TangeNomic III/Rules: Difference between revisions
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Rule | Rule 302 (Immutable) | ||
Bowing out | Bowing out | ||
Line 144: | Line 144: | ||
Rule 210 (Mutable) | Rule 210 (Mutable) | ||
The Speaker is Austin Lange, also known as Quornix. | The Speaker is Austin Lange, also known as Quornix. | ||
Rule 305 (Mutable) | |||
Each player loses one point when proposing a rule. Each player gains five points if a rule proposed by that player passes. If a player's score falls below ten points, that player's score is set to ten points. | |||
Rule 307 (Mutable) | |||
Upon joining the game, new players become ducks and gain one egg. Players may become ducks or cease to be ducks at any time by announcing their intention to do so in the thread. Only ducks may gain eggs, but players who cease to be ducks keep their eggs. At the time that this rule is enacted, all players become ducks and gain one egg. | |||
Rule 308 (Mutable) | |||
Whether any player is a duck, and the number of eggs that a player has are part of the gamestate. |
Revision as of 21:30, 10 August 2007
Rule 100 (Immutable) The Game
This game is called Tangenomic. It has rules. Taken together, Tangenomic's rules are called "the ruleset". All Players (as defined by the ruleset) must always abide by the ruleset currently in effect, in the form in which they are then in effect, and as interpreted in accordance with currently existing game custom.
Rule 101 (Immutable)
The Gamestate
The ruleset and any other information designated as such is called the "gamestate". The gamestate may not be changed except as specifically described within the rules.
Rule 102 (Immutable)
Changing the Rules
The ruleset may be changed in one of the following ways: (1) the enactment of a new rule; (2) the modification of an existing rule; or (3) the repeal of a rule.
Rule 103 (Immutable) Properties of Rules
Rules have Properties. These properties are part of the gamestate, but not part of the ruleset, and can be modified even if modification of the rule itself is prohibited.
One Property is defined in this rule: Mutability. The Mutability of a rule may take one of two values: Mutable or Immutable. Every rule must have a Mutability value, and no rule may have more than one Mutability value.
Rule 104 (Immutable)
Immutable Rules
No Immutable rule may be modified or repealed.
Rule 105 (Immutable)
The Players
Any person registered on RPG.net may become a Player by announcing "I am a Player" in this thread. Only people registered on RPG.net may be Players. The list of current Players is part of the gamestate.
Rule 302 (Immutable)
Bowing out
Any Player may leave the game at any time. Any gamestate information regarding the player is removed from the gamestate. A person may rejoin the game as a new Player as described in Rule 105.
Rule 107 (Immutable)
The Speaker
One person shall be designated as Speaker. The Speaker is a Player. Only one person may be Speaker at a time. There must always be a Speaker. The Speaker is responsible for maintaining the gamestate. The identity of the Speaker is part of the gamestate.
Rule 108 (Immutable)
Changing the Rules II
Any Player may propose a modification to the ruleset. If this is proposed in the required manner, the Speaker is then required to post an official numbered Proposal and call for a vote. The Speaker will tally all votes cast in the required manner, and will announce the official results of the vote when the vote is completed. If the Proposal passes the vote, the change to the ruleset occurs. This change takes effect once the Speaker announces the official results of the vote. Any new rules passed are Mutable.
Rule 109 (Immutable)
Changing the Gamestate
Any Player may propose a modification to aspects of the gamestate other than the ruleset. If this is proposed in the required manner, the Speaker is then required to post an official numbered Proposal and call for a vote. The Speaker will tally all votes cast in the required manner, and will announce the official results of the vote when the vote is completed. If the Proposal passes the vote, the change to the ruleset occurs. This change takes effect once the Speaker announces the official results of the vote.
Rule 110 (Immutable)
Changing the Speaker
Any Player may propose that there should be a new Speaker at any time. If the current Speaker wishes to retain his or her position, the Speaker must post a statement of intent to remain in the position within the allotted timeframe. If the Speaker does not do so, the Speaker is Impeached. Players then vote on a new Speaker. Each vote must be posted to this thread with the name of the Player chosen for the position. Players may change their votes at any time. A new Speaker is elected when two requirements are both met: (1) The required time has elapsed; (2) one Player has a simple majority of the cast votes. When the new Speaker is elected, the old Speaker loses the position and is only a Player.
While the Speaker is Impeached, all current Proposals and Votes are suspended. Whether the Speaker is impeached is part of the gamestate. No other way to make the Speaker be Impeached is allowed.
If the Speaker posts a statement of intent within the allotted timeframe, the identity of the Speaker can still be changed as a normal modification of Rule 210.
Rule 111 (Immutable)
Numbering Proposals
The Speaker shall give each official Proposal an ordinal number for reference. The numbers shall begin with 301, and each official Proposal shall receive the next successive ordinal, whether or not the proposal is adopted. The effective ordinal number of a rule is the ordinal number of the most recent change to that rule. Proposals to change the gamestate but not the ruleset do not become part of the ruleset when passed. Every active Proposal and the current number of votes for and against is a part of the gamestate.
Rule 112 (Immutable)
When the Speaker announces an official Proposition, a vote is held. The vote continues until either the prescribed voting period has elapsed; or the Proposition has either passed or failed. Each player may vote once, and has a number of votes available to them.
Rule 113 (Immutable)
Timing of Rule Changes
Rule changes come into effect after they have become part of the ruleset. In this manner, a rule may revoke itself. No rule is retroactive unless specifically stated as such.
Rule 114 (Immutable)
A Player wins the game when he has satisfied the requirements of victory. At this point, the game ends, and the winner is the Speaker for the next game. Only a Player can win the game. Whether a Player is the winner is part of the gamestate.
Rule 115 (Immutable)
Anything which is not prohibited is allowed.
Rule 201 (Mutable) The Speaker is responsible for maintaining the ruleset and the gamestate. The Speaker should post an update of the ruleset and the gamestate approximately every fifty posts.
Rule 202 (Mutable)
The Speaker has twenty-four hours to respond to a call for a new Speaker. The required time for voting on a new Speaker is forty-eight hours after the call for a new Speaker.
Rule 203 (Mutable)
Every Player gets one vote. Every Player is eligible to vote on any proposal. Only Players are eligible to vote. The total number of eligible votes for a proposal is calculated at the time the numbered Proposal is posted by the Speaker.
Rule 204 (Mutable)
The prescribed voting period is forty-eight hours from the official announcement of the Proposal to be voted on.
Rule 205 (Mutable)
A Proposal that changes the ruleset passes if at least two thirds of the eligible votes are cast in favor. A Proposal that changes the ruleset fails if more than one third of eligible votes are cast against. A Proposal that changes the gamestate passes if at least two thirds of the eligible votes are cast in favor. A Proposal that changes the gamestate fails if more than one third of eligible votes are cast against.
Rule 206 (Mutable)
A Proposal that does not meet Quorum fails. A Proposal meets Quorum if fifty percent of eligible votes are cast. A Proposal that is not passed or failed by the end of prescribed voting period, and does meet Quorum passes if two thirds of the votes cast are in favor. Otherwise it fails.
Rule 207 (Mutable)
Proposals must be in Quote tags, with "Proposal" listed as the author. This will make it easier to identify proposals. Once the Proposal has been numbered by the Speaker, votes must be cast in the form "I vote [in favor of/against] Proposition #XXX".
Rule 208 (Mutable)
The requirement for victory is having 100 points. Every Player starts with ten points at the time they become a player. The number of points a player has is part of the gamestate.
Rule 209 (Mutable)
If any rule conflicts with another rule, and one rule is Mutable and the other is Immutable, the Immutable rule takes precedence. If both are Mutable or both are Immutable, the rule with the lowest ordinal number takes precedence.
Rule 210 (Mutable)
The Speaker is Austin Lange, also known as Quornix.
Rule 305 (Mutable) Each player loses one point when proposing a rule. Each player gains five points if a rule proposed by that player passes. If a player's score falls below ten points, that player's score is set to ten points.
Rule 307 (Mutable)
Upon joining the game, new players become ducks and gain one egg. Players may become ducks or cease to be ducks at any time by announcing their intention to do so in the thread. Only ducks may gain eggs, but players who cease to be ducks keep their eggs. At the time that this rule is enacted, all players become ducks and gain one egg.
Rule 308 (Mutable)
Whether any player is a duck, and the number of eggs that a player has are part of the gamestate.