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(Abilities, Feats & Proficiencies)
Line 57: Line 57:
*Lvl 1: ''Knife Basics:'' All knives on your person are considered armed at all times + Wicked Dance Stance
*Lvl 1: ''Knife Basics:'' All knives on your person are considered armed at all times + Wicked Dance Stance
*Stance: ''Martial Spirit stance:'' Your 1- handed melee attacks inflict 2 addition dice of sneak attack damage. You may not take move actions (though you may still take 5' bonus steps as normal).
*Stance: ''Martial Spirit stance:'' Your 1- handed melee attacks inflict 2 addition dice of sneak attack damage. You may not take move actions (though you may still take 5' bonus steps as normal).
*Proficiencies: edged(forte)  /  Bow (forte)
*Proficiencies: edged(forte)  /  Bow (forte)

Revision as of 02:13, 29 March 2010

Back to Heartstone Codex

Ysuelt, Human Agile Aristocrat and Assassin, 20 years old, played by Deamon

  • Class: Assassin 1, XP: 0
  • Action dice: 3d4
  • Recent changes to sheet:


  • STR 12 (+1) / DEX 16 (+3) / CON 12 (+1)
  • INT 14 (+2) / WIS 12 (+1) / CHA 12 (+1)


  • Init: +5 (+2 Assassin + 3 Dex)
  • BAB: +0 / Melee +1 / Ranged +3
  • Defence: 14 (10 + 1 Assassin + 3 DEX)
  • DR: 0
  • Fort: +2 (1 +1 Con) / Ref: +4 (1 +3 Dex) / Will: +2 (1 +1 Wis)
  • Vitality Points: 10 / Wound Points: 12

Common Attacks/Defences/Actions:

  • One
  • Two

Social, Interests & Religion


  • Lifestyle: 3 (Panache 2 [+5 Appearance; Income 0 silver] / Prudence 1 [15% savings])
  • Legend: 0
  • Reputation: 10
  • Renown. Heroic: 0. Religious: 0. Temporal: 0.


  • Language:Kuril
  • Language:Hugaar
  • Language:Saphetian
  • Study:Kuril Culture
  • Study: Hugaar Culture
  • Study: Religion
  • Alignment: Path of Deceit

Abilities, Feats & Proficiencies

  • Hum: Agile: +2dex; Speed 30’
  • Hum: Double Boost: You may spend and roll 2 action dice to boost dex-based skill checks
  • Hum: Natural Elegance: Appearance bonus increases by +1
  • Hum: Parry Trick: 1/rnd after successful attack (not flatfooted) and before dmg is rolled he may make a reflex save if successful dmg drops to 0 (P222)
  • Arist: BSM Actor: +2 Bluff +2 Impress
  • Arist: Charming: 1/session may improve the disposition of any 1 non-adversary NPC by 5.
  • Arist: Flashy: Panache +2
  • Arist: Noble Blood: may purchase noble (temporal) renown for 40 rep per rank
  • Arist: Origin Skill: Choose 1 additional Origin Skill
  • AssC: Heartseeker: Your BAB is considered equal to your Career Level when you attack a special character and when choosing feats, though so long as this improved bonus is needed to meet a feat's prerequisites you may only use the feat's abilities against special characters.
  • Ass1: Hand of Death: Each time you fail a Blend or Resolve check and don't suffer an error, you still succeed as long as the check DC/opponent's check result is equal to or less than your class level +20. If several grades of success re possible, you achieve only the lowest positive result.
  • Lvl 1: Sword Basics: 1/rnd you may anticipate an opponent you have hit with a sword this round. You suffer a -4 penalty with the Sense Motive check + Martial Spirit Stance
  • Stance: Martial Spirit stance: You gain a +1 bonus with melee attack checks and +3 bonus with melee damage rolls.
  • Lvl 1: Knife Basics: All knives on your person are considered armed at all times + Wicked Dance Stance
  • Stance: Martial Spirit stance: Your 1- handed melee attacks inflict 2 addition dice of sneak attack damage. You may not take move actions (though you may still take 5' bonus steps as normal).
  • Proficiencies: edged(forte) / Bow (forte)

Skills (ranks/stat/misc)

(6+Int 2 = 8/lvl) Max 4 Total (4x8) bonus=32

  • Acrobatics* 4 (1/3Dex/0)
  • Athletics* 2 (1/1Str/0)
  • Blend 5 (4/1Cha/0)
  • Bluff 6 (3/1Cha/2)
  • Crafting (Clothing) 3 (1/2Int/0)
  • Disguise 5 (3/2Cha/0)
  • Impress* 6 (3/1Cha/2)
  • Intimidate 2 (1/1Cha/0)
  • Notice 5 (4/1Wis/0)
  • Prestidigitation 6 (3/3Dex/0)
  • Resolve 4 (3/1Con/0)
  • Sense Motive 5 (4/1Wis/0)
  • Tactics 3 (1/2Int/0)

One asterisk = Origin skills


Loads (Str 12): Light < 70 lb / Hvy 71-210 lb / Over > 211 lb

Stake 120s

  • Long sword 1d12 lethal (20) 6lb 60s Stolen
  • Dagger, 1d6 lethal (19-20) Bleed,hurl 2lb 15s


  • Backpack 5lb 10s
  • Blanket Cold res 4 5lb 5s
  • Canteen 1lb 5s
  • Firesteel/tinderbox 1/2lb 8s
  • Grooming case +1 to users appearance bonus 2lb 8s
  • Rations 7 uses 5lb 5s


  • Coin: 4s


Official Birthdate Born: 22nd day of the month of Huth, 13th month of 477

Actual Birthdate Born: 2nd day of the month of Ganud and Hilfe, 1st month of 478


Ysuelt is the unwanted child of a spoilt nobleman and his exotic unsuitable wife, so unsuitable that his family refused to recognise her. Ysuelt’s mother died when Ysuelt was 4. Once her mother died Ysuelt’s care went to her mother’s maid/companion, Anna. Both of them were banished to a small country estate, while her father mended fences with his family. While Ysuelt was his heir, her education was overseen by her father. He organised her tutors, she was taught the necessary skills to make her an acceptable wife in a dynastic marriage. However when she was 10, her father remarried and his interest in her education tapered off once his other children were born. Left alone, Anna took over her education, her lessons got much more interesting. Anna would never explain why she thought Ysuelt would need them but she seemed convinced she would. When Ysuelt turned 16 her father advised her that he was sending her to Sta Tereza’s. He indicated he expected her to take orders, fortunately the gift he gave them to accept her bore no such strings, but did ensure a roof over her head. Anna of course came with her. Anna died last winter, a cough that wouldn’t leave her. Towards the end she didn’t seem to recognise Ysuelt, constantly calling her by her mother’s name. Talking of things and places that made no sense to Ysuelt but leading Ysuelt to believe that her mother had lead a wild life before coming to Kuril. Ysuelt was even more surprised when Anna started talking about Ysuelt’s birth. Ysuelt’s birthday was on the 22nd day of Huth, at least that was what everyone had believed. Anna talked of the journey she had taken with Angharad, Ysuelt’s mother, and of the small cottage they had stayed at for the birth. Nothing new there she’d always known her mother had gone to the country for quiet before the birth. However Anna in her delirium relived Ysuelt’s birth, a birth that was over a week later than Ysuelt had believed. Ysuelt wasn’t born for the magical path she’d always believed, but for the path of deceit and Anna had always known. Was that why Anna had changed the direction of her training, to make her more suitable for her true path? After Anna’s death Ysuelt debated long with herself, she was happy at the Convent even though she had no true calling. Should she stay or should she make her own way in the world. Finally she asked for permission to travel to the Abbey and to seek her true path in the heartstone. She was granted it.


Father Guy blonde hair blue eyes Mother Angharad Very dark brown hair and eyes

Stepmother Isabelle and 3 half-siblings (Brother Michael 16, Alicia 13, Gervaise 11)all blonde haired and blue/grey eyes. She has never met the rest of the family.

Anna (now deceased)originally some sort of chaperone/companion to Angharad and then nurse/governess/companion to Ysuelt

Mistress Madeline Ysuelt's original governess. An older woman possibly a cousin in reduced financial circumstances. Ysuelt and she did not get on, Madeline ran the house constantly putting Anna in the role of servant and making sure that Ysuelt knew that she was unwanted. Mistress Madeline eventually went to run the new nursery for Ysuelt's stepmother. Ysuelt had several instructors under Madeline, a dancing master, a singing instructor, an etiquette mistress and a arts mistress. None of them stayed after Madeline left and Ysuelt doesn't remember them all that well. Ysuelt was only 8 when Madeline left, she does remember that they all seemed to be friends of Madeline.

Master Thomas took over from Mistress Madeline, Anna arranged for him to come. Master Thomas was lame in one leg, an accident on the job he said, He never said what sort of work. He and Anna worked together to train Ysuelt. One thing Ysuelt never learnt about was Master Thomas. He never dropped any information about himself, in fact Ysuelt isn't sure what he really looked like.

Ysuelt is 20yo 5'2 wiry build with sherry brown eyes and dark brown hair.