only (Tasha's skill/tool/language swaps are still an option)
We will not be using the Free-Feat house rule for this game.
Healing potions are not available to purchase as standard gear.

Level: Characters start at L9

Attributes: Generate base attributes via Standard Array [15 14 13 12 10 8] or Customizing Variant [27 pts] (Both on PHB pp13).

Use PHB Ancestry Attribute Modifiers or Tasha's Ancestry Attribute Modifiers as you prefer.

Variant Human is available. Tasha's Custom Lineage is not.

Hit Points: Max HP + Double Con Mod for L1; Average HP + Regular Con Mod for L2 - L9.

Sub-Classes: Ask before using Tasha's (Feature Options and Sub-Classes, both) or Xanathar's (Sub-Classes) sources. Not opening this game to other sources at all.

Gear: Rather than nickel and diming the process, everyone may start with whatever non-magical/non-special-material armor they prefer (provided they are proficient in said armor), whatever non-magical weapons they want (again, must be proficient), a Holy Symbol or Spell Focus if appropriate, and whatever regular gear you want and can carry.

Wealth Additionally, you have 150 gold remaining after all purchases.

Magic Items

Amulet of the Planes (Broken/Cursed): Each character bears a piece of this broken amulet and cannot be rid of it. Each piece functions as the amulet described in the DMG with the following limitations:
Activating one piece activates all the pieces with the result/destination of the original activation.
Once any piece of the amulet has been activated, no piece may be activated until after the completion of a short or long rest.
The Mortal Realm (Prime Material Plane) cannot be reached by the broken amulet.
Player's Choice: Choose one Rare or two Uncommon Magic Items from the DMG (no other sources please) with the following limitation: No items that allow the user to levitate or fly; No items that allow the user to phase.

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