Morpheus (2012): Difference between revisions

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Weight: 56.625 kgs
Weight: 56.625 kgs

Concept: [I]Dream of the Endless[/i] crossed with [i]Great and Powerful Turtle[/i]
Concept: ''Dream'' of the Endless crossed with ''The Great and Powerful Turtle''


Revision as of 22:00, 8 February 2008

Birthday: January 1 Age: 16 Hair: Jet Eyes: Blue Height: 5’ 5 Weight: 56.625 kgs

Concept: Dream of the Endless crossed with The Great and Powerful Turtle


STR 10 DEX 16 CON 18 INT 22 WIS 20 CHA 8

[10] Feats: Eidetic Memory, Jack-of-All-Trades, Dodge Focus 6, Defensive Roll, Master Planning

Skills: As a student, Jon used his surpassing memory in lieu of studying. He isn’t motivated enough to really pick up trained skills, though his mind can usually work up a versatile solution for most problems.


Tough +4 (+10/+14) Fort +4 Ref +3 (+9 Area Attacks) Will +4

Defense 16 (Uncanny)


Acute, Accurate, Analytical Precognition

Enhanced Feats: Uncanny Dodge (Precognition), Evasion

Quickness (Mental Tasks) 6 (100x Speed)

Immune: Sleep

Device (Mask of Azathoth) 25 (125 Points)

Dreamform: Shapeshift 5 (25 points, Limited: Humanoid forms only, Free Action, Subtle)

Calm as Still Waters: Protection 10, Noticeable (Armor)

Alter Reality: Transform 10 (Anything into anything, Perception Range, Area, Continuous, Distracting, Limited: Draws on dreams)

Alternate Powers

Animus Speculum: Blast 15 (Penetrating 11, Vampiric, Secondary Effect, Precise, Indirect, Subtle 2, Homing, Incurable, Improved Range 2 [750 ft. interval], Accurate 3, Affects Insubstantial 2)

Brightblade: Drain (Any one Trait) 15 (Secondary Effect, Accurate 3, Slow Fade 5, Subtle 2, Homing 2), Teleport 9 (900 ft, Short Range Only, Change Velocity, Change Position, Turnabout)

Genesis: Create Object 14 (Precise, Progression 6, Stationary, Subtle, Continuous, Movable)

Metaconcert: Duplicate 10 (Horde, Continuous, Survival, Progression 4, Absorption Healing, Mental Link, Sacrifice,Unconscious) + Quickness 6 (Physical Tasks) + Flight 7 (2,500 mph) + Improved Initiative 4 (+16)

Dreamforge: Mental Transform 10 (Perception Range, Memories and Dreams, Continuous, Subtle 2, Precise), Immune: Will Saves, Radius Vision, Darkvision, Extended Vision (x100)