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To Sameera the rebuilding was coming along, yet the greater threat of Orcus's army was still left un-addressed. She gathered the generals of the Northern Alliance, Queen Dahab and Kala and Muzaffar (the later at the Queen's request) into a council to decide what direction was to be taken.
To Sameera the rebuilding was coming along, yet the greater threat of Orcus's army was still left un-addressed. She gathered the generals of the Northern Alliance, Queen Dahab and Kala and Muzaffar (the later at the Queen's request) into a council to decide what direction was to be taken.
The facts and history was laid out as follows:
The facts and history were laid out as follows:
The history of Jadida Alam, as it was known dictates that as the War of Worlds end drew to a close the first Lord Terous made a pact with the gods to end the siege of demons from Rin Bild and the massive hordes of Formorians and giants. This pact created the Qudssi Mass and at the last moment the armies that set out to consume Alam were themselves consumed by the power of the gods. The war was over and the First Lord Terous created Khawr Madi at the base of the Valley of Riddles.
However this history was not in fact the way things actually happened. The books found by the heroes in the ancient tomb of the Raven Queen (see chapter six) had revealed a prophecy made long before the War at World's End. The First Lord Terous had not made a pact with the gods, instead his pact was made with the Demon Lord Orcus. Orcus had promised to banish the forces set out to destroy Alam in exchange for the promise of his return in the time of the grand child of the first Lord Terous. The prophecy claimed his forces would return in an effort to wage their war on the Raven Queen when the powerful Qudssi Mass itself had returned to Khawr Madi. Because of this the first Lord Terous left the stone in the temple at Muk Jaras.
It seemed evident that the current Lord Terous (Terous bin Sadyr) was aware of this prophecy which explained his campaign to rid Alam of all books of history and scrolls of prophecy. He sought to hide the fact that the doom of the world would come at the time of his rule. It also explained his seeming refusal to help mend the stone and his eventual animosity toward the travelers who had inadvertently brought the stone into the city, setting about the chain of events that would mean the fall of Jadida Alam.
The sightings of the Raj Ghurab were the first hint of the truth in the prophecy and throughout the lands more clues that the undead servants of Orcus were indeed mobilizing into an army set out to achieve the demon lord's goals.
Sameera put the question before the council: should the populace be made aware of what was to come or would the brave few heroes seek a solution to the problem and try to stop the war in secret. It was decided that the city of Khawr Madi would not be able to handle the truth of the situation and the heroes would find a way to stop the plans of Orcus. Together they agreed more information was needed so they sought to interrogate Lord Terous bin Sadyr.
During this interrogation they discovered the man they had in captivity was not Lord Terous, but another doppleganger and that the real Lord Terous had escaped before the war to Ruba. Before the party could make further plans a traveler from Muk Jaras stumbled into the palace claiming the small southern town had been stormed by undead, zombies, skeletons and Raj Ghurab. The party made out immediately to save their home town.
'''Chapter Eleven'''
The two day journey home had the traveler witness the world as they knew it was changing. The skies had grown gray and crackled with gloom energy. The rest-stop, Hagos' (see chapter four) was abandoned, the owners and their sons found dead. laying in wait for unwary travelers was a massive brown dragon. After a drawn out fight, the dragon was defeated and the party made their way south again to save Muk Jaras.
The scene at their home town was dreadful. Zombies had been made of many of their long time friends. Even children had been made into servants of Orcus. They bravely fought their way through the town and rescued many refugees along their way to the island temple of Bahamut. On the shores of the island they found the source of the undead invaders, a death priest of Orcus had been enacting a ritual of awakening throughout the city. They defeated the death priest and the undead fell like discarded puppets. Within the temple heroes found the remaining survivors of Muk Jaras. Again they were greeted as heroes. However it was not all celebration and praise. The day after the flood Muk Jaras had seen new visitors, a party of four dwarves had come to the town. While the party left Muk Jaras, the dwarves set about to help repair the flood damage. These dwarves came forward now, their heads hung low. They confessed to the party they had been hired some months ago, to destroy the dam at Yamm Kasr, thus causing the flood itself. They claimed they were mercenaries and had not known the harm their actions would have truly caused. They threw themselves at the mercy of the lord of Muk Jaras, and the mercy of the heroes. They admitted they would probably not have admitted their guilt in the destruction of the damn had it not been for the arrival of the man who hired them to destroy the dam in the first place. This man had come to Muk Jaras just days before the undead attacked. He made for the temple and the lore stored there, like a man possessed. He was looking for something and at last it seemed he found it. For he rode out on his camel, speaking little to anyone within the town. Even as the dead sprung from the earth he sought not to protect the town at all. As if driven by madness he fled toward the Valley of Riddles. The priest of the temple saw the man had with him the Qudssi Mass.
The Dwarves knew this man as Tiaclyes of Khawr Madi.
'''Chapter 12'''
The next day the party left on the trail of Tiaclyes, not before Kala had received a summons from Sameera (by raven of course). It seemed the armies of Orcus had already begun their war on Khawr Madi and Sameera asked that any available heroes come immediately in defense of the valley city. Kyron, Aleek and Kala all left at once through the portal (created by a scroll carried by the raven) while the others headed toward the Valley of Riddles. Joining the heroes was a feisty and ferocious dwarf named Angus. He had come from Yamm Kasr not long after the dam had been burst. He claimed no fight he lead had ever been lost and he was anxious to get his axes bloodied by any enemy of Alam.
Crossing treacherous rope bridges the party was ambushed by harpies. Delving deeper into the valley the heroes fought not only elusive dark ones but a mighty Ettin as well. They bravely defeated all opposition they encountered and long into their first day of travel were surprised to find a woman merchant, stranded in a nearly dry riverbed within the valley. She told the party she had seen Tiaclyes the day before and that he had been working to save her. He was in fact at this very moment collecting supplies to mend her wagon and help her out of the valley. She began to lead the party to where Tiaclyes was when the elf, Galen noticed something monstrous lying in wait. A shambling mound burst forth from a wall of thorns and the apparently stranded woman revealed herself to be a Lamia. The party fought her and her enslaved shambling mound. After defeating the fey beasts they discovered Tiaclyes was indeed where the lamia had indicated, but he was not aiding her. He was nailed to a cross and his body was being consumed by the scarabs of the lamia. Tiaclyes was not dead yet however. And though the lamia had taken from him his armor and weapons she had not taken the Qudssi Moss, now slung around his neck on a leather cord. With his dying words Tiaclyes gave the heroes the key to the armor of the first Lord Terous, a fine suit of scale male once seen in his temple (see chapter five). The armor was summoned by activating the key. More importantly, Tiaclyes said he knew of someone in the valley who could perhaps put an end to this war. He begged the party forgive him for his actions. He sought blew up the dam to cause a flood that would stop the excavation of the Raven Queen's ruins (see chapter six). He feared Sameera was after weapons of destruction and war. His actions however led to the prophetic downfall of Jadida Alam. he begged for forgiveness and more importantly he begged they would go on where he couldn't. The heroes must find the eladrin guardian known as Duvallier. Duvallier would have the answer and direction to win this war against Orcus. With that he died

Revision as of 11:05, 25 May 2009

Chapter Ten

The Northern Alliance took temporary power of Khawr Madi. The commanding generals agreed with the heroes in setting Princess Dahab in the thrown, yet they were not willing to release total control of the city. The generals did agree to let the heroes make choices in the rebuilding of Khawr Madi. A plan was set out to regain control of the captured city. Kala set out to create anti Terous propaganda, while others set out to elevate the image of Queen Dahab. Kyron, the Paladin of Bene Ris set about rebuilding the temples in the city and formed a plan to build one massive temple of many faiths. Captured soldiers from Ruba were commissioned as laborers for the rebuilding process.

Ameen Said set out to train willing recruits to form the new royal guard, loyal only to the queen. He chose among his chief recruits many of the halflings he had trusted most from his time in Al Janna. The city was also at a loss for any law enforcement since the Temple of Bahamut was destroyed. Tiaclyes was not to be found anywhere within the city and his loyal magistrates had dispersed throughout the city. Crime within the walls of Khawr Madi had run rampant. While the heroes sought to train and enlist those they believed loyal to the Queen as new law enforcement magistrates they themselves took to the streets and sought to put fear into the hearts of the emboldened crime element.

To Sameera the rebuilding was coming along, yet the greater threat of Orcus's army was still left un-addressed. She gathered the generals of the Northern Alliance, Queen Dahab and Kala and Muzaffar (the later at the Queen's request) into a council to decide what direction was to be taken.

The facts and history were laid out as follows:

The history of Jadida Alam, as it was known dictates that as the War of Worlds end drew to a close the first Lord Terous made a pact with the gods to end the siege of demons from Rin Bild and the massive hordes of Formorians and giants. This pact created the Qudssi Mass and at the last moment the armies that set out to consume Alam were themselves consumed by the power of the gods. The war was over and the First Lord Terous created Khawr Madi at the base of the Valley of Riddles.

However this history was not in fact the way things actually happened. The books found by the heroes in the ancient tomb of the Raven Queen (see chapter six) had revealed a prophecy made long before the War at World's End. The First Lord Terous had not made a pact with the gods, instead his pact was made with the Demon Lord Orcus. Orcus had promised to banish the forces set out to destroy Alam in exchange for the promise of his return in the time of the grand child of the first Lord Terous. The prophecy claimed his forces would return in an effort to wage their war on the Raven Queen when the powerful Qudssi Mass itself had returned to Khawr Madi. Because of this the first Lord Terous left the stone in the temple at Muk Jaras.

It seemed evident that the current Lord Terous (Terous bin Sadyr) was aware of this prophecy which explained his campaign to rid Alam of all books of history and scrolls of prophecy. He sought to hide the fact that the doom of the world would come at the time of his rule. It also explained his seeming refusal to help mend the stone and his eventual animosity toward the travelers who had inadvertently brought the stone into the city, setting about the chain of events that would mean the fall of Jadida Alam.

The sightings of the Raj Ghurab were the first hint of the truth in the prophecy and throughout the lands more clues that the undead servants of Orcus were indeed mobilizing into an army set out to achieve the demon lord's goals.

Sameera put the question before the council: should the populace be made aware of what was to come or would the brave few heroes seek a solution to the problem and try to stop the war in secret. It was decided that the city of Khawr Madi would not be able to handle the truth of the situation and the heroes would find a way to stop the plans of Orcus. Together they agreed more information was needed so they sought to interrogate Lord Terous bin Sadyr.

During this interrogation they discovered the man they had in captivity was not Lord Terous, but another doppleganger and that the real Lord Terous had escaped before the war to Ruba. Before the party could make further plans a traveler from Muk Jaras stumbled into the palace claiming the small southern town had been stormed by undead, zombies, skeletons and Raj Ghurab. The party made out immediately to save their home town.

Chapter Eleven

The two day journey home had the traveler witness the world as they knew it was changing. The skies had grown gray and crackled with gloom energy. The rest-stop, Hagos' (see chapter four) was abandoned, the owners and their sons found dead. laying in wait for unwary travelers was a massive brown dragon. After a drawn out fight, the dragon was defeated and the party made their way south again to save Muk Jaras.

The scene at their home town was dreadful. Zombies had been made of many of their long time friends. Even children had been made into servants of Orcus. They bravely fought their way through the town and rescued many refugees along their way to the island temple of Bahamut. On the shores of the island they found the source of the undead invaders, a death priest of Orcus had been enacting a ritual of awakening throughout the city. They defeated the death priest and the undead fell like discarded puppets. Within the temple heroes found the remaining survivors of Muk Jaras. Again they were greeted as heroes. However it was not all celebration and praise. The day after the flood Muk Jaras had seen new visitors, a party of four dwarves had come to the town. While the party left Muk Jaras, the dwarves set about to help repair the flood damage. These dwarves came forward now, their heads hung low. They confessed to the party they had been hired some months ago, to destroy the dam at Yamm Kasr, thus causing the flood itself. They claimed they were mercenaries and had not known the harm their actions would have truly caused. They threw themselves at the mercy of the lord of Muk Jaras, and the mercy of the heroes. They admitted they would probably not have admitted their guilt in the destruction of the damn had it not been for the arrival of the man who hired them to destroy the dam in the first place. This man had come to Muk Jaras just days before the undead attacked. He made for the temple and the lore stored there, like a man possessed. He was looking for something and at last it seemed he found it. For he rode out on his camel, speaking little to anyone within the town. Even as the dead sprung from the earth he sought not to protect the town at all. As if driven by madness he fled toward the Valley of Riddles. The priest of the temple saw the man had with him the Qudssi Mass.

The Dwarves knew this man as Tiaclyes of Khawr Madi.

Chapter 12

The next day the party left on the trail of Tiaclyes, not before Kala had received a summons from Sameera (by raven of course). It seemed the armies of Orcus had already begun their war on Khawr Madi and Sameera asked that any available heroes come immediately in defense of the valley city. Kyron, Aleek and Kala all left at once through the portal (created by a scroll carried by the raven) while the others headed toward the Valley of Riddles. Joining the heroes was a feisty and ferocious dwarf named Angus. He had come from Yamm Kasr not long after the dam had been burst. He claimed no fight he lead had ever been lost and he was anxious to get his axes bloodied by any enemy of Alam.

Crossing treacherous rope bridges the party was ambushed by harpies. Delving deeper into the valley the heroes fought not only elusive dark ones but a mighty Ettin as well. They bravely defeated all opposition they encountered and long into their first day of travel were surprised to find a woman merchant, stranded in a nearly dry riverbed within the valley. She told the party she had seen Tiaclyes the day before and that he had been working to save her. He was in fact at this very moment collecting supplies to mend her wagon and help her out of the valley. She began to lead the party to where Tiaclyes was when the elf, Galen noticed something monstrous lying in wait. A shambling mound burst forth from a wall of thorns and the apparently stranded woman revealed herself to be a Lamia. The party fought her and her enslaved shambling mound. After defeating the fey beasts they discovered Tiaclyes was indeed where the lamia had indicated, but he was not aiding her. He was nailed to a cross and his body was being consumed by the scarabs of the lamia. Tiaclyes was not dead yet however. And though the lamia had taken from him his armor and weapons she had not taken the Qudssi Moss, now slung around his neck on a leather cord. With his dying words Tiaclyes gave the heroes the key to the armor of the first Lord Terous, a fine suit of scale male once seen in his temple (see chapter five). The armor was summoned by activating the key. More importantly, Tiaclyes said he knew of someone in the valley who could perhaps put an end to this war. He begged the party forgive him for his actions. He sought blew up the dam to cause a flood that would stop the excavation of the Raven Queen's ruins (see chapter six). He feared Sameera was after weapons of destruction and war. His actions however led to the prophetic downfall of Jadida Alam. he begged for forgiveness and more importantly he begged they would go on where he couldn't. The heroes must find the eladrin guardian known as Duvallier. Duvallier would have the answer and direction to win this war against Orcus. With that he died