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(Character Sheet)
(Making and Equipping PCs)
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* Characters can be male or female unless the template lists different options.
* Characters can be male or female unless the template lists different options.
* Characters can be youths, adults or old people within normal size variance. To make a small child character without changing the template, reduce the mass, length, health and power to less than the template's variance suggests.
* Characters can be youths, adults or old people within normal size variance. To make a small child character without changing the template, reduce the mass, length, health and power to less than the template's variance suggests.
* The occupations rules say occupations can come with equipment. In character creation we can suggest starting occupations as a way to provide starting equipment.
What Mano a Mano 2008 says about how characters get equipment:
* In addition to equipment acquired by occupations and craftsmanship, we can also suggest that a game can have other ways to provide characters with equipment, like spending money and finding treasure.
* The occupations example shows characters being awarded with a certain CP-worth of equipment. Instead we should say something
* The occupations rules say occupations can come with equipment
like "in this example each item is worth it's CP value in small silver coins. The knight is rewarded with equipment whose value in coins equals the robber's CP."
* The occupations example shows characters being awarded with a certain CP-worth of equipment
* We have a system for characters to create their own equipment
What Mano a Mano 2009 can add without getting too game-specific:
* In character creation we can suggest starting occupations as a way to provide starting equipment
* In addition to equipment acquired by occupations and craftsmanship, we can then suggest that a game can have other ways to provide characters with equipment, like spending money and finding treasure.
* We could suggest CP-worth as a general way of distributing equipment as in the Occupations example.
===Character Sheet===
===Character Sheet===

Revision as of 14:34, 6 June 2008

Proof-reading version 2008

Remove sections from the following list if they have been proofread since 1 January 2008. Add sections if they have been significantly changed since their last proofreading and need to be proofread again.

  • Game Design
    • Abilities: How good is this list? To what degree should a game need to customize it?
      • Movement Abilities
      • Combat Abilities
      • Stealth and Detection Abilities
      • Transportation Abilities
      • Communication Abilities
      • Other Abilities
      • Disabilities
    • Equipment: Make sure these lists are up to date and make sense. The new example template (human) should give us a solid point of reference.
      • Equipment Lists
      • Equipment CP
      • Armor - example armor list
      • Hand Weapons - example hand to hand weapon
      • Missile Weapons - example long range weapon list
  • Character Creation
    • Description
    • Build
    • Character Abilities
    • Choosing Occupations
    • Character Equipment
    • Encumbrance and Movement
    • Extra CP
    • Make a Character - Character Generation Example
      • Choose the Type of Character You Want to Make
      • Dimensions, Modifiers and Abilities from the Template
      • Natural Weapons
      • Use the Remaining CP to Customize the Character
      • Occupation and Equipment
      • Movement, Encumbrance and Toughness
  • Action
    • Damage
      • Armor
      • Stun, Damage and Toughness
    • Rounds
    • Movement
    • List of Actions
      • Hand to Hand Attacks
      • Thrown Weapon Attacks
      • Archery and Marksmanship Actions
      • Grappling Actions
      • Other Actions
    • Attacking
    • Grappling
    • Archery and Marksmanship
    • Stance and Position
    • Mounted Combat
    • Combat Example
  • Character Development
    • Manufacturing and Modification
      • Maximum CP
      • Surgery
      • Make an Item - Equipment Generation Example
      • Modify Weapon Example
      • Artificial Character Example
      • Character Modification Example

Mano a Mano 2009


  • qualities are "on or off": you have it or you don't, they don't have levels
  • qualities can have positive, negative or 0 CP value.

The quality which allows you to fly will be separated from the flight ability which determines your air movement. A character cannot have any of the flight-related qualities unless his template has it or the setting specifically allows it. For example a superhero game might allow characters of any template to have the flying quality.

This quality allows a character to fly. Specifically it allows powered flight, like a bird that can fly by flapping it's wings.
This quality allows a character to steer while falling. A character cannot have both gliding and flying because flying includes the ability to steer while falling.
This quality allows a character to gain altitude by riding thermals. Soaring requires gliding or flying
This quality prevents a character from taking falling damage. A character cannot have both parachuting and flying because flying includes the ability to take no damage from falling.
A mechanical character does not heal, but can be repaired using craftsmanship or abilities which allow characters to modify mechanical characters. Mechanical characters do not require surgery rolls when they are modified. Characters who do not have this ability are called organic characters. The main difference between mechanical and organic characters is how they are affected by trauma. (A very complex robot which can heal itself but can be easily destroyed by an attempted modification might not have the mechanical character ability.) Mechanical characters do not decay as quickly as organic creatures, so they can be easier to resuscitate from fatal injuries. Mechanical characters can be repaired more quickly than organic (non-mechanical) character's heal. Mechanical characters recover from stun like normal characters. Even a simple machine can often correct temporary mechanical problems, especially autonomous and semi-autonomous robots with redundant systems like space probes.
  • The CP value of being mechanical is low because of the substantial disadvantages.
  • How fast can mechanical characters be repaired?
  • Are repairs like modifications or medicine/healing rolls?


Features are like qualities except for natural weapons and equipment. sharpness will be replaced by two weapon qualities. What we used to call blunt sharpness is now just the absence of these qualities:

sharp weapons do all damage instead of half damage and half stun.
padded weapons do all stun instead of half damage and half stun
This is a quality of natural weapons which replaces manual dexterity. Each hand allows you to wield one weapon. Each pair of hands allows you to wield one two-handed weapon. Two-handed weapons may have a better power, parry or attack modifier because two-handed is a feature of artificial weapons with a negative CP value.

Replace reach with range

  • range is measured in whole meters, like movement
  • range is a special modifier
  • most natural weapons and hand weapons have no range
  • small amounts of reach which make a big difference in combat are reflected by higher agility or combat abilities

Character Points

  • Remove all CP pools except for Template CP and Total CP. CP will be "spent" like money. During template and character generation CP can be tallied on scratch paper.
  • CP scales should be linear. Simpler CP rules will make it easier to calculate CP
  • Experience - whether measured in CP or smaller units - will not be on the character sheet.
  • Maximum speed, agility, power, toughness and ability levels are campaign-dependent in the same way that CP levels are campaign dependent. Ordinary people and starting characters might have a budget of 300 CP and maximum abilities 2 levels higher than their templates (i.e. expert level.) Once the game starts and characters start gaining experience (more CP) you might have a higher level limit of 3 or even 4. In a superhero game, starting characters might have a budget of 1000 CP and maximum abilities 4 levels higher than their templates. A superhero game might also raise speed, agility, toughness and power limits. In some games you might want starting characters to have specialized elite skills (keep CP limit modest but allow 3 ability levels above template) In other games you might want characters to be able to start off with a variety of limited skills (more CP but keep 2 ability level limit.)

Character CP

  • 20 CP per agility or speed (if speed > 1), 20 CP for double speed (if speed = 1/4, 1/2 or 1), -20 CP for half speed (if speed = 1/2 or 1)
  • 5 CP per power, 3 CP per toughness
  • 10 CP per ability or disability level (naturally suited to fractional levels)

Template CP

Template CP is often higher than Character CP because template abilities, agility, speed, toughness and power increase the maximum agility, speed, toughness and power which characters can develop. We will try to avoid the "best, second best" logic of MaM 2008's manual dexterity and reach CP and not worry about "veggies": templates with no natural weapons or no speed.

  • 30 CP per agility or speed (if speed >= 1), 0 CP for 1/2 speed, -30 CP for 1/4 speed
  • 10 CP per power, 5 CP per toughness
  • -10 CP for no variability, -5 CP for low variability, 0 CP for medium variability, 5 CP for high variability
  • 15 CP per ability or disability level
  • 15 CP for powered flight, 10 CP for gliding, 5 CP for soaring (requires gliding or flight), 5 CP for parachuting
  • 3 CP for mechanical templates
  • 10 CP per hand
  • -20 CP if the template has only one natural weapon (sharks don't have a secondary weapon)
  • 5 CP for each point of power (special modifier) on a natural weapon. This does not increase carrying capacity or make it easier to wield hefty weapons with this hand.
  • 1 CP for every meter of range on a natural weapon
  • 5 x absorption x cover for natural armor
  • 20 CP for a single sharp natural weapon, 30 CP for multiple sharp natural weapons,
  • 5 CP for a single padded natural weapon, 8 CP for multiple padded natural weapons

Equipment CP

  • 1 CP for every meter of range
  • 10 CP per power, -10 CP per heft
  • 5 CP x absorption x cover
  • -20 CP for 2-handed weapons
  • 20 CP if the weapon is sharp, 5 CP if the weapon is padded
  • 10 CP per parry or grapple (max 2)
  • 20 CP per attack (max 1)
  • -5 CP for flash (the weapon makes a bright, but not blinding, flash when fired, like a gun)
  • -10 CP for report (the weapon makes a loud, but not deafening, noise when fired, like a gun)
  • -20 CP for smoke (the weapon makes a lot of smoke when fired, which impairs aiming and stealth, like a black powder gun)
mass CP mass CP mass CP
1 g -1 1 kg -10 1 tonne 19
2 g -2 2 kg -11 2 tonnes 20
5 g -3 5 kg -12 5 tonnes 21
10 g -4 10 kg -13 10 tonnes 22
20 g -5 20 kg -14 20 tonnes 23
50 g -6 50 kg -15 50 tonnes 24
100 g -7 100 kg -16 100 tonnes 25
200 g -8 200 kg -17 200 tonnes 26
500 g -9 500 kg -18 500 tonnes 27
CP shots CP reload time
0 10 or more 0 1 turn
-1 9 -4 2 turns
-2 8 -6 3 turns
-3 7 -8 4 turns
-4 6 -10 5 turns
-6 5 -12 6 turns
-8 4 -14 7 turns
-10 3 -16 8 turns
-15 2 -18 9 turns
-20 1 -20 10 or more

Making and Equipping PCs

  • If the consequences of disabilities are easily avoided, then they should not have a negative CP value. Players need the GMs permission to add disabilities which aren't built into the game's templates. Characters should not have more than two disabilities.
  • Characters can be male or female unless the template lists different options.
  • Characters can be youths, adults or old people within normal size variance. To make a small child character without changing the template, reduce the mass, length, health and power to less than the template's variance suggests.
  • The occupations rules say occupations can come with equipment. In character creation we can suggest starting occupations as a way to provide starting equipment.
  • In addition to equipment acquired by occupations and craftsmanship, we can also suggest that a game can have other ways to provide characters with equipment, like spending money and finding treasure.
  • The occupations example shows characters being awarded with a certain CP-worth of equipment. Instead we should say something

like "in this example each item is worth it's CP value in small silver coins. The knight is rewarded with equipment whose value in coins equals the robber's CP."

Character Sheet

Name ______________________ Age ______ Sex ______ Template __________________

Occupation(s) _______________________________________________________________

Carrying Capacity _____ kg  Mass      /    kg  (Dis)Abilities&Qualities  Mod
Equipment Mass    _____ kg  Length    /    m   ________________________   /  
Encumbrance       _____     Type ___________   ________________________   /  
                            Var. ___________   ________________________   /  
Ground Movement   _____ m                      ________________________   /  
Water Movement    _____ m   Speed        /     ________________________   /  
Air Movement      _____ m   Agility      /     ________________________   /  
Climbing Movement _____ m   Power        /     ________________________   /  
                            Toughness    /     ________________________   /  
Character Points    /                          ________________________   /  
                                               ________________________   /  

Equipment & Natural Defenses Modifiers&Features Mass Heft  Power  Cmb Cvr Abs
____________________________ __________________ ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
____________________________ __________________ ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
____________________________ __________________ ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
____________________________ __________________ ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
____________________________ __________________ ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
____________________________ __________________ ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
____________________________ __________________ ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
____________________________ __________________ ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
____________________________ __________________ ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
____________________________ __________________ ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___

                   Stun                 |                Damage
Name ______________________ Age ______ Sex ______ Template human             

Occupation(s) _______________________________________________________________

Carrying Capacity _____ kg  Mass      / 70 kg  (Dis)Abilities&Qualities  Mod
Equipment Mass    _____ kg  Length    /1.8 m   ________________________ __/__
Encumbrance       _____     Type   height      ________________________ __/__
                            Var.   medium      ________________________ __/__
Ground Movement   _____ m                      ________________________ __/__
Water Movement    _____ m   Speed        / 1   ________________________ __/__
Air Movement      _____ m   Agility      / 3   ________________________ __/__
Climbing Movement _____ m   Power        / 4   ________________________ __/__
                            Toughness    / 6   ________________________ __/__
Character Points    /200                       ________________________ __/__
                                               ________________________ __/__

Equipment & Natural Defenses Modifiers&Features Mass Heft  Power  Cmb Cvr Abs
2 hands                      hand               ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
2 feet                                          ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
____________________________ __________________ ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
____________________________ __________________ ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
____________________________ __________________ ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
____________________________ __________________ ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
____________________________ __________________ ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
____________________________ __________________ ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
____________________________ __________________ ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
____________________________ __________________ ____ ____ ___-___ ___ ___ ___

                   Stun                 |                Damage

Compact Characters

Some games will have some characters who only need a little bit of information instead of full character sheets. A common example is stock villains and monsters which only need combat stats and sometimes a few special qualities or abilities. There are at least two situations where having a compact representation of characters can be useful:

  1. Battle-on-a-page where two facing pages of an RPG book contain everything a player or GM needs to play one side (the "NPC" side) of a battle. Sometimes this will only require a single character who fits on one page with a full character sheet. But if it involves more than 2 characters and the information that fits on their character sheets, then a full sized character sheet won't work.
  2. Book-of-beasties which contains dozens of creatures which need to be playable. Most of these creatures won't have equipment or need any kind of character development. On the other hand you may want templates for each critter. A full character sheet would allow you to have a character and template together, and there may be very little difference between a template and a playable character anyway.
One option is a scaled-down character sheet with unused equipment and damage sections trimmed from the bottom:
Name Joe Human              Age adult  Sex  male  Template human             

Occupation(s) _______________________________________________________________

Carrying Capacity   3   kg  Mass    80/ 80 kg  (Dis)Abilities&Qualities  Mod
Equipment Mass      0   kg  Length 1.8/1.8 m   ________________________   /  
Encumbrance         0       Type     tall      ________________________   /  
                            Var.   medium      ________________________   /  
Ground Movement     4   m                      ________________________   /  
Water Movement      0   m   Speed      1 / 1   ________________________   /  
Air Movement        0   m   Agility    3 / 3   ________________________   /  
Climbing Movement   0   m   Power      4 / 4   ________________________   /  
                            Toughness  6 / 6   ________________________   /  
Character Points 200/200                       ________________________   /  
                                               ________________________   /  

Equipment & Natural Defenses Modifiers&Features Mass Heft  Power  Cmb Cvr Abs
2 hands                      hand               ____ ____  2 - 4   0  ___ ___
2 feet                                          ____ ____  2 - 4   0  ___ ___

Name Barbarian              Age adult  Sex  male  Template human             

Occupation(s) barbarian                                                      

Carrying Capacity  30   kg  Mass   100/ 80 kg  (Dis)Abilities&Qualities  Mod
Equipment Mass      3   kg  Length 1.8/1.8 m   swordsmanship             2/ 0
Encumbrance         0       Type     tall      ________________________   /  
                            Var.   medium      ________________________   /  
Ground Movement     4   m                      ________________________   /  
Water Movement      0   m   Speed      1 / 1   ________________________   /  
Air Movement        0   m   Agility    3 / 3   ________________________   /  
Climbing Movement   0   m   Power      8 / 4   ________________________   /  
                            Toughness 10 / 6   ________________________   /  
Character Points 252/200                       ________________________   /  
                                               ________________________   /  

Equipment & Natural Defenses Modifiers&Features Mass Heft  Power  Cmb Cvr Abs
2 hands                      hand               ____ ____  4 - 8   0  ___ ___
2 feet                                          ____ ____  4 - 8   0  ___ ___
1 big sword                  sharp, 2-handed    3 kg   7   5 -10   2  ___ ___
Another option is a compressed character sheet using abbreviations:
N Joe Human           A     S m  T human        
CC   3  kg  Mas  80/80 kg  (Qua/Abi)lities  Mod
EM   0  kg  Lng 1.8/1.8 m                    /  
Enc  0      Typ height                       /  
Grd  4  m   Spd  1 / 1                       /  
H2O  0  m   Agi  3 / 3                       /  
Air  0  m   Pwr  4 / 4                       /  
Clm  0  m   Tgh  6 / 6                       /  
CP  200/200                                  /  
Equipment/ND Mod/Feature Mas Hft Pwr Cmb Cvr Abs
2 hands      hand                2-4  0         
2 feet                           2-4  0         

N Barbarian           A     S m  T human        
O barbarian                                     
CC  30  kg  Mas 100/80 kg  (Qua/Abi)lities  Mod
EM   3  kg  Lng 1.8/1.8 m  swordsmanship    2/0 
Enc  0      Typ height                       /  
Grd  4  m   Spd  1 / 1                       /  
H2O  0  m   Agi  3 / 3                       /  
Air  0  m   Pwr  8 / 4                       /  
Clm  0  m   Tgh 10 / 6                       /  
CP  252/200                                  /  
Equipment/ND Mod/Feature Mas Hft Pwr Cmb Cvr Abs
2 hands      hand                4-8  0         
2 feet                           4-8  0         
1 big sword  sharp 2hand          10  2         
A third option is a short, minimal list of stats:
Joe Human, 80/80 kg, 1.8/1.8 m tall, 1/1 Spd, 3/3 Agi, 4/4 Pwr, 6/6 Tgh, 4 Grd, 200/200 CP, 2 hands (hand, 0 Cmb, 2-4 Pwr), 2 feet (0 Cmb, 2-4 Pwr)
Barbarian (human), 100/80 kg, 1.8/1.8 m tall, 1/1 Spd, 3/3 Agi, 8/4 Pwr, 10/6 Tgh, 4 Grd, 252/200 CP, 2/0 swordsmanship, 2 hands (hand, 0 Cmb, 4-8 Pwr), 2 feet (0 Cmb, 4-8 Pwr), 1 big sword (2-handed sharp, 2 Cmb, 7 Hft, 5-10 Pwr, 3 kg)

Editing Character Sheet

If you change the character sheet format when editing any of the following, you must update the others:

Be sure you know which character sheet you are updating:

  • The template creation example includes both the blank character sheet and the example template.
  • The character creation example includes both the example template and the example character sheet.