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| |
| Creating Kaer-Dweller
| |
| Characters
| |
| Some guidelines have to be established before characters
| |
| can be created that have lived inside Kaer Ardanyan
| |
| for their entire lives. Gamemaster and players alike should
| |
| be familiar with the setting and the kaer’s history in order
| |
| to create believable characters that have a place inside the
| |
| kaer. This section contains advice for creating characters
| |
| living in Kaer Ardanyan. While we have taken great care
| |
| to integrate almost every character type available from the
| |
| Player’s Compendium, there are a few exceptions.
| |
| Name-giver Races
| |
| Dwarfs clearly dominate the population of Khar Rhûz,
| |
| followed by elves of Shal’Minar. There is an animosity
| |
| between members of these races, based on the events of
| |
| the kaer’s past. Orks, humans or trolls living in Okoros
| |
| tend to mistrust dwarves and elves due to these historical
| |
| events. Mistrust and animosity have no effect on character
| |
| creation rules, but should be taken into account whenever
| |
| the character interacts with members of those races. Of
| |
| course, exceptions make the rule — it should be allowed to
| |
| create open-minded characters.
| |
| The two obsidimen of Okoros do not have their own
| |
| Liferock inside Kaer Ardanyan. As explained above, they
| |
| could not make it back home in time and were forced to
| |
| enter the kaer before the Scourge. We haven’t provided any
| |
| names in case a player might want to play an obsidiman.
| |
| However, a good adventure hook would be to find his Liferock
| |
| once the Scourge is over.
| |
| The t’skrang are new to Kaer Ardanyan’s society.
| |
| Although they have lived inside the kaer ever since, they
| |
| did so in a state of torpor beneath Lake Vross in Okoros.
| |
| Their hibernation ended only a few months ago, and the
| |
| K’Tan Vross niall is still learning about the events that took
| |
| place during the past centuries. Playing a t’skrang means
| |
| that the character was either born before the Scourge or
| |
| hatched in the early years after the kaer closed its gates.
| |
| Effectively, every t’skrang is over 400 years old — although
| |
| none of them have aged.
| |
| Keep in mind that due to their extended life spans, certain
| |
| Name-givers might have experienced the events of the
| |
| Separation first-hand. We do not recommend playing characters
| |
| older than 50 years, although it might be an interesting
| |
| option. T’skrang and obsidimen pose an exception to
| |
| this rule, as they haven’t witnessed the Separation.
| |
| Like elsewhere in Barsaive, windlings are also rare in
| |
| Kaer Ardanyan. Windling characters from the kaer usually
| |
| belong to the Ijandii clan (see The Groves, p. 24).
| |
| Disciplines
| |
| All of the Disciplines presented in the Player’s Compendium
| |
| are available to player characters from Kaer
| |
| Ardanyan, except for Sky Raiders. Each Discipline has a
| |
| place in the kaer, but the gamemaster should feel free to
| |
| come up with his own restrictions.
| |
| We have mentioned different personalities available
| |
| as trainers in the kaer’s description above, along with the
| |
| Names of the most prominent adepts. Apart from the personalities
| |
| presented in this book, there is plenty of leeway
| |
| for gamemasters to develop their own masters and mentors.
| |
| Note that, with the exception of Leldrin, no adept inside
| |
| Kaer Ardanyan has advanced beyond Eighth Circle, and
| |
| there are no masters or ghost masters of higher Circles
| |
| available.
| |
| While there are a number of adepts integrated into
| |
| the setting, feel free to create your own — the kaer is large
| |
| enough to accommodate a few more adepts and their stories.
| |
| We haven’t outfitted these characters with game statistics,
| |
| which allows gamemasters to tailor them to their
| |
| needs. However, we do recommend that the masters for
| |
| player characters should be adepts in the Fifth or Sixth
| |
| Circle of their Disciplines.
| |
| Each player should know the Name and description of
| |
| his mentor, and gamemasters should consider fleshing out
| |
| the relationship between the player characters and their
| |
| masters. The gamemaster characters listed below serve a
| |
| crucial role in the main adventure, because they have been
| |
| chosen by the kaer council to form the next exploration
| |
| party. It is not crucial to the story if not all characters have
| |
| a master participating in the mission, but the majority of
| |
| them should.
| |
| The Masters and Mentors Table, above, gives an overview of the gamemaster characters presented earlier.
| |
| |
| ========================
| |
| |
| |
| History
| |
| Before the Scourge, the Theran Empire ruled over
| |
| the province of Barsaive. The Therans tamed the wilderness
| |
| by constructing roads and trade flourished almost
| |
| everywhere. Not all cities and towns were connected
| |
| by Theran roads, however, and alternative trade routes
| |
| emerged where the roads did not reach.
| |
| One of these trade routes developed in the foothills of
| |
| the southern Throal Mountains. It was Throal’s link to the
| |
| Serpent River, where a Theran road ran from the city of
| |
| Parlainth to the settlements along the coast of the Aras
| |
| Sea. Back in those times, dwarven engineers decided to
| |
| build their own road and a bridge across the Serpent River.
| |
| Theran governor Kern Fallo disliked the idea; his secret
| |
| intent was to keep the dwarven kingdom small. Without
| |
| support and protection from Theran cavalry, the route to
| |
| Throal remained largely insecure — the caravans were easy
| |
| prey for ork scorchers and brigands.
| |
| On the Fall of Ardan Yan
| |
| The trade route forked in the forests between the Coil
| |
| and Alidar rivers, allowing travelers to reach the settlements
| |
| in the south. This crossing was the site of a shrine
| |
| devoted to Rashomon — a place where the questor Ardan
| |
| Yan blessed travelers with courage and endurance for the
| |
| rest of their journey. Many people rested here, and used the
| |
| opportunity to trade with the elves of the nearby forests.
| |
| Over time, as more people settled down in the area, the
| |
| crossing slowly turned into a permanent village.
| |
| Ork scorchers became interested in the site when it
| |
| became palisaded, watching the settlement carefully. On a
| |
| clear night, they attacked, razing the place without mercy,
| |
| and slaying the few warriors brave enough to take up the
| |
| fight. Ardan Yan died along with them. The scorchers took
| |
| everything they could load upon their massive thundra
| |
| beasts.
| |
| After the ork scorchers had moved on, the elves decided
| |
| to rebuild the village, Naming it Ardanyan in honor of the
| |
| fallen questor. Word spread fast, and soon other questors
| |
| came to expand the shrine into a larger temple. Wealthy
| |
| Throalic merchants funded the construction for their own
| |
| interests, and provided mercenaries to protect the village
| |
| from further scorcher raids. The elves soon found themselves
| |
| governing a small town that was growing so fast
| |
| that bigger walls were needed for defense against scorcher
| |
| attacks.
| |
| |
| On the Construction of
| |
| Kaer Ardanyan
| |
| A few decades before the Scourge, the town council
| |
| negotiated with Theran officials to receive the Rites of Protection
| |
| and Passage. A settlement of the size of Ardanyan
| |
| was barely worth the Therans’ attention, so they suggested
| |
| that the people of Ardanyan join a bigger kaer instead
| |
| of constructing their own. When the council members
| |
| insisted on purchasing the Rites, the Therans grudgingly
| |
| demanded a price so high in goods, gold, and slaves, that
| |
| the town would not have been able to afford to build their
| |
| own kaer if they agreed to the deal.
| |
| Negotiations were again taken up when dwarven stonemasons
| |
| found deposits of precious gold and silver in the
| |
| nearby foothills. They took this as evidence of a cache of
| |
| elemental earth buried deeper below the surface. Supporting
| |
| the masons with Elementalists to dig into the hills
| |
| faster than usual, enough elemental earth was mined to
| |
| pay the Therans for the Rites without resorting to slavery.
| |
| And there was still plenty more True earth to be found.
| |
| Rich from their find, Ardanyan’s council hired the
| |
| famous dwarven architect Ghandoz to plan the construction
| |
| of the kaer. Four large halls were carved out of the
| |
| natural caves near the mines. Like an orb-shaped shield,
| |
| protective runes were dimensioned to incorporate the
| |
| surrounding rock — providing sufficient space for further
| |
| excavation during the Scourge without risk of disturbing
| |
| the kaer’s wards. The temple of Rashomon was integrated
| |
| into the central hall where fantastic mosaics and paintings
| |
| decorated the long hallways. The domes of the halls were
| |
| painted sky-blue and enhanced with illusion magic to make
| |
| everyone forget that they were underground.
| |
| |
| On Mining with Greed
| |
| The mines of Kaer Ardanyan were soon brimming with
| |
| activity. Once the kaer’s gates had closed, everything of
| |
| value was stripped from the rocks and processed in anticipation
| |
| of a new beginning after the Scourge ended. The
| |
| treasures were enormous — some veins of elemental earth
| |
| were so rich that generations of miners would be needed
| |
| to work them. The kaer council decreed that all families
| |
| would share the treasure in equal parts, as all of them contributed
| |
| to the common goal of survival — miners or not. A
| |
| lion’s share would be held back, however, saved to rebuild
| |
| the town.
| |
| But all the riches served no one as long as the kaer was
| |
| sealed. There was no trade, and gold is impossible to eat.
| |
| Still, some dwarven miners considered it unfair that their
| |
| hard-working families would receive the same share as
| |
| those elves tending the crops and demanded bigger shares
| |
| for their heirs. The kaer council denied their requests on
| |
| several occasions, and even the Miner’s Guild did not back
| |
| their requests.
| |
| Frustrated, several miners joined forces and developed
| |
| a plan. Hiring an Illusionist to hide a secretly constructed
| |
| tunnel, they fooled the Miner’s Guild, the kaer council, and
| |
| the architect Ghandoz, at the same time. In a dark cavern
| |
| at the end of the tunnel, they stored everything that was
| |
| not reported to the guild and council: chunks of silver and
| |
| gold, precious gems — even elemental earth.
| |
| For decades, their tunnel remained a secret — until the
| |
| kaer council decided to expand the temple of Rashomon.
| |
| Samiel, highest questor and spiritual leader of the kaer,
| |
| had requested more space to house and train his followers.
| |
| The tragedy happened a few years later, when tons
| |
| of rock broke from the ceiling and buried the new temple
| |
| wing underneath. Almost all of the temple’s questors died,
| |
| and — in shock at what he thought was his own failed planning
| |
| — Ghandoz almost took his own life.
| |
| The architect’s innocence was proved when the hidden
| |
| riches were found beneath the rubble and the secret tunnel
| |
| was uncovered. The dwarven miners’ greed had taken the
| |
| lives of Samiel and his followers. Most of the culprits were
| |
| caught and imprisoned in the days following the investigations.
| |
| The kaer council, still consisting of the same elves
| |
| that founded Ardanyan, decided to penalize the miner’s
| |
| betrayal with death. The practice of illusionism by dwarves
| |
| was outlawed and the kaer guard enforced stricter control
| |
| of the mines.
| |
| Samiel’s fate hung like a curse over the temple grounds.
| |
| Without his guidance, the few remaining followers lost
| |
| both their hope and their courage. No one was ready to step
| |
| into Samiel’s shoes, and no one dared to rebuild the temple.
| |
| The temple grounds were Named the Temple of Greed, and
| |
| left abandoned.
| |
| On the Separation
| |
| When the betrayal was discussed and investigated, the
| |
| Miner’s Guild finally took a firm stance. While they lamented
| |
| the destruction of the temple and the elven questor’s
| |
| death, they began to understand the problem that drove
| |
| the miners to betray the council. The guild’s official request
| |
| for bigger shares led to a fight in the council house, when
| |
| a council member slipped a condescending remark about
| |
| dwarven family business. He and two guild members were
| |
| banned from Council Hall as a result.
| |
| The presence of kaer guards in the mines fuelled
| |
| unrest among the miners. Being watched so closely, they
| |
| almost felt like slaves. Dwarven thick-headedness and
| |
| elven arrogance had turned Kaer Ardanyan into a powder
| |
| keg threatening to explode at any time.
| |
| In the following years, more and more people sought
| |
| the neighborhood of their own kin rather than living peacefully
| |
| and side-by-side. No elf wanted to live next door to a
| |
| dwarven family possibly involved with the Temple of Greed
| |
| and vice versa. Slowly, Khar Rhûz became the home of all
| |
| dwarves while the gardens of Shal’Minar eventually housed
| |
| the complete elven population.
| |
| When the architect Ghandoz died of old age, the situation
| |
| grew desperate. The architect’s reputation and experience
| |
| had made him a respected negotiator between the
| |
| elven kaer council and the dwarven Miner’s Guild. His
| |
| successor, Tahrkusz, was different. He had always sided
| |
| with the miners, but no one even suspected him of being
| |
| the architect of the hidden tunnel. Officially backed by
| |
| the Miner’s Guild, Tahrkusz provoked the council by open
| |
| rebellion. His expectations were surpassed when the kaer
| |
| council imprisoned him, closed the mines, and disbanded
| |
| the Miner’s Guild altogether.
| |
| The council’s decision was unacceptable for all dwarves.
| |
| Mining works went on while the swords of the kaer guard
| |
| clashed with dwarven warhammers and pick-axes. When
| |
| Tahrkusz was displayed in Council Hall for his trial, several
| |
| dwarven warriors took hostages and freed him in a small
| |
| skirmish, turning Council Hall into a cauldron of openlydisplayed
| |
| racial hatred.
| |
| The fighting stopped when the population of Okoros
| |
| decided to seal themselves off and exiled all remaining
| |
| elves and dwarves living there. For the first time in Ardanyan’s
| |
| history, one of the halls had closed its gigantic gates
| |
| leading to Council Hall. The lines were drawn, and the kaer
| |
| community was shattered into pieces when the other halls
| |
| closed their gates as well.
| |
| On the Need for Trade
| |
| Supplies grew thin only a few months after the separation.
| |
| No hall was able to feed their citizens alone — Kaer
| |
| Ardanyan had not been designed for this. Cautious negotiations
| |
| were taken up in the only neutral area left: Council
| |
| Hall. The ambassadors agreed on a compromise: the
| |
| treasure currently in the vault would be distributed evenly
| |
| among the families, minus a share for rebuilding the town
| |
| at the end of the Scourge. Everyone was allowed to increase
| |
| his treasure by mining as long as he signed up with the
| |
| Miner’s Guild and paid taxes. Additionally, each hall was
| |
| allowed to set up its own laws on trading, enabling everyone
| |
| to master his own wealth.
| |
| Council Hall became a marketplace, where designated
| |
| merchants bartered with what their halls had to offer in
| |
| exchange for other things needed. The ambassadors regulated
| |
| and governed the new system of trade. It worked, but
| |
| |
| an undertone of distrust between the halls remained.
| |
| Within two centuries, a new government evolved. Generations
| |
| of ambassadors had met in Council Hall regularly.
| |
| They were aware of problems affecting the whole kaer, the
| |
| only ones able to see the big picture. The ambassadors
| |
| already helped each other out, sometimes even bypassing
| |
| the laws for the good of everyone. After a long time,
| |
| they eventually convinced their rulers to officially declare
| |
| peace and create a new, united council governing the whole
| |
| kaer. The governors formed the new kaer council, each of
| |
| them still ruling over his own hall with their own laws and
| |
| customs.
| |
| On Rashomon’s Madness
| |
| The Temple of Greed, once the proud centerpiece of the
| |
| kaer — now closed and in ruins, slowly dissolved into oblivion.
| |
| The madness that befell the Passion Rashomon during
| |
| the Scourge went by unnoticed by the population. No one
| |
| witnessed how it changed to become Raggok — Passion of
| |
| vengeance, bitterness, and jealousy. Only the remaining
| |
| handful of followers felt a growing urge for revenge.
| |
| Leldrin, the oldest of Samiel’s surviving followers,
| |
| sought to satisfy the urge. He rallied the other followers
| |
| and began turning his plans into reality — decades before
| |
| the Scourge was predicted to end. A fire in the central
| |
| library marked the beginning. The kaer guard perceived
| |
| it as arson, aimed to destroy the kaer’s documents. For
| |
| Leldrin, it was just a diversion to steal the Book of Sigils,
| |
| a massive tome containing the secrets of the powerful
| |
| Theran wards.
| |
| On Leldrin’s Betrayal
| |
| A few decades following the new council’s founding, the
| |
| magicians of Kaer Ardanyan suggested that the time had
| |
| come to mount an expedition. They frequently performed
| |
| the ritual written in the Book of Tomorrow, and interpreted
| |
| the results as an indicator for the Scourge’s end. A call for
| |
| volunteers went out to the adepts of the kaer. After a few
| |
| weeks of preparation, the kaer council sent out an exploration
| |
| party to find a safe way through the wards and traps
| |
| their forefathers had put into place.
| |
| Led by the illusionist Leldrin, the party consisted
| |
| mostly of his followers. The highly regarded dwarfs Dunar
| |
| and Fearghus of Khar Rhûz — the only explorers not part
| |
| of Leldrin’s quest for revenge, accompanied them. No evil
| |
| had touched the wards outside the kaer; only a single trap
| |
| had snapped and bound a minor Horror. Leldrin led the
| |
| party safely to the surface. Everything seemed fine, the
| |
| Scourge was over.
| |
| When the two dwarves cheerfully turned back to report
| |
| to the council, the rest of the party unveiled their true intentions.
| |
| Fleeing back into the maze, the dwarves killed two of
| |
| them before they met their final destiny. Leldrin used his
| |
| illusions to disguise himself and mimic the trapped Horror.
| |
| Fearghus died fighting, and Dunar was sacrificed — his
| |
| blood was used to create the Cross of Ardanyan with Death
| |
| Magic. The newly founded secret society parted ways: Leldrin
| |
| returned into the kaer while his followers remained
| |
| outside. With the help of the Book of Sigils and Leldrin’s
| |
| illusions they would use the kaer’s treasury to rebuild the
| |
| town (see The Town of Ardanyan on p. 44 for more
| |
| details on their story).
| |
| When Leldrin returned carrying the dead body of Fearghus
| |
| in his arms, voices arose in the hall of Khar Rhûz.
| |
| The governor demanded to verify what happened. The kaer
| |
| council ordered the human Nethermancer Jandaan from
| |
| Okoros to prove Leldrin’s words. Jandaan did as requested
| |
| — but Leldrin’s illusions had fooled him as well. The
| |
| council’s worst fears came true — the Scourge was not over
| |
| yet, and there was a Horror lurking in front of the gates.
| |
| On Hope Returning
| |
| The mood in Kaer Ardanyan slowly dropped to an all
| |
| time low. People went missing over the next years, and each
| |
| day sprouted new, scary stories. Whispered rumors of a
| |
| secret cult devoted to the Horror at the gates made their
| |
| round, of cultists sacrificing innocent people to strengthen
| |
| the Horror. Of all the Name-givers that vanished, the elven
| |
| population was hit hardest. Apart from the missing, a series
| |
| of strange diseases killed dozens of elves in the gardens of
| |
| Shal’Minar. More rumors were raised when people feared
| |
| that Leldrin had brought a curse back with him. Repeated
| |
| investigations revealed that there was no truth to these
| |
| rumors, and they eventually ebbed a year ago — when a
| |
| shining ray of hope returned to end the dark times.
| |
| Once every century, the only two obsidimen of Kaer
| |
| Ardanyan wake from hibernation. They end their long time
| |
| dreaming and talk to the people to hear stories of the things
| |
| that happened and how the kaer developed. This time, the
| |
| obsidimen stayed awake. They didn’t say why, but everyone
| |
| knew it had something to do with the Scourge. A few weeks
| |
| later, their awakening was followed by the t’skrang. No one
| |
| expected their return, and a fisherman of Okoros almost
| |
| had a stroke when the first reptilian Name-giver appeared
| |
| on the shore of Lake Vross.
| |
| Almost fifty years have passed since the first expedition
| |
| — and everyone feels that the Scourge must have
| |
| ended. A great burden lasts on the shoulders of the kaer
| |
| council. They are forced to mount a new expedition by public
| |
| demand, risking opening the kaer to a Horror waiting
| |
| outside …
| |
| The Kaer
| |
| The following section describes the kaer in general
| |
| and the separate halls in detail, including places of interest
| |
| and important personalities. The maps presented here are
| |
| intended for the gamemasters eyes only, since they show
| |
| locations unknown to the characters. Players should use
| |
| the hand-out maps in the back of this book.
| |
| On How Kaer Ardanyan Works
| |
| The dwarven architect Ghandoz designed Kaer Ardanyan,
| |
| who dimensioned it large enough that there was
| |
| |
| enough space for coming generations and mining work.
| |
| The protective wards are shaped like an orb incorporating
| |
| the surrounding rock, with a tunnel circling the kaer’s
| |
| equator. This border tunnel also marks ground zero of
| |
| the kaer — there are levels above and below it. Four large
| |
| halls were carved out of existing natural caves, which were
| |
| widened and expanded to have a domed ceiling. The three
| |
| largest halls — called Khar Rhûz, Shal’Minar, and
| |
| Okoros — were planned as living areas centered around
| |
| the smallest one, Council Hall, which served administrative
| |
| purposes only. Today, the kaer is home to about 3,200
| |
| Name-givers.
| |
| All halls are illuminated by a large light crystal mounted
| |
| in the center of each dome. During the day, the crystals
| |
| emanate a yellowish glow reminding of sunlight. The ceilings
| |
| were painted in a light blue and enhanced with illusion
| |
| magic to create the image of a clear sky. The crystal light
| |
| slowly fades on and off twice a day to create the illusion of
| |
| dusk and dawn. Countless smaller light quartzes set into
| |
| the domes simulate stars during the night.
| |
| The underground levels serve various purposes. The
| |
| levels directly under the surface are mainly used for storage
| |
| and cooling food, sometimes even as living quarters.
| |
| Chamber pots are emptied in the lower halls and come back
| |
| as fertilizer for the fields. The deepest levels contain the
| |
| death pits, where the bodies of the deceased are disposed.
| |
| A deep layer of mud covers these pits, which are regularly
| |
| skimmed for bones.
| |
| An underground river was diverted to supply Kaer
| |
| Ardanyan with water. The river is entering the kaer’s wards
| |
| near the hall of Okoros and descends deep under the lowest
| |
| levels, where it exits the wards again. A number of water
| |
| elementals were bound to ensure the purity of the water
| |
| and the safety of the kaer. These spirits also divert enough
| |
| water to feed the lakes inside the halls.
| |
| Apart from naturally grown air sponges, several air
| |
| elementals clean the air and circulate it. As with the water
| |
| elementals, the spirits work in the background and are
| |
| mostly invisible. When the library was on fire many years
| |
| back, the displeased spirits manifested in a great storm to
| |
| clean out the smoke.
| |
| On Customs
| |
| The Separation and the circumstances of living in a
| |
| closed underground environment had many lasting effects
| |
| on Kaer Ardanyan’s society. Even if each hall has developed
| |
| its own laws and customs, everyone works hard to ensure
| |
| the survival of the kaer. For example, most materials need
| |
| to be recycled. The death pits in the lowest levels are not
| |
| only used to get rid of dead bodies — the mud filling the pits
| |
| is highly acidic and decomposes organic matter in a matter
| |
| of days. The bones skimmed from the mud are usually
| |
| returned to the families, who carve tools or jewelry from
| |
| it. It is not unusual to use an ancestor’s skull as a mug or
| |
| sit on a stool made from his bones.
| |
| Since water is a common resource, it is frowned upon
| |
| to swim in the lakes of the kaer. Some people don’t like
| |
| to drink anything others swam in. Only Lake Vevenna
| |
| in Shal’Minar is reserved for this activity, but curiously
| |
| enough, all people seem to ignore what the t’skrang do in
| |
| Lake Vross.
| |
| There was no trade in Ardanyan until the Separation.
| |
| According to kaer law, only certified merchants are allowed
| |
| to trade in Council Hall. Not all merchants sell their wares
| |
| with profit on their hall’s local market — Shal’Minar makes
| |
| an exception, and barters only for goods of equal value.
| |
| Minted coins are seldom used for trading, far more
| |
| common is the practice of accumulating a certain debt
| |
| before filing a transfer of money at Council Hall. Coins
| |
| are used to pay smaller sums, however. Most taverns only
| |
| accept hard currency as some people tend to forget paying
| |
| when they’re drunk.
| |
| Being a neutral place, Council Hall is not open to everyone.
| |
| Travelers must check with the kaer guard on their
| |
| destination and approximate duration of their stay, before
| |
| passing through Council Hall in a quick fashion. Travelers
| |
| have to spend at least one night at a local inn when visiting
| |
| another hall.
| |
| The Mines of Khar Rhûz
| |
| Khar Rhûz roughly translates as Home of the Rockeaters,
| |
| because the hall was the first one to start mining.
| |
| Dwarves mainly populate this hall, but a handful of
| |
| humans and orks have immigrated in the past few years
| |
| to work and learn here. About one thousand Name-givers
| |
| live here.
| |
| Many people say that there are as many holes in the
| |
| sky of Khar Rhûz as in a colander, because the illusion
| |
| of this hall’s blue sky is disturbed by a large number of
| |
| frames, pulleys, and stairs. Each stairway leads up to a
| |
| mine entrance in the domed ceiling, appearing like holes
| |
| in the heaven.
| |
| Ore is processed in large workshops, and the fine smoke
| |
| rising from the chimneys along with the constant noise of
| |
| hammers hitting countless anvils adds an industrial feeling
| |
| to the hall during the day. Khar Rhûz has only limited
| |
| space for plants and animals. Sheep and goats, along with
| |
| chickens, ducks, and gooses are housed in a small number
| |
| of guarded corrals. Fast-growing and nutritious grain and
| |
| crop fill the small fields, but none of the harvest is used for
| |
| trade in Council Hall — it’s barely enough for the dwarfs.
| |
| A small grove consisting mostly of bal’nesh trees serves
| |
| as a small park and recreational area. These trees grow
| |
| relatively fast and are mainly used to fuel the fires in the
| |
| forges, as they produce almost no smoke when burned.
| |
| Several ponies spin the wheels on the shore of Lake Goch
| |
| to transport the water into a system of small channels
| |
| running above the houses to fill the cisterns distributed
| |
| throughout the neighborhoods.
| |
| Places of Interest
| |
| The most prominent spots of Khar Rhûz include Gold
| |
| Court Square, the Mining Districts, the Deeps, and the
| |
| Dwarven Neighborhoods.
| |
| |
| Gold Court Square
| |
| A large statue of Upandal dominates the favored meeting
| |
| place of troubadours in Khar Rhûz. Every morning,
| |
| food and tools are traded here and the place is filled with
| |
| people bartering small shares of their family’s treasures
| |
| for items bought in from Council Hall. Several impressive
| |
| buildings of fine dwarven craftsmanship encircle the
| |
| square: the governor’s house, Kaldarn’s Tavern, Wuldon’s
| |
| Bakery, and a number of shops.
| |
| Governor’s House
| |
| The governor’s house is a most impressive building,
| |
| displaying mosaics detailing the hall’s history. With five
| |
| floors, it is also the highest building of the entire hall. A
| |
| large balcony is directed toward the market, where Governor
| |
| Kolgan Redbeard frequently holds speeches of public
| |
| interest.
| |
| Kaldarn’s Tavern
| |
| The best inn of Khar Rhûz has also developed a reputation
| |
| for being the most expensive. But the money is wellinvested:
| |
| Kaldarn himself serves delicious dwarven food
| |
| and home-brewed stout ale. The rooms are clean and service
| |
| is exceptionally friendly. The upper class of Khar Rhûz
| |
| meets here regularly to celebrate.
| |
| |
| Wuldon’s Bakery
| |
| Wuldon’s Bakery is not only known for his heavy and
| |
| dark bread, but also for his delicious cinnamon rolls. The
| |
| flavors rising from his ovens are enjoyed every morning by
| |
| the people on the square outside. Wuldon also sells traveling
| |
| rations, as most dwarfs proudly take their own food on
| |
| journeys to other halls.
| |
| Shops
| |
| The remaining buildings are little stores selling tools,
| |
| clothing, and jewelry crafted by dwarven hands. Among
| |
| others, Thelia’s Silkworks creates the latest fashion; a garb
| |
| from her is a must for every well-heeled dwarf around.
| |
| Orgut’s Warehouse sells almost everything: candles, parchment,
| |
| rope, tools, sacks, potions, and perfume. Astendar’s
| |
| Blessing is rather small in comparison, but Felar Spiderhands
| |
| is the most talented goldsmith who ever existed in
| |
| Kaer Ardanyan.
| |
| Mining District
| |
| A collection of workshops is dedicated to process the
| |
| mined ores and metals on Astendar’s Square. Gems are
| |
| brought into shape, gold and silver melted to bars and
| |
| elemental earth is stored in special containers laced with
| |
| orichalcum. A number of goldsmiths have settled here to
| |
| be the first to pick the best pieces.
| |
| The large house of the Miner’s Guild bustles with
| |
| activity. The sidewall of the house bears a large map of the
| |
| Deeps, and has two small shrines devoted to Upandal and
| |
| Chorrolis next to it. Mongar Goldtooth, who coordinates
| |
| the mining activities, leads the guild. The treasures of Khar
| |
| Rhûz are not stored in a vault inside the Hall — they never
| |
| were, not even in times of unrest. The kaer’s treasury is
| |
| located underneath Council Hall, considered the safest
| |
| place of the kaer by everyone.
| |
| The Deeps
| |
| The mines are commonly known as the Deeps, forming
| |
| a labyrinth of corridors, galleries, pits, and smaller halls
| |
| on a disturbing number of levels. The miners of Khar Rhûz
| |
| have created a large part of the Deeps. As a result, most of
| |
| the ceilings are low — built for dwarven size. Almost all of
| |
| the entrances are located in Khar Rhûz; a few others are
| |
| located in Okoros, which is also engaged in mining.
| |
| The border tunnel on the kaer’s equator serves as a
| |
| measure for planning the mining. No one dares to dig too
| |
| close to the wards, to avoid the risk of weakening them.
| |
| The architectural calculations are done by the Miner’s
| |
| Guild, which takes great care to avoid another disastrous
| |
| cave-in.
| |
| Dwarven Neighborhoods
| |
| Dwarven houses are small, build for dwarven size. The
| |
| houses have usually three or more levels, most of them
| |
| underground. Over the centuries, the houses coalesced
| |
| together. While a neighborhood might look like a group of
| |
| separate houses from the outside, the opposite is true on
| |
| the inside. Most of the neighborhoods in Khar Rhûz belong
| |
| to a single, extended family and form a labyrinth of rooms,
| |
| floors, stairs, and windows.
| |
| Several places in Khar Rhûz are only known to the
| |
| dwarfs living there. For example, the tavern called Razier’s
| |
| Den is visited exclusively by a certain kind of dwarven miners
| |
| — those who tend to drink a pint too many after a long
| |
| day in the mines. Needless to say, it is not advisable for
| |
| other Name-givers to show up here.
| |
| Deep inside the neighborhoods, the guards of Khar
| |
| Rhûz train their soldiers. As a branch of the kaer guard,
| |
| these dwarfs maintain a state of law and order in Khar
| |
| Rhûz and their part of the Council Hall. Most of the guards
| |
| in positions of command are adepts.
| |
| Personalities of Khar Rhûz
| |
| The following Name-givers hail from Khar Rhûz and
| |
| are well-known throughout the kaer:
| |
| Mongar Goldtooth
| |
| Despite being the head of the Miner’s Guild and a relative
| |
| of Tahrkusz, Mongar is anything but greedy. While
| |
| feeling bad for his heritage, he fears giving up the position
| |
| he inherited from his forefathers and spends most of his
| |
| time among the miners — leaving most of the decisions to
| |
| Dolbek Stonehammer, current master architect and questor
| |
| of Upandal.
| |
| Helman von Gut
| |
| Although Helman’s work on the Grand Airships of
| |
| Barsaive is mostly theoretical, this human can often be
| |
| seen on the only airboat in Khar Rhûz. He often practices
| |
| his skills over the rooftops, tempting the air elementals
| |
| to gusts and even storms, much to the annoyance of the
| |
| neighborhoods below.
| |
| Flim and Jhonda Vreen
| |
| These dwarf siblings of the warrior and archer disciplines
| |
| are the heroes of the kaer guard. Their teamwork
| |
| made them very popular and there are at least two different
| |
| songs about them sung in the taverns.
| |
| Flim and Jhonda are investigators, known all over the
| |
| kaer for their effectiveness.
| |
| Fohr Brosle
| |
| Brosle the thief became famous when he picked a star
| |
| from the heaven for the woman he fell in love with, a feat
| |
| no other Scout or Thief has managed to top.
| |
| The star in question was the one closest to the light
| |
| crystal at the center of the Hall’s domed ceiling.
| |
| Elmar Firehammer
| |
| Besides being the main weaponsmith of Khar Rhûz,
| |
| Elmar Firehammer is the son of Dunar, the famous
| |
| weaponsmith who died on the first expedition.
| |
| Elmar has a deep-rooted hatred for all Horrors and
| |
| works on his own heartblade that shall be used to destroy
| |
| the Horror at the gate.
| |
| Brelduin
| |
| This dwarven Nethermancer lives underneath the
| |
| pump house of Lake Goch. He is seen rarely, and there are
| |
| |
| rumors that he had a major dispute with Ghandjoon, the
| |
| grandmistress of Ardanyan’s Nethermancers.
| |
| The Silence
| |
| of Shal’Minar
| |
| Being the home of Kaer Ardanyan’s elven population,
| |
| Shal’Minar is the main source of food for the whole
| |
| kaer. Idyllic fruit-gardens, wide fields, small forests and
| |
| huts woven from living plants define the landscape of
| |
| this hall — even the sidewalls are covered by ivy and wine.
| |
| Horses, cows, sheep, and goats run freely here, guarded by
| |
| shepherds. Ghandoz designed Shal’Minar with the elven
| |
| and windling races in mind. Each of the huts dotting the
| |
| landscape is woven from living plants, although only the
| |
| roof is visible. Most of the huts extend further underground,
| |
| some even have extended cellars.
| |
| After the Separation, most Name-givers of the other
| |
| races decided to leave the elves alone and moved out. There
| |
| is not much change in Shal’Minar as a result — elves grow
| |
| very old and have only few children. Additionally, the elven
| |
| population seemed to have an increasing rate of deaths due
| |
| to a mysterious plague in the past decades. Even though
| |
| Shal’Minar was always sparsely populated, only five
| |
| hundred Name-givers live under the domed ceiling. The
| |
| windlings make up at least half of the population.
| |
| Scholars suspect the illness is just a random event, as
| |
| there are no clues indicating Horror taint as the cause.
| |
| Their investigations counter the rumors in which Leldrin
| |
| has brought back a disease from the expedition. The hero
| |
| was examined several times for Horror taint, but always
| |
| with negative results. Now, about five decades after he
| |
| returned, no one dares to accuse the kaer’s greatest hero
| |
| without hard evidence.
| |
| Places of Interest
| |
| The most prominent spots of Shal’Minar include the
| |
| Wise Tree, the various lakes and fields, and the Groves.
| |
| The Wise Tree
| |
| A massive, old oak grows in the center of Shal’Minar.
| |
| It is the largest tree in the kaer, and the treetop holds the
| |
| governor’s house — woven from the branches of the tree in
| |
| elven tradition. Right in front of the Wise Tree is the largest
| |
| gathering place of the hall — Sand Square. A wooden
| |
| statue of Jaspree was carved from a dead tree that once
| |
| grew here. There is a large gathering here once a week,
| |
| when the elven merchants come to distribute tools, clothing
| |
| and jewelry they traded for the good of the community
| |
| in Council Hall.
| |
| Of the Name-givers following the magician disciplines,
| |
| most of the apprentices seem to come from the hall of
| |
| Okoros. The house of the Magician’s Guild is located in
| |
| Shal’Minar, however, and it is the only one built with traditional
| |
| materials — wood, stone, and metal. There is only
| |
| one grandmaster for every single magician discipline. They
| |
| form the Council of Mages and are tasked with the control
| |
| of the kaer’s wards.
| |
| Lakes and Fields
| |
| As Kaer Ardanyan’s main source of food, Shal’Minar’s
| |
| rolling fields produce enough wheat and grain for the entire
| |
| kaer population. Over a dozen smaller springs water the
| |
| fields, forming small streams flowing toward Lake Sumven
| |
| and Lake Vevenna. While Sumven is the main source of
| |
| Shal’Minar’s drinkable water, Vevenna is used for swimming
| |
| and washing.
| |
| The Groves
| |
| Ijandii Grove, Jaspree’s Grove, and Sweetgrove are the
| |
| three main forests of the hall. Ijandii Grove contains a huge,
| |
| hive-like formation of rocks. The formation houses the
| |
| windling clan of Ijandii. Small windling homes have been
| |
| carved from the soft sandstone, but some windlings have
| |
| built new homes in the nearby treetops. Jaspree’s Grove is
| |
| home to Ardanyan’s woodworkers and woodcrafters. The
| |
| fast-growing bal’nesh trees produce firewood exported to
| |
| the forges of Khar Rhûz. A small shrine devoted to Jaspree
| |
| can be found where the woodcrafters create wooden farming
| |
| tools. The largest forest is Sweetgrove, although it looks
| |
| more like a large garden. Entirely composed of trees bearing
| |
| fruit, Sweetgrove is a popular spot for taking extended
| |
| walks.
| |
| Personalities of Shal’Minar
| |
| The following Name-givers hail from Shal’Minar and
| |
| are well-known across the kaer:
| |
| Asandel
| |
| As governor of Shal’Minar, Asandel lives on top of the
| |
| Wise Tree alone. He is relatively young, and his family was
| |
| killed by the mysterious plague a decade ago. He relies on
| |
| the judgement of his mentor, although he constantly tries
| |
| to better the relationship with the dwarves of Khar Rhûz
| |
| against Leldrin’s advice.
| |
| Ghandjoon
| |
| As a Nethermancer, Ghandjoon lives in a small hut on
| |
| the edge of Ijandii Grove. The windlings are rarely seen
| |
| here, they consider the grounds around it cursed. Ghandjoon’s
| |
| master Jandaan died only recently and she was
| |
| appointed as a new member of the Council of Mages.
| |
| T’Schrrt Zru’Ul
| |
| This t’skrang Wizard came to the Magician’s Guild right
| |
| after his awakening, stating that his long-time membership
| |
| entitles him to a seat in the Council of Mages. His request
| |
| was denied on the behalf of the human Wizard Khandif,
| |
| although very old documents clearly state that T’Schrrt
| |
| was one of the guild’s founders almost five hundred years
| |
| ago.
| |
| |
| Vespundi
| |
| Beastmaster Vespundi is tending to a swarm of Zoaks
| |
| native to Shal’Minar. He is often seen taming them and
| |
| teaching other windlings how to ride. The elves watch his
| |
| activities with care, uncomfortable with the thought of a
| |
| windling-gang on fast-flying mounts.
| |
| Rokku u Rôl
| |
| In charge of the horses living in Shal’Minar, the elven
| |
| Cavalryman Rokku has a long and proud family history,
| |
| which was said to have ancestors native to the elven nation
| |
| of Shosara. His brown steed Varak is always close.
| |
| Sylphis
| |
| Although it is forbidden to enter other halls and houses
| |
| without checking with the kaer guard, the windling Thief
| |
| Sylphis slips by them almost every day.
| |
| His enemy is Jhonda Vreen; the Archer usually pays him
| |
| a visit first if anything of great value is reported stolen.
| |
| |
| The Chaos of Okoros
| |
| When the population of Okoros decided to separate
| |
| themselves from the rest of the kaer, the Hall became the
| |
| home of almost all Name-givers not of the dwarven and
| |
| elven races. Okoros is filled with houses of different architectural
| |
| styles, each one dominating a different district.
| |
| Everyone began building using their own plans after the
| |
| Separation, with no visible concept.
| |
| The large longhouses of the kaer’s trollmoot stand right
| |
| next to the orkish and rather hive-like Castel — which looks
| |
| like a large number of buildings placed on top of each other.
| |
| Simple, but elegant houses with shops on the floor level
| |
| dominate the human district while the t’skrang hibernated
| |
| in their underwater houses beneath Lake Vross. The two
| |
| obsidimen known as The Sleepers have no house at all, living
| |
| on the streets or with anyone providing them shelter.
| |
| Remarkable is the unity that binds the different cultures
| |
| together, despite the fact that Okoros is only a few
| |
| Name-givers short of being overpopulated. The 1,700
| |
| Name-givers show their heritage openly, and tend to side
| |
| with each other as soon as they deal with anyone not from
| |
| Okoros. Outsiders are sometimes treated like intruders,
| |
| as there is a definitive mistrust towards elves and dwarfs.
| |
| More jokes about elves and dwarves make their rounds
| |
| than jokes about orks and trolls — although that might
| |
| have a different reason...
| |
| Places of Interest
| |
| The most prominent spots of Okoros include the Sleeper’s
| |
| Square, Lake Vross, the Castel, and the Okoroi.
| |
| Sleeper’s Square
| |
| As opposed to the central squares of the other halls,
| |
| Sleeper’s Square has no statue anymore. But a rounded
| |
| base is still there, which once held the obsidimen brothers
| |
| known as The Sleepers. On the way to their Liferock, they
| |
| were forced to enter Kaer Ardanyan just before it closed its
| |
| gates. The Scourge was already too near, making it impossible
| |
| for them to return in time.
| |
| A few months after the closing, the brothers embraced
| |
| each other and became the statue on Sleeper’s Square. The
| |
| sleepers woke up only once every century, spending several
| |
| weeks to eat and talk to the population. Almost a year ago,
| |
| they woke up again and haven’t entered their sleep since.
| |
| All they say is that they don’t feel like dreaming anymore.
| |
| A U-shaped building is the residence of Galvan Andur,
| |
| the human governor of Okoros. The house is made of white
| |
| marble and its steps lead up to the many pillars surrounding
| |
| the house. The steps are a favorite spot to sit on and
| |
| watch the stars during the evening or the colorful market
| |
| in the morning.
| |
| Following the street towards the gate, a number of
| |
| small workshops form the Artisan’s Mile. The craftsmen
| |
| and artisans of Okoros settled here to create clothing, barrels,
| |
| tools, and even butcher animals. Most of them have
| |
| a small store attached to their workshop. Members of all
| |
| Name-giver races can be found here, dominated by an
| |
| above-average share of humans.
| |
| Lake Vross
| |
| The waterfall of Lake Vross is the main attraction of
| |
| Okoros. The underground river enters the kaer here, and
| |
| the lake below holds the t’skrang niall of K’Tan Vross.
| |
| The niall’s small tower juts out of the water on the northern
| |
| shore, sealed shut until a few months ago, when the
| |
| t’skrang awoke from their hibernation.
| |
| The first t’skrang to come out of the water scared away
| |
| the local fishermen, who had never seen a living t’skrang
| |
| before. One fisherman almost had a stroke, so it took a
| |
| moment before they realized that the reptilians were not
| |
| Horror-spawn, but Name-givers.
| |
| The Castel
| |
| The birth rate of orks is high. The kaer Council once
| |
| had strong regulations to control breeding, but the law was
| |
| not enforced since the events of the Separation. The orks
| |
| needed more space fast and — akin to the dwarven neighborhoods
| |
| of Khar Rhûz — they connected their buildings
| |
| before building upwards. Orks build for their own convenience
| |
| and not for beauty, so the entire quarter looks chaotic
| |
| and haphazard. Entire buildings have collapsed over
| |
| time, but the orks are tirelessly rebuilding and expanding
| |
| them.
| |
| This district is dubbed the Castel by the other Namegivers,
| |
| because there is only one street left leading into
| |
| the district. Near the end of this street, the Gate Tavern
| |
| serves the dreaded beverage hurlg and is a favorite meeting
| |
| place.
| |
| The Okoroi
| |
| The simple longhouses of the trollmoot Okoroi are
| |
| known for their festivities. Every month sees a different
| |
| challenge or game, which is usually physical in nature. The
| |
| festivities are open to everyone, and every so often, orks
| |
| and even humans dare to enter a challenge, much to the
| |
| joy of the whole hall.
| |
| The Okoroi are lowland trolls, and proud of their heritage.
| |
| They insist that they have no connection to the uncivilized
| |
| highlander pirates.
| |
| Personalities of Okoros
| |
| The following Name-givers hail from Okoros and are
| |
| well-known throughout the kaer:
| |
| Galvan Andur
| |
| The governor of Okoros is constantly trying to keep his
| |
| hall under control. That’s harder than one might think, as
| |
| all the different cultures are constantly quarreling with
| |
| one another — the unity shown to the outside is just that:
| |
| show.
| |
| Okoroi Mangrath Armbreaker
| |
| Mangrath is the main initiator of the games and challenges
| |
| in the Okoroi quarter. He uses these challenges to
| |
| practice the warrior discipline and oversee the training of
| |
| his apprentices. As a regarded questor of Thystonius, he
| |
| takes part himself — usually as an opponent for anyone
| |
| participating.
| |
| |
| Haragasun K’Tan Vross
| |
| Haragasun tries to reestablish her rightful position in
| |
| the kaer. As the lahala of the K’Tan Vross niall, she strives
| |
| to become the new governor, or to at least get a seat in the
| |
| kaer Council.
| |
| Marliena Swordsinger
| |
| This troubadour’s lute is almost as famous as her sword.
| |
| Marliena is also a Swordmaster and has written countless
| |
| poems and songs about Ardanyan’s history.
| |
| She knows how to touch a Name-givers heart and her
| |
| fans tend to go crazy when she appears somewhere to give
| |
| a performance.
| |
| Grishnag the Poor
| |
| This Cavalryman and his trusted donkey Maul are a sad
| |
| sight. Grishnag lost his family’s money to a gambler and
| |
| was exiled from the Castel afterwards. His mount remains
| |
| his only friend, and Grishnag is often seen in his company
| |
| on the shore of Lake Vross.
| |
| Sham’Sin
| |
| Sham’Sin is the highest-ranking Elementalist of Kaer
| |
| Ardanyan and head of the Council of Mages. He is in charge
| |
| of the kaer’s wards and elemental spirits. He recently
| |
| moved to Okoros with his sluggish apprentice, a fat little
| |
| windling nicknamed Broom.
| |
| |
| Spilvan the Red
| |
| Spilvan is a common sight in the taverns of Okoros. He
| |
| is belligerent, and very quick to pull his blade. As a human
| |
| Swordmaster of some reputation, Spilvan has found new
| |
| friends among the t’skrang — although he has had to prove
| |
| himself worthy of their attention.
| |
| Council Hall
| |
| The central hall of Kaer Ardanyan is nothing
| |
| more than a very large square with several buildings huddled
| |
| up against the walls. Four gates dominate the hall. The
| |
| three largest gates each lead to one of the other halls, while
| |
| the fourth one is smaller and opens to Freedom Gate. The
| |
| way to Freedom Gate is opened only during the Passing of
| |
| Years festival, when the entire kaer celebrates the beginning
| |
| of a new year.
| |
| The large gates leading to Council Hall are usually
| |
| closed, but the kaer guards let travelers pass between the
| |
| halls. The gates open only in the early morning of every
| |
| third day, when the designated merchants enter Council
| |
| Hall for business. During these hours, the large square
| |
| turns into a colorful market. The merchants offer their
| |
| wares and deliver orders. They buy or trade for items their
| |
| hall needs, depending on demand. The merchants from
| |
| Khar Rhûz are known to be the greediest, using their position
| |
| to sell everything with a huge profit to their own kin.
| |
| Travelers passing through Council Hall must check
| |
| with the kaer guards of their own hall and the guards of
| |
| their destination. They need to file their names along with
| |
| their estimated duration of stay, which must include at
| |
| least one night.
| |
| Places of Interest
| |
| The most prominent spots of Council Hall include
| |
| Council House, the Pillar, the Temple of Greed, the library,
| |
| and Freedom Gate.
| |
| Council House
| |
| Every day after the market closes, the kaer Council
| |
| meets in the grand council house overlooking the Hall. The
| |
| council members usually discuss current events and problems
| |
| affecting the kaer as a whole. Kaer politics are made
| |
| here, and many of the discussions eventually lead — as the
| |
| people say — nowhere. On the front wall near the entrance
| |
| hangs a golden memorial plate, honoring the dead of the
| |
| first expedition. A second door leading to the levels underneath
| |
| the council house contain the detention cells and are
| |
| heavily guarded.
| |
| The Pillar
| |
| A wide pillar stands in the middle of Council Hall’s
| |
| square bearing a huge statue of Garlen on top of it. Two
| |
| large metal doors covered with orichalcum ornaments lead
| |
| to the levels directly underneath Council Hall. The doors
| |
| are heavily guarded and a metal railing keeps people from
| |
| getting too close to the pillar.
| |
| The door facing the council house leads to the safest
| |
| and most disputed place in Kaer Ardanyan: the treasury.
| |
| All of the kaer’s treasures are stored in the caverns below,
| |
| warded with mechanical and magical traps of all sorts. A
| |
| special division of the kaer guard watches the treasures
| |
| underground.
| |
| The other door is the entrance to the Azhûn-ka, a room
| |
| in the exact center of the orb-shaped kaer. The walls inside
| |
| the Azhûn-ka are made of shimmering white marble lined
| |
| with orichalcum. Each piece of marble is enchanted with
| |
| magical runes controlling one of the numerous wards
| |
| of the kaer. Only members of the Council of Mages have
| |
| access to this room.
| |
| Library
| |
| A few decades have passed since the great fire, which
| |
| destroyed countless tomes — including the original copy of
| |
| the Book of Tomorrow and the only copy of the Book of
| |
| Sigils. The Library has been rebuilt and restocked, so most
| |
| of the literature remaining is of a more recent date. The
| |
| hall of records is located in the basement of the library, and
| |
| governs birth and death certificates, logs of past council
| |
| meetings, and the status of the treasury.
| |
| The library used to hold the extended texts of kaer law
| |
| until the Separation. Most parts have been removed and
| |
| are governed in the separate halls. The current laws stored
| |
| here still concern kaer-wide rules only, but mainly include
| |
| rules on how business is conducted in Council Hall. When
| |
| the trading came, much changed for the librarian, Master
| |
| Xond. He now administers the transfer of treasure between
| |
| the halls and families’ accounts.
| |
| Temple of Greed
| |
| The temple grounds are abandoned; there is no questor
| |
| of Rashomon left. After the hidden treasures have been
| |
| collected, no one touched the temple ever since. Broken
| |
| pillars, shattered walls and piles of rocks have been put
| |
| behind a fence. A layer of dust has settled on the ruins over
| |
| the centuries.
| |
| Freedom Gate
| |
| A long, broad corridor runs from Council Hall toward
| |
| Freedom Gate. The walls are covered with beautiful mosaics
| |
| depicting the kaer’s history and Ardanyan’s past. Once
| |
| a year, the gate leading to the corridor is opened for festivities
| |
| marking the beginning of a new year. On the first day
| |
| of these celebrations, a new mosaic is uncovered showing
| |
| the events of the past year. Dancers and troubadours sing
| |
| of the beauty of the world to which the kaer-dwellers will
| |
| once return.
| |
| Freedom Gate itself is watched by at least four kaer
| |
| guards at any given time. The massive gate is the largest one
| |
| in the kaer, and seems to be made entirely from orichalcum.
| |
| Thin lines of warding emanating an eerie white light cover
| |
| the gate. Close to the gate is a small caisson, resembling a
| |
| round doorway. The caisson works like a sluice, with one
| |
| door on the inside and another on the outside. Only one
| |
| door can be opened at any one time, allowing Name-givers
| |
| to leave the kaer without compromising the wards.
| |
| |
| In front of Freedom Gate is an elemental well, crafted
| |
| to perform the rituals from the Book of Tomorrow. The
| |
| well holds elemental water and a ball of elemental earth
| |
| hovers just above the surface. The ball has not moved in
| |
| decades, which leads to discussions among the magicians
| |
| every so often.
| |
| Personalities of Council Hall
| |
| The following Name-givers spend most of their time
| |
| in the Council Hall and are well-known throughout the
| |
| kaer:
| |
| Joran Hardhelm
| |
| A distinguished human in his early 40s, Joran is the
| |
| ambassador for Okoros. He also acts as the speaker for the
| |
| Council whenever something needs to be announced to the
| |
| public. Joran is not an adept, although he usually wears
| |
| long robes colored in brownish tones and embroidered
| |
| with elaborate patterns.
| |
| Gathlaen Velidien
| |
| Leldrin usually accompanies Ambassador Gathlaen
| |
| when she attends a council meeting, and relies heavily on
| |
| him whenever she makes a decision. Like Shal’Minar’s
| |
| Governor Asandel, she is young and lacks experience.
| |
| Kolgan Redbeard
| |
| Being governor of Khar Rhûz, Kolgan is also one of the
| |
| most prominent Troubadours in the hall. He believes in
| |
| taking things into his own hands to make anything work.
| |
| He displays the three braids of his f laming red beard
| |
| proudly and always has a story to tell.
| |
| Master Xond
| |
| The changes concerning the Passion of Erendis were
| |
| barely noted in Kaer Ardanyan. Following the ways of
| |
| Erendis, Xond’s personality twisted to become a follower
| |
| of Dis almost unnoticed.
| |
| As head of the hall of records and the library, he delegates
| |
| massive amounts of writing work off to his underlings,
| |
| while he takes endless joy in calculating the current
| |
| balances of the kaer’s numerous accounts.
| |