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Stats: Body 3, Mind 6, Soul 7
'''Stats:''' Body 3, Mind 6, Soul 7

Attributes: Armor 2, Combat Technique 2 (Hardboiled, Lethal Blow), Extra Arms 4 (10 appendages total), Heightened Awareness 2, Resistance 5, Special Defense 5 (does not breathe air, cannot freeze, ignores thirst), Special Movement 1 (Untrackable), Telepathy 3 (Universal), Tough 3, Unknown Power 5, Weapon 1: Mindscrew Mind (continuing 3, drain Mind 2, drain Soul 1, affects only/all those affecting Sol’s mind, non-penetrating 1), Weapon 4: Tentacles (blight TN 18, drain Soul 1, enervation 1, flexible 3, insidious, multidimensional, vampiric— heal/enhance)
'''Attributes:''' Armor 2, Combat Technique 2 (Hardboiled, Lethal Blow), Extra Arms 4 (10 appendages total), Heightened Awareness 2, Resistance 5, Special Defense 5 (does not breathe air, cannot freeze, ignores thirst), Special Movement 1 (Untrackable), Telepathy 3 (Universal), Tough 3, Unknown Power 5, Weapon 1: Mindscrew Mind (continuing 3, drain Mind 2, drain Soul 1, affects only/all those affecting Sol’s mind, non-penetrating 1), Weapon 4: Tentacles (blight TN 18, drain Soul 1, enervation 1, flexible 3, insidious, multidimensional, vampiric— heal/enhance)

Skills: Biological Sciences 3 (Bacteria/Viruses), Computers 1 (Programming), Etiquette 1 (Upper Class), Gaming 2 (Gambling / Card Games), Intimidation 3 (Street), Language 2 (local language, Rilexan, Hebrew), Medical 3 (Surgery), Occult 5 (Rituals), Physical Sciences 3 (Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics), Poisons 4 (Alien), Sleight of Hand 2 (Card Sharking), Stealth 2 (Silent Movement), Writing 2 (Academic)
'''Skills:''' Biological Sciences 3 (Bacteria/Viruses), Computers 1 (Programming), Etiquette 1 (Upper Class), Gaming 2 (Gambling / Card Games), Intimidation 3 (Street), Language 2 (local language, Rilexan, Hebrew), Medical 3 (Surgery), Occult 5 (Rituals), Physical Sciences 3 (Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics), Poisons 4 (Alien), Sleight of Hand 2 (Card Sharking), Stealth 2 (Silent Movement), Writing 2 (Academic)

Defects: Bane: —20 points/round (Elder Sign is displayed)*, Blind Fury 1 (activated by suffering a severe setback due to problems with understanding others, ended by rolling Soul at TN 13), Easily Distracted 2 (few infrequent triggers), Less Capable Soul: Empathy —2,
'''Defects:''' Bane: —20 points/round (Elder Sign is displayed)*, Blind Fury 1 (activated by suffering a severe setback due to problems with understanding others, ended by rolling Soul at TN 13), Easily Distracted 2 (few infrequent triggers), Less Capable Soul: Empathy —2,

*Both the tree-form and the star-with-flame-inside Elder Signs work on Sol, except, however, when used by somebody who doesn’t believe that it would work.
*Both the tree-form and the star-with-flame-inside Elder Signs work on Sol, except, however, when used by somebody who doesn’t believe that it would work.

Triggers for Easily Distracted
'''Triggers for Easily Distracted'''
@ Singing. It's just a very odd thing. There is no singing in Rilex, possibly because "talking" isn't done in a manner which would lend itself to singing, and Sol finds the activity interesting.
@ Singing. It's just a very odd thing. There is no singing in Rilex, possibly because "talking" isn't done in a manner which would lend itself to singing, and Sol finds the activity interesting.

Latest revision as of 03:08, 28 November 2009

Stats: Body 3, Mind 6, Soul 7

Attributes: Armor 2, Combat Technique 2 (Hardboiled, Lethal Blow), Extra Arms 4 (10 appendages total), Heightened Awareness 2, Resistance 5, Special Defense 5 (does not breathe air, cannot freeze, ignores thirst), Special Movement 1 (Untrackable), Telepathy 3 (Universal), Tough 3, Unknown Power 5, Weapon 1: Mindscrew Mind (continuing 3, drain Mind 2, drain Soul 1, affects only/all those affecting Sol’s mind, non-penetrating 1), Weapon 4: Tentacles (blight TN 18, drain Soul 1, enervation 1, flexible 3, insidious, multidimensional, vampiric— heal/enhance)

Skills: Biological Sciences 3 (Bacteria/Viruses), Computers 1 (Programming), Etiquette 1 (Upper Class), Gaming 2 (Gambling / Card Games), Intimidation 3 (Street), Language 2 (local language, Rilexan, Hebrew), Medical 3 (Surgery), Occult 5 (Rituals), Physical Sciences 3 (Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics), Poisons 4 (Alien), Sleight of Hand 2 (Card Sharking), Stealth 2 (Silent Movement), Writing 2 (Academic)

Defects: Bane: —20 points/round (Elder Sign is displayed)*, Blind Fury 1 (activated by suffering a severe setback due to problems with understanding others, ended by rolling Soul at TN 13), Easily Distracted 2 (few infrequent triggers), Less Capable Soul: Empathy —2,

  • Both the tree-form and the star-with-flame-inside Elder Signs work on Sol, except, however, when used by somebody who doesn’t believe that it would work.

Triggers for Easily Distracted

@ Singing. It's just a very odd thing. There is no singing in Rilex, possibly because "talking" isn't done in a manner which would lend itself to singing, and Sol finds the activity interesting.

@ People using power/authority in a manner which Sol-holac finds improper and nonsensical. Power is meant to be used, after all, although, on the other hand, it makes no sense to break one's toys. Sol-holac most often encounters apparent misuses of power when people either don't assert their authority over something under their power, or do, but in such a manner that the thing is damaged in some way. Not protecting something one controls is also confusing to Sol-holac. If you own something, you may not have some weird moral obligation to protect it, but it's only common sense to keep the things you own safe, even if you don't care about them.

@ Behavior which Sol-holac believes is taboo in the society the high school exists in. Everybody has their own reasons for displaying such behavior, and some of these reasons make more sense than others, but Sol-holac believes that if It can understand why someone would do such-and-such, then It is that much closer to understanding these odd fleshy things, and so It isn't uncommon for Sol to suddenly become a bit too engrossed in observing such behavior.

@ Activity which Sol-holac believes or even suspects is religious in nature. Sol may not understand anything else about people, but It knows that religion is often rather important to them, and if It can at least understand that, then maybe It can improvise enough to make up for It's lack of understanding anything else about these creatures.