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[[Image:Trinity_Memento_tyr-calas2.jpg|right|thumb|300px|''Memento Muris'', also known as the Tyr'Calas]]
[[Image:Trinity_Memento_tyr-calas2.jpg|right|thumb|300px|''Memento Muris'', also known as the Tyr'calas]]
Usually referred to as the ''tyr'calas'', this animal is the result of extensive breeding, which began with the creature commonly known as a shocker lizard. With much effort, the electrical capabilities of the shocker lizard (which was an ineffective creature, so far as the original trainers' purposes were concerned) were adapted into a small mammalian creature - specifically, a rodent, similar in appearance to a squirrel.
Usually referred to as the ''tyr'calas'', this animal is the result of extensive breeding, which began with the creature commonly known as a shocker lizard. With much effort, the electrical capabilities of the shocker lizard (which was an ineffective creature, so far as the original trainers' purposes were concerned) were adapted into a small mammalian creature - specifically, a rodent, similar in appearance to a squirrel.

Latest revision as of 22:40, 1 October 2007

Memento Muris, also known as the Tyr'calas

Usually referred to as the tyr'calas, this animal is the result of extensive breeding, which began with the creature commonly known as a shocker lizard. With much effort, the electrical capabilities of the shocker lizard (which was an ineffective creature, so far as the original trainers' purposes were concerned) were adapted into a small mammalian creature - specifically, a rodent, similar in appearance to a squirrel.

Base Stats[edit]

Tyr'calas (Memento Muris)
Tiny Magical Beast (Electricity)
HD: 1d6 (6 hp)
Init: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (+2 size, +2 dex)
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-12
Attack: Slam +2 (1d4-2)
Full Attack: Slam +2 (1d4-2)
Space/Reach: 2.5 ft/0 ft.
Special Attacks: --
Special Qualities: Earth Vulnerability
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +0
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 4, Wis 8, Cha 12, Per 10
Skills: Tumble +6
Feats: Weapon Finesse

Egg Group(s): Class I (Ground)

Level Progression[edit]

The Tyr'Calas
HD: d6

Level	BAB		Fort	Ref	Will	Special
1	+0		+0	+2	+1	Thundershock
2	+1		+0	+3	+2	Growl, Improved Initiative
3	+2		+1	+3	+2	+2 Dex, Static
4	+3		+1	+4	+2	+2 Cha, Thunderwave, +1 Natural Armor
5	+3		+1	+4	+3	Slam (1d6), Quick Attack
6	+4		+2	+5	+3	+2 Dex, Double Team, Improved Initiative
7	+5		+2	+5	+4	Charge
8	+6/+1		+2	+6	+4	+2 Cha, Thunderbolt, +2 Natural Armor
9	+6/+1		+3	+6	+4	+2 Dex, Flash
10	+7/+2		+3	+7	+5	Slam (1d8), Agility, Improved Initiative
11	+8/+3		+3	+7	+5	Volt Tackle
12	+9/+4		+4	+8	+6	+2 Dex, +2 Cha, Discharge, +3 Natural Armor
13	+9/+4		+4	+8	+6	Evolution (Rai'calas)
14	+10/+5		+4	+9	+6	Shock Wave, Improved Initiative
15	+11/+6/+1	+5	+9	+7	+2 Dex, Slam (1d10)
16	+12/+7/+2	+5	+10	+7	+2 Cha, Chain Bolt, +4 Natural Armor
17	+12/+7/+2	+5	+10	+8	
18	+13/+8/+3	+6	+11	+8	+2 Dex, Charge Beam, Improved Initiative
19	+14/+9/+4	+6	+11	+8	
20	+15/+10/+5	+6	+12	+9	+2 Cha, Slam (1d12), Thunder, +5 Natural Armor

Thundershock (Technique) [Electricity]

The tyr'calas releases a small jolt of electricity, dealing 1d6/level (max 5d6) points of electricity damage to a creature within Close range. A successful Reflex save halves the damage.

Growl (Technique)

The tyr'calas growls fiercely at an opponent in Close range. Make an Intimidate check, opposed by the target's level check; if the target fails, it suffers a -2 penalty on all of its attack rolls until your next action.

Improved Initiative

As per the feat. A tyr'calas gains this feat multiple times in its progression; these feats stack (but taking Improved Initiative from other sources do not stack).


Whenever the tyr'calas is struck with a melee attack, the attacker must make a Fortitude save. If the creature fails, it becomes paralyzed for 1d4 rounds.

Thunderwave (Technique) [Electricity]

The tyr'calas releases a sudden jolt of electricity, which paralyzes a creature within Close range. A successful Fortitude save negates the effect.

Quick Attack (Technique)

The tyr'calas strikes with blinding speed. As a standard action, make a normal attack. At the end of your turn, increase your initiative by 4.

Double Team (Technique)

The tyr'calas focuses its energy on evasive maneuvers, gaining a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round/level.

Charge (Technique)

The tyr'calas focuses its electrical power, making itself more powerful than it would seem. It gains a +2 bonus to its level for purposes of electrical Techniques.

Thunderbolt (Technique) [Electricity]

The tyr'calas releases a blast of electricity, shocking a creature within Medium range for 1d6/level (max 10d6) points of electricity damage. A successful Reflex save halves the damage.

Flash (Technique) [Electricity]

The tyr'calas releases electricity in a bright flash, blinding all creatures within 20 feet for 1d4 rounds. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect.

Agility (Technique)

The tyr'calas tenses itself, preparing its muscles for a temporary burst of speed and alacrity. It gets a +4 haste bonus to Dexterity for 1 round/level.

Volt Tackle (Technique) [Electricity]

The tyr'calas may add 1d6/3 levels (max +5d6) electricity damage to its slam attacks. If it does so, the tyr'calas suffers 1d4 points of subdual damage for each attack made to which it adds this electricity damage.

Discharge (Technique) [Electricity]

The tyr'calas releases a tremendous blast of electricity, dealing 1d6/level (max 15d6) points of electricity damage to a single creature within Medium range. A successful Reflex save halves the damage.


At 13th level, the tyr'calas has become sufficiently mature, and begins to exhibit the traits of its adult form, the memento percutio, more commonly known as the rai'calas. The tyr'calas may begin taking levels in the rai'calas race prestige class.
In addition, the tyr'calas grows to Small size.

Shock Wave (Technique) [Electricity]

The tyr'calas releases a wave of electricity, which travels incredibly quickly, dealing 1d4/level (max 20d4) points of electric damage to a single creature within Close range.

Chain Bolt (Technique) [Electricity]

As per the spell, chain lightning.

Charge Beam (Technique) [Electricity]

The tyr'calas infuses itself with as much electrical power it can hold, then expels it in a single tremendous blast. A single creature within Medium range suffers 1d6/2 levels (max 10d6) points of electricity damage. In addition, the tyr'calas may make a level check against DC 25 - if successul, the tyr'calas gets a +2 circumstance bonus to Charisma for 1 round/level.

Thunder (Technique) [Electricity]

The tyr'calas uses its internal electrical generation to call forth a tremendous bolt of lightning from the sky. The tyr'calas may designate a 20-foot radius within Long range; all creatures in that area suffer 1d6/level (max 20d6) points of electricity damage. A successful Reflex save halves the damage dealt.
This ability is only usable outdoors, and only once per day.

Rai'calas (Memento Percutio) Progression[edit]

Memento Percutio, also known as the Rai'calas
The Rai'calas
HD: d8

Level	BAB	Fort	Ref	Will	Special
1	+0	+1	+2	+0	+2 Str, +5 Natural Armor, Slam (1d10)
2	+1	+2	+3	+0	Tail Slap (1d6)
3	+2	+2	+3	+1	+2 Dex
4	+3	+2	+4	+1	+2 Str, +7 Natural Armor, Slam (2d6)
5	+3	+3	+4	+1	
6	+4	+3	+5	+2	Tail Slap (1d8)
7	+5	+4	+5	+2	+2 Str, +2 Dex, +9 Natural Armor, Slam (2d8)


Unlike other memento race prestige classes, the rai'calas prestige class does not count towards the creature's caster level for abilities gained in an earlier class.