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== Ilkara ==


Revision as of 15:40, 14 May 2008


The island of Ilkara is located near the center of the Northern Seas (which the Ilkarians call Vor Azula -"calm blue waters") north of the Aertepia coast. The island is a large fertile volcanic island with a large variety of natural resources

People and Culture

Local legends say that ancient Kromori ("savage men", also commonly used as an insult) settled the island when the Gods were young. The Gods gave these Kromori the gifts of agriculture, writing and bronze smelting. After recieving these gifts they abandoned the ways of their Kromori ancestors and became the Ilkara. Above all else the Ilkara revere intellect and a quick wit. As such all learned men and traders who drive a hard bargain are highly esteemed. This combined with their sailing capabilities explains why they have become prominent explorers and traders. Alkarian men are often very tall and thin, even those of great strength, while women are slightly shorter. Skin color is a dark mahogany and hair is black and curly. Common eye colors are brown and green.



Domesticated Crops

Grapes, Lemons, Almonds, Olives, Eggplant, Beets

Common Herbs and Spices

Lavender, Cloves, Saffron

Domesticated animals

Horses, Oxen, Dogs, Sheep, Goats and Bees

Naming conventions

Among the Ilkarians a persons family name is more important than their own. When greeting another person the family name is given first, then one's own name.

Male names often end in:

Female names often end in:

City States


Creator/s: Kirk Smith