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'''Level:''' Cha 5<br>
'''Level:''' Cha 5<br>
'''Duration:''' 24 hours; 10 rounds + 1 round/level (max 35 rounds)<br>
'''Duration:''' 10 rounds + 1 round/level (max 35 rounds)<br>
This spell functions as ''lesser fleshknit'', except as noted here.  Once the spell is cast it remains inactive for up to a day, but becomes active the round after the target takes any damage.  It grants fast healing 4.
This spell functions as ''lesser fleshknit'', except as noted here.  It grants fast healing 4.

=== Fleshknit, Lesser ===
=== Fleshknit, Lesser ===

Revision as of 02:20, 8 June 2007

Spells Currently In-Game

Proposed Spells

Bestow Curse, Lesser

Level: Cha 3, Leg 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One living creature
Duration: Permanent (D)
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

With a fling of spittle or a forbidden gesture of the hand, the subject receives a subtle but annoying minor curse. Effects vary and are not terribly debilitating, but the effect on commoners and those in the public eye can be devastating. A lesser curse can be removed with a remove curse or lesser restoration spell.
This is a list of possible curses:
1. Convinced he's another, random character class.
2. Laughs uncontrollably at anything another person says.
3. "Chosen One" of the gods! The gods don't fart, you know. PC farts constantly by becoming the vehicle of divine flatulence (-2 charisma).
4. Three words: painful, rectal, itch (-1 Dexterity).
5. Bad breath (-1 charisma to anyone within 10 ft).
6. Bad body odor (-1 charisma to anyone within 10 ft).
7. Attracts insects.
8. Attracts animals (specific type: mice, birds, cats, skunks, etc.).
9. Makes bad jokes.
10. Has no inner dialogue.
11. Says everything twice. Says everything twice.
12. Whenever anyone makes a successful skill check he always declares, "I can do better than that..." or the equivalent
13. Always eating/drinking.
14. Shouts whenever he speaks.
15. Loses all sense of hygiene.
16. Loses all sense of modesty.
17. Large warts (-1 charisma).
18. Acquires a rare, but harmless, skin disease (-1 charisma).
19. Drools constantly.
20. Stutters constantly.
21. Enlarged body part: a. Ears b. Nose c. Chin d. Feet e. Hands
22. Becomes a pathological liar (will always tell an untruth, even if it is pointless or harmful to do so)
23. Is convinced a common inanimate object is a beloved pet or advisor; talks to it.
24. Loses at all games of chance.
25. Obsession: a. Cleanliness (always washing and avoiding others' "germs") b. Food item c. Shiny things d. Tidiness (hates messes; will "tidy up" after battles) e. Wealth acquisition f. Grammar (corrects others)
26. Sings whenever he speaks.
27. Contrariness (will disagree or contradict any request or proposal, but is easily fooled by "Reverse Psychology").
28. Has to "go" every 15 minutes.
29. Has to write down everything that happens in a journal.
30. Thinks he's invisible.
31. Cannot say any word with the letter "D".
32. Blinks constantly.
33. Only speaks in questions?
34. Phobia (PC is shaken whenever confronted by his phobia): a. Heights b. Darkness c. Vermin d. Reptiles e. Water (going in or crossing) f. Aberrations g. Undead h. Clerics, Paladins, Druids, or Adepts i. Outsiders
35. Indecisive: PC declares his action for his combat turn and rolls a die; if he rolls low, he must change his action to something else.
36. All hair falls out.
37. Insists on going barefoot all the time.
38. Can never finish a sentence (others have to help them).
39. Has to use "Huzzah!" in every sentence.
40. Equipment wears out twice as fast.
41. Nearsighted: -2 ranged attack, x2 range penalties.
42. Farsighted: cannot read books.
43. Grumpy: acquires Abrasive feat.
44. Narcoleptic: -5 spot/listen, -2 saves vs. sleep.
45. Hiccoughs constantly: -1 move silently, -1 to charisma based checks.
46. Sneezes frequently: -1 move silently, -1 to charisma based checks.
47. Sweats constantly.
48. Has frequent itching spells: -1 dexterity.
49. Becomes hard of hearing: -2 initiative.
50. Stutters: +20% spell failure.
51. Bad Luck: -1 to all d20 rolls.
52. Sickly: -4 to disease saves.
53. Clumsy: -2 to all dexterity checks.
54. Insecure: -4 to fear saves.
55. Jinxed! 50% chance of -1 to any skill check rolled by any companion within 50 ft. (Have the player throw a "jinx die" in front of the player making the skill check, if it comes up low, he's jinxed!)
56. Sleepless (fatigued all the time).
57. Drained: loses 1 hit point per character level until minor curse is removed.

Bone Thicket

Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Cha 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: 10-ft.-radius/level spread
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes

You create and direct the emergance of dozens of skeletal arms and hands. When you cast the spell, choose one of the following effects.

  • Climbing aid (Negates slippery surfaces; treat as knotted ropes - Climb DC 5. Large creatures treat it as ledges - Climb DC 10; larger creatures cannot make use of the skeletal arms.)
  • Bind targets (Escape Artist DC 25 to escape for helpless targets, who are automatically held. Other creatures may make a DC 5 Balance or Escape Artist check each round to avoid being tripped. Tripped creatures must succeed on a DC 20 Reflex save or they are held - Escape Artist DC 20 to escape.)
  • Hamper movement (Costs 4 squares of movement to move into, and increases the DC of Balance, Move Silently, and Tumble checks by 5. Running and Charging are impossible.)
  • Grab objects (Objects within 2 feet of the surface weighing 20 lbs. or less are caught, and can be passed from one boney hand to another, over the length of the spell's area. Heavier Medium-sized or smaller objects and creatures within 2 feet of the surface are slowed if falling past the spell's area, granting +4 to Jump or Tumble checks made to lessen damage from a fall, and additionally allowing the falling creature or object to treat a fall as if it were 10 feet shorter than it really is when determining damage. Creatures or objects smaller than Medium gain a +4 for every size category smaller.)

As a standard action, you can redirect the skeletal arms' function (thus changing the effect).

Bone Thicket Notation
The only difference between bone thicket and vine mine from the Spell Compendium (p. 230) is the fourth option. The vines can grant a +4 Hide bonus for that option, which seems inappropriate for skeletal hands and arms. Otherwise it is the same spell (more information is given for bone thicket because I don't like having to look up the effects of things like heavy undergrowth).


Level: Cha 3
Duration: 10 rounds + 1 round/level (max 25 rounds)
This spell functions as lesser fleshknit, except as noted here. It grants fast healing 2.

Fleshknit Circle

Level: Cha 6
Range: 20 ft.
Target: One creature/2 levels, no two of which are more than 30 ft. apart
Duration: 10 rounds + 1 round/level (max 40 rounds)
This spell functions as fleshknit, except that it effects multiple creatures and that it grants fast healing 3.

Fleshknit, Greater

Level: Cha 5
Duration: 10 rounds + 1 round/level (max 35 rounds)
This spell functions as lesser fleshknit, except as noted here. It grants fast healing 4.

Fleshknit, Lesser

Level: Cha 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 rounds + 1 round/level (max 15 rounds)
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
The subject gains fast healing 1, enabling it to heal 1 hit point per round until the spell ends and automatically becoming stabilized if it begins dying from hit point loss during that time. Lesser fleshknit does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, nor does it allow a creature to regrow or attach lost body parts. Only hit point damage sustained while the spell is active can be healed by this spell, not damage taken before the spell was cast.
The effects of multiple fleshknit spells do not stack; only the highest-level effect applies.

Fleshknit, Mass Lesser

Level: Cha 3
Range: 20 ft.
Target: One creature/2 levels, no two of which are more than 30 ft. apart
Duration: 10 rounds + 1 rounds/level (max 25 rounds)
This spell functions as lesser fleshknit, except that it effects multiple creatures.

Prowess Siphon

Level: Cha 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell magically weakens the target and gives some of his strength to the caster. The target suffers a -3 penalty to Strength, and the caster gains a +3 bonus to Strength. The spell cannot reduce the target to a Strength of less than 1; if it would do so, the caster can gain only as many points of Strength as the target loses. The penalty and benefit granted by this spell persists through the duration of the spell even if the caster or the target die.

Midnight: North & South Portal
Midnight: the Shadow Killers player Bill
Bill's special rule requests