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pitt] The Redeemers are a team of heroes within Freedom City appearing in the Shoot for the Stars campaign and guest-starring in the Teen Freedom campaign. More details on this version of the setting can be found at the [[freedomcityduo:Main_page]]
| | The Redeemers are a team of heroes within Freedom City appearing in the Shoot for the Stars campaign and guest-starring in the Teen Freedom campaign. More details on this version of the setting can be found at the [[freedomcityduo:Main_page]] |
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| These are their adventures... | | These are their adventures... |
The Redeemers are a team of heroes within Freedom City appearing in the Shoot for the Stars campaign and guest-starring in the Teen Freedom campaign. More details on this version of the setting can be found at the freedomcityduo:Main_page
These are their adventures...
NOTE: What is recorded here happened in the comic. It's not necessarily public knowledge.
Issue One
Both the Atom Family and Freedom League are in another dimension, prompting the formation of a team whose primary remit is the protection of Freedom City. The group assemble, meeting for the first time. Analyst prevents a shootout at a diner simply by talking it through, impressing Alyssa Harkins. Preventing high-tech arms smuggling, Lady Lupus is observed by a shadowy woman. Four of Toy Boy's creations attack the Goodman Building, home of the Atom Family, but are driven off by Loras, Miss Liberty, Star Knight and Lady Lupus as the remainder of the team head to H.I.T. to prevent the Cosmic Mind from unifying and controlling human consciousness. Analyst shows an unusual resistance to mental control. Questions are raised about Black Dragon's background. Collective disappears. The Cosmic Mind is defeated, but suggests her return to Earth was aided.
Issue Two
Dannings turns to drink. Siren guest stars, informing the team she's relocating to Liverpool in pursuit of Baron Samedi. Toy Boy is killed by 'Cancer' before the team can reach him. The protective coating on his creations is linked to an experimental product by Dr. Michael Napier of Majestic Industries. We discover that Star Knight cannot contact the other Star Knights. Black Dragon begins the assembly of a trophy room. Dannings contacts the team - ghosts of horror characters are taking over the Secret Bar. At the same time, Star Knight detects an enemy incoming and goes to meet it with Loras above the Earth - it turns out to be Blackstar. The team investigating the Secret Bar deduce that their opponent is the Silver Scream, who assaults them as they're looking for Toy Boy, but is eventually talked into surrender by Miss Liberty. Above the Earth, Star Knight discovers he's not the only one cut off from the rest of the galaxy, and Blackstar is driven off, fleeing to Farside City. Star Knight and Loras end their pursuit, and the team discuss the situation over dinner, while the Driogano mob observe via tarot.
Issue Three
Julie Streeter visits the team for an interview. The shade of Lauren Hammond - the Silver Scream - appears to Missy. In front of the reporter, Jester pies the Analyst. Lauren Hammond allows Missy to speak with the dead Toy Boy, learning that 'Cancer' summoned Hammond and bound her to kill him. She agrees to ask Fun Time Toys to put the X1300 back into production to help Toy Boy rest easy. First inklings of romance between Lady Lupus and Star Knight. Mongoose and the Analyst go to Majestic Industries to consult with Dr. Napier, coming away with the feeling that Hieronymous King, owner of the company, is hiding something. Mongoose vanishes. Star Knight, Loras and Lady Lupus go to meet Director Powers of AEGIS in a bar in Sarajevo, while the rest of the team talk with Adrian Eldrich, who the Jester knows. Powers tells Star Knight of the Zodiac Cartel, mentioning their connection to Greece and ties to the US military-industrial complex, suggesting a talk with the Freedom Mafia. Powers mentions the arms smuggling that Lupus interfered with. Eldrich mentions Miss Liberty's counterpart, but does not identify her. They are repulsed from the Astral Plane by a suited man later identified as the lawyer Lucien Cabot. The team visiting Eldrich encounter a Foundry team hunting the Jester, but elude them and lay Lauren Hammond properly to rest. Malcolm Brite sends the team up in his comedy routine that night. Ms. Harkins is visited by someone travelling through shadows, but forgets that this has happened.
Issue Four
Dr. Andel of Star Island calls for Star Knight, asking for a consultation on energy readings the space centre has been picking up. These readings concern them, as a launch is due in a couple of weeks. The readings turn out to be linked to a sphere of energy in the asteroid belt, centered around Asimov, that appear to be responsive to technology, and which have such significant electromagnetic output that they are effectively a solid band, keeping Earth sealed off from the cosmos. Energy patterns bear similarity to both Lor Republic and Grue Empire transmissions. Loras leaves a device by the barrier to transmit readouts. Jester arranges a meet with Oliverti family members for information on the Zodiac Cartel. The mob instead send Aki, one of Doc Otaku's Angel Androids, with a file. Jester suggests infiltrating the Cartel's make-a-metahuman operation through Missy, going via Andrew Franks at Rice