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'' Siraj: "Sir, I have composed this poem on the spot. It seems that I....but, sir...you must be mistaken I would never....I....oh my...I didn't mean to...there's no way I could have..."''
'' Siraj: "Sir, I have composed this poem on the spot. It seems that I....but, sir...you must be mistaken I would never....I....oh my...I didn't mean to...there's no way I could have..."''
'''- Siraj goes out the back after Sonya. Sonya makes it away, as another thug bumps into him.'''
- Siraj goes out the back after Sonya. Sonya makes it away, as another thug bumps into him.'''
'' Siraj: "Sonya wait! There must be some sort of mix up...I...oof...excuse me. Sonya wait!"''
'' Siraj: "Sonya wait! There must be some sort of mix up...I...oof...excuse me. Sonya wait!"''

Revision as of 09:49, 29 June 2009

The Evolved - Campaign log

Siraj is driving his taxi, and Sonya Caldwell, an acquaintance of Siraj's from his apartment building, whom works as a Photographer for the Arion Gazette, gets in the taxi. She invites Siraj to dinner and a poetry event. He thinks it's a date, and goes home, changes, grabs some flowers from his rooftop garden, and goes to meet Sonya.

Siraj: "A beautiful woman asks me out? Is she desperate? Oh my, what do I wear? What about my hair? Red light! **Slams on brakes**. Focus, Siraj, focus."

- On the way out, Siraj is about to forget to feed his cat. Siraj thinks about the cat food right before he's going to leave.

Siraj: "Fancy Clothes...check. Hair...check. Cologne...check. Flowers...check. Alright then, I suppose its time Farah. Here I go...Food. Food?" Farah brushes herself against Siraj's leg. "Oh my, I nearly forgot to feed you didn't I?"

He knocks on the door and a man answers. Sonya comes to the door and they leave.

"Oh. I thought...she must...maybe I...but she...oh...here she comes...ditch the flowers...ditch the flowers..."Uh, hi Sonya. Are you ready?"

- They go for vegan food, fairly close to the Up-beat Cafe, which Siraj and Sonya have a bad conversation. Later they go to the poetry show.

Siraj: "So that fellow at your apartment, was he your brother?" Sonya: "No." Siraj: "Your cousin?" Sonya: "No." Siraj: "Oh, um...uh....so how's work?"

-Mean while, Kiyomi is in the dojo taking an Aikido class. After the class, and after further study, Kiyomi begins to meditate.

- The poems go on, and Siraj is convinced by Sonya to go up and do an impromptu poem (since he wasn't prepared). Unbeknownst to himself, he ends up telepathically copying a poem from a thug in blue named Charles Olson, aka "Babydeath". The thug claims Siraj has plagarized him, and shows published proof, that Siraj has recited his poem. They get in a verbal fight, Siraj gets disqualified, Sonya storms out, and the thugs leave, but not before threatening Siraj's life.

Siraj: "Sir, I have composed this poem on the spot. It seems that I....but, sir...you must be mistaken I would never....I....oh my...I didn't mean to...there's no way I could have..."

- Siraj goes out the back after Sonya. Sonya makes it away, as another thug bumps into him.

Siraj: "Sonya wait! There must be some sort of mix up...I...oof...excuse me. Sonya wait!"

- Siraj is surrounded by thugs, whom don't let him run away. One tries to grab him, but doesn't succeed. Babydeath, with rage hits Siraj with a baseball bat. Siraj is sent into a wall.... Literally.

Siraj: "Please, please I didn't mean to steal your poem. I swear that it just came to me, please. What do you want? You can have my wallet, here. I don't want trouble." The thugs being to surround Siraj. Siraj: "Help! Help! Please, I...AAHHHhhhhhh." ... Thump....

- Koyimi comes outside, and is verbally threatened by the crew of thugs. Her thrillseeking and their anger create a fight between them. They told her to go away, but she challenged them. She fights them, successfully dodging their throws, and throwing another guy who charged her. Her luck runs out, and she too is hit with a baseball bat. She is knocked unconscious, and taken to the river. Kiyomi thinks to herself, "What's going on out there?" as she watches Siraj get knocked back through the wall. She grabs her quarterstaff and rushes out, adrenaline pumping and without thinking too much about the odds.

-Siraj wakes up a couple minutes later in a candy shop on the other side of a large brick wall. Before being knocked out, Siraj is able to call for help.

Siraj: "Where am I? What happened? I, uhh....ahh! I've got to get out of here. Those thugs. I...ahhh....ahhh.

Siraj struggles to his feet and the scent of licorice invades his nostrils. He looks around and in the dim light he realizes he's in a candy shop. "How did I get here?" He hobbles toward the door and struggles to unlock it, while the pain in his abdomen grows steadily stronger. He steps out onto the sidewalk and collapses. Siraj realizes his cell phone is still in his jacket pocket. He carefully pulls it out and dials 911.

Siraj: "Please help, I've been attacked by thugs with baseball bats. I'm on Crawford street. Please send help, I think they broke something."

- The next day, Kiyomi wakes up with the fishes. Panicking as she wakes up, she exhausts herself enough, to finally, after a couple minutes, realizes... she can breathe.

After a few moments of extreme confusion, the first thing that goes through her head is: "My Sensei is never going to forgive me for leaving the door unlocked. Am I late for work? But why aren't I dead?? I need to find that Arab guy and talk about this. No one is going to believe me except maybe him."