Fragile:JeffDavies: Difference between revisions

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Melee: +9
Melee: +9

Ranged: +10 (+12 Laser Sight)
Ranged: +10 (+12 Laser Sight within 50 feet)

Weapon Proficiencies: Explosives, Handgun, Hurled, Rifle (forte), Shotgun, Submachine gun (forte), Unarmed
Weapon Proficiencies: Explosives, Handgun, Hurled, Rifle (forte), Shotgun, Submachine gun (forte), Unarmed

Revision as of 21:25, 11 July 2008


Name: Jeff Davies


Player: ChalkLine

Origin: Persistent Special Ops

Class: Soldier 4/Counter Terrorist 3

Reputation: 2

Age: 25 (Birthday: 19/5/1983)

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 127lb

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Light brown, short.

Backstory: Jeff Davies is a go getter.

He did police studies at college and then went straight into patrol, angling the entire time for SWAT. He wants to spend a few years getting a name for himself and then try hostage negotiation, the, go for a political career. He's never had to kill anyone, something he's very proud of. He's first to carry a non-lethal weapon because shootings put black marks on your record.

However, he's a big believer in bootstrapping everyone up with him. The personal crusade to success he sees himself on includes those close to him, and he wants to ensure that he and his team are the best in the country. He's the annoying guy that volunteers everyone for a competition right across the country right after a draining operation.

He knows the difference between soldiers and SWAT; SWAT don't take casualties. He's cautious and likes to ensure that his buddies are covered if they have to move. If offered he'll lug something huge like a FAL OSW to keep perp's heads down while his compadres move into position. Jeff really is concerned for his buddies' well being, probably the only time he opens up for anyone. He is, however, absolutely the worst person to turn to for advice on anything except career paths.

His home life is a source of humour for his team mates; his anal-retentive cleanliness of his apartment and the fact that he can't seem to settle into a relationship because he always expects something better around the corner. He's actually a fairly lonely guy and his obsessive attitude is making him miss out on the enjoyment of life. He really appreciates the 'live in the moment' qualities some of his buddies have, and is secretly envious of anyone who can just go out and not care if someone in the department sees them in a pair of dirty sneakers.

His current girlfriend is an office worker on the outskirts of town, while he's very fond of her his innate shallowness in relationships is starting to cause her to wonder if her time isn't better spent elsewhere.

He's an all-rounder in a tactical sense, and tries to get hands-on experience in everything so he can qualify for a leadership position. He's just missed the mark for being the youngest team leader in LV-SWAT and is just a little bit sensitive about it. Something his team mates probably like to rib him about.



STR 14 (+2)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 14 (+2)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 10 (+0)

Derived Values

Action Dice: 2d6

Fortitude: +7

Reflexes: +7

Willpower: +7

Stress Threshold: 12

Subdual Threshold: 14

Knowledge Check: +8

Request Check: +7

Gear Check: +8

Defense: 14/16

Initiative: +12

Base Attack Bonus: +7

Unarmed: +9

Melee: +9

Ranged: +10 (+12 Laser Sight within 50 feet)

Weapon Proficiencies: Explosives, Handgun, Hurled, Rifle (forte), Shotgun, Submachine gun (forte), Unarmed

Primary Weapon: FN P90 5.7 x 28mm (Damage 1d10+1 (AP 4), E/T 1-3/20, Ammo 50M6, Rec 5, Rng 35 ft., SZ/H T/2h, Qualities CMP, DST, NUL (2R), QKY, TBR, UPG (red dot sight), Upgrades: 1x Extra Ammo Stockpile, Laser Sight (normal), Tactical Flashlight, Tactical Sling)

Secondary Weapon: S&W 5906 9mm P (Damage 1d10+1, E/T 1/20, Ammo 15M4, Rec 15, Rng 25 ft., SZ/H D/1h, Qualities CMP, Upgrades: Tactical Flashlight, Tactical Holster)

Armor and Protective Gear: Modular Tactical Armor (Armor Type M, DR 4/5, Resistances CN8, CD3, FR6, FA7, DP -3, ACP -2, Speed -5 ft., Notice/Search DC 12, NOTE: +1 DR versus ranged weapons, ACP reduced to 0, Speed penalty reduced to 0, Upgrades: Ballistic Helmet, Nomex Underwear, Knee and Elbow Pads, Gas Mask.)

Speed: 30 ft.


Athletics +7/+8 (5 Ranks, +2 STR/+3 DEX, Result Cap 30)

Blend +8/+5 (5 Ranks, +3 DEX/+0 CHA, Result Cap 30)

Cultures (North America) +1 (0 Ranks, +1 INT, Result Cap 15, Error +2)

Drive (Personal Aircraft, Standard Ground Vehicles) +5 (2 Ranks, +3 DEX, Result Cap 20)

Impress +2 (2 Ranks, +0 CHA, Result Cap 20)

Intimidate +7/+5 (5 Ranks, +2 STR/+0 CHA, Result Cap 30)

Investigation +3/+2 (2 Ranks, +1 WIS/+0 CHA, Result Cap 20)

Notice +5 (4 Ranks, +1 WIS, Result Cap 30)

Profession (Police Officer) +0 (0 Ranks, +0 CHA, Result Cap 15, Error +2)

Resolve +6/+5 (4 Ranks, +2 CON/+1 WIS, Result Cap 35)

Science (Fabrication) +1 (0 Ranks, +1 INT, Result Cap 15, Error +2)

Search +5 (4 Ranks, +1 INT, Result Cap 30)

Security +4 (3 Ranks, +1 INT, Result Cap 20)

Sense Motive +5/+4 (4 Ranks, +1 WIS/+0 CHA, Result Cap 30)

Sneak +10/+7 (5 Ranks, +3 DEX/+0 CHA, +2 insight bonus, Result Cap 30)

Survival +4/+3 (3 Ranks, +1 WIS/+0 CHA, Result Cap 20)

Tactics +7/+6 (4 Ranks, +1 WIS/+0 CHA, +2 insight bonus, Result Cap 30)

Interests: Light aircraft, Swimming, Rock climbing, Hiking


Origin Abilities: No penalty to retry skill 4/session, Resolve always class skill (+5 cap), +2 insight bonus with Fortitude saves, trip time x3/4 1/session, +2 insight bonus Sneak and Tactics

Class Abilities: Accurate, Armor Use I, Crowd Control, Fight On x2, Fortunes of War I (DR 1), Precision Takedown I, Shoot First

Feats: Ambush Basics, Armor Basics (Moderate Armor), Combat Instincts, Concealed Carry, CQB Basics, CQB Mastery, Tactical Advantage


Lifestyle: 2

Possessions: 5 (Climbing Kit I, Ipod, crowbar, LED headlight, hiking pack, diver's bag, MagLite (5 cell) converted to LED, remote control aeroplane, cellphone, skateboard, small terrier dog called "Merv", gaff tape, camouflage fatigues, load bearing vest)

Spending Cash: 1 ($100)

Currently Carrying:

- FN P90 5.7 x 28mm II (Upgrades: Extra Ammo Stockpile, Laser Sight, Tactical Sling and Tactical Flashlight, 7 lbs., 20 XP)

- S&W Model 5906 9mm P II (Use stats for H&K USP 9mm P, Upgrades: Tactical Flashlight and Tactical Holster, 1.7 lbs., 100 XP)

- Flash/bang Grenades x3 II (1 lbs., 40 XP)

- Pepper Spray I (0.2 lbs., 10 XP)

- Modular Tactical Armor III (Upgrades: Nomex Underwear, Knee and Elbow Pads, Ballistic Helmet and Gas Mask, 17 lbs., 120 XP)

- Nightvision Goggles I (1.5 lbs., 40 XP)

- Tactical Radio I (1 lbs., 10 XP)

- Stinger Grenades x2 III (1 lbs., 30 XP)

- Flashlight, safety goggles, earplugs, handcuffs, 20 zip ties, load-bearing gear, go-bar, Leatherman, glass punch (3.5 lbs., 36 XP)

Total Weight: 33.9 lbs.
