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*Harvest (Hedge) 1
*Harvest (Hedge) 1
*Perfect Stillness 1 (Attempts to break Stealth while still at -2)
*Perfect Stillness 1 (Attempts to break Stealth while still at -2)
*Grappling 2 (1- Subtract the higher of (Dex or Str)+1 from grappling overpowers; 2- In lieu of a hold, may choose to render target prone, and additionally follow the target to the ground)


Revision as of 06:36, 15 November 2008


Seeming: Elemental
Blessing: Can spend one Glamour once per day to add Wyrd to Health dots for one scene.
Curse: No 10-again on Manipulation, Empathy, Expression, Persuasion, or Socialize rolls.
Kith: Woodblood
Blessing: Fade into the Foliage - Gains 9-again on Stealth and Survival in any outdoor area with plants growing from the earth.
Virtue: Fortitude
Vice: Envy
Court: Autumn


  • Wyrd 2
    • Glamour 10/11
  • Willpower 6
    • Willpower 3/6
  • Clarity 6 ( -1 to Perception rolls )


Intelligence 2, Wits 2, Resolve 3
Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Presence 2, Manipulation 1, Composure 3


Mental: Academics 1, Craft 1, Investigation 1, Occult 1
Physical: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Stealth 2 (Orchards), Survival 2, Weaponry 2 (Wooden Weapons)
Social: Animal Ken 2 (Birds), Empathy 3 (Eavesdropping), Intimidation 2, Persuasion 1, Socialize 1 Streetwise 1


  • Court Mantle: Autumn 1
  • Strong Back 1
  • Harvest (Emotions) 1
  • Harvest (Hedge) 1
  • Perfect Stillness 1 (Attempts to break Stealth while still at -2)
  • Grappling 2 (1- Subtract the higher of (Dex or Str)+1 from grappling overpowers; 2- In lieu of a hold, may choose to render target prone, and additionally follow the target to the ground)


  • Fang and Talon (Birds) 1
  • Wild 1 (Rites of Spring page 111)
  • Fleeting Autumn 2
  • Eternal Autumn 1
  • Hours 1
  • Stone 1
  • Communion 2 (Wood)


  • Amnesia (Mala remembers nothing about being human.)

Ecks Pee

  • Spent: 59
  • Banked: 26



The girl who was once called Carmella Tandy was not what one could call a social butterfly. Always tall for her age, and cursed with the awkwardness that often comes with such, little Carrie often found herself on the outside looking in. It was not unusual to see her sitting alone under the trees while the other kids amused themselves with whatever amuses kids these days. So it should come as little surprise that, having been teased about the 'haunted' apple orchard upon the occasion of the class's field trip to Shady Acres Farms, Carrie again sat by herself in the orchard, wishing that she didn't have to endure the bus ride home with her classmates.

Wishing while in a Hedge-dominated orchard is seldom a good idea.

As just another tree in the orchard, the tree that was the girl watched her classmates board the bus and leave Shady Acres. In time, other classes on field trips came and went; the seasons changed and changed again; families of birds built nests in her where they raised their chicks, who grew and raised chicks of their own; and the tree, who had long since forgotten her name, was content. She could watch people come and go, and none of them bothered her, except during the harvest, and she could live with that.

In time, the big agribusiness combine down the highway undercut the old farm, and it was repossessed by the county and turned into a park. The old barn and farmhouse were replaced with a fountain and benches, the fields were plowed under to make way for a baseball diamond, but a petition drive managed to save the old orchard by dedicating it as a historical landmark. And so, a lot more people came by the tree, who seemed to remember having had legs at some point (this confused her terribly).

With more people came more chances to peoplewatch, which pleased the tree. Being so close to the park, she got to see behavior that she'd never been witness to before. Unfortunately, it also meant that she was no longer being properly harvested; either her overripe apples would drop off, or clumsy people would climb her and try to pick them, disturbing her birds. At the worst of times, people would throw things to knock the apples down. This annoyed the tree, who silently grumbled to herself, her leaves rustling in a wind that wasn't there.

This went on for some time, until one warm autumn night when two young people met under her and did something that she'd never seen before. After the noise and sweating was done and they'd put their coverings back on, they went back to the loud metal thing that took them down the road towards the bright end of the sky, much brighter than the night had been when the tree was but a sapling. The tree was quite confused by what she had seen, and inexplicably jealous of the two people, as though she felt that she ought to have been doing just what they had been doing. The tree considered this for a time, and decided to follow them down the road.

The police never did manage to figure out how the thieves uprooted and made off with an entire apple tree, much less why they'd picked one at random in the middle of the old orchard.


Asked who she was by the funny-looking people who confronted her, the tree was at something of a loss, though something sounding like "Mala" echoed in her head, so she went with that. It took her a while to realize that they were naming her, which both pleased and confused her. They seemed to think she was a person; and true, she /had/ come to town to see what being a person was like, and everyone but the funny-looking people were very nice about ignoring the fact that she was a tree. But the funny-looking people kept insisting that she was a person who'd become a tree, not a tree who was trying to be a person, and kept at it until Mala wasn't even sure herself anymore, which frightens her to this day. What if she was a person before she was a tree? But... what if she was never a person, and will have to go back to the orchard someday? True, it was nice for a while, but.. being a person was kinda fun.

Those people who politely ignore Mala's treeness see a very tall and gangly young woman with auburn hair and brown eyes, wearing loose earth-toned clothing that catches breezes early. She never wears shoes and doesn't seem to mind either scorching hot pavement or chilly rainy days.

Those who see past that see a very tall young woman with fine bark skin and red-orange leaves taking the place of her hair (though, in the spring and summer they gain a bit of their greenish pallor back). She wears a short skirt, a small sleeveless top, and a trailing scarf made up of autumn leaves woven together, that forever leave a few leaves in her wake wherever she goes. Her roots look.. enough like feet to get by, though she does prefer to bury them in earth whenever she can.