Session 124: Difference between revisions
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<Theresa> "Oh, by the way, have you been fitted for your tux for the wedding yet?"<br> | <Theresa> "Oh, by the way, have you been fitted for your tux for the wedding yet?"<br> | ||
* Ftisk board too<br> | * Ftisk board too<br> | ||
* Ftisk leaning from the door "do you wanta cyber tux?"<br> | * Ftisk leaning from the door "do you wanta cyber tux?"<br> | ||
* Theresa climbs aboard but keeps a window open to hear Sam.<br> | * Theresa climbs aboard but keeps a window open to hear Sam.<br> | ||
Line 302: | Line 301: | ||
<Ftisk> "OK"<br> | <Ftisk> "OK"<br> | ||
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "And, uh... metal snail creature."<br> | <Random_Nerd> Sam: "And, uh... metal snail creature."<br> | ||
* Ftisk wave a hand to he while we go<br> | * Ftisk wave a hand to he while we go<br> | ||
<DanteE> (You have hands? :) )<br> | <DanteE> (You have hands? :) )<br> | ||
Line 383: | Line 381: | ||
* DanteE goes back to the I'right worldview, thankyouverymuch. :)<br> | * DanteE goes back to the I'right worldview, thankyouverymuch. :)<br> | ||
<Random_Nerd> They suddenly turn their heads around and look at the trees, nervously.<br> | <Random_Nerd> They suddenly turn their heads around and look at the trees, nervously.<br> | ||
<Random_Nerd> Dante, you see them stretch magnificently and deign to cast their gaze upon these small and uninteresting plants.<br> | <Random_Nerd> Dante, you see them stretch magnificently and deign to cast their gaze upon these small and uninteresting plants.<br> | ||
<Random_Nerd> And then back to the nervous looking around.<br> | <Random_Nerd> And then back to the nervous looking around.<br> |
Latest revision as of 22:16, 22 March 2009
Chapter 14
-->| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
-->| Random_Nerd ( has joined #Nobilis
<Random_Nerd> Hey.
-->| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
<BethE> Hi Angelo. :)
<Angelo> Hi all!!!
=-= Mode #Nobilis +o Random_Nerd by Angelo
=-= Mode #Nobilis +h BethE by Angelo
=-= Mode #Nobilis +o BethE by Angelo
-->| Knockwood (~chatzilla@75.141.248.IP) has joined #Nobilis
<Random_Nerd> Hey, Knock.
<Knockwood> Sorry I'm late
<BethE> Hi Knock!
<Angelo> HI Knock!
<Angelo> afk 2min
=-= Mode #Nobilis +o Knockwood by Angelo
<BethE> So, where were we last week?
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
<DanteE> well, we determined that Active Writing can be used to communicate between Chancels, assuming there's a Noble at the receiving end
<Random_Nerd> Last week, you sent Shadows a letter in exchance for a flash drive.
<Ftisk> with a HS primer
<Random_Nerd> (Might not work with a really low-Spirit Noble, but Shadows has Spirit 2.)
<Ftisk> ah,ok. this is to keep in mind
<Random_Nerd> Your characters don't know that, yet, but it's plausible given what you do know. It largely works, I figure, like a terrestrial magic in that regard.
<DanteE> Might work better once Samuel and his grad students study it more
<DanteE> (Might work even better once it gets a noble watching over it)
<Ftisk> with Ftisk help
<Ftisk> can I create a Active Writing machine?
<Random_Nerd> Nah. It works similarly to machinery, but in a non-overlapping sense.
<Ftisk> ok
<Random_Nerd> Like how the Power of Large Fish couldn't make a dolphin.
<Theresa> Because dolphins are mammals?
<Random_Nerd> That said, Data can be used to find out more about it.
<Random_Nerd> And then you could make one in the conventional mundane way.
<Ftisk> ok... I was asking because data is lower that Machinery
<Ftisk> ok creating one by the hard work of hands don't seem a problem
<Random_Nerd> Okay, so, are you guys ready to start?
<Ftisk> I think maybe a visit to suebi can help us in understanding better AW?
- Ftisk ready to start!
<DanteE> then, IC, we should discuss our next move
<Ftisk> okey
<Random_Nerd> Cut to you guys in the conference room, then, I think.
<Random_Nerd> ______________START__________________|
- Ftisk scratch an eyestalk
<Theresa> (So Shadows hasn't sent anything through yet, right?)
<DanteE> (I doubt he knows how)
<Random_Nerd> (Not yet, but he's ready to do so.)
<DanteE> (Oh, you mean to the other side of the wall?)
<Ftisk> "I think if we meet with the Active Writing's owner we can better understand what is happening?"
<DanteE> "Right now, that'd be Sam... oh, you mean Sakharoth."
<Random_Nerd> (As it is, he can send over physical objects, it's just that what arrives isn't guaranteed to have much to do with what goes over. Lack of estate overlap.)
<Ftisk> (next step is send some message to the other side, but I believe we want wait to have a better AW first)
<Random_Nerd> (But if Active Writing is on both sides, as you theorize, then if he sends something with it over, it'll come across as something connected with it. Not made of paper, or matter for that matter, but something.)
<DanteE> (and, if I'm right, the _writing_ will get through just fine, ne?)
<Ftisk> (or we can write there _afther_ the support arrive)
<DanteE> "First, let's figure out what we want to say... or ask.
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, in some sense. Not in a way that would look meaningful to someone in Creation, perhaps, but it'll make sense to those there.)
<DanteE> "Now... Entropy specifically tasked us with determining what happens when something--or someone--goes through the wall.
<Ftisk> (well just opening a contact will be a great brackthought!)
<DanteE> "whup... how will they know how to send a message back?
<Theresa> *makes quote marks* "We Write in Peace..."
<Ftisk> "I mean Sakharoth"
<DanteE> "We have an inkling of a plan...
<Theresa> "Maybe since Sakharoth is only recently here, they will have more memories of Active Writing than we do?"
<DanteE> "Basically we send some Active Writing to the other-side Shadows and hope for the best.
<Ftisk> "Well if the AW esteee exist both side then they will know how respod"
<DanteE> ".... which is not much of a plan, really."
<Ftisk> esteee= exist
<Theresa> "We tend to have problems when we overthink, Dante."
<Ftisk> ops estee = estate
- DanteE puts in a call to samuel of the conference room speakerphone.
<Ftisk> "I'm for go to visist Sakharoth and see"
<DanteE> (or type)
<DanteE> "Let's see what we've got so far..."
<DanteE> (Hello?)
<Random_Nerd> (A pack of cigarettes, half a tank of gas, it's a hundred miles to Dionyl, it's night, and you're wearing sunglasses...)
<Random_Nerd> (Yes?)
<DanteE> (Calling Samuel on the conference room phone to find out what he's got on AW so far)
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "We've mostly got a reasonable idea of how to use it to send text short distances... did William tell me correctly that you crossed Chancel walls with it?"
<DanteE> "Yes indeed. Your test message made it all the way to Jupiter."
<Ftisk> "Or hell"
<Theresa> "You don't get the frequent flying miles, though."
<DanteE> "Possibly both."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Huh. I could have sworn that that wouldn't work."
<Ftisk> "We are using this to inter Nobles convewation.. .this help"
<Ftisk> conversation even
<Theresa> "Maybe it works better because it's between Nobles?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Dunno. Maybe."
<DanteE> "Considering the circumstances it may go even farther...
<DanteE> "This estate may now exist on both sides of the Wall, after all."
<Ftisk> "We want to try to go to the other side"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "But, let's see. We can make simple logic gates, although it would take a really big piece of paper to make a computer, and it'd be a lot slower than a graphing calculator even if we could. There's the communication thing. Trying to see if we can get some equivalent to ASCII graphics, but they don't work, because the symbols and arrangement that come through aren't the exact ones chosen."
<Theresa> (*facepalm* Now I'm imagining the Other Side's version of 'This is Bunny. Put him in your .sig to ward off Excrucians...')
<DanteE> "The test message went from 'This is a test' to 'This is exam one'... so meaning sort of gets through...
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "And we can't just do a straight encapsulation of an existing communication protocal, either. The characters that turn out get picked by equivalent meaning in the mind of the guy holding the other end. Oh, that reminds me. It only works if someone is looking at it on both ends for communication, or on one end for calculation."
- Theresa gives a blank look.
<Random_Nerd> Samuel: "Trying to learn to use multiple people looking at the same apparatus to get faster functioning. Haven't gotten it to work, but we think it can be done."
<DanteE> "... can it work on a whiteboard?
<Ftisk> "Is like a radio if you don't listen at it you don't get the message"
<DanteE> "Those are looked at by entire classrooms full of people."
<Ftisk> (evil plan to enslave the students to do calculus for us?)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Yeah, we're trying that. Right now, we have people looking at the same part, or different parts, at different reading speeds and familiarities with the symbols used, so they seem to trip each other up. But I think we can get something working within two weeks on that front."
<DanteE> (No, but it'd make the Big Communication Plan a lot easier)
<Ftisk> (lol I was kidding)
<DanteE> "You think talking to Sakharoth would help?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Maybe?"
<DanteE> "Could you do it without your brain getting eaten? He's still a Domination, after all."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "If that's him, and not an Excrucian. And if he wants to help. And if he doesn't deform your entire sense of the world merely by talking with you. Then maybe."
<Ftisk> (seem a fun one to talk with!)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Even if he isn't an Excrucian... Look, Dominations are on our side, sure. But that doesn't say they have to be /nice/. And they deform the worldsight more than just about anything other than a particularly powerful god."
<DanteE> "In our case he turned part of Dionyl into a castle...
<Theresa> (I forget, does the Domination stuff work on nonDionyl Nobles?)
<Ftisk> (you wern't near "it" last time safely)
<Random_Nerd> (To some degree, but not nearly as much as it would work on mundane individuals.)
<Ftisk> (?)
<Random_Nerd> (And if you had more practice, you could be relevantly better at dealing with it. Just like how Dionyl Nobles would be confused at first by the Mythic/Prosaic shift.)
<Theresa> "Then it would be better if we went instead of Sam. Someone has to watch the paperwork anyhow."
<DanteE> (OK, should we a) think more about this, b) go back to our assignment from Entropy, or c) Indy-Ploy our way through a meeting with Sakharoth?)
<Theresa> (Probably wouldn't be incredinbly hard to get a meeting with Sak.)
<Ftisk> "I'm pro meeeting"
<Random_Nerd> (But bear in mind that meeting Sakaroth on his own would be very rough on Sam.)
<Random_Nerd> (And he'll tend to see things from that perspective, even though he knows intellectually that it wouldn't be so hard on you.)
<Ftisk> (we can go without Sam so he don't need to suffer the reality change)
<DanteE> "Let's see... _we_ could probably meet with Sakharoth and walk away. Sam might just turn into a cultist--no offense.
<Theresa> (Meeting without Sam sounds like a productive use of time.)
<DanteE> "And come to think of it...
<Ftisk> "Sure he can continue to work on AW"
<DanteE> "We're essentially fishing for _Data_ on AW."
<DanteE> "Ftisk, got enough room in your storage for whatever he gives us?"
<Ftisk> "Yes I believe"
<Ftisk> "althouht he is an imperator... one never know..."
<Random_Nerd> (For him, it'd be like... imagine what the world would be like if, if you walked past the Emperor of Japan in the street, you suddenly could speak only Japanese, converted to Shinto, and when playing baseball would bunt whenever you had a runner on the first base.)
<Ftisk> (ouch! poor Sam this would be a nightmare!)
<DanteE> "So, the plan is... meet with Sakharoth, get more info on Active Writing, give it to Sam when we get back, then check out Shadows' data and whatever else we have on the wall-crossing problem while Sam and his grad students assimilate the new data...
<Ftisk> (òRN: Can I do a backup of Ftisk... just in case... "
<Ftisk> )
<Theresa> "Sounds good. Should we pack a lunch?"
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah! Everyone knows you only do a sacrifice bunt when you have at least two runners out!)
<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. Does your chancel have Thought Record technology?)
<Ftisk> (no don't have)
<DanteE> "Then, just maybe, fire up a cross-Wall communication with Alt-Shadows to fill in any remaining holes before handing over the report to Lady Entropy?"
<DanteE> (It ought to, it's got Data! :) )
<DanteE> "Am I forgetting anything?"
<Random_Nerd> (Heh. So you can't, really. But it's not like he's a slavering brain-eating monster, and for a Noble he's much less dangerous.)
<Ftisk> (Chancel have magical hinabitant for the machinery)
<DanteE> "Other than the usual bending-reality brain-getting-eaten et cetera potential problems?"
<Ftisk> (okok, was just an idea)
<DanteE> (Save point? :) )
<Ftisk> "Tha it can be suebi?"
<DanteE> "Well... we have talked to him and didn't want to destroy the universe..."
<Random_Nerd> (If he is an Excrucian, at least he's a confused one. Wave something shiny at him and then start running, if he starts covering your brain in barbecue sauce, I guess.)
<Ftisk> "WE are aready to go then"
<DanteE> "Samuel? Can you get your _other_ group to find us passages back to Sakharoth's place?"
<Ftisk> (We go with the Dante Mobile?)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "It'd be faster if I do it myself."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "They don't know Dionyl."
<DanteE> "Ah yes."
<Theresa> (Mmm...BBQ sauce...)
<Theresa> "Do you want us to bring anything back with us, Sam?"
<DanteE> "Mm, how will we get back?"
<Ftisk> "We ask nicely to the first dionyl?"
<DanteE> "Oh, wait... we should tell the local Nobles we're coming.
<Ftisk> "Right protocoll first!"
<DanteE> (Who was specifically charged with keeping an eye on Sak?)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "There'll be gates there, if you know where to look. We only had to do some terrain alteration last time because a new city was spontaneously appearing, basically."
<Random_Nerd> (I believe that Triad, Blue Shift, and Conceptual Tint were ordered to watch him.)
<Theresa> "Well, the Chancel of the Triad, Blue Shock and Conceptual Tint were nearby."
<Theresa> (I was typing that...)
<Random_Nerd> (Because, largely, Blue Shift was standing within Entropy's field of vision when he was thinking about it.)
<Random_Nerd> (Well, she, at the time.)
<DanteE> "Do we have their flowers handy?"
<Theresa> *LC*
<Random_Nerd> (The Power of Plants is right there.)
- DanteE calls up the three, hopefully remembering proper protocol...
<Ftisk> (young kidd petulant voice: I meet other nobles! I meet new nobles!)
<Random_Nerd> (Which one, specifically, are you praying to?)
<Theresa> (Remember, 'Entropy Sucks!' is not the right way to send a phonecall greeting...)
<DanteE> (Yeah, all the cheering drowns out the conversation.)
<DanteE> (Which one were we on best terms with?
<Ftisk> ( i remember Ctint?)
<DanteE> (If there isn't a specific one, then Blue Shock, cuz he was with us before the Council)
<Theresa> (Triad had a body. Tint was also a touristy.)
<DanteE> (Did we ever figure out what other Estates may be reappearing?
<Theresa> (Not that I know of.)
<DanteE> "I'll call Blue Shock..."
<Ftisk> (nice choose!)
- DanteE does so
<Random_Nerd> Blue Shock: "My child, you have received a personal audience with the one you call upon. What problems do you need assistance with, my worshipper?"
<DanteE> ("Can you divulge the true meaning of the lyrics "Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you"? :D )
<Theresa> (Do not rickroll other Nobles, Dante. We'll get a bad rep...)
<DanteE> "Blue Shock. Courage/Blades. What's the current status of Sakharoth and his would-be nation?"
<Random_Nerd> (Sadly, the Estate of Rick Ashley has been Excruciated.)
<Random_Nerd> Blue Shock: "Oh, it's you. Hi. Just a moment, let me switch hats."
<DanteE> (Yeah, those miters are a pain to get through doors.)
<Random_Nerd> Shock: "He's attracted more followers, and rebuilt the city to make it look like it's made out of dragon bones. Uh, do you have dragon bones on Earth?"
<Theresa> (We used to have dragons. They were tasty.)
<DanteE> "In legend, yeah. Have things stabilized?"
<Ftisk> (like marshmellows)
<Ftisk> ( ? )
<DanteE> (Just the one, Puff the Magic Dragon.)
<DanteE> (Rest were like really good barbeque.)
<Random_Nerd> Shock: "Well, the region is still in a certain amount of shift due to the altered population balance, but we're approaching an equilibrium. And I imagine that many of the pilgrims are only there for until something else new and shiny happens in the region."
<Theresa> (Ah, so much like humans, then.)
<DanteE> "Good. We wanted to come by and ask him some questions about one of his Estates that's reappeared."
<DanteE> "And we can also talk on your behalf, of course, or bring him whatever you need delivered."
<Random_Nerd> Blue Shock: "We've reached terms with his nation, for the time being. But you're welcome to go and visit him. Do you want me to prepare a multiperson sedan chair carried by mindless ones?
<DanteE> "No, we can walk." (Save your Mindless Ones for your government. :) )
<Theresa> (I didn't know Dionyl had mindless ones.)
<Ftisk> (nice touch RN.. I like!)
<Random_Nerd> Blue Shock: "Really? It's quite comfortable."
<DanteE> ""WEll, we'll be coming by car anyway."
<Random_Nerd> (Mindless ones are another of the random ideas drifting around the this-game version of Dionyl. Basically, they're dionyl with... call it a birth defect, perhaps... that makes them have no worldview of their own but just go along with whatever the strongest people around them see the world as being.)
<DanteE> (Oh, Republicans. (rimshot))
<Ftisk> (usefull in crossing from noble to noble)
<Random_Nerd> (They're rather the diametric opposite of some crazy hermit who can't see things the same way as other people even if he wants to. In a way, the two types are the far extremes of Domination and Splintering.)
<Ftisk> (nice dictonomy)
<Random_Nerd> (And he offered the use of them because, since they don't really have their own worldsight to be contradicted, they wouldn't be traumatized at all by going from one Domination-aligned citystate to another.)
<Ftisk> (so they are born this way .. not inducted after...)
<DanteE> "We'll be there in a few minutes..."
<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. It's probably sometimes induced as a punishment for lawbreaking in some Domination cities. Not in the one inhabited by the Nobles you know, though.)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Okay, I've got it. Just had to go from what I had last time, and I've updated it based on the city reports on the wire."
<Ftisk> "We go to the DanteMobile? Or we need some preparation first?"
<DanteE> (Anything we need to prep?)
<Theresa> "I think I'm ready."
<DanteE> "Let's go now."
<Ftisk> "We go then"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Okay, shall I come over and bring you the maps?"
<DanteE> "Yeah, we'll meet you in the parking lot."
<Random_Nerd> Sam turns off his end of the speakerphone connection.
- Ftisk go outside and "redress"
- Ftisk wait for the others
- Theresa will head out and wait by the Dantemobile too.
- DanteE goes to meet Samuel
<DanteE> (We're demonboxing a bit... does it matter how we get there, or that we get there?)
<Random_Nerd> Samuel arrives in a taxi. He's carrying a briefcase and, for once, dressed in a three-piece suit rather than his usual swirling multicolored scarves.
<Ftisk> (that of course)
<Ftisk> (But I like the color)
<Ftisk> "Hi Sam!"
<Theresa> "Nice suit, Sam."
<DanteE> "That;'s new."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Wanted to try a new outfit for when I was with the human students."
- Ftisk recording... a red dot blink... "Increased respect from the student by cosmeting change..."
- Ftisk red dor stop blinking
<Ftisk> dot even
<DanteE> "How are they doing, overall?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I don't know humans well enough to say. By my standards, they're the equivalent of autistic savants, but human brains and education work very differently, I figure."
<Ftisk> "If can help I can give you a copy of my study on human minds"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I would expect their Dionyl equivalent to be either working in an entire vacuum, or living in something a lot like a monastery. But they're far too social for the former and too eccentric for the latter. It's confusing. I expect Nobles and Anchors to be strange and jarring, but it's the normal people that make me feel the most out of place."
<Theresa> "Hmm....grad students...sounds about right. Be glad they're not teenagers. Hormones flying all over the place."
<DanteE> "It takes a certain type of personality to go into the grad student life anyway."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Oh, let's not even get into the whole human sex issue."
<Ftisk> "yeah, that make do prediction statistically a nightmare"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I mean, I understand human marriage. It works a lot like what we do, broadly speaking, although the nuts and bolts are different. But casual sex, stuff like that? It just makes no sense. And in real life, it's even more confusing than it is in books and movies. But anyway. Maps. Do you want me to come with you?'
<Ftisk> "It's safer if you remain here"
<Theresa> (Theresa would like to give Sam a hug since he has realized something that it takes most people a lifetime to learn: real people are weirder than books/movie people.)
<DanteE> "We figured Ftisk could gather data for you without risking becoming a zombie..."
<Theresa> "You're lucky that some young co-ed hasn't decided to flirt and try to seduce you to get more power, Sam."
<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. I don't know if I mentioned this before, but remember the estate of The Triad? It
<Random_Nerd> 's how Dionyl reproduce."
<Random_Nerd> )
<Random_Nerd> (Hello, Tpyo.)
<Ftisk> (I think typo have a liason with my keyboard!)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I don't even know how that would work. Huh. You know, I imagine that a human and a dionyl probably could kids on Dionyl, but not here. Weird."
<DanteE> "So, this is a 2-way passage?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Yeah. Unless you burn down any forests or cities while you're there."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Uh... please don't."
<Ftisk> (lol)
<Theresa> "We'll try not to. And I can bring back the forests."
<DanteE> "We're not nuts, just impulsive."
<Ftisk> "We'll try to resist the urge"
- Theresa looks at Dante. (Is he still honest? <<g>)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "It should put you in the middle of the new city. Easier to work from it than the other cities, as most of them are Chancels."
<DanteE> (Yep)
<Random_Nerd> (Well, technically you are not large oily seeds...)
<DanteE> (Relatively speaking. This is the 2nd time we've tried an Indy Ploy)
<Random_Nerd> (...this storyline, you mean?)
<Ftisk> (what is an indy ploy?)
<Random_Nerd> (From one of the Indiana Jones movies. "I'm making it up as I go along.")
<Random_Nerd> (And so why Indiana Jones is the patron saint of player characters.)
<Theresa> (Holy be his dice rolls.)
<Ftisk> (thank RN... lol ... Yes I believe is the 2th time for you first for me)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Anyway, good luck on not getting your souls eaten by ambiguously malign deities."
<DanteE> "Been lucky so far"
<Theresa> "Thanks, Sam. Appreciate it."
<Ftisk> "Sure and you are *interesting* even!"
- DanteE boards the DanteMobile...
<Theresa> "Oh, by the way, have you been fitted for your tux for the wedding yet?"
- Ftisk board too
- Ftisk leaning from the door "do you wanta cyber tux?"
- Theresa climbs aboard but keeps a window open to hear Sam.
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Fitting for clothes doesn't... really work the same way for us."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "It's so much easier to get the right angle of the clothing when you don't have a body made of meat to worry about."
<DanteE> "Anything you want us to bring you back from Dionyl?
<Theresa> "Ah, of course. Thank you."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Say hello to Blue Shock for me if you see him."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Anyway, good luck, meat creatures!"
<Ftisk> "OK"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "And, uh... metal snail creature."
- Ftisk wave a hand to he while we go
<DanteE> (You have hands? :) )
<Random_Nerd> (So, cut to your arrival?)
<DanteE> (Sure)
<Random_Nerd> (He made a body before you left, I think.)
<Theresa> (Sounds cool.)
<Ftisk> (I'm dressed in a body)
<Ftisk> (sure)
<Random_Nerd> The city of Sakaroth/Suebi looks different, now. Let's see, you guys probably haven't actually seen an Aaron's Serpent, except for a few guised ones at the Council. But I imagine you've seen pictures of them. If you took the skeletons of about twelve Serpents, transformed them into brass, and made a city out of them, it would look strikingly like this.
<DanteE> (Now, are we in a bug again? :) )
<DanteE> (And... metal skeletons... sounds semi-familiar...)
<Random_Nerd> Dionyl wander the streets, with a particularly martial theme to their clothing. They wear what looks like really thin and decorative armor, and with small and fancy swords on their belts. There's a general bronze-and-leather theme to the attire of most.
<Ftisk> (Remenber me of glorantha brass
<Ftisk> the gods bone)
<Random_Nerd> (I drew on that a little, actually.)
<Random_Nerd> (Funky setting, Glorantha.)
<Ftisk> (I play in it actually.. yeah really funky!)
<Theresa> "If there were more boobs and pecs, this would look like a fantasy art modeling studio."
<DanteE> "OK, at what point did Sak start messing with our heads last time?"
<Random_Nerd> (You started seeing variant versions of the world about when you got within speaking distance, last time.)
<DanteE> (NO, the proper response is "Right about ... NOW." :) )
- DanteE goes slow to avoid hitting anyone...
- Ftisk ask one pf the passing dionyl "Where we can find Sakharoth"
<Random_Nerd> A pair of Dionyl wander up to your car. They look like... okay, imagine that classical Rome had swashbucklers. These guys look like people cosplaying as said swashbucklers, but with actual weapons.
<Random_Nerd> Well, and no bodies, of course.
<DanteE> (Div-Courage to figure out what they plan...)
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and bear in mind, the swords that everyone's wearing would be a strikingly stupid weapon to kill Dionyl with. You'd be much better off with large and heavy things to swing through someone, or else big fans.)
<Random_Nerd> (They intend to swagger around and annoy the strangers, and in the process look "cool" to their peers.)
<DanteE> (Aha.)
<Ftisk> (naah Div data to know what they know! :-P )
<Random_Nerd> (Looking for any particular kind of information?)
- Theresa will look intimidating.
<Ftisk> (how go to Sakharoth)
<Theresa> *waves at the swashers with her fingerless hands*
<Ftisk> (and the proper eiquette in the city)
<Ftisk> etiquette even
<Random_Nerd> (The god of the city lives in a big tower that you can see from where you stand. It's made of a stack of brass vertebrae, with ribs the size of skyscrapers curving up from the ground to support it, and a skull the size of a medium-sized town on the top. The eye sockets of the skull have been filled with white gems that catch the light of the sun. Indeed, as you move, the sun continues...)
<Random_Nerd> (To be at such an angle as to strike dramatic glitters from the gems.)
<Theresa> (LCreation of Cool Atmosphere.)
- Ftisk repeat these ifo to the other nobles
<DanteE> (Didn't realize Sakharoth was the Ymera of Rap Stars.)
<Random_Nerd> (As far as the proper ettiquite goes, your main problem is that you've all made out of matter, and your clothes are the wrong style. Guising would conceal both, of course.)\
<Random_Nerd> (The Bling of the Gods.)
<Ftisk> "We area bit out of place here ... we can better mingle if we guise"
<Random_Nerd> First Dionyl: *swagger*
<DanteE> "Good call."
<Random_Nerd> Second Dionyl: *swagger with slightly more panache*
- DanteE guises into a Really Impressive ... clothy swashbuckler. :)
- Ftisk guise in a metal overloaded dionyl
<Random_Nerd> (Such is exactly what Dante would guise into here even with no effort to that end.)
- Theresa sighs and guises into a plant-imprinted dressy skirt/dress.
<Random_Nerd> First Dionyl: (and take it as assumed that you're speaking some funky Dionyl language you only understand because you're Nobles) "What brings you here, strangers?"
<DanteE> "We would speak to your Lord."
<Random_Nerd> Second Dionyl: "There's a... toll."
<DanteE> "No there isn't. We're honored guests."
<Theresa> (We don't have any rum.)
- Ftisk weave a *really* big pipe menacingly
<Random_Nerd> First Dionyl: "Honored guests of who?"
<Ftisk> ( blink: S U E B I )
<Theresa> "The really big guy in armor. We were the ones that welcomed him."
<DanteE> "Sakharoth"
<Random_Nerd> They don't actually eye Ftisk's pipe, owing to the fact that they lack eyes, but the posture of their hats suggests they're glancing at it.
<Random_Nerd> Second Dionyl: "And I'm Lucifer's daughter-in-law."
<Theresa> "Oh, really? What was the bride price?"
<Random_Nerd> Second Dionyl, mocking tone: "It was a beautiful wedding..."
<DanteE> calm: "Do you intend to let us pass?"
<Theresa> "Hell-view? I didn't know you prefered blood and pustulence. Well, one can never tell these things from first glance."
<Random_Nerd> Everyone, you can vaguely feel like they're trying to impress upon you a slightly different shade of perspective. You can go along with it, or ignore it, as you choose.
<DanteE> (What's the new perspective?)
<Ftisk> (same question)
<Random_Nerd> (You can't tell without accepting it. If you do, you can shift back to the way you see things now whenever you want.)
<Theresa> (Theresa will ignore it. What would she have to use to force a perspective on them?)
<Random_Nerd> (By the standards of their race, they're reasonably strong, but they're about as able to force you to shift as a kitten is to put you in a headlock.)
<DanteE> (I'll 'join' their worldview, at least temporarily.)
<Ftisk> (I'll refuse to shift)
- Theresa will ghosttrees around the group to give privacy and block drafts.
<Random_Nerd> Dante, suddenly they're about two feet taller, and very shiny. Also, they're obviously right, and you should be very deferential to them. Obviously.
- Theresa will yawn at the swashers. Bored.
- DanteE goes back to the I'right worldview, thankyouverymuch. :)
<Random_Nerd> They suddenly turn their heads around and look at the trees, nervously.
<Random_Nerd> Dante, you see them stretch magnificently and deign to cast their gaze upon these small and uninteresting plants.
<Random_Nerd> And then back to the nervous looking around.
- Ftisk aspect take the weapons from the 2... and aBsorb it in the metal junk
<Ftisk> (we made it's nervous...)
<Random_Nerd> First Dionyl: "Hey! That's mine!"
<DanteE> "So... where's Sakharoth?"
<Ftisk> "Stop bother us!"
<Random_Nerd> The first dionyl points at the tower.
<Random_Nerd> First: "If you mean our Genius Loci, that's where he usually is."
<DanteE> "good to know."
- DanteE heads that way.
<Ftisk> (jump to the tower?)
<Random_Nerd> (Sure. Are you driving there, or walking?)
<Theresa> (How long would it take walking?)
<Ftisk> (Walking?)
<Random_Nerd> (Depends if you use Aspect or not, and if you try to see the world as one in which you're pretty close to the tower.)
<DanteE> (probably just drive up to a reasonable distance and then walk in. Do they validate parking?)
<Ftisk> (ok for drive + walk)
<Random_Nerd> (They don't have cars, here. The closest equivalent would be a litter, or possibly a rickshaw.)
<Random_Nerd> (And the latter wouldn't stay waiting for you by default, and anyone with the former is probably important enough that people won't make much trouble about where you leave it.)
<Theresa> (A metal litter carried by gasoline spirits?)
<DanteE> (Anyhoo... do we see Sak?)
<DanteE> "So, the locals are trying to emulate the Domination aspect of their leader. In a vaguely pirate-y way."
<Theresa> (I'm getting rather sleepy. Would it be okay to stop soonish?)
<Random_Nerd> As you get closet, the perspective shifts. The city still seems to be made of brass dragon bones, but it looks more like a fortress than a metropolis. The eyes of the skull don't have glittering gems, they have archers stationed in them, with light glittering off the points of their arrows. The people still look about the same, though.
<Ftisk> (ok for me
<Ftisk> )
<Theresa> "What's Dionyl for we come in peace, don't fill us full of holes?"
<DanteE> "Heavy on the fortress aspect..."
<Random_Nerd> As a Noble, you understand the correct phrase.
<DanteE> "What do we know about Sakharoth?"
<Ftisk> "That is comfused"
<Random_Nerd> The archers aren't looking at you, they seem to be looking across the wall for attackers. Oh, yes, there's a wall around the city now, too, when previously there was just a decorative hedge.
<DanteE> "Hm... why would a Domination not want immigrants?"
<Ftisk> (and some ballistae/catapult?)
<Theresa> "If he thought he might be under attack soon."
<Ftisk> "Maybe He is defending her fief?"
<Random_Nerd> As you near one of the ribs that leans up against the tower, you see that there's a staircase on it, and a pair of guards at the bottom.
<Ftisk> "Or getting territorial?" (like a cat!)
<Ftisk> "We want to see SAkharoth"
<Random_Nerd> These ones don't look like the vaguely gaudy bullies you met earlier, but instead are wearing armor that looks like it's been used, and bear huge sledgehammers.
<Random_Nerd> Guard on the left: "Who're you, then?"
<DanteE> "Nobles. The ones who first met Sakharoth when he arrived."
<Ftisk> "Some of his friends that help him adapt to Dionyl"
<Random_Nerd> Guard on the right: "Do something impossible. Nonviolent, but showy."
- Ftisk repet the aspect trick
<Ftisk> (stealing the hammers)
<Random_Nerd> First Guard: "Impressive, but not impossible. We just need to see something no normal person could do."
<Ftisk> "Theresa, can you grow some tree, please?"
<DanteE> (Just what I was thinking. :) )
<Theresa> "Alrighty." *LC an apple tree right behind her on the ground. About a 30 year old-growth one.*
<Theresa> "I can also become made of meat."
- Ftisk take an aple and eat it
<Ftisk> (just for show... :-) )
<Random_Nerd> First Guard: "That works. May we have our hammers back?"
<DanteE> (Someone's seen: )
<Ftisk> "sure"
<Random_Nerd> (Hey, they made a short film out of that. I've read the story.)
<Ftisk> (no, and this lp is too weak to play youtube
<Ftisk> )
<Random_Nerd> The guards take their hammers back. One steps up the stairway a few paces, and hits a midsized gong.
- Ftisk give back the hammers
- Ftisk look arround
<DanteE> (Guess the movie's starting...)
<Random_Nerd> First Guard: "Okay. You can go in. I hope you aren't attackers, but if you are, we have no way of stopping you."
<Random_Nerd> Second Guard: "Please don't destroy our city."
<DanteE> "No problem, we have no intention of destroying anything."
<Random_Nerd> Second: "We appreciate it."
<Ftisk> "why every one ask us to don't destroy things? ...bad PR?"
<Theresa> "They haven't even _met_ Monty..."
<DanteE> "They may know Entropy..."
<Random_Nerd> First: "Standing orders, sir. If someone wants to come in, they say they're Noble, and they can prove it, we let them in and ask them not to destroy the city."
<Random_Nerd> (Entropy's laws don't apply here, though.)
<Ftisk> (but roftl!)
<DanteE> "I think Sakharoth may have at least heard of Entropy."
<Theresa> "Nice policy."
<Ftisk> "..."
<Random_Nerd> (Okay, shall we call it a night? I could use some sleep.)
<Ftisk> (ok,,, next night the big meeting!)
<DanteE> (OK, we go in, find out Sakharoth is actually the size of a 5-year old and badly lip-synched... :) )
<Random_Nerd> __________STOP_________
<Ftisk> (rule zero.. rule zero!!!)
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
<BethE> I really enjoyed these two guards. I like the policy.
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
<Angelo> me too
<Knockwood> BTW, you guys seen 'Kiwi'?
<BethE> No, I don't think so.
<Knockwood> And... well, Angelo's making the logs, so he can catch those on a more powerful puter later. :)
<BethE> Cute!
<Angelo> sure
<Angelo> btw really enjoing session
<Angelo> next week we change to dst too
<Knockwood> this weekend?
<Angelo> next one
<Angelo> the one after the next session
<Angelo> ah, is strange that there is not a global date for these things
<Knockwood> y'know, Theresa may be right that we plan too much
<Random_Nerd> It is the fate of player characters to plan too much for some things, and too little for others.
<Angelo> btw I see that some of your mesaage go also on the server console... there is a reason?
<Knockwood> hm?
<Angelo> well I use chatzilla that open a window for the server message and one for the channel
<Angelo> and some messages appear in both windows
<Knockwood> oh... that happens when we start a line with your name, I think
<Knockwood> Ftisk, is this such a line?
<BethE> Well, guys, I had fun but I need sleep. I'm dozing off here at the keyboard. Good game! :)
<Knockwood> Angelo, how about this one?
<Knockwood> g'night Beth
<Angelo> b night bethe
<Random_Nerd> Anyway, see you next week.
<Random_Nerd> Good session, guys.
<Angelo> yes are the lines with my current nick
<Angelo> bye RN!
|<-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
<Knockwood> g'night Angelo
<Angelo> I leave too... good night Knokwood
<Angelo> I leave too... good night Knokwood
|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.7/2009021910])
<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis
Chapter 14