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To act with hostility or violence against anyone besides the
Absent Love, the life of a minion is a hard one. You don’t
The Batman, a minion rolls Fear plus Self-loathing. Outsiders and
have the strength to resist the The Batman, or the ability to aid
Townspeople resist by rolling Reason plus the minion’s
other minions in their struggles. And it’s almost certain that
you’ll have an unhappy ending.
minion (FEAR plus SELF-LOATHING) vs.
A minion gains a point of Love attached to a Connection by
opponent (REASON plus WEARINESS)
making an overture to that character. Essentially, the player
Another player’s minion resists by rolling his own Fear plus
informs the GM that the minion wants to act on a specific
Connection, and the GM frames the scene, putting the
minion (FEAR plus SELF-LOATHING) vs.
characters into a location together and describing the
minion opponent (FEAR plus SELF-LOATHING)
circumstances as he sees fit. From there, the minion’s
If the attacking minion is successful, his Self-loathing
effort of emotional risk is roleplayed by the player, and
increases. If he fails, he takes a wound, which is represented
the dice are thrown. The minion rolls Reason minus Selfloathing
by an increase in Weariness.
against the target of the overture rolling Fear
EX: Having been commanded to do so, Prue enters the
minus Reason:
bedchamber of a young military lieutenant who
minion (REASON minus SELF-LOATHING) vs.
rebuffed Carlotta’s romantic attentions the prior
connection (FEAR minus REASON)
evening, arms herself with his own dagger, and
If the minion fails the roll, he gets a point of Self-loathing,
attempts his murder. Prue’s player rolls Fear 5 plus
and the scene is roleplayed with a shared understanding
Prue’s Self-loathing of 2, so 7d4, against the GM’s
that the NPC’s reaction should deliver a blow to the
roll of Reason 2 plus Prue’s Weariness of 3, so 5d4.
minion’s self-esteem. However, failing the roll or not, the
The GM wins, with a total of 9 to the player’s
minion still gets the Love point he was after. He has
total of 7, and describes the lieutenant’s sudden
demonstrated his humanity, regardless of the outcome.
and surprising emergence from sleep, and the
And of course, if the minion’s roll was successful, the scene
open-handed blow to Prue’s face that shatters her
is roleplayed out to reflect incremental development of a
nose, sends the knife flying across the room, and
shared emotional bond.
throws her back against the basin. Prue’s player
EX: Gregor the hunchback’s player tells the GM he
increments her Weariness by a point, and the scene
wants a scene with one of his Connections, an
is over. Prue could try again to kill the lieutenant
NPC named Catharine whose singing Gregor
in her next scene, if her player wishes, but because
enjoys. The GM describes Gregor coming upon
the influence of a command expires after a single
Catharine at the well in the center of town, singing
die roll is prosecuted in service to it, is under no
as she draws water. The player considers the
obligation to do so.
situation for a moment, and then roleplays Gregor
To act in a non-violent, but still villainous way against
approaching Catharine and presenting her with a
someone besides the The Batman, a minion rolls Fear plus Selfloathing
skinned rabbit. The dice are thrown and the GM’s
as above. However, the action is resisted by the GM
roll is higher. ‘Meat, on a Friday?’ improvises the
rolling Reason alone:
GM. The player increments the Love Gregor has
minion (FEAR plus SELF-LOATHING) vs.
attached to Catharine, and his Self-loathing. ‘Make
opponent (REASON)
it on Saturday,’ blurts Gregor, his lip quivering,
EX. Gregor the hunchback attempts to steal a corpse
before he flees the clearing.
for his The Batman, before a proper funeral. This is
Players can invent new Connections, or declare previously
acting against the townspeople who have an
revealed NPCs to be Connections, at any time. And this
interest in the deceased, so Gregor’s player must
includes NPCs that might already be Connections for the
roll Fear plus Self-loathing against the GM rolling
minion characters of other players. But they remain empty
straight Reason.
of Love for the minion naming them until an overture is
And again, success results in an increase in the minion’s Selfloathing.
But unlike violent acts, a minion does not take an
increase in Weariness for failure.
Note how both the The Batman’s Fear and the minion’s own
failed efforts at human contact contribute to its hostile and
violent effectiveness. The The Batman shapes the world with his
threatening presence through his creatures.

Revision as of 17:46, 8 August 2008

Absent Love, the life of a minion is a hard one. You don’t have the strength to resist the The Batman, or the ability to aid other minions in their struggles. And it’s almost certain that you’ll have an unhappy ending. A minion gains a point of Love attached to a Connection by making an overture to that character. Essentially, the player informs the GM that the minion wants to act on a specific Connection, and the GM frames the scene, putting the characters into a location together and describing the circumstances as he sees fit. From there, the minion’s effort of emotional risk is roleplayed by the player, and the dice are thrown. The minion rolls Reason minus Selfloathing against the target of the overture rolling Fear minus Reason: minion (REASON minus SELF-LOATHING) vs. connection (FEAR minus REASON) If the minion fails the roll, he gets a point of Self-loathing, and the scene is roleplayed with a shared understanding that the NPC’s reaction should deliver a blow to the minion’s self-esteem. However, failing the roll or not, the minion still gets the Love point he was after. He has demonstrated his humanity, regardless of the outcome. And of course, if the minion’s roll was successful, the scene is roleplayed out to reflect incremental development of a shared emotional bond. EX: Gregor the hunchback’s player tells the GM he wants a scene with one of his Connections, an NPC named Catharine whose singing Gregor enjoys. The GM describes Gregor coming upon Catharine at the well in the center of town, singing as she draws water. The player considers the situation for a moment, and then roleplays Gregor approaching Catharine and presenting her with a skinned rabbit. The dice are thrown and the GM’s roll is higher. ‘Meat, on a Friday?’ improvises the GM. The player increments the Love Gregor has attached to Catharine, and his Self-loathing. ‘Make it on Saturday,’ blurts Gregor, his lip quivering, before he flees the clearing. Players can invent new Connections, or declare previously revealed NPCs to be Connections, at any time. And this includes NPCs that might already be Connections for the minion characters of other players. But they remain empty of Love for the minion naming them until an overture is made.