Exalted: Brave New World/Silver: Difference between revisions

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Crane Form <br>
Crane Form <br>
Crossed Wings Denial <br>
Crossed Wings Denial <br>
Horrific Wreath, Unobstructed Blow, Impeding the Flow, Fluttering Cry of Warning, 1st MA Excellency, 2nd MA Excellency, 4th MA Excellency, Crossed Wings Denial, Duck Fate, Forgotten Earth
Impeding the Flow, Fluttering Cry of Warning, Duck Fate, Crossed Wings Denial, Empowering Justice Redirection, Forgotten Earth, 1st Dodge Excellency, 2nd Dodge Excellency, 4th Dodge Excellency


Revision as of 04:38, 20 January 2010

<<<Brave New World

  • Silver Crest
  • Caste: Journeys
  • Concept: Kung Fu Herald


  • Unite all Exalted, end the Great Curse





Sheira (Adoration), Sifu (Respect), Circle (Hope and Trust)





Yellow anima banner flares, granting Silver and all allies within 30 yards triple speed for one scene.



  • Strength 3
  • Dexterity 5
  • Stamina 3


  • Charisma 2
  • Manipulation 2
  • Appearance 3


  • Perception 3
  • Intelligence 2
  • Wits 4



Resistance 5 (Enduring Pain +1)
Ride 2
Sail 1
Survival 2
Thrown 0


Athletics 5 (Balancing +1)
Awareness 5
Dodge 5 (When Unarmed +1)
Martial Arts 5 (Unarmed combat +1)


Craft 1
Linguistics 2
Performance 2
Socialize 1

Archery 0
Integrity 3
Melee 4
Presence 1
War 0

Investigation 2
Lore 0
Larceny 3
Occult 2
Stealth 1

Bureaucracy 2
Medicine 0


Artifact 4 (Perfected Kata Bracers) Acquaintances 2 Backing (Gold Faction) 1 Celestial Manse 3(The Freedom Stone) Connections (Threshold) 2 Salary 2 Savant 1 Sifu 2


Each Merit



Each Flaw



Ox-Body Technique x 5
Duck Fate
Trouble Reduction Strategy
Avoidance Kata
Burn Life
Forgotten Earth
Prior Warning
Horrific Wreath
Impeding the Flow
Serenity In Blood (Compassion Flaw)
Unobstructed Blow
Optimistic Security Practice
Unwavering Well-Being Meditation

Crane Style Fluttering Cry of Warning
Empowering Justice Redirection
Crane Form
Crossed Wings Denial

Combos Offensive: Horrific Wreath, Unobstructed Blow, Impeding the Flow, Fluttering Cry of Warning, 1st MA Excellency, 2nd MA Excellency, 4th MA Excellency, Crossed Wings Denial, Duck Fate, Forgotten Earth

Defensive: Impeding the Flow, Fluttering Cry of Warning, Duck Fate, Crossed Wings Denial, Empowering Justice Redirection, Forgotten Earth, 1st Dodge Excellency, 2nd Dodge Excellency, 4th Dodge Excellency


  • Essence: 3
  • Personal: 16/16
  • Peripheral: 32/32
  • Committed to Charms: 0
  • Committed to artifacts: 8
  • Willpower: 10/10
  • Anima status: 0 mote


  • Compassion: 3
  • Conviction: 2
  • Temperance: 3
  • Valor: 4
  • (Virtue channels used: None)

Limit Break

Describe your flaw and record here your limit



  • Join Battle: 9
  • Dodge DV: 7
  • Parry DV: 7 (9 when PKBs are active)
  • Soak: 1L/3B/0A


  • Move: 5
  • Dash: 11


  • Join Debate: 9
  • Dodge MDV: 8
  • Parry MDV: 2

Health Levels

  • -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
  • (wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or aggravated)


List your stuff here, including combat stats if you have weapons

Starmetal Perfected Kata Bracers with Freedom Stone inset; activates when Form-type Charm is active, and lowers cost of Crane Charms by 2 motes, minimum of 1

Freedom Stone: Can never be physically restrained. Shackles and ropes will fall away, knots and nooses will come undone. All grapple, clinch, hold and throw maneuvers attempted against him will automatically fail.

Weapons Punch – Speed: 5, Acc: +0, Damage: +0B, Defense: +2, Rate: 3, Tags: N

Kick – Speed: 5, Acc: +0, Damage: +3B, Defense: -2, Rate: 2, Tags: N

Clinch – Speed: 6, Acc: +0, Damage: +0B, Defense: -, Rate: 1, Tags: C, N, P With Perfected Kata Bracers active: Punch – Speed: 5, Acc: +3, Damage: +3B, Defense: +5, Rate: 3, Tags: N

Kick – Speed: 5, Acc: +3, Damage: +6B, Defense: +1, Rate: 2, Tags: N

Clinch – Speed: 6, Acc: +3, Damage: +3B, Defense: +3, Rate: 1, Tags: C, N, P


Silver was born in Seahaven, Abalone, to a sailor and his farmer wife. He was named for his silver eyes (now flecked with golden-yellow) and the particularly fierce waves crashing against their seaside home that night. He was an odd duck, and a source of great confusion to his parents, for Silver did not love the sea like they did. Or rather, he did not love to sail. He loved to swim, often pushing himself to the point of nearly drowning on long swims. He loved to run and hike the island's interior, journeying for long distances and long periods of time. Often, he went out for days on end.

When he came of age, Silver did not take the fisherman's path, as did his father, but rather took a job as a courier. He delivered food via caravan and on foot, and even rowing small boats along the coast, to the other cities and villages of Abalone. He would be especially eager to take up the job if it meant venturing across the dangerous heart of the island. The thrill alone was payment enough. He was very fleet of foot and sharp-witted, and never lost a delivery.

As it so happened, one job he took on was the transport of some old tomes and scrolls from Seahaven to Gullwing. The documents were ostensibly about the history of the Shogunate and the Realm, but in truth they contained teachings defying those of the Immaculate Order, belonging to the Cult of the Illuminated. He had no idea, but he was chosen specifically for the job by members of the Cult, having unknowingly completed some runs alongside them before and sharing some of his beliefs: that the Dragon-Blooded were not the be-all, end-all of Creation, and that history still had many lessons to teach. During his journeys, Silver often had time to study, and when he wasn't out traveling, he would be visiting libraries and wise men and women to learn all he could of the past that was so alluring. He especially enjoyed stories of Solar heroes defying the odds and accomplishing the impossible, beating Creation into the shape they desired. Being poor, he was all too eager to accept the Cult's visions of a brighter future heralded by the return of mighty heroes from the past.

Silver became quite a skilled sentry, watching for Wyld incursions, especially, as they are common in Abalone. Thanks to his information, the Cult and their hidden masters were able to quell quite a few Fate disruptions they might not have otherwise known about. As a result, though he refused any position of authority, Silver became quite an esteemed member. The local head of the Cult, Setal Sea Hawk (ha!), took Silver under his wing and taught him of the martial arts. Silver's natural hardiness, agility and keen wit made him a natural learner, and he quickly outstripped all of Hawk's other mortal pupils. In this time, Silver learned a great many things about the past that he could never have imagined, and he became determined to see the future change at all costs, if he had to journey from one end of Creation to another to see it.

For the Cult, Silver's travels continued, and he would train with Sea Hawk in between or during missions. Silver was driven, though as his beliefs in a better tomorrow grew, he felt more and more stifled by the island he knew like the back of his hand. He desired to venture out over the ocean horizon and seek the destinies that lay beyond. He wanted nothing more than to carry out his mission and belief elsewhere in the world. This belief finally culminated on his twentieth birthday, when Mercury Herself chose Silver to become an agent of Fate. He Exalted while on a retreat with Sea Hawk, and the wise but surprised sifu knew exactly what had occurred. A Chosen of Battles, Hawk quickly filled in the missing pieces of history that he had left out, and Silver gained a whole new perspective on Creation.

Having proven himself many times over, Silver did so again, earning the Gold Faction's respect and trust. He met Ayesha Ura and was formally inducted. His deeds and prowess earned him some fairly grand furnishings in Heaven, but Silver preferred to spend his time in Creation as a field agent. Taking a hands-on approach to weaving Fate, he spent time in various resplendent destinies, building up connections in the West. He joined the Conventions of Water and the Wyld, although he spends as little time with the official bureaucratic functions in Yu-Shan as possible, preferring to stay in the thick of things*. He has most often opposed the machinations of Wyld-born creatures in the West, although Silver ventures all over Creation and doesn't feel obligated to stay in any one area.

Currently, though he loves his sifu, Silver doesn't fully buy into the Gold Faction's teachings. He feels that Creation's destiny should be as free-flowing as its waters, not bound to controlling Solars who are in turn dancing on strings pulled by Sidereal "advisers." Nor does he want the Sidereals to continue to have to hide behind the scenes as said "advisers." He has noticed this tendency for pride and corruption to eat away at the Exalted, whose divine heritage should place them beyond such things, and more and more this thought occupies his mind. He does not want any one faction of Exalt to rule Creation, for that led to the mistakes of the past when all were bound in rigid roles. Silver envisions a new journey for Creation, one that is free to flow and shape itself naturally, with the Exalted taking the place of reeds and fish in that great river, rather than dams and forced routes: part of the journey, shaping it and being shaped in turn, but not its masters. He longs for a blessed future in which god, mortal and Exalt can be truly free.


An honest and optimistic young man. Silver has none of the (probably healthy) paranoia most Sidereals share, and he has no desire to pull strings and hide behind puppets. He loves to get out in the field and accomplish his goals personally, without hiding behind resplendent destinies unless absolutely necessary. Above all, he believes in honesty and strength of character. His hopes for the future lie on uniting all Exalted to shepherd Creation in a way it has never been guided before.

He is loyal to a fault and will not abandon his cause or his friends, those he feels are the heralds of the future. Silver is most often cheery, eager to see new things and learn new things and visit new horizons. He can go a bit stir-crazy if he is stuck in one place too long, and while he seems to be a bit simple or foolish or simply naive at first brush, that is far from the truth. He can become deadly serious when his hopes are threatened, or when dealing with matters of great importance, undergoing a marked personality change from his usual lightheartedness.

Unfortunately, Silver has always been a sucker for a pretty face, and tends to screw up marvelously when in the presence of beautiful women.



Each Member


Each Circlemate


  • Earned: #
  • Spent: # (make a list of all purchases here)
  • Unspent: #