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<big> == Thoronrúth == </big>
== <big>Thoronrúth</big> ==
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Revision as of 05:25, 3 September 2008

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Sorrowstar; Star of Sorrowfulness

Noldorian Female : Warrior 4 (Knight)

Initiative +3 [dex +3]

Speed 40ft

Defense [roll +4, shield +2, str/dex +1/3]: Parry 17 : Dodge 19 : Flat 14

Attack [roll +4, dex +3]

+9 melee (sword*, damage +5 [+6 vs. orcs], crit 19-20/+3)

+8 ranged (elfbow, damage +4, crit 20/+4, range increment 90ft)

Saving Throws

Toughness [con +1] +1 (+4 with armor)

Fort [roll +4, con +1] +5

Reflex [roll +1, dex +3] +4

Will [roll +1, wis +2] +3

Alignment Light; Nature (light): Brave, (shadow): Aloof (upitty?); Calling: Seek/Quest for Lost Heirloom

Reputation: +1 : Conviction: 4 : Wealth: +8 [base 8 +3 cha, -3 total for items]


Strength +1

Dexterity +3

Constitution +1

Intelligence +2

Wisdom +2

Charisma +3

Skills [base starting skills (each rank 4) role 4, +2 for int, +1 background. Three additional level with 6 each. Max rank 7]:

Craft (smith) [rank 7, int +2, talent +2] +11

Diplomacy [rank 7, cha +3] +10

Handle Animals [rank 0, cha +3, racial +4] +7

Intimidate [rank 7, cha +3] +10

Knowledge (geography) [rank 7, int +2, talent +2] +11

Knowledge (heraldry) [rank 7, int +2] +9

Knowledge (all others) +2

Notice [rank 4, wis +2, focus +3] +9

Ride [rank 7, dex +3, racial +4] +14

Feats [base 4, +3 for levels, +7 racial]: Arcane Power (2)¹

Armor Training (light, heavy)

Attack Focus (longsword) [+1 attack with chosen weapon]

Heirloom (longsword total base value 11+20=31)

Improved Speed¹ [+10ft base speed]

Night Vision¹ [see in low light]

Pure Light¹ [+4 saves vs. Powers used by Shadow aligned and Corrupted]

Shield Training

Skill Focus (Notice)¹ [+3 to chosen skill]

Trackless¹ [leave no foot prints if you desire]

Vehicle Combat (mounted)

Weapon Training

¹- racial feats

Arcane Power (int based) [base level (4) +3, cha +3] True Vision +10 Valar Shield +10

Core Ability Higher Guidance [spend a conviction point to gain some hidden info, etc]


Ageless, the Art and Greater Gift (Arcane Power: True Vision, Valar Shield), Lore (all Knowledge skills can be used untrained), Beast Skill (+4 bonus to Handle Animals and Ride and can use Ride untrained), Comfort (feels no discomfort in hot or cold weather), Elf-Senses (Night Vision and Skill Focus: Notice), Ghost-Scorn (the ghosts of Men hold no terror for the Elfs, who are immune to their fear effects), Inner Light (Pure-Heart), Lightfootedness (Improved Speed and Trackless), Noldorin Lore (Talented – Knowledge and Craft), Swift Healing (+2 check to recover from damage), Wandering Mind

Speech: Quenya (native), Duneal, Logathing, Sindarin, Westron


Daeamarth "Shadow Foe" Longsword (Supernatural/masterwork [cost 25], plus Sharpness [cost +4], and Bane (Orcs) [+2 cost]; So +1 damage modifier, +1 an additional one vs. Orcs)

Elfbow (masterwork shortbow, str [+1], +30ft rng) w/20 arrows [first masterwork pick]

Superior craft Scale mail armor (tough +3, ACP -0) [cost 24]

Mastercraft medium shield (def +2, ACP -0) [cost 16]

Green travelers outfit [cost 5]

Veilcrist "Blade-Dancer" : Elf steed [second masterwork pick]

[size=1]Purchase order – Traveler outfit (free), scale mail (15+, -1 wealth, 10+ over wealth -1 wealth), shield (wealth now 9, -1 wealth for cost 15+)[/size]

Profession: Noble (Ride)


Tîrninel was the first child of Noldor born in the lands of Middle Earth after their return in pursuit of the Silmarils. Named "Star of Sorrow" for the grief that filled many after the Doom of the Noldor was pronounced for the terrible acts Fëanor led his followers in. The Kinslaying of Alqualondë, and the terrible crossing of Helcaraxë and the betrayal of Fëanor and the burning of the White Ships. After naming her daughter such, Tîrninel's mother died on the cold and rocky shores of Middle Earth.

Her father had been lost in the Kinslaying, along with two of his three brothers. Of her own brothers, only one survived the crossing to Middle Earth. Her final surviving uncle, Fathorîn, took the sons and daughters of his dead brothers into his own house and named them all his children. Raised in her Uncle's household, Tîrninel had a large family of cousin-brothers and cousin-sisters as playmates and caregivers. Fathorîn's first wife had also perished in the great crossing, along with the sisters by marriage he should have otherwise had. His youngest sibling, Glorvial, who was aunt to Tîrninel, became the matron of the household.

Betrayed by Fëanor, burning with hatred for Morgoth and desiring to expand and explore Middle Earth despite the Valar's Ban, the House of Fathorîn participated in the Battles of Beleriand. Many lives were lost and much blood was spilled in the pursuit of vengeance. In all these battles, just as in the Kinslaying, a member of the House of Fathorîn carried the Banner of the Eagle’s Rage, known as “Thoronrúth” or more simply as “The Eagle Banner”, and paid the price it demanded. Glorvial declared she would end her part in such ill blessed actions. She swore fealty to Turgon and was allowed to enter Gondolin. Tîrninel, along with a handful of her cousin-siblings, followed as well and so was sheltered from many of the sorrows of the First Age. Many of such sorrows, but not all.

Only once did Tîrninel leave the Hidden City. Thoronrúth had been left in the hands of men, and such power could not be left to corrupt them. With Cirbadan, her husband, she took up sword and went out, with the blessing of Turgon and permission to return when their quest was complete. For a decade they chased the strife and sorrow of the Eagle's Doom and eventually they reclaimed the Banner of the Eagle and returned to Gondolin. Then came the last days of Gondolin. Tîrninel yet again took up her blade against the host of the enemy. With heavy heart, Tîrninel took Thoronrúth in her left hand and her sword in her right and charged into battle. Fierce was the fight, and there could be only loss for the elves of Gondolin. Following the leadership of Tuor with what other refugees as could be gathered, Tîrninel escaped the city. Her husband and daughter did not.

Cursing the Eagle Banner and it's Doom, Tîrninel traveled to the East. Disgusted with battles and heavy with sorrow, she settled with the other refugees at the lands by the Mouths of Sirion. After the War of Wrath, when Gil-Galad, the final King of the Noldor, founded the kingdom of Lindon, she followed and put aside her sword. Turning her attention to crafting and jewelry she thrived and found peace of a sorts as apprentice to the Smiths of Eregion. Then came Annatar and the forging of the Great Rings, followed by the War of the Elves and Sauron. Refusing to allow the Eagle's Doom to claim any more lives, Tîrninel fled to Lothlórien.

There, during the final days of the War, came her uncle. Fathorîn more than any other knew the sorrow of the Eagle's Doom. He had lost all his brothers, his wife and their wives, sons and daughters and more. Yet he begged to take the standard yet again into battle. And so she consented and Thoronrúth was carried on to the War of the Last Alliance. It is said that the Doom of the Eagles was finally lifted from the House of Fathorîn, when he perished at the foot of Mount Doom.

Thoronrúth did not return to Lothlórien. Word of it eventually came to Tîrninel; those who had traveled with Fathorîn as bodyguards to Gil-Galad were all slain. Her uncle's body had been wrapped in The Eagle’s Banner and carried to the Gray Havens, but had not arrived. An ambush had claimed the survivors on their road home, Thoronrúth was lost. Tîrninel sought word, asked those she could. Some said it had been orcs, some said it had been men, some even claimed that a great troll had attacked them and slain all. With heavy heart, Tîrninel again has picked up her sword, put on her armor and entered into the world.

If Thoronrúth still carries it's Doom, then it is not safe to leave in the hands of men.


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