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[[Exalted - Saturday Game Gang]] | [[Master of the Eastern Wind]] | [[Castus the Maker]] | [[Soft the Sea's Song]] | [[Golden Ivory]]

Revision as of 21:15, 20 June 2008

His full name is Mahtlak-om Popotla Huetziz Ocelotl, which means “12 Earthquake, [mortally] bleeding jaguar” in the Coulritloxtec language. This name marks the day of his birth and his family name.

The day he was born is 12 Earthquake (which can mean movement, quaking, shifting). This is an auspicious day because the god of 12, Tlecaputli, is the twin of the god of Earthquakes, Xolotl, who together are counterparts of Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent god of creation and dawn.



Popotla comes from Coulritloxa.

Coulritloxa is a nearly mystical nation of a homogenous, warlike people living impossibly high on mountain peaks far to the southeast of Creation. Isolated, intelligent, mysterious, ancient, and impossibly large, the Coulritloxtec people are hidden from the world, separated by the mists of chaos surrounding their island amid the Wyld.

History of the People of New Thunder

Coulritloxa began as a simple fortress on the edge of Creation, built during the period of the Shogunate, its original name lost in the mists of time. The fortress was well-protected and served as a staging point from which much of the Southeast’s defense was maintained. Some of the cleverest combatants were sent here, and through the conflict with the Fair Folk, developed many new advances in combat. None matched the prowess of one fighter, a giant among men, who towered over his foes and used this to win many battles. He was called Coulrit or “Newthunder.” But this was in the waning of the Terrestrial power, and soon the borders of creation encroached around this mountain nation, cutting them off completely. High in their peaks, they held off the invading chaos, but the outside world assumed them destroyed.

When the Great Contagion sundered the lives of the world, this nation lost very few, thanks to being separated by the Wyld. However, the constant battles with the Fair Folk cost them many lives. Coulrit eventually rose to leadership and initiated a new religious and social system, honoring gods of his choosing, and taking as wives most of the surviving women large and sturdy enough to survive his appetites. His lineage dominates the Coulritloxtec people, and through harsh elimination of those too weak and small to survive the unyielding Fair Folk invasions, those who remain today either trace their lineage directly to Coulrit, or don’t realize that they are his descendant.

For all of his avarice, tyranny, and unquenching hungers, he also did much to support the sciences of the people and protect the nation against outside threats. They are a people obsessed with astrology and mathematics, honoring gods they have never met nor ever understood merely because the calculations of the priests tell them to do so. They use two complicated calendar systems that combine to form a third system of dating that spreads from the first moment of creation to the present. They live their lives governed by the astrological signs that their priests divine using this calendar.

During the centuries that followed Coulrit’s bloody rule, much has changed in this nation now named after him. Two things have always remained: the constant battles against the Wyld, and complete and utter seclusion. Myths have arisen that the Anathema have destroyed all that once lay below the mists of the valleys, and others say that only their mountains and the Wyld remain of all creation. The Coulritloxtec people have never even heard of the Scarlet Dynasty or the Empress, having lasted thousands of years with no contact with the outside world.

The outside world however, has had contact with some of the Coulritloxtec people. Those disgraced, born on the days of prohibition, Anathema, or who refuse to bow to the Coilritloxtec gods are forced down from the mountain, to face the dangers of the Wyld. Most die there, but some survive the ordeal and go on, bound to secrecy about their mountainous people, and travel the rest of Creation. Long ago a heretic priest, exiled and secretly exalted, made his way west and introduced the nascent Varangian people to the Coulritloxtec calendar and astrological system, thereby giving the Empire its lunar calendar and 5 days of calibration.

The Coulritloxtec People

The people of New Thunder are one of the most homogenous peoples of all Creation, thanks to tracing their lineage directly to one central figure and having no genetic mixing with other peoples.

They stand tall and broad, almost monolithic in proportions. Their skin is an ashen gray with freckles and other dominant pigmentation charcoal colored. Their eyes are very dark red, with no variation from one person to another – all iris colors are red. They have a prominent nose and very thick black hair, but no facial or body hair.

Stature – All Coulritloxtec have the Large Size merit. Most have it as a 6-point merit, but some are rather small for their people and have it at the 4-point level.

Standard – 8 to 9.5 feet tall, 600+ lbs. Additional -0 and -1 health levels. Dexterity rolls to use small weapons, writing instruments, or other tools not designed for their massive hands suffer a -1 penalty.

Runt – 7 to 8 feet tall, 400 – 600 lbs. Additional -0 health level.

Heafty - All Coulritloxtec have an Athletics specialty for lifting heavy objects, even if they have no dots in Athletics.

Natural Astrologers – The Coulritloxtec calendar is vastly complex, though because it governs almost every aspect of the peoples’ lives, most Coulritloxtec are keenly aware of what the day means to them and how they should tailor their lives to fit. All Coulritloxtec have the Suerstition flaw at 1 to 3 points.

Priests – The Coulritloxtec priests that administer the passage of time, astrological predictions, and interpretation of the weaving of the loom of fate are most bound to the supernatural mechanisms of time. As a consequence they sacrifice victims to whichever god has the most influence at the time, make proclamations about how the battles should be fought based on little more than the reading of the stars, and never balk at the strangest and most repetitive behavior. The priests however, are the least numerous group.

Artisans – The more common folk of the Coulritloxtec people generally care a great deal about the portents for the day and the influence of the gods. The bartering of goods, shipments, harvesting, crafting, and for some even getting to work at all in the mornings are all determined by the day of the calendar. Some however, will selectively interpret the portents to allow for smoother progress, especially when it comes to endangering the Coulritloxa nation.

Soldiers – The constant battle in which the warriors and soldiers of Coulritloxa are enmeshed swiftly drains the supernatural thoughts from a mind, replacing it with the horrors of battle and bloodshed. While the weighty proclamations of the priests are always followed, the general day-to-day service of a soldier allows little thought for the irrational. Soldiers are the largest group.

Attributes – Most Coulritloxtec attribute scores fall into the following range: Strength 3+, Stamina 3+, Intelligence 2+, Wits 4+. The Coulritloxtec are dour, contemplative folk who are extremely difficult to fool with trickery and glamer thanks to their generations of conflict with the Fair Folk. Because of their size they are also naturally quite strong and hearty.


3 x 3


  • Coulritloxtec characters
    • 13 Serpet (contact)
    • 11 Wind (ally)
    • 8 Deer (enemy) - this entry explains the other two
  • Characters from Cala
    • Connor Mala (contact)
    • Ingoff Yokum Shri Takaow (ally)
    • Heng Lin Shunbai (emeny)
  • Characters from elsewhere
    • Herncis (contact from Thorns region)
    • Rufina Slamunta (ally from Kirighast)
    • Laerk Pontasliefr (enemy from Pangu)


13 Serpent "Turquoise Moon"
13 Serpent is the daughter of 6 Lizard and 11 Wind, 12 Quake's half brother. 12 Quake helped to raise her and taught her much of valor and bravery, combat, and how to interpret the mark of days. She eventually married her own half uncle 8 Deer in an attempt to form a political alliance. She is Coulritloxtec.

Connor Mala
Once he found himself near the great city of Cala, Popotla had learned enough of the realm's language to converse with some of the people he encountered. Connor was an elderly peasant on his way into Calin with hopes of selling some of the amber sculptures he'd carved. Popotla carried the old man and his wares for many miles of near-constant chatter. Though Popotla found the litany of beautiful women he'd bedded, fantastic places he'd been, and ghosts he'd trapped in his hat annoying, it was a great learning experience for Popotla, who needed more exposure to the language.

A traveling merchant who Popotla spoke with not far from Thorns. More intrigued than intimidated, Herncis was eager to trade a few supplies to Popotla in exchange for some protection from wild beasts while on the road, and what tales he could tell. Herncis was particularly interested in tales of Denandsor, once he assumed Denandsor must have been the great silent city through which Popotla had traveled.


11 Wind "Bloody Jaguar"
11 Wind is 12 Quake's half brother and the king of the city "Xipe's Bundle", also known as Red and White Bundle, or Xipemoutequetla. This is a Coulritloxtec city.

Ingoff Yokum Shri Takaow
Yokum is an influencial blacksmith in Cala, and is a celebrated weaponsmith. For a time, Popotla worked for him as a hired assistant, still unsure of how to deal with his new and dangerous power. During his time in Cala Popotla attempted to use his work as a smith to change the course of events for people he saw as downtrodden, but soon realized that his efforts would always be limited by the scope and location of his responsibilities.

Rufina Slamunta
Rufina is a very young female terrestrial from Kirighast. Mahtlak-om Popotla discovered her weeping and wailing in an alley where he was hiding. He could not understand her language, but she gibbered on, pointing into an adjoining alley. Thinking she was being chased by some Fair monster, he drew his great macuaham and charged around the corner that she indicated. Instead of finding a monster, he found two men already engaged in bloody battle.

Just then, one got the better of the other, and with the young girl's scream, he knew who her monster was. With two great steps, he swung hard and knocked the assailant out of the way of the prone figure. She came to this one's side, weeping still but obviously happy, just as the assailant rebounded and came at Popotla with all he had. Having never fought a Dragonblooded exalt before, Popotla brought all his might to bear and crushed the man. Now glowing brightly, he turned back to the two lovers and heard the word "Anathema" for the first time. It stuck with him because of the look of horror on their faces as they said it... and then screamed it. Not that it would have mattered, everyone within a hundred yards could see the silver glow from that alley.

Hearing the rising commotion, she realized that they had just condemned the giant man who helped them. She said what Popotla realized later meant she was sorry, and they lead him into another alley and pointed out of town. It took a rising mob behind them for him to realize why they pointed that way, and though he made it out of town eventually, half of the terrestrials of that district of Kirighast know his unmistakable face.

What he couldn't understand is that the man he killed was her betrothed. Though the arrangement was beneficial for the Slamunta family, Rufina was still young enough to crave love over duty and attempted to run away with her young lover. Popotla interrupted her betrothed attempting to stop their illicit tryst by talking some sense into the young man who professed to love her. They'd only drawn weapons because the younger man was frightened and romantic enough to think he'd die for his love. Rufina feels guilty for not helping Popotla more, but she paid a sort of penance when she met her new husband-to-be and realized how good the dead exalt whom Popotla had killed actually was by comparison. Thankfully he plans a very long engagement, unlike her first, which allows her plenty of time to mature into womanhood and learn to accept her situation.

Rufina and Popotla don't know each others' names, but would certainly know each other by sight.


8 Deer "Jaguar Claw"
12 Quake's half brother is 8 Deer, of the Jaguar Claw family (Iya Nacuaa Teyusi Ñaña). They shared a mother, 9 Eagle “Cocoa-Flower”, queen of Tecamatxalco. 8 Deer is a bloody-handed warlord in control of more clans of the Coulritloxtec than any one warlord in a hundred years. 12 Quake chose to leave Coulritloxa, in part, because of conflicts with 8 Deer. (reference) Once the two brothers were faithful war companions, working to unite the various cities of Coulritloxa, when 8 Deer's greed pitted him against his own family.

8 Deer's half sister, 6 Lizard "Jade Fan", was born on an extremely auspicious day when considered with the conjunction of her family line, patron god, and birth order. This, to the Coulritloxtec, is akin to being the most beautiful and chaste woman in the world. When she came of age, 8 Deer made 6 Lizard his lover, and pledged (though some claim "threatened") to marry her. She instead chose to marry 8 Deer's archenemy 11 Wind “Bloody Jaguar”, the king of the city "Xipe's Bundle", also known as Red and White Bundle, or Xipemoutequetla. 11 Wind is 12 Quake's half brother through their father who, along with the other lords of Xipe's Bundle had rights to the throne of Tilantongo and were therefore the most important rivals to 8 Deer's power.

This caused 8 Deer to see 12 Quake as a rival to his own power, or at least as a threat because of his association with 11 Wind. Things came to a head before 12 Quake left Coulritloxa for the mists of the Wyld. Seeing his departure as a weakening of his own power base, 11 Wind agreed to allow his daughter 13 Serpent to marry 8 Deer (she, being the daughter of 6 Lizard as well, would therefore be 8 Deer's half niece).

Heng Lin Shunbai
Heng is a beurocrat in Cala. Popotla's backward barbaric ways were a cause of much grief for the rigid and bombastic Heng. Popotla refused to work on a chastity belt for Heng's daughter one day because it was a day of fertility, and the gods of crafting were waning during the same conflux of destruction and weakness ascending and invoking the power of mischief. It was risky to create anything of importance on such a day, but an item meant to be worn comfortably by a young lady in order to maintain her moral purity was simply far too delicate. This put off the schedule for her dress fitting, which required rescheduling of the flower accompaniment, which of course delayed installation of the pond and fountain system. Needless to say, her mogi, the coming-of-age ceremony, had to be delayed a full day, putting it on the day of her 13th birthday instead of the day before, causing much emberassment to Heng's family. When Heng vowed to kill Popotla for what he had done, he instead chose to leave on the next outbound merchant ship.

Laerk Pontasliefr
Laerk is from Pangu, and is a member of the Immaculate Order. When Rufina's betrothed was killed by Popotla in Kirighast and the commotion was stirred, some reports drifted back to one of the Order's spies. Laerk has been seeking more information about the ashen-skinned giant and his people, and may have information about other Coulritloxtec who have survived the descent through the Mists of Chaos. Laerk would not have heard of Popotla if it were not for him being a solar exalt, but Laerk's primary desire is for knowledge, and will stop at nothing to obtain it.



Strike From the Birthplace of New Thunder - Combo

Popotla breaches the distance between himself and his homeland, Coulritloxa, the "Land of New Thunder", and brings his tetsubo swinging from the top of that mountain down on the head of his enemy.

If the tetsubo weighs 16 lbs, that is roughly 36 kg. The tip of his weapon travels at just under the speed of light to reconnect with himself, but due to friction and his own limitations, slows down to just under mach 3, or 1010 m/s. Therefore the kinetic energy of this attack is equal to 18,361,800 joules (18.4 megajoules), or 4 kilograms of TNT.

This is, however, if the attack is focused on one target. Each additional target reduces the power considerably, thanks to resistance interrupting speed. For instance, if the attack hits two targets, then the vector has to be adjusted to glance off the first target and continue through to the second. Therefore the actual mass hitting the first target is reduced to a quarter, and the speed hitting the second target would be reduced by half. 4.59 megajoules impact the first target, and 4.59 megajoules also hit the second target. 1 kilogram of TNT per target.

Spread among 5 targets the impact's kinetic energy would only be about 736 kilojoules without factoring in the effect of the strength of the swing, in addition to simple force from speed, meaning each would be closer to 1 megajoule.

The Macuaham

The Coulritloxtec have few raw materials with which to make weaponry, and commonly use bones of their enemies and sacrifices for weapons. On the rare occasion that a lull in attacks from the Wyld is found, an expedition is launched to harvest the high-altitude hardwoods deep in the mists of Chaos. The wood from these barrel-shaped trees is then carved and honed into the finest weapons used by the Coulritloxtec. Though accomplished smiths, what metals they have were all smelted from the weapons left by their Fair enemies. These metals are used primarily for edges, swords, and stiff hafts.

The macuaham however, is a large club, and as such, is intended to produce an astounding amount of impact. The hardwoods of the chaos mists have an almost immeasurable ability to absorb vibration, making this material ideal for weapons meant primarily to deliver a crushing blow.

Used in primarily the same way as the lower, outside world uses a tetsubo, the macuaham is actually a double macuahuitl, carved as a square crushing surface with obsidian or steel blades lining the four edges rather than as a flat cutting weapon.



Popotla's manse is hidden back in Coulritloxa. It serves as a temple and astrological observation point, as well as housing the jade monolith that holds back the Wyld.

(details to come)


Exalted - Saturday Game Gang | Master of the Eastern Wind | Castus the Maker | Soft the Sea's Song | Golden Ivory