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Revision as of 02:14, 19 July 2009
Known Alien Races of the Galaxy
- In the Milky Way Galaxy there are hundreds of thousands of species, many of which may have been uplifted by the Anshani. So far no currently existing species were present when the Ashani were first present in the Galaxy. It is believed that the Anshani seeded worlds with custom viral DNA strains that lead to the number of nearly identical species across the Three Galaxies. Considering that humanity shares much of the same DNA strains as the oldest bacteria, this seeding had to have occurred at least two to three billion years in the past. Considering that the Anshani only vanished just 50,000 years ago, one wonders at their longevity and how stable their civilization is, and how high their technology had risen.
- Legends abound about Anshani returning to meddle in the affairs of mortal beings, but so far, no evidence of their return has been found. Anshani homeworlds are always a choice find, but most them have already been discovered. So far, the legendary Anshani homeworld has yet to be discovered. Perhaps they took it with them, people get attached to things like the world that birthed them.
- The following is a partial listing of the different alien races in Savage Incursion.
- Humanoids are the most prevalent race in this region of the Milky Way Galxy that the players will be traveling in. Are they offshoots of humanity or are they examples of convergent evolution? The best answer anyone could come up with is "Yes".
- There is sufficient anthropological evidence on every world that the each Humanoid race evolved on that world. Were they "guided" by the Anshani? Maybe. It must be noted that the oldest discovered primate remains are on the Constopnor homeworld, so it's likely that Earth is not origin of the Humanoid species. All Humanoids are intrafertile, and a can sire children in any of the Humanoid races without much trouble.
- The Near Humanoids are all different species, and are more of a form of a convergent evolution. However, within their subgroups, there is just as much variability and evidence of evolutionary manipulation as the Humanoids show.
- Removed from the Earth in surprising numbers in the last ten centuries, these humans have blended into Galactic culture, while remembering their lost heritage. You will find Terrans in out of the way places. Technically, Terrans are just another variant of the Galactic species of Humanoids.
Type Humanoid Subgroup Terrans Sexes 2 Lifespan 65-600+ Temperament Any Height 5'8" varies Special Abilities Free Edge Strength D4 Agility D4 Vigor D4 Smarts D4 Spirit D4
- The most prevalent racial mix across the Milky Way Galaxy are the Galactics. These smart and adaptive creatures are found in a multitude of close shapes. Politically and emotionally, they are often prone to unstable demonstrations.
Type Humanoid Subgroup Galactics Sexes 2 Lifespan 35-600+ Temperament Any Height 5'8" varies Special Abilities Free Edge Strength D4 Agility D4 Vigor D4 Smarts D4 Spirit D4
- Galactics that grew up on worlds that have a higher gravity than Galactic norm. These short, but very strong people are scattered across the civilized worlds. Generally they have spent most of their life on a heavy world.
Type Humanoid Subgroup Heavy Worlder Sexes 2 Lifespan 35-550 years Temperament Any Height 3'2" varies Special Abilities Pace 4 (stocky, short legs) +1 Toughness –2 Charisma Strength D8 Agility D4 Vigor D4 Smarts D4 Spirit D4
- The Lights or Zero Gravers are a spidery variation of the Galactic body plan. They function well in well in light gravity. Lights can only survive in heavy gravity environments with special suits, medical augmentation, or gravity neutralizers.
Type Humanoid Subgroup Lighers or Zero Gravers Sexes 2 Lifespan 35-600 years Temperament Any Height 7'0" varies Special Abilities Strength cost 2 points to buy up to D6. -2 Toughness Zero G Training +1 Reach +2 bonus to resist the effects of radiation Strength D4 Agility D6 Vigor D4 Smarts D4 Spirit D4
- These poor unfortunates are of Galactic stock, but have mutated into a number of close physical forms where physical differences are slight. These range from body shape, skin tone, or hair color, to more radical modifications such as facial structure, limb length and number, as well as other mutations. Most Muties are now genetically stable now.
Type Humanoid Subgroup Mutant Galactics Sexes 2 Lifespan 35-600 Temperament Any Height 5'8" varies Special Abilities Varies with mutation. See below Strength D4 Agility D4 Vigor D4 Smarts D4 Spirit D4
- Mutie characters must choose their level of mutation:
Minor: Changes in skin tone or hair color. Body shape alterations such as hunchbacks, twisted spines, uneven limb length, are all minimal mutations as long as they do not convey any advantages or abilities. Roll twice on the Good Mutations Table for a minor mutation, and once on the Bad Mutations Table. Major: Any changes to appearance that alter Charisma, positive or negatively. Mutations that change attributes, as well as mutations that grant the mutant powers beyond normal humanoid abilities, such as psionics. On the Good Mutations Table, roll three times for Minor mutations, twice for Major mutations. Roll twice on the Bad Mutations Table.
- Some mutations, such as +1 die Smarts, stack, others roll again where appropriate.
- Good Mutations
d20 Result Minor Result Major 1 Tall (d6 inches taller) Large (+1 Size, +1 Toughness) 2 Skin color Quick Edge 3 Hair color +1 die Smarts) 4 Oddly shaped ears Alertness Edge 5 One limb longer than other +1 Reach 6 Bulky looking +1 die Strength 7 Fur covering body +2 Armor 8 Scaly skin Amphibious 9 Eyes are different colors Increase one STR-baed skill by two steps 10 Long fingers +1 die Agility 11 Large, bulbous head Arcane Background (Psionics) Edge: (10 Power Points) Deflection, speak language, and telekinesis 12 Extra, useless toes Fleet Footed Edge: d4 extra legs 13 Oddly shaped pupils Infravision or Low Light Vision—pick one 14 Oddly shaped teeth +1 die Spirit 15 Odd bumps and fleshy protrusions from the skin. Claws or spines at Str+2 damage 16 Extra, useless fingers Two Fisted Edge: d4 arms 17 Snoutlike mouth +1 Parry 18 Stout, robust body +1 die Vigor 19 Large physique Brawny Edge 20 Pebbled skin +2 to Vigor rolls to resist the effects of heat, cold, or radiation—pick one
- Apply bad mutation hindrances that have both a minor or major version appropriately. For example, a Minor mutation character would only have the minor version of Hard of Hearing hindrance. A Major mutation would be deaf. However, a Major mutation character has the choice of taking the minor version of the hindrance and rolling again on the Bad Mutation table for another, hopefully, minor mutation.
- Additionally, an Attribute cannot be reduced below a D4. Also, if a bad mutation contradicts a good mutation, reroll the bad mutation.
- Bad Mutations
d20 Result 1 Lame Hindrance 2 –1 Strength die 3 Bloodthirsty Hindrance 4 Ugly Hindrance 5 One Eye Hindrance 6 –1 Smarts die 7 Hard of Hearing Hindrance 8 –1 Size, –1 Toughness 9 –1 Agility die 10 One Arm Hindrance 11 Bad Eyes Hindrance 12 Anemic Hindrance 13 Pacifist Hindrance 14 –1 Spirit die 15 One Leg Hindrance 16 Yellow Hindrance 17 Blind Hindrance 18 Phobia Hindrance 19 –1 Vigor die 20 –2 to Vigor rolls to resist the effects of heat, cold, or radiation—pick one
Near Humanoids
- Near Humanoids are example of convergent evolution. The vast majority of the species in the Milky Way Galaxy are built on the bipedal body plan: A torso, with two legs, two arms, and on top of the torso, a head with primary sense organs, sight, hearing, smell, taste, arranged in what a human would call a "face".
- For each of the Near Humanoid species listed below, each species has several subspecies, light worlders, heavy worlders, mutants, just as the Humanoid species does. Only the primary representative of each species is listed below.
- Through galactic history, the Degden have worked with many races to promote peace and harmony while maintaining a strong militaristic tradition.
- They are small of stature, but possess the same body strength and agility as a Humanoid. Males grow long, arcing mustaches, and both sexes have long eyebrows that end in a wavy tuft. Hair color is predominately black or dark brown, with the occasional deep blue or purple. Iris color is across the rainbow, with an egg shaped pupil.
Type Humanoid Subgroup Degden Sexes 2 Lifespan 55 to 220 years Temperament 0 Height 5' 1" Special Abilities None Strength D4 Agility D4 Vigor D4 Smarts D4 Spirit D4
- While never the kids at the head of the class, the Manaki make up for being slow learners by being strong and willing to do the work of four normal beings. These living blocks of muscle can often have a wise insight on life.
- These hulking beings are gentle giants, slow to anger, and more likely to counsel you on your bad behavior than hurt you. The have long stringy hair that they let grow past their shoulders. They have a high, domed forehead that makes them look like they are going bald, but in fact is the anchor point for their jaw muscles. A Manaki can chew walnuts, shell and all. They have a wide flat nose, massive jaw, and large doe like eyes. Skin color varies from olive brown to a dark orange. Iris color is predominately green, with a few individuals possessing red, blue, purple, or topaz colors.
Type Humanoid Subgroup Manaki Sexes 2 Lifespan 45 to 220 years Temperament Height Special Abilities Massive Strength, Skin armor +2 Smarts and Agility take 2 points to raise to d6 Strength D12+1 Agility D4 Vigor D6 Smarts D4 Spirit D6
- These small, but smart humanoids are born engineers that take great pride in their work. Usually operating in a group of 2 to 6, they tend to live in either ships, preferably Anshani ships, or in cities. They are the remaining engineers that can repair Black Box Technology.
- Greevals are mute and generally non-human in their thought processes and actions. They work as a group and devote their lives to the ship that they call home. They are the perfect technicians, as long as the ship provides them with enough currency to purchase what they need. They communicate telepathically with each other, but with such great speed that other telepaths have a hard time understanding them. Some think that they can talk to Anshani ships in this manner.
- All Anshani starships have Greevals. Current thought is that the Greeval race was designed to be technicians, or that they were the original creators of the Black Box technology that has never quite equaled Anshani White Box technology.
- On planets, Greevals can also be found in small groups working within a large business or even in a small shop that they run themselves. These small, grey aliens don't take well to forced captivity unless they are in a group.
- They are short, have large, hairless, bulbous heads with almond shaped, black eyes. Skin color is grey, and it is smooth and soft to the touch.
Type Humanoid Subgroup Greeval Sexes 2 Lifespan 135-300 years Temperament +4 Height 2'8" to 3'4" Special Abilities Telepathy, Starts with Knowledge (Black Box Tech) d6 Pacifist, Strength take 2 points to raise to d6 Strength D4 Agility D6 Vigor D8 Smarts D8 Spirit D4
- The Wumcal have a comical appearance that evokes mild laughter and humor in most races. This appearance hides a closely knit social structure and organizational competence that binds the remnants of galactic social structures of civilized space together.
- Their skin color varies from pink to white, and they have small, slanted black eyes. Their heads are pear shaped with a flat bottom. On top of the cone is a cottony ball of pink, red, or orange fur. Their ears are long and pointed, ending if fine tufts of fur. Their bodies are pear shaped, with muscular limbs. They have a cotton ball tail that matches the coloration of their head hair. Both hands and feet have four digits, though the toes are almost afterthoughts at the end of their long feet.
Type Humanoid Subgroup Wumcal Sexes 2 Lifespan 35 to 600 years Temperament +2 Height 5'8" to 3'4" Special Abilities Skin armor +1 Strength D4 Agility D4 Vigor D4 Smarts D4 Spirit D8
- If you extended your hand in friendship to a Gwerma, it would probably take your watch and the buttons on your tunic. This species has hit civilized space with the expressed mission of stealing anything not welded down.
- They are bald, with a fringe of brown to black hair that runs around the base of their skull. Pointed ears aid in their ability to hear if someone is coming up behind them. Skin color varies from pale red to bright crimson. Their long fingers aid in their abilities to pick pockets and pick locks.
Type Humanoid Subgroup Gwerma Sexes 2 Lifespan 55 to 300 years Temperament -4 Height 5' 4" Special Abilities -1 Charisma Alertness Thief Strength D4 Agility D6 Vigor D8 Smarts D4 Spirit D4
- If you want to trade or barter, stay clear of the Groomlouch Merchants Guilds. These bird-like humanoids are master economic experts that are in demand by many. Their advice is always sound when they take 5% of the profit.
- The plumage of the Groomlouch varies from a deep blue-black to a solid coal black. They have large eyes and straight beak that ends in a small hump. Their feathers lie flat on their body, though head feathers may rise and stick out at different angles, expressing emotions that only the experienced Groomlouch watcher can interpret. They wear loose fitting tunics, kilts and robes, typically in bright colors.
Type Humanoid Subgroup Groomlouch Sexes 2 Lifespan 135 to 600 years Temperament -2 Height 5' 5" Special Abilities Connections (Groomlouch Merchants Guild) d4 +2 Streetwise +2 Notice (vision) Strength D4 Agility D4 Vigor D4 Smarts D4 Spirit D8
- The Muzz are an uplifted race not known for intelligence, creative skill or, for that matter, much of anything. Find them at menial jobs, bars, or digging through a waste pile for a short snack. They love blades and weapons.
- Their stocky bodies vary from dark gray to light brown in color. The sloping forehead does not indicate stupidity, as their brain cases are structured differently from other humanoids. Their large ears allow them to hear things that others would like kept quiet. Their small beady eyes are more attuned to a brighter sun, so some wear special sunglasses that amplify ambient light. Head hair varies in color from black to light brown, and grows thick but short on their heads.
Type Humanoid Subgroup Muzz Sexes 2 Lifespan 30 to 220 years Temperament 0 Height 5' 0" Special Abilities -2 Charisma +1 skin armor Strength D6 Agility D4 Vigor D6 Smarts D4 Spirit D4
- These chubby little folk fool many into thinking they an easy mark. In reality, they are fast and expert with blade and teeth. Coming from a close-knit family structure, they can be the best friends or dangerous enemies.
- Their fur ranges in color from light brown to dark brown, or mottled spots. Their sharp tusks give them a Str+d6 bite, and while small, they possess the body strength of a normal human, coming from a heavy gravity world.
Type Humanoid Subgroup Warkoda Sexes 2 Lifespan 35 to 190 years Temperament 0 Height 2' 5" Special Abilities +2 Charisma +1 Knowledge(Crafts) Small (-1 Toughness) Strength D4 Agility D6 Vigor D6 Smarts D4 Spirit D4
- These stately and bald humanoids are scattered across civilized space in small enclaves. Their entire reason for existence is music. When one Tilas enclave visits another, thousands of spectators attend the subsequent free concert that is put on by the enclaves in a musical duel of the bands.
- This race is tall and elegantly proportioned. They are completely hairless and possess tall craniums. Skin color varies from light amber to deep golden bronze. There is almost no distinction between the sexes that can be detected by other races, but the Tilas have no problem telling boy from girl. They dress in multicolor robes and wear sandals in all weather.
Type Subgroup Sexes Lifespan Temperament Height Special Abilities Strength D4 Agility D4 Vigor D4 Smarts D4 Spirit D4
Race Name
- Description
Type Subgroup Sexes Lifespan Temperament Height Special Abilities Strength D4 Agility D4 Vigor D4 Smarts D4 Spirit D4
Race Name
- Description
Type Subgroup Sexes Lifespan Temperament Height Special Abilities Strength D4 Agility D4 Vigor D4 Smarts D4 Spirit D4
Group Name
Race Name
- Description
Type Subgroup Sexes Lifespan Temperament Height Special Abilities Strength D4 Agility D4 Vigor D4 Smarts D4 Spirit D4